Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Caroline:
“Do you think there’s a chance she is not in love with him? That I am wrong? I talked to my gf about it and she says she is in love big time. No way she’s not. But she only assumes it from the story I told her so it’s hard to say..”-
– this sounds like your problem with self-doubt and not trusting your feelings: self doubt in the title of your previous thread and in the first sentence of it: “I know about it for a while: my self doubt, making decisions and then doubting myself” (Sept 7, 2023). You mentioned distrusting your feelings in a previous thread: “ I have those feelings but I do not trust them I guess, not enough to act” (Sept 29, 2022).
Having communicated with you long enough, over a variety of topics, and learning about how you think/ process information, and then reading and re-reading what you shared here about this coworker, I think that your thinking is correct: that she really is infatuated/ in-love with your male coworker.
ParticipantDear Caroline:
“it is maybe a bit manipulative and.. evil“- no, no, no, not evil, not even close. Being indirect in this case comes from fear, fear of being “wrong about her feelings towards him“, as well as perhaps not taking your own feelings seriously, so you wanted “to turn it into a joke“.
From what you shared, particularly the sleepover suggestion on her part, doesn’t leave much space for you being wrong about her being infatuated with him. I was thinking earlier that I definitely don’t know- and neither do you know- if something did happen between him and her.
Anyway, you are welcome and please do post again, anytime you feel like it. And.. you are NOT evil. You are a good person, Caroline, I am sure of it
Participant*correction: it is not simple and not straightforward.
ParticipantDear Caroline:
You are welcome. You don’t sound self-absorbed to me. You just don’t want to be used (“spend money, wake up at 5 am“, etc.) as a means to an end, the end being her getting together with him.
“he.. never said no. And I think this is all… delusional. From both sides, her and him“- he didn’t say no, maybe because he doesn’t like confrontations, preferring to not say anything over saying NO.
“‘…but I hope you don’t mind and I would be enough company for you’… Why not the one I proposed? I thought she might take it as a joke“- I didn’t like what you proposed because it is simple and straightforward, it’s complicated and indirect, in my mind at least. It’s hard for me to process indirect language. This is why I spend a lot of time on posts, having time to read, re-read and re-arrange information on the screen and in my own mind. In-person, I get lost unless I am presented with information that is simple and direct.
In addition to what I just stated, saying what you proposed saying is a bit manipulative or guilt tripping.. reads to me.
ParticipantDear Caroline:
You are welcome, and no, it doesn’t seem silly, not since I understood what it’s about: it is not silly to feel hurt for being someone’s 2nd best, it’s a kind of hurt that I can very much relate to.
Having just read that she suggested that the three of you, a married man with a pregnant wife at home, and two women he is not related to (Ex., daughters, mother, aunts) will be going on a sleepover in the mountains.. this is making me think.. What? I mean, it seems bizarre to suggest this.. unless she is clueless or she is/ has been so overcome with feelings of infatuations that she lost her reasoning abilities.
“I did not want to ever ask her: ‘Are you in love with him?'”- instead of asking her this Yes/ No Question, a question that confines her, you could ask, if you wanted to, an open-ended question that allows her wiggle room: what are you feeling about him?
“Yesterday I asked her: Are you sorry that things turned out the way they did? (meaning he does not have time to meet anymore.. ). She said she knows he ‘has changed’ but she thinks it’s because he is different department and is more busy with work than we are. I don’t think she understands that it may be the fact that he is married”- seems like she prefers to not think about him being married with kids. She may be in denial about it, as in putting this “little” information aside, as it is an inconvenient truth: truth that doesn’t fit her feelings. There is a term for such lack or rational reasoning, it’s called Emotional Reasoning.
“I think that may be the reason he does not have time anymore”- good for him, he chose wisely.
“I figured I would ask her, in a funny way perhaps, or say something like ‘I know it will be only two of us’ (because 100% sure He won’t make it this time either) ‘but I hope you don’t mind and I would be enough company for you'”- I wouldn’t say that. Instead, I would do is ask her an open ended question, or a couple of open ended questions.
ParticipantDear Caroline:
Adrianne, a single woman (28), Jack, a married man with 2 kids (44), and Caroline, (single, in a relationship) are three coworkers who at one time were on the same work team. The three live far away from each other, but sometimes travel to talk and socialize as “coworkers/ friends“. Adrianne is sometimes angry with Jack, but angry “in a cute way“. When he was leaving the work team, Adrianne said that he was “the best, no one would replace him“, that “she missed him etc.” She buys him gifts. She seems grumpy when he doesn’t show up to the meetings outside work, “grumpy. Like.. in a relationship“. It seems like she is interested in “being more than coworkers-friends“. It looks like she goes through the trouble of travelling and meeting you not so to enjoy your company, but his company
“She gets up very early, pays money to come here. We live in different cities. I know she likes me and likes to see me too, but it’s not about me. It’s about him. And then we sit together and we have some topics to discuss so it’s nice but it’s also weird sometimes. Like I know she came here for him and all she get is me lol. I know how this sounds but I get this feeling sometimes that this is the case. That’s why I wrote it is MY business also.“-
– Oh, now I understand why it is indeed your business also: no one likes to be 2nd best, I don’t. I see no other solution than you bringing this up to her, just what you shared here. Not in a big-deal kind of way, so not to create conflict or drama, but in a straight forward, emotionally neutral kind of way, best you can.. and in an empathetic way, empathetic to her because it must be difficult for a single woman to be infatuated with a married man, lots of pain in being.. 2nd, or 3rd best.. or X best to him (his wife, his kids, etc., taking precedence in his life). What do you think?
ParticipantDear Caroline:
I asked if you want to “help her..? Warn him?”, and you said “none of these things”, so you don’t want to help her although you are “worried about her”?
Reads like you are concerned for her emotional well being. Why not bring up your concern to her in a way that is gentle, as gentle as can be and see how she responds?
(I will be back to the computer in about 7 hours).
ParticipantDear Caroline:
“Before you say it’s none of my business just hear me out because it is“- I read your original post, but I am not clear about what concerns you most and what, if anything, you are planning to do about the situation (if the situation is indeed that she is in-love with this married man (help her..? warn him?)
ParticipantYou are welcome, Caroline. What I am reading in your last 2 of 3 sentences is courage. Think of preparing for the difficulties you expect to have, practically prepare, best you can.
ParticipantCongratulations, Caroline, for having made the decision!
ParticipantDear Cat:
Good to read back from you!
“last week I got a new job. I will be a senior carer on nights, working in a dementia unit. The place where I am going to be working pays really well and it looks like Hogwarts! It actually blew me away when I went for the interview and the manager really liked me so I am looking forward to stepping into this new chapter!“-
C o N g R a T u L a T i O n S !!! I can see you- in my mind’s eye- working in a place that looks like Hogwarts! An exciting new chapter!
“Do you live with people or alone? I am trying to visualise the environment where these messages are being received!!“- Let’s see what I can share comfortably on this public forum, at this point: I do not live alone, but not in a commune type setting either. I live on the hills, outside the city limits, about 5 miles from the nearest town, so it’s quite a forest type scenery up here, not many neighbors. Does this help at all, for your visualization?
“Thank you for soothing me on the Ed situation… I can’t explain how painful it all was, just wanting something to be fixed, and not being able to fix it“- you are welcome. You have a big heart, this is why you care so much.
“I do not want to date for a while now. I don’t do dating apps and I think these things should happen naturally. I am still strengthening my world and focusing on my goals – job, NVQ, gym, writing. I have a lot to work on“- excellent attitude, if I may say so.
“I am 30, and I do feel young!! Each day I remind myself that I am only 30, and work on grounding myself, my health and then focusing on my goals. How old are you?“- I would tell you how old I am but my fingers are refusing to type my age. (haha). I will tell you that I am old enough to feel that 30 is as young as 20 (when I turned 30, on the other hand, I perceived myself to be old).
“If I can ask: what made you feel like a bad person?“- my mother telling me how miserable she was and that it was my fault that she was miserable, detailing my alleged efforts to make her feel bad… Only a BAD person would form the intent to make her mother suffer and then go through elaborated plans to make it happen (which is what she claimed I did, and no matter how much I tried to tell her it wasn’t true, she insisted otherwise).
“I know how that feels. There have been things that I’ve done or been through (when I used to do a lot of drugs) that sometimes I feel horrific about. But, I remind myself that the past is the past, and that making mistakes and having guilt is a human thing and there’s people in the world who have done a lot worse than I have!!“- I am sorry that you know how it feels, but good to read that you forgive yourself for past mistakes. I wouldn’t want you to feel horrible about those mistakes or about anything: that would be unnecessary pain that will be of no benefit to you or to anyone else. It took a lot for me to forgive myself for mistakes and harms I caused other people as an older child and an adult. I am committed to becoming healthier and healthier and in so becoming more and more willing and able to do-no-harm to others. And to myself.
“I remember at the time of writing, it felt like it needed to all come out and Tiny buddha felt like the space to do this and I released it. I would never write this stuff online now! But then, I have matured a lot over the years.. I have come to terms with everything from my childhood and in day life I am not affected by it“- good to read that you matured a lot. Indeed, your impressive maturity is evident in your writing. (Notice: Everything is the title of your thread).
“With the suffering quote – I realise now that my parents and also my sister are all older than me and all responsible adults too. I realise that they could’ve taken responsibility and reached out to me, and been concerned about me and my wellbeing. But they haven’t. and they have continued their lives as if I don’t exist, and so I have put the responsibility back onto them (especially my parents) and I have focused on myself and tried to make my life as happy as it can be“- it feels so good to read this. It inspires me to think similarly.
“In terms of you ‘losing’ being a right person for me, that isn’t the case at all. I guess life happened, I continued to grow daily and try and better myself. Started becoming someone who I would like to be friends with, and in turn attracting better people into my life (and still am). I understand that our connection is solely Tiny buddha forums based, and so I considered myself to be another person in your sea of people that you are helping! Did you feel as though you ‘lost’ me?”-
– (1) you were never another person in a sea of people, not in my mind. You are more like a beautiful, tree and life-filled island in the sea, full of life! (2) Yes, I thought that you lost respect for me. (3) Thank you so much for explaining that you were busy bettering yourself during your absence from these forums, it makes me feel good.
“It makes me happy that you are starting to believe in the numbers!! Mostly, I think the Universe does it to us, to remind us that it is there and is conscious and aware of what we are going through. At different points I have taken different paths in my life and the Universe has changed the angel number! At the moment mine are 23, 37 and still the classic 11:11. What numbers are you seeing?“- (1) I want to watch the YouTube video you mentioned, I think that it will give me some understanding of what we’re talking about here. (2) I keep seeing 11:11 and 1:11.
“Ed was – something different. It was impossible for me to have a true authentic connection with him because he is SO guarded, you can feel the defensive energy coming off him and he was so irrational due to the alcohol and drugs and was illogical, not making sense and also delusional. Sadly. I tried to help him, and even just trying to sit him down and calm him down, I wasn’t able to do. It was insane. But I really tried to highlight the problem and I appealed to his family members to help him. I just really really hope that he chooses to grow and change and face himself and his addiction.”-
– this is what I mean by saying that you have a big heart. You really, really tried to help him. You tried to reach him through his defenses, and when you weren’t able, you tried to enlist his family members to help him: You did your Best!
ParticipantDear Simon:
You started your thread February 22, 2022 (2-22-2022), sharing that at almost 50 years old, being a husband and a father of five (4 daughters & a son/ 3 different mothers/ 2 daughters with your 2nd/ current wife at the time), owning your own home, and your own business (a very busy cafe where you were the chef, an extremely demanding job, being on your feet from start to finish), you have been very depressed and feeling very lonely for more than 30 years; that if one was to see you, one would see a “successful father, husband, good guy“, that you didn’t know how “to keep the pretense going“. I replied to you on the same day, and we communicated for 3 days in the first 3 pages of your thread.
You shared that you noticed that you were troubled around 18 years of age when you had your first serious girlfriend whom you did not trust and whom you lost due to your infidelity. “Whoever I was died with my first girlfriend leaving me, my paranoid personality took over and I’ve lived a lie ever since“.
You were in therapy at the time, and your parents’ breakup was discussed, a breakup that happened due to your mother’s infidelity. You felt that your parents and you communicated superficially, and did not share a deeper connection than that of the surface level. You remember “extreme shouting and swearing” between your parents, which “sounded pretty violent“. Your parents didn’t sleep together: you and your sister slept in your mother’s bed while your father slept in a different room (your room). Your parents were out a lot at nights, and extended family members either babysat your sister and you, or had the two of you stay in their homes. Your father left your mother when you were 10 and your sister was 12, to live with a different woman who was part of the family.
On Feb 23, you shared: “I rushed into every situation that I have found myself in, to be honest, with massive responsibilities and consequences. I have lived through them all and dealt with the hand I was given. But throughout all of it I just don’t know whether I was or am doing it for the right reasons and motives. I feel so guilty about this as there have been many lives affected by my actions”. I asked you why you rushed, and your answer was: “To not be alone“, and later, you added: “I’m just too afraid to be alone“.
You shared that you remember feeling alone “lying in bed next to my sister as a child in the dark, wanting someone to talk to. That’s been the story of my life“. I asked you, if you had someone to talk to, what would you say, and you answered: “I’d say please don’t leave me“.
You shared: “My wife tells me I behave awfully as I swear at her and belittle her at work. I really don’t mean to, I have mental health issues, and I am so worried our business will fail. I feel I am… the one holding it all together. I worry so much I lash out with (words) and everyone suffers… I feel so bad about my behaviour, but it’s like I have Tourette’s with the insults, it happens so fast. I have obsessive compulsive personality disorder for which I am taking medication, and receiving therapy. I don’t see it absolves me at all, the fear of losing control is so overwhelming I abuse everyone I hate myself”.
This was all communicated Feb 22-24, 2022. On May 17, I inquired about you, asking you how you felt, and you replied that you are well. On May 18, 2022 (4th page), I asked you if your depression improved and whether your verbally abusive behavior is under control and you never answered. One year and 4.5 months later, you returned to your thread quoting my last reply to you (May 18th), and another member’s reply, but not sharing anything about how you feel and how your life is.
Having read our past 3-days communication, it was pretty intense and I want to be more gentle with you (not judgmental of you) as we resume our communication, if you are willing. At the time (Feb 2022), you were physically exhausted from overworking as a chef in your own business. Your diagnosed Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) caused you- as I see it- to not hire help in the kitchen, feeling that hires will not do a good enough/ perfect job. At the time, you were considering a different, less demanding job. You felt that your life was rushed for 30 years, ending up with too many responsibilities, more than you were able to handle with any sense of contentment or peace of mind. You feared losing control and sometimes you lost control, lashing out at your wife (maybe at other people as well?), feeling guilty about it but also, that it was out of your control (“like I have Tourette’s”)
How are you, Simon? Is your life objectively different (different job, marital status, etc.) and/ or subjectively different (how you feel on an ongoing basis)?
ParticipantYes, Simon, I am still active on this site and I will read and reply to your recent post in about 12 hours from now.
ParticipantDear Stacy:
“I’m poverty trash and my family is stupid, ignorant, dysfunctional and unhealthy in all ways, and so I am too. It’s that I have the body of a 12 year old girl, that I’m not desirable…“- imagine someone posting here on the forums, telling me: anita, you are poverty trash! You are stupid, ignorant, dysfunctional and unhealthy in all ways! etc. Would you stand up for me?
I think that you would. I will do the same that you will do for me: Stacy, this is not okay for you to talk about Stacy this way! It is not okay to shame Stacy for the financial status she was born into, or for the family she was born to, and for all choices made by others!
As a matter of fact, it is not okay to shame Stacy for ANYTHING!
You wrote to me in your most recent post: “Hearing what your mother put you through physically, psychologically, emotionally, etc. is absolutely horrible. The lack of accountability for her abusiveness wasn’t yours to hold“- (1) it is not okay for you, precious Stacy, to put yourself through psychological, emotional abuse! I am holding you accountable: no more self-abuse, okay? (2) thank you for your empathy for me. Please extend the same to you.
If you could go back in time all the way to my childhood, and you told my mother to stop shaming me, and she’d say something like: but I am saying what I honestly feel, she (anita) really is worthless, etc…. Would you tell her to keep shaming me because she really believes what she’s saying? Or would you tell her to treat me respectfully regardless of what she is thinking and feeling?
I am asking you to treat yourself (in the ways you talk about yourself) respectfully, no matter what. Make this commitment to yourself.
“I do not feel like a high value woman because it has not been proven to me by someone I value“- entering relationships as a self-perceived low value woman, hoping to be proven valuable by a man.. is not going to work.
“I came into work crying as I have for basically this whole month of the breakup…. She turned around and looked at me with several things in her arms and said, ‘… Thank you for always being so sweet and… capable.’… She paused in that sentence and you could tell she was searching for what to say after calling me sweet. The thoughtful pause before that ‘capable’ delivery sent chills down my spine and I burst right back out into tears…I’ve told no one about this yet and I say that because I’m usually inclined to immediately share everything that happens to me with my sister or mom for reassurance or validation… If I tell them this, they will then try to tell me that this was my sign I need to move on now and get frustrated with me for not… I would rather this be something between you and I because I feel that at least for now, it confirms that what I’m doing RIGHT NOW by posting here is meant to be happening. Also, that I appreciate this forum and your perspective. I am so happy to hear that your experience posting here and with me has been helping you too.“-
– (1) I appreciate you sharing this with me! (2) Yes, my communication with you is definitely helping me. Thank you! (2) I like what your co-worker said: this IS the way to talk to Stacy and about Stacy: positively and appreciatively! (3) Better indeed that you don’t tell your mother and sister about it and that overall, you stop sharing everything that happens to you with them, looking for their reassurance and validation because they provide you with reassurance and validation only at times, and partly, conditionally, bringing in a negative to you with every positive they extend to you.
You need consistent reliable support, not a mix of support and opposition.
“I am very fearful of never shaking the guilt of distancing myself physically from my mother and my sister“- you feel very fearful and guilty. I accept and respect you feeling whatever it is that you feel at any time.
“I do miss having the voice of objective empathy from my old counseling sessions too, indeed it is so refreshing“- objective empathy, or .. consistent empathy is not your experience with your mother and sister.
“I think I found that voice in my ex… Still haven’t heard from him in over two weeks… He told me early on in our relationship.. that he had a hero complex… I am beginning to wonder if he had tried to ‘save’ me in a way too and saw that he bit off way more than he could or was willing to chew anymore with me“- he doesn’t belong on the pedestal that you placed him on. He isn’t a hero who can save you, never was. He did say all the right things though, at times. It could have been a result of growing up with two PhD psychotherapist parents.
“I think I am beginning to see that my sister’s experience doesn’t have to be my own, because it’s not! We had and continue to have entirely different experiences with our mom, despite sharing so many of the same“- siblings often take opposite roles within a troubled family, and therefore they think more differently than strangers do.
I hope that your car gets fixed soon and that it stays operational for a long time!
ParticipantDear Luna:
“I don’t know what in what I said gave the impression that I don’t ‘feel’ the need for a relationship“-
You said: “I would say I tend to have a rational take when it comes to emotions. I’ve looked so much into that too haha it is interesting that you brought it up because I feel like I wanna step away from that too; feel the emotion instead of thinking it.” (Sept 25).
“I don’t know what in what I said gave the impression that I don’t ‘feel’ the need for a relationship“-
I didn’t say that you don’t feel the need for a relationship, or that you don’t feel emotions otherwise. Put in a new way this Sat morning, my understanding is that you find refuge in thinking, refuge from feeling; that overthinking provides you with a welcomed distraction from old emotional pain.
You mentioned a phrase in a reply to a member just over nine months ago: “What you feel, you attract, and where focus goes, energy follows“- your focus is thinking, and that’s where your energy flows, into overthinking. In regard to the first part of this phrase: what you suppress feeling (yet still feel), is what you attract.
What you feel in regard to your powerful of childhood, you chose to not share in your thread, beyond the very general and vague sentence that I boldfaced in the following (Sept 24): “I can see how you’re drawing the link between the parent-child bond and my inquiry and I expected this to be brought up given they’re the most common models in terms of a healthy (or not) couple partnership. So to get back to your question, like any other child, I have received powerful messages from my environment on how to act and be in a couple“- no mention of what those powerful messages were and what you felt about those messages.. not as any other child, but as Luna the child.
Back to your yesterday’s post (Sept 29): “To make that clearer, I feel and think that need. I have both an emotional and an intellectual perspective on the matter”-you are a thinking and a feeling person, absolutely, I have no doubt.
“That being said, I agree with the idea that relationships are never trouble-free; Life as a single person in itself is full of ups and downs let alone in relationships. Hence, feel free to share more insights on the subject if you’d like. This is what this space is for. Best, Luna“-
– My main insight in regard to romantic relationships is that when we grow up distressed and conflicted, and the Conflict is not resolved in childhood, it carries on into adult romantic relationships. Personally (and expressed here in a child-like, emotional manner vs the intellectual): my mother was very angry at me, a whole lot of angry. It makes me sad and it makes me scared. Please don’t be angry with me, mother! PLEASE??!!! Please, pretty please… don’t be angry with me.
I tried to disappear best I could, as a child, to feel as little as possible so to hurt as little as possible. Fast forward, as an adult, in what could have been romantic relationships, maybe, I was.. no where to be found, dissociated.. gone. Men who approached me- I automatically rejected, looking away, walking away, but if they persisted in pursuing me physically, as in sexually, after physically fighting them off me, if they persisted (those men were predators).. I disappeared while they did what they wanted to do.
I NEEDED a hug. I was so lonely and my mother’s touch was far from feeling like anything positive, even when she meant it to be affectionate. There was no one to touch me kindly, so that was what I needed from humans who sought my company, and those humans were men looking for sex. I welcomed the hug; unfortunately for me, they exacted a price for the hugs.
What I shared above is very personal, yet I shared it in a public forum. If my mother read it, she would venomously shame me for what I shared here. Part of me is afraid that you will do the same, or that someone reading this will.
” I’m asking about getting mentally ready for being in a relationship through self-development. For more context, I’m very passionate about self-development and I’m very future-oriented when it comes to matters of the heart” (Sept 24)- I don’t expect you to share anything as personal as what I shared, or anything at all about your childhood, or about sex. It doesn’t feel good, really, for me, to have shared it, and it will be scary for me to click the submit feature.. It’s risky, but talking about self development, which is your passion, it takes taking risks.
Best to you too,