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  • in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430195

    Dear antarkala:

    You are welcome. “When I feel jealous, I tell myself I donā€™t deserve to be a friend. How do I approach this?“- (1) tell yourself the truth: that what we people feel is not our choice; it is only our vocalized words and actions taken that are subject to our choosing.

    No choice (such as in feeling jealous)= no personal responsibility (no valid guilt).

    (2) apply an empathetic attitude toward yourself. Imagine a little child who was jealous of other children, would you frown at the child and berate him/ her for feeling jealous, or would you gently ask the child what is bothering her, what’s behind the jealousy?Ā  If you uncover what’s underneath your jealousy, you’ll find some old hurt: it’d be easier for you to feel empathy for yourself for hurting (underneath the jealousy) than for the jealousy itself.

    I want to understand where my social anxiety is coming from and how to overcome it“- the first society in a person’s life is the family one is born into. If a child was anxious in the context of that first, mini society, the child is likely to grow up to be anxious in the bigger society. For example, a child may have gentle, fair and loving parents, but if the parents are often anxious, worried about things, and the child notices it..Ā  their anxiety naturally passes on to the child.

    I understand how what my mom told me influenced me… She told me, I just moved to a new country and I am taking this – decision in a mentally weak state, out of loneliness in the new country“- your mother had a good point there, a valid concern. From what you shared about your boyfriend though, he reads like a gentle.. non-dangerous guy at all, so you were not in danger with him.

    No, my parents do not present themselves as perfect“- good job on their part!

    I believe a marriage is not just about wife and husband but also about both families. I also keep thinking, if I marry my boyfriend, how compatible are our families? My parents are getting older as well and they need company, we donā€™t have close ties with relatives and I want the family I marry into to bond well with mine. ā€“ Is it too much to ask?“- no, it’s not too much to ask, and it’s in your rights to ask for this. Therefore, before you consider marrying a man, get to know his feelings about both families being part of the marriage, and if the two of you have a meeting of the minds, get the families together so that everyone can get to know each other.

    Till next time we talk, take good care of yourself!




    in reply to: Extremely painful breakup and confusion #430184

    Dear Stacy:

    * Health anxiety disclaimer and warning!

    How sensitive and considerate of you to put a health disclaimer and warning at the beginning of your post!

    The sinus infection I had in January ended up lasting over two and a half months, and two different antibiotics didnā€™t help or clear itā€¦ it triggered my health anxiety a lot and made me feel helpless if I were to come down with something much more severe that would call for antibiotics again“- I suppose a health anxiety disclaimer would be more exact than health disclaimer (at the beginning of your yesterday’s post.. coming to think about it, I’ll put one at the beginning of this post). For a person suffering from health anxiety, reading about other people’s health problems and symptoms can easily trigger anxiety and new worries.

    Physical health problems and health anxiety fuel each other: the more physical health problems, the more health anxiety; the more anxiety, the higher the likelihood for physical health problems.

    The new (ENT, a surgical specialist for conditions of the head and neck) was nice and advised I get a needle biopsy of my swollen lymph nodes, so Iā€™m doing that this Friday. Iā€™ve been anxious about that… (plus) my thyroid levels were out of whack, and my cholesterol was high. Today my pap results came back and they found abnormal squamous cells, and even worse, HPV. I immediately fell apart and had to go to my car and cry over

    Not only that, but my sister was just recently sued by a credit card company from an over 10 year old debt… and the house has been extremely tense. And on top of it all, Iā€™ve just been trying to continue juggling both jobs as before, but now working about 50 hours a week… I hope you have been doing well since my absence!“-

    – it’s amazing how you continue to be considerate and kind, generally, and in regard to your recent post, at the beginning and at the end of it,Ā  even though you are so busy and experience so much anxiety/ stress. We talked about how stressful life for you is at home, with your family- way before the recent credit card problem. I can’t think of something that you need more than living in calm circumstances, and on a regular basis. Ongoing anxiety and stress mess with physical health.

    If you lived in a calm place, the old anxiety would still be going on, but you’d have a chance to work on it and lessen it with new practices. I am almost sure I mentioned it to you before, but the practice of Tai-Chi ca do wonders to slow down that unhealthy rush aka fight-or-flight experience inherent in anxiety.

    I am doing better, started my own thread on Anxiety and it helps me. I hope that your Friday medical appointment goes well, and that your health and health anxiety improve!


    in reply to: Seeking clarity about a relationship #430183

    Dear Going Through Life:

    You are very welcome!

    My sentence (“But these feelings were not as strong throughout the 3 months..”) explained: feelings don’t stay the same, they change every day, so, let’s say you catch her at 12 pm, she’s busy, otherwise occupied, and she sounds like she doesn’t have any feelings for you; you catch her at 6 pm, she is not busy, had a hot shower, listening to romantic music ..and she thinks of you romantically. Feelings change over the course of weeks and months as well.

    I need to first clear in mind if I want her as a friend right now given the long distance or ask her if we can reconnect romantically. Whenever I have the answer clear. Ill surely text her“- good plan!

    I agree with this approach and at this point I got nothing to lose but I don’t want to come off as desperate, so I am just trying to frame the right message which conveys what I feel in my mind and heart. Not good at writing or expressing my feelings, lol“- you can put together a first draft for a message, here on your thread, and I’ll be glad to give you editing suggestions.


    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430182

    Dear antarkala:

    You are very welcome and thank you for your appreciation!

    I also want to mention honestly that, these days I feel jealous of my extrovert friends and I hate that I do. I love them and I want to see them happy. The fact that Iā€™m feeling jealous is killing me ā€“ why do you think I am feeling this way?“- I figure, because you wish that you had it as easy as they seem to have it, wishing that socializing was as easy for you as it is (or appears to be) for them. Anxiety in general, and social anxiety in particular, rains on one’s parade, so to speak.

    I did tell my mother about my boyfriend and she told me he is not good enough for you and I know it unconsciously influenced me…. I lived till 24 with my parents and I am very attached to them, I trusted they always will do the best for me… I donā€™t know what truth to believe in and how to take a decision. It is making me very indecisive and anxious“-

    – she shouldn’t have said it. I suppose she has very high expectations of you and for you, wanting the very best for you. Problem is that the very best for you is to have confidence in your ability to make good choices for yourself. By telling you that he’s not good-enough for you, she’s giving you the message that you are not making a good choice.. and that leads you to feel very indecisive and anxious.

    Parents are often not aware of how they come across, and how they negatively affect their children while wanting the best for them.

    I have become aware of this recently and this makes my decision making even harder ā€“ what do I trust now, who do I trust now?“- just like I suggested that you take your boyfriend off the pedestal, I am suggesting that you do the same in regard to your parents. It doesn’t mean that you stop loving them, of course. It’s just that you need to do this so to trust yourself to make good choices, to evaluate people correctly, to socialize well, etc., to believe that you are a competent, able adult, no longer a child dependent on her parents for guidance.

    Part of taking them off the pedestal is to see that they have made the wrong choices themselves, that they make mistakes too. No one always makes good decisions, no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. Don’t expect perfection from anyone, not from your parents, not from your boyfriend, and not from yourself.

    I hope that your parents do not generally present themselves as perfect, and never admit that they were wrong, or that they make mistakes (that can make taking them off the pedestal more difficult than otherwise).

    How do you think I should approach this situation. My boyfriend is a wonderful man, I donā€™t want to weaken him by showing my disappointment but at the same time, the reality that I expect my partner to help me out in social situation doesnā€™t change ā€“ how can I talk about this with him in a healthy way?“-

    – first, do not express to him that you are disappointed in his social functioning, that will achieve the opposite of what you want to achieve: he will be less capable, not more. Secondly, identify a very specific, practical way in which you want him to help you, something that’s doable for him, instead of asking for help in a vague way. An example (and this is just an example), instead of saying: I would like you to help me feel more comfortable in the party tonight, say: when I am standing in a group with people at the party, can you stand by my side and hold my hand?

    I hope to continue to communicate with you, for as long as you find it helpful.




    Dear Paradoxy:

    You are welcome, and thank you for expressing your appreciation for my advice. Wow, what can I add to Tee’s brilliant analysis submitted about 6 hours ago, written so well. I am in awe!

    You wrote in your most recent post: “They never let me have a childhood, always forcing me to ‘act like an adult’.. I am back to my hollow self, desperately trying to glue the broken pieces of my empty shell… I have just accepted death“-

    – it is very clear to me that what makes your self hollow and empty (“hollow self”, “empty shell”, your words right above), is the absence of Godwin the child. Your parents forced you to act like an adult, they never let you have a childhood (your words right above).

    What are the words a young child often says as he/ she just starts to talk: I want this, I want that.. But Godwin the child was not allowed to want this, or that.

    On March 23, you wrote in regard to your parents: “Always discouraging me from what I wanted to do. Even this med career was their fault. I never wanted this“- Godwin-the child not allowed to do what he wanted to do, not then, not now.

    On March 24, you wrote this about your parents: “they always forced their way on me“- If your parents always forced their way on you, it means that Godwin the boy never got his way. I want this, I want that was met with, no, no, no, we want, and only what we want matters!

    The same day, you wrote about your father: “He always wanted me to think like older people despite being still a child, and that made me never get any chance to enjoy my childhood“.

    Children need to be taught to become responsible adults over time, gradually, but seems like your parents took a short cut and wanted you to be an adult immediately, instantly, way too early.

    What you need then is the resurrection of Godwin-the-child, to fill your life with what Godwin wants.. not irresponsibly, but still: what you want needs to matter in your own life, it is your life (or should be), not your parents’.

    Paradoxy, often enough you let me know that I misunderstand you, that I misunderstood your words. Sometimes it is true, but at other times, you don’t like my correct understanding, so you retroactively change what you said, giving what you said before a new context, new qualifications.. so to reject my understanding. Please don’t do this in regard to this post.



    in reply to: Extremely painful breakup and confusion #430168

    Dear Stacy:

    I didn’t read all, but I too was diagnosed with HPV, and nothing came out of it, nothing at all. I was also diagnosed with a big tumor by my ovary (about 3 years ago), I thought I was dying, but turned out to be benign fibroids that exited the uterus and landed by an ovary (the pleasure of being a female, lol),Ā  so nothing came out of it, other than a thousand dollars+ bill. I will read and reply further in the morning (Mon night here), good night/ morning, Stacy, and so good reading from you again!


    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #429035

    Dear antarkala:

    You are welcome. I wonder if I understand correctly (please let me know if I do): generally, you enjoy a social life but you are also anxious in social situations, and therefore it drains you. You wish that your boyfriend would have made it easier for you in social situations: that he would take charge where you struggle and smoothen the way for you. It upsets you somewhat (you are disappointed) that he can’t. You think less of him because of that, thinking that he is not as.. qualified/ as strong as he should be to be your husband (something like that..?)

    If this is what is going on, at least in part, then Tommy has a good point in his reply: traditionally, girls are raised to have very high and unrealistic, super human expectations from men, and they end up disappointed. Think of it this way, if you will: in every woman there is a little girl who is sometimes scared and needs help, but it is also true that in every man there is a little boy who is sometimes scared and needs help. Better see the boy in a man than see a prince on a pedestal.

    There are many women who are attracted to what is referred to as bad boys, tough, insensitive and rude men who sacrifice their hearts for the appearance of strength. This doesn’t work out for the women, but it shows you how attractive (the appearance) of strength is to many women.

    In reality, both women and men are weak and strong, both, and a good partnership is that of the two (man and woman) helping each other, encouraging and sharing each other’s strengths for the benefit of the team.

    When a woman expresses to the man her unrealistic expectations of him, and her disappointment, it weakens the man.

    Dating is the time to learn about the compatibility of the couple, but don’t let unrealistic expectations based in rigid gender roles get in your way of evaluating your compatibility with your boyfriend.

    Is this helpful to you? Please let me know, I would like to explore this further and be helpful to you.


    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #429024

    DearĀ  SadSoul:

    As I read your reply, at a couple of points,Ā  I thought I was reading my own words. I was impressed overall by your understanding. (Also, it’s nice to read that someone read through my thread, and that someone- you-Ā  was kind enough to let me know they’re reading).

    Your mother is a piece. I have no words. Iā€™m horrified“- horrified I am, and I am purposefully using the present tense. It was only yesterday, following some interaction with people irl, that I became aware that the child within me is still that same horrified child, looking for someone to save her. In her mind (my brain, which unlike skin cells, doesn’t shed over time), it is all still happening, present tense. She is still looking for, hoping for a way out, someone to take me into their big arms and protect me, care for me.. to feel safe in their pure, no-strings-attached embrace (ahh.. how does it feel?)

    The coyote distracted you from all other emotions!“- I never thought about it this way, but true: the here-and-now distracted me from the repeat of the there-and-then.

    (This is the principle behind Mindfulness as a therapeutic tool and practice).

    Fear about clear-and-present danger replaced my Anxiety, for a short while.

    Not suggesting you had butt coyotes regularly as a diversion!“- haha aka lol.

    All emotions stem from chemical releases the body creates… If weā€™re constantly flooded with flight fight chemicals our body gets good at releasing more of them in a vicious cycle. A childhood filled with fear teaches the brain to be on high alert all the time. It doesnā€™t know how to relax and signal the body to create nice chemical releases“- said so well, couldn’t say it better.

    Just now, a few seconds ago, as I typed “couldn’t say it better”, I heard my mother-monster’s voice being upset by these 3 words. I don’t remember her criticism, it passed through my brain so quickly, but it resulted in fear: SadSoul will be upset with me, she will be angry!

    What did I hear her say, in my mind’s ear.. I am trying to remember.. I think I heard her say: who do you think you are??? Of course, you couldn’t have said it better.. do you think you are this much of a person that you could have said it better? You piece of ****, you nothing of a person, keep your head down, this is where you belong, down and under!

    We can actively turn it around, but it takes a very long time, and a great deal of commitment with only very small improvements that sometimes arenā€™t very obvious“- said so perfectly. So, here I am afraid, afraid of you, SadSoul, a person who never hurt me, afraid of you because she has hurt me.

    I went through a dreadful time a few years back, and I made myself go walking a lot, because while walking although my brain did wander to the things I was suffering from, it also had to focus on where I put my feet… And during those moments a slice of my agony pie was replaced with other things“- agony pie, what a unique, original wording. Again, it’s the Mindfulness principle, focusing on the here-and-now, and in so doing, distracting oneself from the anxiety that’s about the there-and-then being on repeat.

    After a few too many years there are moments of sunshine in my life. I laughed the other day. True laughter. I hadnā€™t laughed in years!“- this is making me smile, I wonder if you laughed since..?


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #429020

    You are welcome, Kshitij!


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #429018

    Dear Kshiti:

    Yes, what if you re-read my posts so far, in your thread, and take notes, then come up with a clear, organized paper listing practical things that you can do to help yourself, things that do not involve going to the doctor, or spending money? Then show me that paper, on the screen, that is, will you?


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #429016

    Dear Kshiti:

    You are welcome. I am sorry about the worsening situation in regard to your intrusive thoughts. I don’t think that we talked about you seeing a doctor, did we?

    There are pharmaceutical treatments for intrusive thinking/ OCD, certain medications that help many, and can help you. What do you think about making an appointment with a doctor, for evaluation and possible treatment?




    Dear Paradoxy:

    She (B) always reads the bible and prays almost everyday. I donā€™t think she would go against the bibleā€™s rules… I am pretty sure B would have slept with her manager to keep her job“-paradoxical: sexually promiscuous on one hand, always reading the bible on the other; would sleep with her manager on one hand, would not go against the bible’s rules, on the other.

    One of my friends told me that he could feel the negative energy radiating off me, and I ranted to him about what she(B) did…Ā  So am I the problem?… combined with my Dark Energy influence, being the source of pain to others became the core belief of my existence. Godā€™s failed experiment, I call myself. Ironically my real name is Godwin but in reality I am a loser.“- it breaks my heart to read this.

    Dear Godwin: I have no doubt that there was nothing wrong with you when you were born, in the very beginning of your life, you were not the problem, there was no dark energy in you.Ā  You were not god’s failed experiment. You started feeling this way and continued to feel this way as a reaction to a series of happenings in your very young life and onward. And indeed, from one point on, like your friend observed (and I as well, reading your posts), you do often radiate negative energy.

    I hope that you no longer find some comfort or pleasure in this dark energy, so that you will be motivated to exorcise it, so to speak, and replace it with the light you were born to radiate to the world!


    in reply to: Should I start over #429008

    Dear Pj:

    You can talk to me, and to other members, right here in your thread, whenever you feel alone. I’m here every day and have been for almost 9 years (excluding a 6-month pause). Also, there are support groups for caretakers such as yourself. You can look at senior lifestyle. com/ 40 resources for adult children taking care of aging parents.

    seeing my mother suffer at the end of her life…Ā  and the fact that my mother would be gone forever crushed me“- would you like to share about your mother, has she been a good mother to you? What did she teach you.. ?

    “I donā€™t know the purpose of this life anymore & where this life will take me. Iā€™m lost“- less than an hour ago, I submitted a post to another suffering member on the topic of purpose in the midst of suffering. In it I quoted from Viktor Frankl’s famous book Manā€™s Search for Meaning, a 1946 book about his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War 2, a place of much suffering.

    Here are a few quotes from the book: ā€œEverything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedomsā€”to choose oneā€™s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose oneā€™s own way.ā€

    ā€œWhen we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.ā€

    ā€œMan does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.ā€

    ā€œThose who have a ā€˜whyā€™ to live, can bear with almost any ā€˜howā€™.ā€

    ā€œFor success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of oneā€™s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneselfā€.

    ā€œIn some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.ā€

    ā€œFor the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth ā€“ that Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspireā€¦ The salvation of man is through love and in love.ā€

    The title of your thread is ā€œShould I start over”?ā€œ- yes, please do start over and share about your new beginning here, will you?


    in reply to: Am I at the end of my journey? #429004

    Dear Andromeda:

    Man’s Search for Meaning is a 1946 book by Viktor Frankl about his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War 2, a place of much suffering.

    (Wikipedia): “Frankl observed that among the fellow inmates in the concentration camp, those who survived were able to connect with a purpose in life to feel positive about, and then immersed themselves in imagining that purpose such as conversing with an (imagined) loved one…. Man’s Search for Meaning belongs to a list of ‘the ten most influential books in the United States.’ At the time of the author’s death in 1997, the book had sold over 10 million copies and had been translated into 24 languages”. (I boldfaced the above).<sup id=”cite_ref-InstituteVienna_3-0″ class=”reference”></sup>

    Here are a few quotes from the book: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedomsā€”to choose oneā€™s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose oneā€™s own way.”

    “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.ā€

    “Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.ā€

    “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.ā€

    “For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself”.

    “In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.”

    “For the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire… The salvation of man is through love and in love.”

    The title of your thread is “Am I at the end of my journey?“- perhaps you are at the end of one journey, but at the beginning of a different journey, a journey of… (you choose it, you live it)!

    I hope to read from you again.



    in reply to: Seeking clarity about a relationship #429002

    Dear Going Through Life:

    You are welcome and thank you for being so nice, gracious, I appreciate it!

    “While breaking up she told me that because of the distance and the timings, it’s better we stop talking, after that I talked to her a bit and not much. Then after a few days she texted me she met someone else…. she was lying”-

    – putting the long-distance factor aside for a moment, what I boldfaced above could be, maybe, her excuses for not having continued the relationship with you. Being that women are the ones traditionally pursued, it is often that when rejecting men who pursue them, women come up with tactful, untrue reasons aimed at sparing the pursuer’s feelings and avoiding a confrontation. In this case, she may have been saying (paraphrased): I am not interested in talking with you, not because I don’t like this or that about you, but because of the distance and wrong timing, nothing to do with you! 2nd time, perhaps wanting to get the message across to you more clearly, she told you that she met someone else.

    She hoped we could stay friends“- this could have been part of the rejection-package, so to speak. When rejecting a man’s advances, most women are careful about not hurting the man’s feelings, not just, or necessarily because of being kind, but so to not incur a man’s anger, not wanting the man angry at them.

    But she could have meant it, I don’t know. And she may be a kind, honest (and tactful) person, and mature enough to understand the disadvantages of a long-distance relationship.

    I feel like thereā€™s a strong connection there… I actually felt a really strong pure bond with her… Itā€™s been almost 3 months since we talked and still I canā€™t get rid of these feelings. These feelings scare me but the though about her makes me smile a lot. I think that happens when you really like someone“- no doubts you have strong, positive feelings for her. But these feelings were not as strong throughout the 3 months, not same intensity, and your attention was often elsewhere. Same is true to her, her feelings don’t stay the same.

    Your current feelings for her are not any kind of evidence that she is feeling the same, or similarly. I know that you are aware of what I just typed, but I am stating this because there is a subconscious belief in these feelings (of longing for another person),Ā  that they are feeling the same. There is no basis in reality to this belief.

    Although she is really attractive and I donā€™t find myself as attractive as her physically. In confident that Iā€™m consistently working on myself and feeling better and confident….Donā€™t know how to start the conversation with her, whether I should just write a whole paragraph and send her or to first ask about casual stuff first… Iā€™m kind of putting my respect on the line“-

    – if you send her a casual short message, like how are you?, she’d probably figure that you are pursuing the (long-distance) romantic relationship that you had with her, and that you re pursuing it in a timid, least risky way. What if you write her a long-enough paragraph where you present yourself not as a timid man who’s afraid to be rejected, but as a strong, confident man who can take rejection?

    This would be a unique approach that can give you an advantage over the competition (assuming she is not in a relationship currently)- a man who comes across differently from others. This can make you look attractive in her eyes. It is an attitude that can attract other women to you.

    In this paragraph, you can tell her how you feel about her, what you like about her, and what you would like from her, given the long-distance factor, and ask her if it suits her. Be honest, direct, straight forward and caring (for her well-being), all at the same time. What do you have to lose with this approach?


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