
Snooped through boyfriend's phone

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Mark.
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    Hello everyone!

    I am looking for a bit of advice. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 months, I had not had a relationship in over 5 years before him because I have trust issues. I decided to give him a chance because he has been nothing but wonderful and understanding. He has never really given me a reason to doubt him at all, but I’ve always had a gut feeling something was fishy and always blew it off as my issues and decided to ignore this gut feeling.

    The other night while he was sleeping my gut feeling got the best of me and I decided to take a look. I discovered a few things, including nude pictures of other people, iffy messages with other people and just things that make him not the kind of person he appears to be or shows me. He told me I could trust him but now I’m not sure I can. I have not told him about it yet and I’m not sure I should because he will more than likely break up with me and I don’t really want that. I tried asking him about the contents of his pictures and he completely lied to me. I also probed with other questions and still lied to me.

    I’m not sure if I should bring it up or not. But I’m also not sure I can trust him at this point. I really like this guy but I’m not sure what to do. Please give me some guidance or comments on what I should do at this point. I would really appreciate it.


    You might have invaded his privacy but what’s worse? Creeping on someone else’s phone OR creeping behind someone’s back to talk to other people?

    You have to confront him about what you found. Hear what he has to say. Then, take the information you’ve gained from your conversation with him to come to a rational decision.


    Hi Juan,

    Though it’s not right to secretly check your boyfriend’s phone, I do believe that he should’ve been more honest with you about the contents in his phone. You said that you have trust issues, that’s why as a boyfriend, he should’ve told you the truth because if he did that, you’ll be at peace since he told you the exact same thing that you have discovered.

    Some people might say that in a relationship, you should respect each other’s privacy. But then again, if you have nothing to hide, it’ll be okay if you can hold your partner’s phone without worrying if you’ll open it or not.

    You may still give him a chance, he might be afraid to tell you the truth because he doesn’t want to lose you. If he still lies, i don’t think he’s worth keeping.


    Dear Juan:

    Two months is such a short time. Habits from the past, as in saving nude pictures and flirting with others in phone messages, these may be just that, habits carried on for so long. If his behavior since in a relationship with you does not include him having any kind of sexual relations with other people, only those photos and iffy messages, within this very beginning relationship, then I would say, let it go, if you can. Let the nude photos and iffy messages you found out go and don’t snoop again.

    If you tell him that you snooped … he may have a trust issue with you. Better not tell him, I am thinking, and respect his privacy from now on.

    Because of your trust issues I am sure you will keep your eyes open to any real evidence of betrayal. Hope there is none.



    Hi Juan,

    Hopefully this is just aspects of his life before you still cycling out. However, you always had a gut feeling something was off. Now that you have proof, that just cements the feeling.

    You could be honest and simply say, “This isn’t working”. You don’t even have to explain why.

    OR you could also comment on how you are totally turned off by creepy people, “you know, the kind that keeps weird photos  or does sketchy texting”. Or if a show on TV portrays a character like that, you could visibly and audibly shudder. This will hopefully “convict” him so he always feels creepy and shameful when/if he engages in such behavior again.

    The TV thing works, by the way, about once a year when they portray the character of a desperate woman putting the moves on a married man, I always comment, “They don’t have to be pretty.” Husband twitches.

    Good Luck,




    Do you have an explicit agreement of exclusivity?  Have you talked about respecting the relationship by not flirting with others either online or in person?

    It may be worth a sit down conversation on what you like to see in a committed relationship, e.g. no porn or keeping in touch with ex girlfriends or flirting with other girls or being on dating websites/apps…  whatever it is.

    This way he would know what your want from him and from the relationship and visa versa.


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