I was looking for a juicer with my boyfriend online today. We have been together for 5 years. I caught him ona dating site years ago, and like today, he became wildly loud and went on the defense, and was completely untruthful.
We were on Facebook marketplace, using his phone to buy a juicer. We did several inquiries and the messages were coming I. Like hot cakes. It was his idea to use his phone. I thought I was clicking a response and it was an extensive conversation between him and an x. I am in a state of shock.
The sad thing about is I can not afford to move and I am in shock and feel stuck. I am a case manager that works to place homeless people in long-term care, and I can not find care for myself. I have no family and no viable options. I have not been using mindfulness or meditation long, but, it did help…or that could be shock.
I have pets, so a roommate situation could be sticky. I keep thing about what Sharon Salzberg said when she became stuck. She said that something always happens. Meaning to me, something like this too shall pass… or when a door closes,climb out a window.
Can an anyone help me because I don’t want to fight. He is pouting and I know I will have big feelings later. I just feel adrift.