
I need help on this quote. I can’t get my head around it

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    Hi! I am having trouble getting my head around this quote.

    Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lao Tzu 

    I understand that we should be happy and appreciate what we have. Only by having an abundance mentality can we then realise that everything we want or have is already there.

    It’s a beautiful quote and I agree with it all but I can’t get my head past it when it comes to relationships, specifically my own situation. See , I want a partner and I’m not sure how to see through that he is not there and be ok but still have the whole world belong to me.

    I understand that no one is there to fulfil me and they shouldn’t. But I still can’t see past that he is lacking in my life. Everytime i read “when you realise there is nothing lacking” my head automatically jumps to “yes you are lacking a partner”

    This is bothering me and any help will be much appreciated.



    Dear Saje:

    Regarding the quote you presented: “Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you”-

    – taken literally, it cannot be true in most or all situations: for example, a starving or a terribly abused person cannot possibly be content with starvation or abuse. This quote is not absolutely true in other, less extreme situations such as yours. You need a partner and you don’t have one: you can’t be content with your valid need not being met- not for long.

    Here is one way to understand this quote in a non-literal way, elaborated: when you need something and you don’t have it, do what you can to get your valid need met, but don’t waste your time and energy obsessing on it and feeling miserable. Instead, focus on and find contentment in what you do have (while doing what you can do to get what you need).

    Does my take on it make sense to you, and would you like to elaborate on your particular unmet need/ unsatisfactory relationship?



    Hello Anita

    Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. It offers the clarity that I’m looking for.

    The thing is I know I need to get out there to find what I’m looking for; however, the more I do the more apparent the lack of becomes.

    I guess it’s an internal work that I need to work in for myself and like you said find contentment with what I have (which is being single)

    if you have any tips or advice. Would love to b more from you! 🙂


    again, thank you.


    also, my friend said i have been looking from a lack mentality and not abundance. Which is why I feel the way I do. Any thoughts on this?


    Dear Saje:

    You are very welcome.

    “if you have any tips or advice. Would love to b more from you!”- I don’t have any details about your situation to be able to give you any specific advice: I don’t know if you are a man or a woman,  if you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s.. , don’t know if you are a student, if you have a job, whether you live with your parents or alone, I don’t know anything about your relationship history.. don’t  know what you are looking for in a partner, and what kind of a relationship you would like.

    You are welcome to share with me about any one (or more) of the kinds of information I mentioned above. If you feel more comfortable with giving me non-specific information, such as saying that you are in your 20s instead of giving me a specific age, that’s fine.

    If you don’t feel comfortable with sharing any information on a public forum, such as this- please don’t, but let me know specifically what kind of general advice you would like.

    (I will be back to the computer in about 10 hours from now).


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by .

    Hello Saje

    How are you today?  No one man has the answer for everyone.  It is not possible.  We are all different, special and unique.  Quotes are not necessarily the truth, regardless of where they came from.  The most upbeat, positive person may still be lacking something.  It’s OK to say that you are lacking a partner and that you would like one.  The world is not going to crumble because you say you lack something.  Your feelings are valid and if that is the way you feel so be it.  If you want to meet someone, then you need to be mixing with people.  Follow your own passions, join groups which interest you, volunteer etc.  Involve yourself with life, give ‘abundant’ love and before long you will be attracting love into your life.

    Here’s a quote I read today:  If you had everything – where would you put it all?



    Dear Saje,

    The thing is I know I need to get out there to find what I’m looking for; however, the more I do the more apparent the lack of becomes.

    Could you elaborate on this? Have you tried dating but haven’t found anyone suitable?

    also, my friend said i have been looking from a lack mentality and not abundance. Which is why I feel the way I do. Any thoughts on this?

    The mentality of lack would be that you feel less (less valuable, less worthy, less special) without a partner, and that you need someone to make you feel good about yourself. Perhaps Lao Tzu’s quote (“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”) can be interpreted like this:

    When you realize there is nothing lacking about you – the whole world belongs to you. And the right person will appear too… How does this sound to you?



    Hi Saje

    Have you ever looked into making a vision board for your life?  When you focus on what you are desiring, the law of attraction starts to operate and bring it into your manifested reality. If you focus on the lack of not having a partner, then that is what you are attracting into your life.  No partner. When you focus on the partner you want and see, feel and I mean really imagine it as if it is your reality. It is. It will become your reality. Despair, sadness and the sense of lack will disappear. Miraculous things will start to happen for you. Your partner is there. The universe will bring him to you.

    One of the best ways to begin to help you see it, is to write a list of what attributes you desire in a partner. Start gathering pictures of the things you would like him to do with you. Start speaking it out of your mouth and meditating on it in the NOW tense eg. “My partner and I are madly in love. We enjoy taking long strolls on the beach holding hands and enjoying the sunset. We love to go to football games together. He is a great cook and I love how he enjoys just spending time with me and my family. He is gentle and affectionate with me. I am truly worthy of his love.”

    Can you see him? When you meditate on it and visualise him as if you have him, (Be content with what you have) feel the feelings those images make you feel (rejoice in the way things are). I promise you, you will no longer feel lack. He will be real to you and you will see him one day walk right into your life! (When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.)



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