
What if you are the toxic person?

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    Dear anita,

    yes I am o.K. Not the happiest, but o.K.

    Is there anything you wanted to know/ask?


    And how are you?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Lily.

    Dear Lily:

    I wanted to know if you are okay, that is all. If you have any specific you want to bring up to me, you will, I figure. I am doing okay other than the fact that my foot injury is not healed yet on this 21st day after injury.

    I will soon be away from the computer for about seventeen hours. Will go for a (limping) walk soon.



    Dear anita,

    yes, I am allright. I went to therapy today, then made food and worked on uni projects all afternoon.

    I am thankful for your help. Just, everything got very intense lately and I think I needed to have some time away from focusing on my problems so much.

    I still think a lot about K. I think we both were bad communicators. I have a very hard time asking people for something and telling them what I want. My therapist said today, that I don’t express clearly what I want. Sometimes I wish, I could have had a conversation with K. about everything. But then, I already offered him this and he didn’t seem too interested. So at least all the confusion is over now and I have the clarity that I wanted. So I can begin to move on. In the end, I will feel better about everything, I think.

    Sorry to hear that your injury hasn’t healed yet. Hopefully you will be well soon! Have a nice and calm walk. Is it also so cold at your area?


    Dear Lily:

    It is usually cold at this time of the year but not this year, not cold like the year before. Thank you for your good wishes for me.

    I do hope you move on. I am sure you have difficulties communicating what you want, sure. But there is a big difference between you and that person, K. You are honest, he is not. This is the big and unbridgeable difference between the two of you. You can’t fix his dishonesty by communicating better to him.

    Will be back in about sixteen hours.



    Dear anita,

    I don’t know what to think of him, but I know he he made me feel. He made me feel like I was boring, not interesting, lazy, crazy, weird and worthless. Maybe it comes from my own insecurities, but I know my other friends don’t make me feel like that. In the future I don’t want to accept someone who has no time for me anymore. I want to say something if someone talks to others on the phone more than once while meeting me. I don’t want to accept it, that if someone says they will come to visit me now, they arrive one hour later because they have met their sister and had to talk to her. Nor do I ever want to have sex with someone again, if I just met them or don’t feel comfortable with them. I want to listen to my own gut feelings more. If I don’t feel comfortable with someone, there must be a reason for that.

    The good thing after all of this is, that I am now seeing these things clearer. After my experience with that other guy, even though it was much worse, I still was confused, I still didn’t get it. In hindsight I think he has done much more damage to me than I realized. He took so much away from me, he was the first man I was with… But I think I am stronger than the two of them together and I don’t want to ever become like them! I want to treat others with respect, want to be honest and work on my problems. I don’t want to let others disrespect me anymore.

    Yes, I want to move on. And now, after sending this message, he will hopefully not contact me anymore and distract me like he did before.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Lily.

    Dear Lily:

    You make good sense, your thinking is excellent. You know what you don’t want and you know what you do  want. Take this information with you as you move on, don’t forget it. Keep it in mind and examine a man you might meet in the future: how does he behave towards you. Observe, compare, process the information made available to you.

    K’s behaviors that you listed in the first paragraph, I feel new anger just reading them, again. I never met this K, but I have an undeniable negative feeling about him, no less than the other guy long ago.



    Dear anita,

    maybe it was just a very bad match. I know that it must have been not easy with me. I have problems showing my feelings, expressing what I want. Sometimes I wanted to hug him, but was too afraid to do it. He also told me a lot about his life, while I am hard to talk to at times. It is hard for me to talk a lot about myself, because of my insecurities. And dating someone, I was very overwhelmed. Maybe the increased bad feelings also just came from the different nature of the relationship. Everything happened way too fast for me and I didn’t know how to handle it. Also my fears about infecting him, must have been very hard to deal with. It must have been stressful for him, hard to understand.

    To be honest, I don’t feel so good about having sent this harsh message. It surely was for the best to end it, as this wouldn’t have worked out most likely. But having ended it on such a bad note, it makes it harder for me to move on. Unlike you, I am not sure what to think about him. People are not just black and white, good or bad. Sometimes he was very sweet and genuine. He seemed to care a lot about his family, his country. But he also didn’t seem too interested in me for a longer time and I wish he would have said something. But people also are not perfect, and I am not perfect myself at all.

    I guess it is all part of the learning experience. Finding my own way, trusting myself, learning how to deal with things.

    What I have learned from all of this, is what I wrote down above: to speak out more, to trust my own gut feelings. This thread has also helped me to see things a lot clearer. And for this, I thank you anita.


    Dear Lily:

    You are welcome.

    “People are not just black and white, good or bad. Sometimes he was very sweet and genuine”- I am sure he was. Everyone is sometimes sweet and genuine, I don’t have a reason to think K was an exception.

    But when a person repeatedly doesn’t answer your messages, this is a pattern of behavior that the sometimes-very-sweet-and-genuine times don’t make up for. When interacting with others and getting to know others we have to watch for patterns of behaviors, behaviors that repeat themselves. If such behaviors are dishonest, unkind, even rude and cruel, better reject those people from our personal lives. Don’t you think?




    Dear anita,

    you are right. I guess with time I will be able to get over it, especially when there will be no new messages from him. Sometimes I try to understand others too much. But it’s useless. I should either ask them directly about their behaviour, or if they disrespect me repeatedly, let them go.



    Dear Lily:

    If  a person disrespects you repeatedly, let him go, don’t have him in your life.

    Every person is born good, every child is eager to  please the adults in his life.

    You can see this part at times in any person’s face, or voice, even in old age. You get glimpses of that child inside. But when that child inside is locked in a person who chooses to disrespect you, what can you do?

    You can’t extract that child out of the disrespecting adult and give him an alternative good childhood so that he grows up into a good, respectful adult  in an alternative universe.

    You  have to deal with the adult in front of you. When you see these glimpses  of the child locked inside, it is so very sad, but there is nothing you  or I can do about it. It is sad, isn’t it.



    Dear anita,

    in any case, it is over now. I still think a lot about him, I am still sad. But it will get better with time.

    Now it’s time to work on my other problems. And there is still a lot of work to do there.

    Thank you for your help and support!


    Dear Lily:

    You are welcome. Remember that you can post anytime you want. You can not post for a week, a month, for as long as you wish, then come back to your thread (or start a new one) when you feel like it. Or you can post tomorrow. I will reply to you when you do post. I hope life gets better and better for you!



    Thank, you, anita!


    You are welcome, Lily.


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