
how to stop overthinking

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    Hi all,

    It is my first time posting and I am looking for advice. I have recently gone through a breakup and find myself constantly overthinking. I thought it was over until he reached out again and I honestly don’t understand why. It seemed as if he did not want anything to do with me when he left in the first place. I personally don’t want to deal with some game or someone who doesn’t really care about me. The relationship was quite toxic and I never knew where I stood with him. I know I should have communicated better but I had recently dealt with some health issues and was in a very bad mental place.

    I wrote back and it took me awhile to get a reply. I touched based and finally gave an ultimatum. Eventually he said he had moved cities and met someone else but made some really bizarre comment about being honest with me and  how he did not playing mind games with me. I ended up just blocking him from contacting me as I don’t want to get hurt again but I do feel very guilty over that.

    Is there anyway to help stop this overthinking cycle? I don’t understand why he even bothered in the first place and it is really effecting me mentally. I feel so angry at myself for even writing back originally. I knew I would get hurt but I figured that maybe he had changed. I try to not react with anger so I figured I would do the write thing by not ghosting him.


    Hi Pandanator

    You posted on the 13th, I’m finally reading this on the 15th. Sorry for the delay in replying. The forum is unusually busy and your post was pushed back to the 2nd page. I don’t believe that may people have seen it yet.

    I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties with your breakup. How are you coping with it?

    You mentioned that the relationship was toxic. Considering the messages he sent you post break up. That seems very clear. It sounds like he got back in touch with you to hurt you. Why do you feel guilty about protecting yourself when he was trying to hurt you? You did the right thing!

    It’s good to hear that you can reflect on your own difficulties in the relationship. Being able to do so, helps to work on those issues in the future. You seem to be overly blaming yourself though?

    You mentioned overthinking? Are there any specific parts that your mind is stuck on?

    It seems to me that what you suspect – he’s playing games with you and trying to hurt you – is true and valid.

    Please take extra care of yourself during this difficult time.

    Wishing you all the best! 🙏


    Dear Pandanator:

    You mentioned recent health issues, are you okay now, physically?

    “I ended up just blocking him from contacting me as I don’t want to get hurt again but I do feel very guilty over that”- this means that part of you thinks r feels that you shouldn’t have blocked him, that it was the wrong thing to do.

    “Is there anyway to help stop this overthinking cycle? I don’t understand why he even bothered in the first place”- I overthink when I don’t understand what and why, so I think this possibility,  and then I think that possibility.. and end up overthinking. Maybe if you share more about the relationship (when you are in a calm state of mind), I can help you get the clarity that you don’t have now (or didn’t at the time you posted)..?

    Confusion=> Overthinking; Clarity=> Calm



    Hi Anita and Helcat,

    Thank you for replying back! I am new to the community so it took awhile for things to get approved. I look forward to be able to participate more on here as I think it would be a good thing for me.

    To be honest I am not quite well. Hopefully I can get to the bottom of what is causing these health issues. It has been extremely stressful with one thing after another, a potential cancer and dealing with an unknown. I feel very frustrated at myself for being distant and did not show as much affection as I should have.

    I do feel very guilty over blocking him as I do believe he is a good person. I tend to try to believe that everyone deep down is a good person but some people just seem to have some issues that they need to work on. I think I just feel that he hates me or something as he seemed annoyed I wrote back and was very cold and basically told me to piss off. Its just odd as he was super friendly the week before when I snapped and told him to stop playing games. I know its a stupid worry but its just stuck in the back of my head. All I can think is I am probably not as good as the other girl he ended up with.

    Based on the conversation, he seemed to be confused about some things in life and maybe that’s why he reacted that way? It seemed as if he was debating moving back but I honestly don’t get why you’d bother contacting me if you wanted nothing to do with me all of a sudden previously. The whole relationship he was just very confused and was a hot/cold person. He would be super happy to see me one day and then a week later seemed like he wanted nothing to do with me and was always judging me.

    I do tend to be a chronic overthinker and an anxious-attachment person. It is something I want to work on. I am really trying not to think about the whole thing but it is quite an enigma.


    Dear Pandanator:

    I am looking forward to attentively read and reply to you Mon morning, in about 12 hours from now.




    I am sorry being late, Pandanator. I will reply soon.



    Dear Pandanator:

    You are welcome and thank you for being here!

    It has been extremely stressful with one thing after another, a potential cancer“- has cancer been ruled out?

    I tend to try to believe that everyone deep down is a good person“- everyone deep down is a good person, but in too many people (and 1 is too many), that good-person deep inside is trapped, mute and powerless, deep inside a bad person. (am not saying that he is a bad person)

    I am the one adding the boldface feature selectively in the following quote: “Based on the conversation, he seemed to be confused.. The whole relationship he was just very confused and was a hot/cold person. He would be super happy to see me one day and then a week later seemed like he wanted nothing to do with me and was always judging me”-

    – seems to me that he had a parent who unexpectedly changed from good (affectionate, supportive) to bad (hostile, abusive) and he projected that parent into you, shifting from seeing you as good (and responding to his perception of you as good by being super happy to see you, acting hot), and seeing you as bad (and responding to his perception of you as bad by acting like he wanted nothing to do with you, acting cold).

    His confusion may very well be about who you are, good or bad, friendly or hostile; a confusion that’s a result of his projection of a parent into you, and therefore not being able to clearly see who you are. It is very common for a person to project a parent into a romantic partner.

    “I do feel very guilty over blocking him as I do believe he is a good person…  he was super friendly the week before when I snapped and told him to stop playing games…  All I can think is I am probably not as good as the other girl he ended up with”-

    – think, if you will, that he was possibly projecting an abusive parent into you, and his behavior was not .. about you. If I am correct, then he will do a similar kind of projection into his new girlfriend.

    I do tend to be a chronic overthinker and an anxious-attachment person. It is something I want to work on. I am really trying not to think about the whole thing but it is quite an enigma“- an enigma that can be solved if you knew about his childhood. You know how your childhood is powerful in your current, adult life (causing your chronic overthinking and anxious attachment style), do you..?  Same about  his childhood.

    What do you think?



    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for writing that. I had not thought of that but the more I think about it it makes sense into my head. He does seem to come from a family that will judge others easily. It is something that is foreign to me as I was raised the complete opposite where my mother always encouraged me to look at life through various angles. I had never known that projection was a thing. It an interesting perspective that I think can help me analyze my own life as well. I maybe had been projecting my own emotions during the entire time without knowing it

    Also do not worry about being late! We all have lives and priorities. It is very kind of you to offer advice to others during your own spare time.


    Dear Pandanator:

    You are welcome!  “He does seem to come from a family that will judge others easily“-  I came from such family myself. My mother was very, very judgmental, that was her #1 trait, and so, I didn’t have the .. space to make (what was in her eyes) mistakes because she didn’t tolerate my mistakes and punished me for them. I lived in distress, fearing the next mistake, repeatedly resolving that “from now on, I will be perfect; from now on I will make no mistakes”  but I failed every time. Living like that was like holding my breath in, too scared to exhale.

    It is something that is foreign to me as I was raised the complete opposite where my mother always encouraged me to look at life through various angles“- my mother allowed only ONE angle, her own angle, no other angles allowed.

    Also do not worry about being late! We all have lives and priorities. It is very kind of you to offer advice to others during your own spare time“- this is very kind of you to add this, to.. give me space to be late/ to make a mistake. So, in communication with you.. I can be relaxed enough to exhale (unless I inaccurately project my mother into you).

    I had never known that projection was a thing. It an interesting perspective that I think can help me analyze my own life as well. I maybe had been projecting my own emotions during the entire time without knowing it“- we all project our emotions all the time, it’s healthy and normal when our projections are accurate-enough. For example: when you see someone in pain and you feel sorry for them, it’s because you felt pain before, it felt badly for you, and you assume (project) that the other person experiences pain similarly, as something that’s bad.

    Problem is when our projections are not accurate at all. For example: when my mother looked at me silently (just looking at me without saying anything), I knew there was trouble coming, that she was going to punish me. Fast forward, far away from her, when I notice that someone is looking at me silently.. I feel distressed, angry, like the person is thinking negative things about me and I am about to be punished. This has always been- that I remember- an inaccurate projection.

    In your original post, you wrote: “The relationship was quite toxic… I ended up just blocking him from contacting me as I don’t want to get hurt again but I do feel very guilty over that”- do you know why you feel or felt very guilty for blocking a toxic person.. or is it that part of you believes that you are the toxic person?



    Hi anita,

    I am sorry for the late reply as I have been busy with work the past few days. I had been thinking about what you had said and had tried to formulate some words.

    Part of me believes that I was the toxic person as I had perhaps pushed him away a bit. Maybe he got scared when I opened up about all the health stuff I was going through. It was odd he had left for a few days on vacation afterwards and came back like a whole different person and began to complain that I was not writing him enough or letting him do things for me. Had he given me the opportunity I would have tried harder however he did not. Part of me blames myself for the way everything ended up as had I not been sick and constantly exhausted I wouldn’t have ruined my relationship. I have always been a very independent person and try to do things for myself if I can but maybe that was something that irritated him. Maybe I should have just kept that all to myself, however, I felt that I should have explained everything but maybe I ended up overcommunicating and being negative.

    At the same time everyone has told me that I am not toxic and I seem to be gaslighting myself. I had tried to communicate and be supportive but whenever I did I was just shut down. I truly think I am a kind person but maybe I was not assertive enough for him. I was always afraid to argue with him as he couldn’t seem to handle it and would just shut down. It felt like I had to walk on eggshells if I wanted to get a point across. He just always seemed so unsure about everything he had to do but he never really seemed like he wanted to work on himself as a person

    I have been trying to distract myself from thinking about all of this and not getting caught up in that thought tornado as it is not a good thing. I just keep on trying not to compare myself to this other girl.



    Dear Pandanator:

    No problem at all with you replying.. whenever you reply, good to read back from you.  I will be back to your thread Sun morning, in about 14 hours and reply further.



    Dear Pandanator:

    I do tend to be a chronic overthinker and an anxious-attachment person… getting caught up in that thought tornado as it is not a good thing“- can’t find physical stability in a tornado; can’t find cognitive stability (clarity) in a thought-tornado.

    Part of me believes that I was the toxic person…  Part of me blames myself… maybe I ended up overcommunicating and being negative… Maybe I was not assertive enough for him… I was always afraid to argue with him as he couldn’t seem to handle it and would just shut down. It felt like I had to walk on eggshells if I wanted to get a point across“-

    -I am sure that you were not Perfect in the relationship, that you didn’t always say/ do the right thing at the right time, and neither did he. No one is Perfect and Everyone has issues. And so, like in every romantic relationship,  there are issues you brought to the relationship, and issues he brought to the relationship. And then, complicated further, the mix of his pre-existing issues and your pre-existing issues created new issues particular to the relationship.

    Within this confusing mix of issues there are the issues you mentioned in the quote above: self-blame, lack of assertiveness, overcommunicating, walking on eggshells.

    * You wrote that you were always afraid to argue with him: can you give me an example of a situation in the relationship where you felt the need to argue with him (and by argue, what do you mean)?

    You mentioned thought tornado (“getting caught up in that thought tornado“). The center of a physical tornado, aka the eye of the tornado, is calm. It seems to me that in the eye of your thought-tornado, there is a girl who while growing up was innocent, loving and eager to please. But then (leaving that calm center), this innocent girl blamed herself for things she was not at all guilty of…?



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