
Really hard time navigating my wedding party dynamic

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    Some stuff just came to a head this past weekend and it is causing me extreme anxiety and I feel like I’m going to lose one of my closest friends over it and I’d love some advice.


    I got engaged in Jan 2018, and asked two of my great friends (who were together at the time) to be in my wedding party. I have known both of these people over 10 years, but I have been much closer to the male (I’m also male), but the female in the relationship was still one of my closest friends. My partner and I are both having a 6 person wedding party.


    Fast forward a few months to end of April 2018 and my male friend and I hang out one night and he tells me he is breaking up with his partner, and tells me how living with her is impossible, how her mental health is terrible and not under control or managed at all, and how she is making his life hell and he needs out. They have been in a relationship for like 8 years but he can’t do it any more. I find myself in a hard place because I’m close with them, and I try to manage the situation and break up as best as I can. I’m supportive of both and hang out with both and help both out as best I can, and try to to what I can. It’s hard. Very hard. The female got super emotionally disregulated for a long time after and was over-bearing and did not practice healthy boundaries at all and it got to the point where I had to tell her to chill out and had to put some boundaries up because it was too much for me to deal with. This happened about 2-3 months after the break up. It got better, we didn’t talk for awhile, and we thought about how we would go about asking her not to be in the wedding since she was clearly super messed up and we didn’t know how it would all go at the wedding with both of them in it. But we smoothed stuff out in October of last year and while we don’t really hang out all that much, we still chat and the expectation is that she was still in the wedding party because she has been doing much better and is dating, etc. Seems like she is in a much better place.


    We hosted an engagement slash meet and greet party this weekend for our family and wedding party. The female was not there, and I didn’t think to mention it to my male friend that she was still in the wedding party as I asked them at the same time so I thought he knew. He never asked me either, and I was under the impression that he didn’t really care all that much either way. He never said anything to me about it, and she was at another mutual friends wedding that I thought went fine.  I feel like we both dropped the ball RE communication on this aspect.

    Anyway, he is in a new relationship, they have been together for about 8 months, and she asked my fiancee if anyone was missing from the wedding party. My fiancee didn’t think to not saying anything about female friend, so she named everyone and when asked about that person by my friends new partner, she was like “ya, well it’s your partners ex.”  She lost it. Dragged my friend outside. They argued about how he didn’t tell her. She stormed off called a friend had her pick her up. My friend was beside himself and left soon after.


    Today he messages me about how he is upset with this whole situation and feels let down. He feels like I purposefully withheld information from him and that he would have found out the day of the wedding and that that really hurt him and feels disrespectful. He basically said that he did not want to be at another wedding with her at it, so I really feel like he is saying that I either have to uninvite her or he will uninvite himself. This is terrible. He is one of my best friends, I don’t know what to do. Uninviting someone from your wedding is a sure fire way to basically completely end that friendship, but by not doing so I feel like my friendship with this person will completely crumble and that would also be horrific, especially since I’ve been adopted into his highschool friend group slowly over the last decade and consider many of them my close friends too and they are all invited to my wedding.

    Any sort of advice would be helpful


    He’s your “best” friend so that means he’ll have to show that he is by sucking it up for a day on YOUR wedding. Giving you ultimatums is NOT the way to behave as a friend, much less as a best friend.

    Others here can help you how best to communicate with him on this but he does not decide who you can invite to your special day.

    Note that this is His decision not to come despite him trying to put it on you.




    I want to point out that your friend wants to put the blame on you. I suspect that he is being pressured by his new girlfriend. Regardless, he is not taking any responsibility.

    You can sit down with him and say “Bob, I am sorry that you are upset that Jill is coming to the wedding. You are my best friend and I hope you see me as yours as well. This is the most important day of my life and I hope as my best friend you can support me in this stressful time. Please reconsider and set aside your differences for this one day of celebration and happiness for your buddy. Your friendship means the world to me and I hope you can focus on my wedding rather than your ex.

    Can you do that for me?”


    Hi Mike,

    Have I been to weddings! Even my own! Boy, are they FRAUGHT with background drama! Consider yourself lucky that it’s “just” with friends and not with family.

    This is what I would do:

    1. Tell him that you did NOT withhold information, that you asked both of them to be in the wedding party last year and they both said “YES”! Aside from the breakup, why would that change? Was he assuming that SHE would back out?

    2. Broken up friends can’t make us “Choose” between them. New girlfriends can’t make us “Choose” between exes. Tell him you CHOSE both of them at your wedding party. If either one bails, tell him/her (I know this is hard): “Of course, I TOTALLY understand that this must be too much for you, and we’ll miss you and be thinking about you.”

    Good Luck! Welcome to the World of Weddings!



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Inky.

    thanks for the replys


    the hardest part is that he is right in that i am significantly better friends with him than with her. i have seen and hung out with him numerous times since the last time i saw her, which was in Sept, even though we live in the same city. she cheated on him and was super manipulative and emotionally abusive to him. I knew this.

    However, when they broke up he assured me that he didn’t want me to choose at all and that he recognized that it sucked that I was in the position that I was in in between the two of them.

    But she also was crap to me afterwards as well, crossing boundaries, talking complete shit about him and trying to get me to hate him. She lied to me. I tried to patch it up because I was too terrified of inflicting the emotional pain on someone that i had had inflicted on me time and time again as a youth by people who i thought were my friends but were not. I didn’t want to do that to someone.  I was bullied and abused by friends for like a decade as a youth and I didn’t want to just abandon someone who had been my friend for a decade. I tried to patch it up because I didn’t feel comfortable to walk away from her because of my own insecurities.

    I know that if I had not asked her to be in my wedding party I would not have tried to patch anything up I would have just let it die.

    That’s the hardest part. I don’t want to kick her, but if I don’t I will 100% lose this person who I am much closer to and way more friends with.



    Regardless how much you don’t like her vs. him, I see this as an integrity issue.  You invited her.  To dis-invite her just because he cannot take being in the same room as her for a day impinges on your character.

    I would not call not bowing down to his bullying tactics as “abandoning” him.  It sounds like you are holding onto people in your life based on your fears rather than how you value yourself.  Your history of being bullied and abused sets you up to be a doormat to anyone who threatens you like that.

    Like I said, what sort of friend does that?  If you want to “patch it up” then talk with him honestly.  See what I posted before on a possible scenario in how to talk to him.


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