
Learning to love yourself again

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    To keep it short, I just got out of the best relationship I’ve ever had and I really can’t remember what it was that I did before I met this guy. I wanted to know what you guys have done to learn how to be okay being alone and be happy without needing anyone because honestly speaking I don’t think I’ve ever been able to do that. I want to be happy again on my own terms and not because of someone else


    Well, I’m not there yet, but for me, it’s learning (slowly) to appreciate the freedom of alone time. Pamper yourself sessions, TV marathons where the remote is ALL YOURS, eating whatever and whenever you want…

    I can relate very strongly to the feeling of loss you have. Nothing (so far) replaces it. But you earn to be okay without it, then next time it comes, you won’t be so afraid of losing it. That’s what comforts me, anyway 🙂


    Hi there, I guess I can very much empathize with you. The journey isn’t easy. I myself feel my life is going nowhere. That I no longer know what my purpose is. But slowly, through prayers and reading some inspirational sites such as this made me hold on to life with hope. Yes, it is painful to be left behind. Lots of time I feel like my dreams ended when my relationship ended. But then, in reality, that shouldn’t be the case. I haven’t perfected the art of loving myself yet. But I know that I am getting there. Do not be too hard on yourself. Cry if you feel like crying. Be with people. Be with your beautiful self if you just want to be alone. Just do anything that will help you cope. As for me, I am still learning. It’s an everyday journey. I begin and end my day with a prayer. I read books that I believe would inspire me to embrace love and gratitude. Sending you light and love wherever you may be.

    Be blessed!


    I get lost in a bookstore. And a good Netflix series. That helps. Later, you can go to events and places alone without feeling “weird”. Oh, and buy a kitten or puppy! Even if it’s a fish, there’s nothing like another being in the house to brighten it!


    Id recommend going to the movie theater by yourself.
    MOST people have never done so or evn thought about it.
    but its great!
    A bit tough at first thought, but a HUGE step towards independence, and only a small leap.
    Go out to dinner by yourself beforehand and call it a date!
    Spoil yourself, have a good time, bring a book to dinner if you think youll get bored.
    But deffinately “put out” if you have a good time lol

    Seriously though, have you ever taken yourself out on a date?
    You dont know what you are missing!
    Movie going will never be the same.
    Youll lose yourself, I promise!


    Personally, I think inky’s idea is the best. Get a puppy or kitten. I don’t think you have fully realized that you have value, and pets have a tendency to remind us out worth with their love. (Slobber is very therapeutic!)

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