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  • in reply to: There’s always something missing.. #442952

    Dear Tara:

    Welcome back to your thread a year and 3 days after you last posted, and thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s clear that you’re dealing with a lot of complex emotions and challenging dynamics within your family.

    From what you’ve described over the years, your mother exhibits a combination of emotional dependence, controlling behavior, and emotional manipulation. Her actions greatly contributed to your anxiety and feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and the need to lie about your activities to avoid judgment and conflict.

    Based on what you’ve shared, it seems that her actions have been motivated by her own emotional needs and struggles, rather than focusing on your well-being. It’s time for someone’s actions to prioritize your well-being, and since it won’t be her, that person needs to be you. It’s crucial that you prioritize your own mental and emotional health.

    It’s important to recognize that you’re not responsible for your mother’s emotional state or her relationship with your father. Setting healthy boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and seeking support from friends, therapists, or support groups can help you navigate these challenges.

    Considering moving out is a significant step toward gaining independence and creating a healthier environment for yourself. It might be challenging financially, but the personal growth and well-being you can achieve will make it worthwhile.

    * In the past, I shared with you that your mother very much reminded me of my mother. Mine suffered from a combination of 4 personality disorders: Borderline Personality Disorder (Symptoms: Intense fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, rapid changes in self-identity, impulsive behaviors, and emotional instability) + Narcissistic Personality Disorder (two of the symptoms are: lack of empathy, and a sense of entitlement) + Dependent Personality Disorder (Symptoms: Excessive need to be taken care of, submissive and clinging behavior, and fear of separation) + Paranoid Personality Disorder (Symptoms: Distrust and suspicion of others, believing that others are trying to harm or deceive them).

    While these are potential personality disorders that might align with your mother’s behavior, it’s crucial to seek a professional evaluation for an accurate diagnosis. Understanding these possibilities can help you navigate your relationship with your mother and prioritize your own well-being.

    Your strength and resilience are evident, Tara, and taking steps to prioritize your well-being is crucial. Remember, you’re not alone, and seeking support is a sign of strength.


    in reply to: Understanding someone who's recently divorced and not ready #442944

    Dear Dafne:

    (I didn’t see your most recent post until after I submitted the above). Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad to be here to support you through this challenging time 💝.

    It’s understandable that moving on from him is not easy, especially when he continues to reach out and use familiar emoticons. It’s important to listen to your instincts and trust your feelings of distrust. Recognizing the need to protect yourself is a crucial step.

    Your hope for a future free from this emotional prison, where you can find happiness with a decent, honest, and humble person, is a beautiful goal. Remember that you deserve to be with someone who truly values and respects you.

    Your strength and self-awareness are inspiring. Continue to focus on your well-being and take things one step at a time. I’m confident that with time and self-care, you’ll find the peace and happiness you seek.

    Thank you for sharing your journey with me. I’m here for you, and I’m looking forward to hearing your good news and positive updates in the future 😊.

    Have a lovely morning & talk to you soon.


    in reply to: Understanding someone who's recently divorced and not ready #442940

    Dear Dafne:

    It’s perfectly normal to want closure and to make things right with the people you care about. However, seeking closure with a spider can lead you to getting stuck in its web.

    The fact that he blocked you and then unblocked you, only to express his pain is manipulative. He’s trying to regain your trust without addressing the real issues at hand.

    He didn’t apologize for blocking you, placed his pain on center stage (“Him: “I was in too much pain last week”) and kicked your pain off the stage, dismissing it (“Me: ‘Hi, we all were in pain last week…Him: I am aware that we have all had pain'”).

    He is self-centered and manipulative, and your feelings of distrust and fear of being blocked again are valid.

    Regarding his lack of friends, it might be a reflection of his behavior and how he handles relationships. Self-centered people who get offended easily and don’t discuss things honestly and calmly can’t maintain healthy friendships.

    I’m proud of you for recognizing the impact of your past on your self-esteem and romantic choices. It’s a significant step towards healing and growth. Here are some suggestions for self-care and building self-confidence:

    Set healthy boundaries in all your relationships, Practice self-compassion (be kind and forgiving to yourself), Engage in activities you enjoy, Talk to a therapist or perhaps join support groups (in addition to this thread), and Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments.

    “I’m an old soul, maybe too old school for this modern world… Maybe that was another reason why this man got my attention. He seemed to want the same life as me, presenting similar values. But now you’re helping me to see that it all might be just a spider web 🕷🕸”-

    – I’m glad that I could help you see through his facade and recognize the spider web 🕷🕸 he’s been weaving. Your values and principles are important, and they will resonate with the right people who truly appreciate and respect them.

    You have the strength to overcome these challenges, and it’s okay to take time to focus on yourself, and thank you for your kind words, Dafne 🙏. I’m here to support you in any way I can. 🌞


    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion 🪷 #442930

    Dear Jana:

    Reformulating negative thoughts is a powerful technique. I love how you’ve turned “I am weak” into “I am strong because I am not afraid to face my problems.” It’s a beautiful reminder of the resilience and strength within you.

    Visualizing a hug and offering kind words to your younger self is a compassionate way to heal past wounds. It’s okay to feel emotional during this process – it shows your deep connection to your inner child and the progress you’re making.

    “It seemed normal to me that children have problems because I saw a lot of troubled classmates and people in my life. But they… didn’t suffer from social phobia… How is it that everyone is managing their lives but I am not?”-

    – The other troubled classmates who didn’t suffer from social phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder) may have suffered from another mental disorder such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED), Depression, Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

    You may have been viewing other children and people in your life through the lens of social phobia. Because they didn’t exhibit the same symptoms as you, you saw them as healthier. But they had their own symptoms, their own reactions to trauma.

    “Was it therapy or some other situation(s) that helped you with self-compassion?”- my breakthrough in self-compassion happened recently and outside the context of therapy. I didn’t know how it felt before it happened that I felt it, a sort of affection toward myself, a liking of myself.

    Self-compassion is something that goes beyond mere intellectual understanding, of course—it needs to be felt.


    in reply to: There’s always something missing.. #442925

    Dear Tara: I will read and reply in about 12 hours from now.


    in reply to: Understanding someone who's recently divorced and not ready #442923

    Dear Dafne:

    You are welcome and thank you for your kind words and appreciation. I will still need the morning to reply more attentively, but for now, in regard to: “Would you continue replying to his messages? What if he suggests a meeting?”-

    – I would end my association with any 🕷 and, in doing so, stay away from their 🕸. However, I understand that he has been a distraction from the troubles at home, and you’ve had hopes associated with him. Therefore, ending contact with him, especially if he suggests a meeting, is easier said than done, so no judgment coming from me.

    My hope though is that you come across a decent man- however imperfect- who will be good for you. Back to you in the morning 💖


    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion 🪷 #442922

    Dear Alessa:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It’s wonderful to see how our shared experiences and values bring us closer, even as we celebrate our unique differences.

    I’m glad you found healing in pursuing activities your families discouraged. Embracing who we are without judgment is powerful.

    Your reflections on parenting are profound. Realizing that worthiness doesn’t require specific actions and embracing loveable qualities is freeing. It’s great to read how parenting has helped you grow in patience and emotional discipline.

    Thank you for prompting us to reflect on self-compassion. Looking forward to continuing this conversation.


    in reply to: Understanding someone who's recently divorced and not ready #442917

    Dear Dafne:

    As usual, I will reply further tomorrow, but for now: I wish I could make you believe what I know to be true: that (like I said before), you are a beautiful soul who deserves the best in life.


    in reply to: Struggling to settle in new role #442915

    Dear Tom:

    Thank you for your message. I completely understand your concerns about delivering the presentation to a large group. It’s natural to feel nervous about public speaking.

    If it helps, here are a few tips that might ease your nerves:

    Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times, either in front of a mirror, with a friend, or recording yourself. Familiarity will boost your confidence.

    Focus on Breathing: Before and during your presentation, take deep breaths to calm your nerves.

    Engage with the Audience: Try to focus on connecting with your audience rather than just delivering content. It can make the experience feel more like a conversation.

    Positive Visualization: Picture yourself delivering a successful presentation. Positive imagery can help build confidence.

    Remember, it’s okay to feel nervous. Even experienced speakers feel the same way. You’ve got this!


    in reply to: Old Journal- things that pierce the human heart #442914

    Dear Peter:

    You are welcome and I hope that you continue to recover. I agree with your thoughts on holding ourselves and others accountable: it is indeed an act of love to hold ourselves and others accountable.

    Holding each other accountable, in a respectful way, is a kind and loving act. It helps build trust and understanding in any relationship. In a family, it means that everyone’s feelings and needs are respected, which makes the bonds stronger. It also helps avoid misunderstandings and hard feelings.

    In a community, it creates a sense of shared responsibility. People are more likely to help each other and work towards common goals when they feel understood. This sense of togetherness is key to having a happy and thriving community.

    In society and the world, holding people accountable encourages honesty and good behavior. It helps create a fairer and more caring world. (Something our world desperately needs).

    Ultimately, respectful accountability is about creating a culture of empathy, where people are encouraged to learn from their mistakes and grow. It’s a powerful way to ensure that everyone feels valued and supported, fostering healthier and more meaningful relationships across all levels of society.


    in reply to: Understanding someone who's recently divorced and not ready #442909

    Dear Dafne:

    “And now the spider is back!”- you say it as if it’s a good thing 🫢 What feels good isn’t always what’s best for you.

    “I feel relieved that he replied and I can have some answers”- what answers and to what questions?

    “I am neither a dreamer, nor a liar, nor irresponsible”, said the 🕷️ to the 🪰.

    “He said some nice words about the beauty of a family life”, as he pointed to his 🕸️ (spider web).

    “Is it wise to continue texting him without him unblocking me on the other media?”- the phone is one entry point to his 🕸️. Unblocking you on the other media would be like unblocking a second entrance into his 🕸️.

    “What do you think of this whole situation now Anita?”- I think that he is dealing with a very low self-esteem and have created a fictional Asian project involving millions of dollars to feel better about himself. In this context, questioning him about the project is like pulling the carpet from under his feet, which is not fair to him (the reason I recommended that you no longer question him about the project).

    On the other hand, he wants your money, all the money that you have and can get through loans and whatnot. He’s been trying to lure you into his web of deceit with hopes and promises of a shared home and life with you.

    How to move forward? Through empathy for him (no longer questioning him), and empathy for yourself, prioritizing your well-being.

    Notice this, in the latest exchange with him yesterday, he said: “family life is the most beautiful”- he told you earlier that his parents passed away, were cremated and that (if I understand correctly) he does not know where their ashes are. He also told you that he has no siblings and that he has little to no contact with cousins, none of them whom you met. So, seems to me that the words “family life is the most beautiful” do not indicate his persona experience and are meant to lure you into his web of deceit.

    He also said: “I regret that you did not meet my friend… my partner… But I introduced you to other friends who are jealous, they did not even call me for New Year’s Day”- given that you never met his alleged project- related friend and partner, and that the two friends you did meet are not really friends… then, altogether, he has no friends and no family, at least not any with whom he has contact, or positive relationships.. so, what does it tell you, Dafne?


    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion 🪷 #442908

    * correction: I suppose setting rigid rules and signing them was about my desperate need to put order in the chaos within me…and the chaos persisted despite the structured approach

    in reply to: On my way to self-compassion 🪷 #442907

    Dear Jana:

    “What was your perfectionism, Anita?”- the earliest memory I have of my perfectionism was following my mother’s criticism in regard to cleaning the floor. While she was not at home (to avoid her criticism), on all four, I scrubbed and mopped each and every square of the living room floor with a dishwasher sponge, and I remember thinking: “No way can she say I didn’t do it right!”. I don’t remember what happened next, but in line with her behaviors, upon finding out how I cleaned the floor (if she did), she criticized and made fun of me for cleaning the floor in such an unconventional way.. and still not getting the floor clean, doing it wrong yet again. And again. And again.

    From one point on, I stopped trying to do it (whatever “it” was) because I was not able- no matter how hard I tried- to.. do it right.

    While in therapy (2011-13), I used to produce these documents which I titled “Rules 4 Life”, listing behaviors to-do, and behaviors to-not-do, then signing the document and somehow, I thought that by signing it I could follow the behaviors perfectly. One behavior I listed to-not-do in every such document was to not overeat, a behavior I failed to execute (I used to binge eat). There was always hope that when I signed a Rules-4-Life, I would really make it happen, that is, I would really begin a New Life as a person I can count on, a measured, self-disciplined person I can depend on and feel proud of.

    Fast forward, I am not the impulsive, compulsive person I used to be and it’s been years since I binged on food. I learned self-discipline in a variety of areas which has been a necessary part in my healing process, depending on myself.

    I suppose setting rigid rules and signing them was about my desperate rules to put order in the chaos within me. The rigid rules provided me with a sense of order and predictability at first, but then, any deviation from the rules felt like a devastating failure, creating a cycle of self-criticism and guilt, exacerbating internal chaos.

    The rigid rules addressed surface-level behaviors (such as binge eating) without addressing the deeper emotional and psychological issues driving those behaviors/ the root causes, the chaos may persist despite the structured approach. The main root cause for my often overwhelming internal chaos was my early life (and onward) experience with my mother. She was the Chaos in my life, like an unpredictable storm that can destroy at any time, or a bomb that can explode at any time. The External Chaos became Internal Chaos and the rigid Rules 4 Life (involving the expectation of perfect adherence to the rules) were my misguided attempt at achieving control and order.


    in reply to: ☀️ 🪷 #442905

    Dear Jana:

    “The internal validation of the struggles I went through during my childhood and growing up was very crucial”- Yes it is very crucial.

    When someone relies heavily on external validation and lacks internal validation, one’s behaviors might include: going out of the way to agree with others, even if it contradicts one own’s beliefs and values (People-Pleasing), frequently seeking reassurance from others and excessively worrying about what others think (excessive Dependence on others), altering one’s behavior, appearance, or opinions to fit in with others and gain their acceptance (Conforming), often second-guessing oneself, regularly comparing oneself to others and feeling inadequate as a result, and avoiding being true to oneself out of fear of rejection or disapproval.

    On the other hand, when someone has strong internal validation, one’s behaviors might include: confidently making decisions based on one’s own values and beliefs without needing others’ approval (Independence), bouncing back from setbacks and criticism with a healthy sense of self-worth intact (Resilience), embracing one’s true self and expressing one’s genuine thoughts, feelings, and opinions, acting consistently with one’s own values and principles, regardless of external pressures (Integrity), establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships and interactions and communicating one’s own needs, desires, and limits confidently (Assertiveness), and experiencing a sense of inner peace and contentment regardless of external circumstances or opinions.

    “I’m at a stage where I feel honestly good about being myself and not trying to change or question myself. I have to play my part in this world and not try to change according to someone’s ideas” – Your journey, like mine, is about transitioning from excessive seeking or hoping for external validation to developing strong internal validation.

    “I feel terribly tied down when I have to follow some external rules. These are the echoes of my personality ‘I will not be bound by anything.’ That’s the lone wolf in me. I always choose freedom, even if it is hard and life-threatening”- reading this inspired me to post a poem just for you:

    The Lone Wolf’s Cry:

    In a world of chains and binding ties,
    Where rules are forged, and freedom dies,
    She wanders paths where few have tread.

    No walls can cage this restless heart,
    No shackles bind her spirit’s art.
    For deep within, a voice rings true:
    I will not be bound, I promise you!

    She walk the night beneath the stars,
    Embracing scars and silent wars.
    A lone wolf, fierce, unchained, and wild,
    In freedom’s grasp, forever styled.

    Though roads are rough and risks are high,
    She spreads her wings, prepared to fly.
    For in her heart, a fire burns bright,
    A beacon in the darkest night.

    No life of ease, no comfort’s plea,
    Can dim the light that lives in her.
    She forges her path, she finds her way,
    In freedom’s arms, she chooses to stay.


    in reply to: Understanding someone who's recently divorced and not ready #442892

    Thank you, Dafne. I’ll be back to you tomorrow.


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