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- This topic has 294 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
January 7, 2019 at 1:53 pm #272899
GuestDear Lily:
My leg is a little bit better, but better still. This is the third day that I don’t take my daily walk outside and I do not work either, not doing my normal routine. Yet I can’t just sit, reclined all day long, so I limp around doing little things. And it feels like I will not be doing my routine for a while, I do hope that I will be walking this weekend.
No, not a problem for me that you asked that I don’t refer to you in the 3rd person. How would I know that it offends you unless you tell me? No way for me to know. Now I know and will accommodate your very reasonable request.
Reads like your father and grandmother, from the information in your most recent post and from before, are just not good for your mental well being. Better spend less and less… and yet less time with either one.
I don’t know why your father favored your sister and took her side. It wasn’t right for him to do that. He should have been guided by principles (as a religious leader, especially!) and a principle for a good parent to follow is to take the side of justice in any conflict, not the side of a particular child regardless of the what is just. And then, teach both children why he chose this side, so that life … makes sense to the children, instead of being confusing.
Well, will be away from the computer next and back in about 14 hours.
January 8, 2019 at 10:02 am #273123Anonymous
GuestDear Lily:
When I posted you last I wasn’t aware of your most recent post: “O.K. K. just wrote me, saying that he is not feeling good, but that he will be o.k. Maybe he was really just busy”- does this mean that you are back in this… whatever it has been, with K?
January 8, 2019 at 10:30 am #273137Lily
ParticipantDear anita,
I don’t want to go back. It got me stressed that he wrote to me. I couldn’t sleep and my heart is still racing.
But I offered him to talk about everything, if he wants to, because I got worried that he wasn’t doing well. He wrote we can talk tomorrow. I answered we can talk, he can let me know when he has time. He only responded “I will let you know.” and I don’t intend on answering this anymore, only if he really wants to talk. Because in the case that he wasn’t a bad person, I would like to give him the opportunity to talk about everything. It might have been wrong. But I definitely don’t want to start any thing more than a final phone call with him again…
Regarding my father and grandmother: I don’t spend so much time with them any more. I seldomly see my grandmother. But I talk to my father once a week. This Christmas I visited them for a week. I got the feeling that they thought it wasn’t enough time and that they were disappointed. My mother asked me when I will come to visit them once the semester is over and to celebrate my birthday. I feel pressured…
I’m glad your leg it getting better. It must be hard to be taken out of your routine! Hopefully you can still find some other things to do that make you feel well!
Now I will go and meet a friend. See you later or on another day!
January 8, 2019 at 10:46 am #273149Anonymous
GuestDear Lily:
I would have no contact at all with K, if I was you. I would send him a message saying I changed my mind and that I choose to have no contact with him whatsoever. I am concerned that he contacted you again for no other reason but to have another casual sexual encounter with you, sort of calling you when he has the need, then returning to… being “really just busy” until the next time he needs sex.
My leg is still not functional enough to walk comfortably, not even close. I sure hope to have better leg news soon. Thank you for inquiring and I hope you have a good visit with your friend.
January 9, 2019 at 7:14 am #273377Lily
ParticipantDear anita,
I do not respond anymore… I don’t even understand why he would tell me that he is not feeling good. To look better? He didn’t even ask how I was at first (he did later).
January 9, 2019 at 7:27 am #273381Anonymous
GuestDear Lily:
Maybe he told you that he is not feeling good because when he did, in the past, you took responsibility for it and was eager to please him, that is to avail yourself to sexually please him. Some men take the aggressive approach and force themselves on a woman in one way or another, other men are not aggressive that way but they don’t have to. If telling you he feels sick brings him the results he desires, well…
What a refreshing experience it will be to meet a man who is honest and straightforward, not aggressive, not dishonestly manipulative, that would be nice. Sometime in the future.
January 9, 2019 at 8:26 am #273399Lily
ParticipantDear anita,
hm, I don’t think that this is what happened here. I mean it wasn’t necessary for him to tell me that he wasn’t feeling good. I don’t think he did this. The feeling I have was that at first, he was interested in me. Maybe just for sex, I don’t know. He was really busy. I also didn’t ask for anything. At that point I thought that I will become more of a part of his life, once we get to know each other better.
After he moved away, the two times he wanted to visit me failed. Once, he informed me the same day he wanted to visit me, but I had other plans. Then I tried to please everyone and suggested that we could still see each other after I was back and that he could spend the night. That must have seemed very strange. He declined that offer. But if all he would have wanted was sex, it would have been easy to say yes to this. So this was decent of him. O.K.: this actually could confirm your theory: the next day he told me he was losing, faith, which had me worried. So I asked him if I can do anything for him, if I should come to visit him. But he declined.
The second time he wanted to visit me, he also only told me one or two days before. But I was sick and got worried of infecting him, which is why I informed him of my illness. Then he didn’t respond, only a few hours before we were supposed to meet. And he didn’t express clearly if he wanted to meet me or not, only said that he was “on his way”. But after he hadn’t answered me, I assumed that he didn’t want to meet me. Also him not answering me had made me feel stressed and crazy and I was in a bad mood. So in my reply to him I also didn’t ask specifically if he still wanted to see me and didn’t say what I want. Later I asked him if he wanted to talk more about what happened, but he ignored this question.
So then he often only wrote to me saying “how are you”, answering me, but not really answering me. Not telling me anything about his life. Sometimes he seemed more interested again and we had a phone call (by the way, I had to call him most of the time, because he didn’t have the money he said…). On the phone, he asked when I will come to visit him, but we said we would plan this out later. When I later inquired when I should come for a visit, he ignored it. I later asked again (which I regret now, I feel like I pushed myself onto him), so we found a date for our meeting. It didn’t go so well, I was very uncomfortable.
After the visit he went back to giving me his non-answers. I guess I should have gotten the hint. But once I also asked him directly if he was still interested and he said he had just been sick. Then I saw that he was “single” on facebook, which led to the phone call which ended it.
My impression: he wanted to end it sooner, but didn’t have the guts to tell me. He said some times to me, that he wants no problems. Also said “life is easy”. My interactions with him were stressful and not easy, so he wanted out of it. That is also what he said on the phone: “A relationship should be nice, not always stressful.”
He seems like a person, who wants to appear good. He seems to avoid to talk about problems. On the phone it seemed like he didn’t tell the whole truth. He acted like I was asking for too much of his time, which doesn’t make sense. He had time to talk to others, when I was with him…
I feel guilty for pushing myself onto him too much, but on the other hand, he still kept replying, he could have said “stop” too. Instead he left hints, also said that he was just too busy and that everyone was angry at him for not replying back.
I also feel guilty for dating, when having my own psychological problems to resolve. It was irresponsible of me, but I thought that a relationship (yes, I know this was none) could be possible for me. I feel sorry for stressing him. At least I have learned my lesson.
So this is what I think happened. does it make sense? I still feel confused.
At least I don’t think I am not the only person who did wrong. I still have feelings of guilt.
I am sorry for still writing so much about this. Hopefully I can move on soon, focus what is really important for my life.
January 9, 2019 at 8:38 am #273401Anonymous
GuestDear Lily:
I think that K is not a nice person. He is not honest and straightforward. Sometimes he wanted nothing from you, at other times he wanted sex. He contacted you when he did want sex. He noticed that you are a very distressed person, so that was not convenient for him. It is not convenient for anyone to interact with a person who is very distressed, full of guilt and self doubt.
But still, he was and is not a nice person, not a decent person.
See, both are true: it is distressing to communicate with you because you are so full of guilt and self doubt and he is not a decent person. It is not one or the other. It is both.
If he was decent he would have told you what he wants, what bothers him, he would have shared with you these things because you asked him. You told him that you want to get to know him better. But he didn’t respect your expressed desire to know him better, he didn’t try to please you this way, to allow you to know him better.
Not a decent person, no.
January 9, 2019 at 8:51 am #273407Lily
ParticipantDear anita,
the good thing is that it is over. Yes, I wish he would have been more honest to me. Even if he would have just told me that he doesn’t want this any more, it would have been better.
Maybe I should stop worrying so much about him, and focus on myself more. It is over now, that’s what is most important.
Do you also feel distressed, when communicating with me? In any case, I thank you for your patience. And please tell me, when it is too much for you and you need a break!
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
January 9, 2019 at 8:57 am #273415Anonymous
GuestDear Lily:
I hope it is over, that you will not go back to whatever it was.
Yes, there were times that I was distressed communicating with you, that I was sick and tired of you taking on responsibility for things you have absolutely no responsibility for, it was crazy making to me. And there were times I was angry at you humiliating yourself so to please a man who is selfish and indecent, for you trying to please him sexually and worry that you hurt his feelings by not genuinely enjoying yourself while you were humiliating yourself!
Yes, that was frustrating for me. But I endured my frustration because I think of you as a valuable person, a woman with promise. I see that you do think rationally from time to time, so you are capable and even practice rational thinking. I also know that I have a lot in common with you, that your behaviors which frustrate me so much, that I behaved those ways myself!
So, just as I wish someone was empathetic toward me when I behaved in certain ways, not shaming me further, I extend to you the same, empathy for you.
Does this make sense to you?
January 9, 2019 at 9:16 am #273423Lily
ParticipantDear anita,
yes, it does make sense to me. Thank you for your honesty. And thank you for always trying to help me out!
I hope I will make better decisions in the future, so you can see that your efforts were worth it. I hope I will learn to become more confident. It gives me hope that you could overcome your problems.
I can see that it must be frustrating, because I am making the same mistakes over and over again. Sometimes I get really confused. But I learned a few things from communicating with you. Sometimes I did not put them into practice, but I hope it gets better and better from now on.
Yes, I thank you also for being empathetic towards me. Most people don’t do this, they only see the problems. But you are different.
And I don’t know if you read my last edit, but you can really tell me when it becomes too much for you, when you need a break.
January 9, 2019 at 10:53 am #273437Lily
ParticipantDear anita,
I am sorry. It was not mindful of me to ask you to tell me when you if you need a break. I also need to think about this myself: how much can I tell about my problems? When is it too much for the other person? I need to be more responsible in that way.
I think it will be good for me to take a break from posting on this forum for a while. Do some other things. Try to put the advice into practice.
I hope your leg gets better and that you have a good day! Please take good care of yourself.
January 9, 2019 at 11:07 am #273453Anonymous
GuestDear Lily:
No, it is okay for you to offer me a break. I appreciate it. See, your offer came after I told you that I have been distressed at times communicating with you, so you based your offer on real information that I provided you. I will remember your offer and I will therefore feel comfortable to write to you in the future something like: I am taking a break and will be back to your thread later, in a day, or a few days, something like that.
I am okay, really, if you continue to post today, tomorrow, anytime. I find our communication helpful to me. It helps me get better, so I am interested in it continuing. Plus, it is delightful and encouraging for me to see the rational part of you expressing herself and getting stronger and stronger. It is something I look forward to see more of. And I have patience.
January 9, 2019 at 11:24 am #273457Lily
ParticipantDear anita,
thank you. Still, I need to think about how much I can share with others at times.
Yes, feel free to write me anytime if you need a break. Of course I wouldn’t want you to feel bad after communicating with me.
I am glad that our communication also helps you a little. And I hope to heal and think more rational in the future. So you can see that it was worth it. Thank you for your patience!
I will go offline for today and I also intend to spend less time online in the next days. So I can calm down a little bit. The last week was stressful and I feel anxiety. I will take some time to work on art projects, work, go to the sports class with my friend or read. Next weekend I have plans to go to art galleries with friends. I will meet one friend I haven’t seen in a long time, so that makes me very happy. I think those things will be good for me right now.
Maybe I will post again tomorrow, maybe in a few days. Until then: have a good time!
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
January 9, 2019 at 12:07 pm #273465Anonymous
GuestDear Lily:
Well, I don’t need to “see that it was worth it”, that is to wait and see if you are worth of my time and effort, I already know that you are worth it.
Make your choices, to share or not to share, to go offline if this is what you need to do. Your plans regarding art projects, work, sports class, friends, all that read good to me. I am glad you think of what “will be good for (you) right now”. Post if and when you want. I will be glad to read from you if and when you post.
(And if I need a break, I will let you know, and then I will take it).
Thank you for your good wishes for me.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by