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  • in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411701

    Dear Tee,
    I think I understand why you decided to start a new thread, under a new name – maybe in part because you wanted other opinions about how to help yourself without therapy?
    That is right Yes!

    I’m again going to suggest a video by Dr. Henry Clod (he has a video on almost any topic! 🙂 ). It’s titled “This is how you replace the critical voices in your head“.
    I’ll watch it and get back to you

    Are those judgmental people only your parents, or also your girlfriend, friends and colleagues?
    I’d say mostly some of my friends and colleagues. Because at work I’m spending time with them and when I’m out I’m spending time with them, and I guess like me they may have vulnerability issues like me too that’s why they’re afraid of opening up.

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411705

    Dear Tee,

    Thanks for giving me a new perspective to see this in a different way because I was looking this matter as like because of this “I’m not enough ” and looking this more as more like a disease instead of looking how growth there is and how much I’m working on myself

    and Yes you’re right thanks for another reminder that we are humans no matter the position and we all need help.

    in reply to: Imposter syndrome and I want to feel capable #411702

    Dear Anita,
    Thanks for your suggestion and yes you maybe right because I’m in competitive environment like where all people like, Grow this metrics, learn this, learn that skill we’re fast pacing company and etc.. so all this fast learning maybe making me feel very competitive and that’s why inside my head I be like I do have to be better otherwise I’d be behind like before.. so it’s that fear
    But I got what you mean

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411585

    Dear Tee,
    I’m glad you’re doing well
    And yes, people around me does makes me feel like psychotherapy isn’t normal so I’m hesitant for that. I apologize if it showed up in different mannered way

    In that environment, surrounded by such high expectations and such low tolerance for making a mistake, you put yourself (and were put by your parents) under a lot of pressure to perform. And you also adopted the belief that you’re not good enough if you’re not scoring all As all the time. Only total perfection would have been good enough, if that.

    Over time, you’ve developed the inner critic, telling you that you’re a failure and not good enough. And so now, even though you’re doing considerably well and have professional success, you still can’t believe that you’re actually good enough. You still believe you’re that sloppy, underperforming boy who failed to reach perfection and failed to please his parents. A part of you still sees you as a failure. And as such, every success must be accidental – it’s not really your merit. Because in your own eyes, you’re not good enough.

    That’s I think at the core of your imposter syndrome. And the way to treat is the same as treating your low self-esteem, perfectionism and other issues we’ve talked about so far. Change that internal talk, don’t listen to the inner critic, tell yourself kind, loving things. Tell yourself it’s okay to make mistakes. Tell yourself you’re good enough and worthy, even if you’ve made some mistakes in the past, and will still be making more mistakes in the future. We’re human, it’s in our nature to make mistakes.

    You said well, and clear and I should remember this and work on the “Inner self critic”

    empathy is when you don’t pretend that you understand the other person’s point of view, but that you truly try to understand it and put yourself in their shoes. The way you phrased it (it makes them think you’re on their side) can be interpreted as if you’re not really on their side, but only pretend to be, so you can build trust. Just wanted to clarify this – in case there was a misunderstanding.

    Yes I know I got it


    in reply to: Imposter syndrome and I want to feel capable #411560

    Hi Anita,
    Thanks for your response.

    So, first thing to do is to lower the intensity of this emotional pain. One way to do so is to verbally express it, in writing (journaling), sharing about it here, and best, of course, would be to share it within the context of quality, in-person psychotherapy.

    I would like to start journaling – what do you think is the good way put down your thoughts on paper? I find it difficult.
    And I’m already sharing it here

    For verbally I don’t actually have a group or person who have kind of psychology knowledge. I’m surrounded with people who thinks only crazy and mentally unstable people needs psychotherapy – Crazy I know

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411544

    Dear Tee,
    Hope you’re doing well

    Good to hear! Did you have a situation in which you stopped yourself from using sarcasm and responded differently?

    Yes. I did stop sarcasm in a harmful way. It’s been more than a week I think
    I’ve watched both of the videos about the Empathy
    Important thing I realized that it makes them think you’re on their side and it builds trust and how much important communication style is… And also think how would I feel?

    And for anger
    I found out that there is still some level of controlling behavior
    Because of someone says No I can’t directly accept it. It really opened my eyes that it’s just my expatiations towards them. Also about making mistakes it’s the perfectionist inside of me that gets angry.
    So it’s a signal and not a solution

    I spent two hours on journaling this morning 😀

    Yes, the child always blames themselves when the parent criticizes them. Later, when you got older, you saw that their behavior was wrong, but the child part of you still believed that he is the one to blame, that he’s not good enough. And now your inner critic (which are the internalized voices of your father and mother) is blaming your inner child. The same dynamic as when you were a child, only now the critic is within your own head, not outside.

    Yes I agree. That’s why today while meditating I tried to connect my inner child. And it did felt good. I think not just today but like I’m already connected with my innerself/child more or less because that’s why I rarely feel alone and very comfortable spending time with myself


    You can try it when you get upset about something and your first reaction is to beat yourself up for not being super calm and serene. You can tell yourself “it’s okay Addy that you feel angry, no wonder you feel angry, this was indeed hurtful what they did… ” And so you validate your own anger, instead of scolding yourself for it.

    You can also get yourself a cute fluffy animal (a teddy bear or something that symbolizes your inner child) and hug that animal and talk to it, caress it… Maybe it will help you communicate better with your inner child if you have something physical, not just an image in your head.

    I like how simply you guide with step by step. Maybe I’ll try that…
    Although nowadays I did start spending time with my neighbor’s little kid. and oh boy It’s really fun. and funny enough I do feel kinda caring father towards him. I’m teaching him how to ride a bicycle and it did give me water in the corner of my eyes time to time.
    So does that counts?

    You will, just have a lot of patience with yourself. Small steps, baby steps… and lots of validation of your own feelings, rather than judging yourself for it.

    Also, if you get frustrated with yourself for not healing faster, instead of criticizing and blaming yourself, have empathy for yourself, have patience, tell yourself it’s okay, you’re fine, you’re lovable, there’s nothing wrong with you… The key is self-acceptance, radical acceptance of all your feelings, allowing them to be…. without judging yourself for it.

    The paradox is that the more accepting we are of our “faults” and “imperfections”, the faster we heal. That’s the power of self-compassion.

    Well as in INFJ + Aries it’s not really easy but yeah I’m trying and I’m lot patient than before

    I’ve read that combing traits are great a visionary leader, but it can also present some challenges. Like struggle with self-doubt and insecurity, and find it difficult to trust own instincts and abilities, also have difficulty setting boundaries and saying no to others, and may feel overwhelmed by the demands and expectations of others


    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411484

    Dear Tee,
    How are you? Recovered from Covid?

    The video is on youtube and is titled “Using Empathy to Fuel Trust“.

    Thanks for sharing I’ll watch the video and let you know. Also I want to let you know nowadays I’m being more mindful about being empathic which does making me feel better.

    something you expect from her, which she isn’t fulfilling. The question is a) is it a reasonable expectation, and b) have you communicated it with her? Because she might be doing something innocent, but it is triggering your childhood wound and you feel similarly like you did in your childhood, and you want it to go away. But it’s not really your girlfriend’s fault, but your own unresolved issues.

    That’s right but reasonable expectation or not I don’t want to get angry or disappointed. More like in serene state like I shouldn’t have problems with her actions, and I just have to see my reactions. and I can communicate first but If still she’s not able to understand then well we don’t need to continue doing the same spirals.

    This might change, but for now, it’s still scary.

    I want to change it. Yes


    Alright, so you’re saying that you knew it was wrong, both your father’s and your mother’s behavior, already when you were a child? So you weren’t blaming yourself for your father’s verbal abuse and your mother’s blaming you if you lost your temper?

    Hmm so I knew they’re wrong yet still I blame myself sometimes. but you’re right it’s the self-critic


    You as the adult Addy would need to get in touch with that child and tell him he’s not to blame. That there’s nothing wrong with him. You, the adult Addy, need to show him love and compassion that neither of your parents showed to you as a child. You need to be a good and loving parent to that boy – that’s how you will heal those childhood wounds. As I said, best do it in therapy.

    Right and I did started practice (Mostly via sitting and imagination) that but because I didn’t do that before I don’t know how to do that progress of loving my inner child and being compassionate with him


    Once you heal those core wounds (e.g. the wound of not being good enough), you’ll have a different relationship with yourself. You won’t blame yourself any longer, you’ll respect yourself more. And you won’t allow your parents to treat you with disrespect either. You’ll be able to set some basic rules for communication with them, so they cannot treat you the way they have been treating you all your life.

    I totally agree I’m hope I’ll be able heal those core wounds of mine.


    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411283

    Dear Tee,
    I’m glad you’re doing better.

    you haven’t started trusted them suddenly, right? You were still afraid that maybe you shared too much and that they haven’t shared that much about their own weaknesses, which might put you in an unfavorable position.
    You see? Their supportive reaction didn’t do anything to disperse that fear of yours and make you trust them more…

    Yes you’re right and It does took time for me to start trusting them. I’m guessing I need to loosen up hard grip a bit more

    No, not at all. Not everyone is well intentioned and have our best interest in mind. You don’t need to show too much vulnerability in professional settings. Or with acquaintances and people you only know superficially. Or even with some family members, with whom you don’t feel safe.

    I totally agree

    And you’d need to be open to listen to your partner if she has such worries herself, and empathize with her, without judgment.

    Both of you would need to be free to be yourself in the relationship, i.e. to be authentic, without sugar-coating things, pretending, hiding parts of yourself, or walking on eggshells etc.

    Yes, I think some of these are the things that I have work on for my romantic relationships


    That would include feelings of hurt, anger, sadness, impatience, envy, jealousy and other negative feelings that you may have either towards yourself, your partner, or other people. I am not saying you have all those feelings, just that these emotions would be unacceptable for you to express to your partner, right?

    Yes so expressing this kind of negative feelings I just don’t know how to do that well, I don’t feel comfortable and I just try being more sarcastic or just sugar-coat things maybe?

    For example, you said you’ve been trying to be patient with your current girlfriend… but I can imagine it was hard for you, and you might have been trying to hide your anger and impatience? You didn’t want to show it, but yet, you felt it?

    Yes, Exactly!

    You’re still in the phase of looking for a suitable partner, right? And perhaps a suitable partner for you would be someone who shares the wanderlust, who likes to travel and hike and enjoys similar activities like you do. What I am trying to say is that having a deep, intimate relationship is not in contradiction with e.g. your love for adventure.

    However, fear of emotional intimacy is indeed in contradiction with having a deep, intimate relationship. Those two don’t go together.

    That does sounds nice, But I don’t really know what kind of person I want to be with or the fact if I want deep emotional intimacy with someone just yet. I just don’t feel like ready for it?

    Anyway, I think the solution is in rewriting some key scripts from your childhood, i.e. saying what needs to be said to your parents.

    I think I already did that in my childhood like not in front of my parents but l did that because I knew that it’s wrong but out of respect I wasn’t be able to tell them their mistakes

    But I can try again in my imagination as you suggested


    The above is called finishing the unfinished business. The best would be to do it in therapy, with a skillful therapist.

    Okay I will do that. Probably from next month


    (Don’t do it to your parents’ faces).

    Obviously not.


    The idea is to express what you need to express, feel all your emotions (including anger and hurt) and by doing that, put an end to the “old script”. The old script is where you just endured and accepted abuse silently, made excuses for your father, and pretended that all is fine in front of your mother.

    Yes expressing these things aren’t easy for me but still I’ll try and hopefully finish this unfinished business and be strong and vulnerable at the same time.
    you’re very understanding and insightful person. So thanks for your valuable insights, I highly appreciate it.🙏

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411135

    Dear Tee,
    How are you feeling today?

    I see… your assumption here is that when you show weakness, you’ll be attacked. Although you said that when you did share some of your weaknesses and vulnerability, both of your girlfriends showed understanding for it. They didn’t attack you, condemn you or ridicule you.
    …..Can you see now how our childhood experience shapes our worldview, i.e. the narrative we live and operate in? To you, showing weakness means being attacked. And this is probably what prevents you from emotional intimacy…

    I mean yeah, I understand that. But that’s why I said I need to develop the trust first. And I do have trust issues as well so… Are you suggesting that I should be vulnerable and showing weakness with everyone? At this day and age?


    You’re not a weak person – your parents gave you that message. They’ve convinced you that you are. And a part of you (your inner child) believes them. Another part fights against it. That’s the Protector, who says “you can’t hurt me, I’ll never admit that you’ve hurt me.”

    You are indeed very resilient (you’ve lived on your own since you were 16 or 17, right?)… but regardless of that, a part of you (your wounded inner child) feels weak. And the Protector part will do anything in his power not to show it to anyone. The Protector part will do everything to appear strong and cool. That’s the part that often uses sarcasm…


    Hmm Right I agree with this. And as I said before it’s the confusion and battle between these two things does tires me emotionally sometimes


    Seems like you really want to be prepared for a “project” called relationship. You want to plan everything, so you wouldn’t fail and none of your weaknesses gets revealed, right? You want to pass it with flying colors…. But the thing is that if you plan too much, perhaps spontaneity is lost? If it’s a project, and you’re the project manager… what’s the role of your girlfriend? The one who goes along and fulfills the plan set by you? I am being provocative here on purpose, but do think about it….

    Not quite. I mean planning as like go and visit things and just different activities from both side obviously.
    And I’m actually a Product Manager so maybe that’s why I’m just more organizational.

    I do like the spontaneity… However about the weaknesses I may or may not be afraid of that thing. Because I’m sharply honest… And another thing is that I think is weaknesses are just some things you haven’t learned yet and to be honest it can be fun too. So in my 1st relationship I didn’t knew how to drive that time.. So whenever we have to go out she used to drive and then later on she taught me too and It was really a fun experience. In 2nd relationship I learned that how much impatient I was with lot of things so I worked on that and I told her that as well. So I think it’s more like learning from each other and have fun with that.

    But for emotional weaknesses in particular I haven’t revealed too much I accept that.

    Yes, I understand… but I don’t think your reason for not settling is the fear of missing out. Because you said you’ve never approach the girl first – it’s always them who approached you. This tells me you’re not a butterfly, wandering from flower to flower, afraid to miss out… You might have been fine alone, had those girls not initiated a relationship with you.

    That’s why I think your fear of settling and commitment is caused by what we’ve discussed above: your fear of showing weakness, i.e. being seen as weak.

    When I said “Do not settle” mindset I meant more for like places because I’m just changing cities every few months. I need to explore lot of places and wonders of nature.

    And Yeah I’d be fine without those girls, but the thing is that I’m grateful for that because all those girls taught me about myself (more or less) and also not to mention I’ve spent a quality time.

    But yeah I do accept I fear being seen as weak.


    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411096

    And another thing is that I’m trying to love myself but I’m doubting myself too. Maybe that’s all these questions and confusion is there?

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #411093

    Dear Tee,
    Hope you’d able to have good rest and recover. When I have sleep problems, I try warm milk or just warm honey + turmeric water

    This seems like you’re afraid of showing too much vulnerability, 

    I think Yes. and That’s why the shield because showing weakness meaning afraid of more attacks you know?
    Also I was thinking like if I show me too much weakness how can I be the protective figure for them?

    So, weak is bad, but weaker than is even worse?

    I guess so, Yeah


    Or an even deeper fear: you don’t want a committed relationship, because it would sooner or later reveal all of your (perceived) imperfections and weaknesses to the person, and you couldn’t bear that?


    I’m not worried about the imperfections that’s okay for me but I do worry about showing myself as a weak person. Because part of me doesn’t accept that I’m a weak person, The things I’ve been through the weaker person wouldn’t be able to pass that. I know I’m very resilient and strong about what I want.

    I think I’m fear of committed relationship maybe because of fear of missing out. Part of my mind thinks that my freedom wouldn’t be the same. What if I meet someone better later on? Because now I’m doing remote work and able to change cities whenever I want so I just want to explore more. But If I go for the committed route, It feels like I’d just question my wanderer soul more because I do have what you can say “Do not settle” mindset.

    On another hand If I do start the dating or relationship, I make sure fulfilling my responsibilities from my side. Giving proper attention, Communication, Planning and Spending time together.
    So for another fear that what if I hurt the person? Like obviously If we spending good time together there would be connection and etc. and then I show up like sorry but I’m not ready for any commitment? You know what I mean?

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #410988

    Dear Tee,

    Right… so it seems to me that she felt inferior in your relationship, specially since you’ve never or rarely shared about your own weaknesses and vulnerability……………………… And you didn’t like that about her. So you stopped being attracted to her, and eventually left her. Does this roughly describe what happened?

    Yes actually you guessed it very well.

     You did share some of your “imperfections” and self-doubts. And how did they respond to that?

    They both were supportive and trying show me the bright side. But even though I felt like I was being too much vulnerable with them and they’re kind of not that much open? But that may could be also because I told them about my complaining thing


    You said that you start feeling trapped very soon after the initial elation about the girl. So when you shared those weaknesses or yours, being authentic, several months into the relationship – at that point did you already start feeling trapped in the relationship?

    Hmm I mean I feel trapped after there is good bond. I know good enough about her and she knows good enough about me and then there’s this commitment you know like okay you both love each other and now you’re couple and then this fear of commitment and fear if we’re really good for each other.. about the future.. It just comes and starts to eat up my mind from everywhere and it makes me feel stuck…
    So because of this fear of commitment and etc I talked to my friends and they told to go for casual things.. And I’m still confused if that’s really for me or not because I need to feel connected as well but without too much attachment…
    Finally just tired and I’m just more focused on work

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #410948

    Dear Tee,
    I’m glad you’re feeling better today

    she wasn’t being authentic with you and was faking that she likes the things you like, so that you would approve of her?

    Maybe yeah I guess… and also I felt like she’s just doing too much for me, So I didn’t felt it right and I felt pressured and after that I started to question myself if I really love her.. So that’s why

    Let me ask you something: with your later two girlfriends, have you sometimes shared when you’re not in the best mood, or when you have doubts about yourself (such as what you’ve shared here on the forum: that you fear you’re not doing enough, not being successful enough, etc). Do you share those self-doubts with the person you’re involved with?

    So yeah with my 1st girlfriend I wasn’t very vulnerable but with later two girlfriends yes.. but like after spending few months…

    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #410924

    Dear Tee and Dear Anita,

    Tee Wrote*

    If you believe that you cannot be honest with the other person, that you need to pretend to be perfect (perfectly happy and capable and optimistic and driven) – then no wonder you’ll feel trapped.

    So it seems to me that you believe – due to your childhood conditioning – that you need to fake it in relationships, and you don’t want that. You’d rather be alone.

    Anyway, that’s my best guess…

    What do you think?

     Anita Wrote*
    While I am at it, examples: Oct 2: “Dear Anita. How was your weekend?“, Oct 29: “Dear Anita: How are you? Good Plans for the weekend?” – too close, too friendly, we are not that close. Feels Fake to me.

    I appreciate that. Maybe you’re right maybe you’re wrong I don’t know
    But as of now I’m thinking like being fake like that takes an effort too. And I don’t think I’m that much effortful my relationships or with other people

    I prefer authenticity that’s what I know
    Because When I broke up with my 1st gf (Not LDR) Just because she was trying to fit in with me. I knew she’s doing these things and showing she’s enjoying (More or less) Hiking and Walking for hours at the beach..etc but I knew she’d prefer more if it’s indoor activities
    And that’s what you can say not being authentic or faking?

    But what I agree with is this what you (Anita) told me before,

    (2) your openings are very outgoing and very optimistic. Some people will like it, others will not feel anything in particular about it, and yet those of us who are significantly less outgoing and optimistic than you appear to be- will not like it. “I hope you’re having great Sunday morning“- is too optimistic for me: I am not in the habit of experiencing great mornings, nor do I expect great mornings, or great days: good is…  good enough for me.  When replying to a person’s message/ communicating with a person, pay attention to their style and somewhat adjust your outgoingness and optimism to theirs.

    So that could be my communication part.

    If (in another dimension) I was your age and I was your long-distance girlfriend, and this is how you opened your communications with me, I would feel inadequate for not having great and happy weekends myself, wondering:  what’s wrong with me for not having weekends as happy and as great as Addy’s?

    Then my answer would No because in that case my opening communications would be lot different and even more on in your words “Extremely optimistic and outgoing”

    I’m not sure how it’s in USA but things like this in my culture These are very basic gestures here

    Dear Anita. How was your weekend?

    Dear Anita, Hope you’re having a happy weekend

    Have you eaten?

    Did you sleep well?

    How was your journey…etc


    So again it’s my communication part

    I should know that all doesn’t come from same culture. And different people take this in different ways.


    in reply to: Feels like Time is passing too fast #410889

    Dear Tee,

    Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. covid is still there? Well, I hope you’ll be better. Are you trying lemon-ginger tea though? When I tested covid positive around a year ago
    Drinking Warm Water instead of normal tap water and having lemon ginger tea at least 3 times a day helped me a lot

    I am not saying that you should be angry at either your father or mother, and go to attack them and tell them all your grievances. No, that’s not what I am saying. But what I am saying is that you need to first accept that certain abuse and false, harmful conditioning happened in your childhood. Even if your parents didn’t know better – even if they didn’t do anything outside of your culture – still, they have harmed you. Their parenting left a mark on you, left certain wounds in your psyche, which you need to heal. If you want to have a happy and fulfilling life.

    Admitting that the damage happened – even if your parents didn’t do it on purpose – is the first step to healing.


    *Sighs* Well yeah I already accepted that I didn’t had the best childhood emotional needs…
    And I’m not angry at my parents at all
    But I said those things because It’s better NOW
    But you’re right damage is already done in the childhood and that I have to focus and heal

    Starting of this thread Anita told me this,

    “like lot of people my parents didn’t knew my emotional needs and they did what they thought is right for me. They just wanted to protect me“-

    – unfortunately, consequences don’t care about reasons and intents: a child gets hurt in certain ways because of parents’ behaviors regardless of the parents’ intent or  ignorance vs. knowledge/ education. Think of it this way, if you will: when you drop a piece of glass to the floor, it breaks regardless of your intent (dropping the glass on purpose or by accident), and regardless of your ignorance vs knowledge/ education (knowing or not that this particular glass will break if dropped to the floor)


    And that’s true. Because without accepting, I can’t start my healing journey

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