
Posts by Brian Vaszily

Brian Vaszily is the founder of AdvantageHacks.com, which publishes unique and refreshing content to improve your life, like If You Really Want a Successful Life, Start With This Elevator Fantasy. He’s the author of the #1 bestseller, The 9 Intense Experiences: An Action Plan to Change Your Life Forever, and has been featured on ABC, NBC, Fox, CBS and more.

Brian Vaszily's Website

How to Pick Your Best Idea (Especially If You Suffer from Idea Overload!)

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” ~Scott Belsky

In virtually every human pursuit, from personal growth to the arts to business, ideas and the execution of those ideas is what drives us forward.

And when it comes to ideas, there are basically two kinds of people:

  • Those who struggle to come up with what feels like good ideas
  • Those gifted with a ton of ideas, but who struggle to pick the right idea to pursue

And because struggling stinks, the good news is that no matter which of these two camps you’re from, what follows can help …