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  • #156288

    Dear Lisa:

    As to your first comment in your most recent post, that you lost a couple of people because you didn’t respond to them fast enough: not necessarily so. Often, here on these very forums, when original posters do respond very quickly to people posting on their threads (respondents), the respondents do not post again to the original poster.

    Regarding  “If someone treats me less I am imagining it, if someone bullies me I am misinterpreting their meaning”- we do move the information from our environment through our brains, through our prior life experiences. A child does not have prior experience, so her understanding of the environment is accurate. Adults’ understandings is subject to the prior experience.

    At times you are treated disrespectfully, as less than. At other times you are misinterpreting people’s actions to mean that they treat you as less than. At times you are being bullies; at other times you are misinterpreting.

    The key is to discern at what times you are really treated as less than, and then respond accordingly and at what times you were treated fine and misinterpreted it as being treated less than, and then respond- or not- according to what it is, in reality.

    Almost everyone misinterprets others’ behaviors. Some more than others. Let’s say, as an example, that you feel that I think less of you because of something I wrote, that I treated you as less than. You can ask me: what did you mean by (what I wrote). Did you mean (what you interpreted)- and I will answer you honestly. You can check, at least with some people, their intent or motivation in having written or said this or that. That way you check the accuracy- or lack of accuracy- of your interpretation.

    Hope you feel better soon. Post anytime.



    Hi, Lisa,

    I just wanted to share my observations with you.

    You surely know the saying, “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Somebody else said (I think it was Leo Tolstoy) that we are loved by X not because we are so smart, beautiful, intelligent, kind, etc., but because X is smart, beautiful, intelligent, kind, etc.

    I find this more and more to be true.

    The reason for a man to stop interaction with a woman after two weeks and lots of excitement and promises, for another man to stop interaction after what seemed to be more of a friendly and stable relationship of six months and for still another to want to see her consistently lies mostly with the man, not with the woman (provided that she is stable and aware of what she wants and what she is doing).

    Likewise, the reason for the very same woman to find one of the disappearing men more attractive than the one who keeps on being eager to see her, lies with the woman, and she would need to inspect closely what it is and why it is so.

    There are a few stories even here, on Tiny Buddha, where people have been actively searching for a partner and after lots of trials (I believe dreaming715 had dates with 27 men before she found her current boyfriend) did find it. Anita highly recommends online dating. I did some research and can tell that a partner can be found almost anywhere anytime – starting with online dating and vacations in a different country to meeting through one’s family, friends, places of study, work or hobbies (these are most common and most reliable ways) to even running into a partner on a parking lot of a store.

    One more observation that I am sure you can relate to. I know a few women, whom I admire and feel affinity for. Guess what – some of them have been single all the lives, some are happily married, some have an on and off relationship with their partner and some are divorced because their husbands had left them for somebody else. And the opposite is true – I am sure you have met some women and thought that there was no way they could be married – just look at what b***s they are – and yet, they are. And their husbands adore them. Or maybe not. Or they are indeed single. It does seem to be all in the psychological issues of those who are with or around them/us or in us if we are with or around somebody (good or bad for us).

    And finally, when I talked about this to two well-grounded male friends of mine, one of them said, “You just haven’t found him yet”, and the other’s response was, “Have patience, everything will come.”

    So my takeout is that nothing is guaranteed, it is all up to the chance, but we need to do all in our power to increase those chances (if we want it). This “patience” must be proactive, yet comfortable for us.

    Anyway, just my two cents.

    Take care,



    Thank you. If it wasn’t for here I would have no one to turn to. I am in a situation now where someone acted differently when talking to me than she did with others. Why should I even describe this…nothing makes a difference. I don’t know how a woman who never had bad intentions, loved school, wants friendship, romance, works hard can be in a position of not being respected by a boss of a low paying job, not secure in my home, ignored by men and manipulated by selfish women and tolerated being in a family, always thought the worst of, shown publicly that I am not worth what other women are worth and then being made out to be a villian for being upset about it.

    I just have to talk. I’m tired of being told in actions that I am a nobody and I can’t be upset about it. I never valued money but I am thinking that maybe that would be the best thing for me. To have enough money to get away from everyone so I don’t have to feel hurt anymore. I wouldn’t have to see or interact with anyone. Unfortunality I have never wanted or valued money so I certainly don’t have it so I am stuck.

    Idon’t know what to do.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.

    Dear Lisa:

    Will be bac to your thread in the morning, less than ten hours from now, with a fresh brain. You wrote that you are stuck- well you are not stuck alone. You can always post here and I, for one, will reply. Till the morrow, do something nice for yourself, however small. Something nice.



    Dear Lisa:

    I am back four hours later than I stated above.

    You wrote in your last post that you never had bad intentions, that you loved school, that you want friendships and romance, and yet, you are repeatedly disrespected and treated as worth less than other women, working a low paying job, not safe at home (and not owning one, as you indicated before), ignored by men and manipulated by selfish women. And then when you are upset at this great injustice, others indicate to you that you are responsible for these things (I am borrowing from previous posts), that you are “a villain”.

    As a committed respondent to your thread, I understand that you cannot take an ounce of criticism from anyone, you stated this. Not that I am interested in criticizing you- not at all. Criticism is the last thing you need. The problem I am having is that you are likely to view any suggestion on my part as criticism.

    And so, I am not going to suggest anything to you. You need to vent, to express yourself, so please do, keep expressing. At the most, I will repeat back to you, as I did on this post, what you express.

    Keep posting, Lisa, for as long as it is somewhat helpful.



    I could have bet money that men wouldn’t post on my thread. I know a man that I have to interact with everyday who never initiates a conversation with me because of a bit of truth I gave him in October. October. I have had people say awful things to me and the next day I would talk to them. I say something and I am dismissed eternally. A woman who we have to interact everyday has slowly made friends with the men while quite often being edgy with me that I felt she was trying to unerve me. It came to the point where I felt like I was made out to be the villian and I just shut down and avoided everyone. Well she is having a crisis right now and I am very concerned about her and we have been getting along because I have been trying to help her. I truly am concerned for her and I dont want to be selfish but no one gave me the freedom to be in a crisis by showing so much concern for me. Especially the men who seem to want to help her and I am nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if one man blamed me for her being upset. I am the horrible horrible woman but she is cared for. It’s not about not wanting someone else to be cared for but what about me? One man who is also going through a family crisis did speak pleasant to me but I think it’s because we have to get along. The other man will answer me plainly like I am a voice from the air but thats it. Nothing more. He is so concerned about the other woman and again this is not about not wanting him to be concerned…it’s about the complete dismissal of me. I was a pretty, talented, bright girl. All women that speak their mind are dismissed unless if course they make it on their own.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.

    The man who doesn’t talk to me….I have tried numerous times to engage in friendky conversation with him and I get plain answers or answering ss he is walking away. I am suppose to feel this is my fault??? His complete dismissal of me like all men do to certain women is all my fault?????

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.

    Why don’t people stop letting men off the hook? They put women in categories. The worthies and the unworthies and the unworthies better treat the worthies with respect or they will be in trouble. Don’t ever call out the worthies either. You will be attacked.

    The worst thing about the feminist movement is the thought that everything masculine was better now men have more freedom than the ever did. They can treat women like recycling. They won’t get called out on anything and they dont love anyone forever but themselves.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.

    Dear Lisa:

    Like I wrote in my last post to you, “I will repeat back to you, as I did on this post, what you express”, and so, I am repeating what you shared in your three posts of yesterday:

    This is what you shared, what you believe: Men are selfish, they only love themselves. They place women into two categories: The Worthy (“the worthies”) and the Unworthy (“the unworthies”). Women in both categories are not allowed to speak their minds, to challenge the men. If women in the Worthy category challenge men, men will respond by removing them from the Worthy category and placing them in the Unworthy category.

    Men recycle the Unworthy and treat them like they are nothing. They show concern and take care of women in the Worthy category, but show no concern and no caring to women in the Unworthy category. Men expect women in the Unworthy category not only to never challenge them, but also to never challenge the women in the Worthy category.

    Men have placed you, Lisa, in the Unworthy category. The placement was done a long time ago, when you were a girl, even though you were “a pretty, talented, bright girl”. Unexplainably, you don’t know why, boys have placed in the Unworthy category, a category you have been stuck in your whole life.

    Unlike other women in the Unworthy category, you speak your mind, you challenge men and you challenge women in the Worthy category. For that you are punished by the men, eternally dismissed, and attacked by the women in the Worthy category. Because you challenge men and those women, you are made out to be a villain, a horrible, horrible woman.






    When I vent I use words in any way I like unless I am speaking officially.  It’s artistic license. I am quite capable unlike many people I grew up with to change the way I express myself.

    I would have liked to hear your thoughts on what I said but I will guess that you do not believe what I said to be true…if you want proof just look at every independant woman known to the general public. She’s ok if she keeps a low profile but she won’t make any top ten lists men make of women. The ones who do not keep a low profile are called openly excepted insulting names for women. If women do not except that this happens then these women fight alone which is demoralizing. I can actually hear men laughing at the fact that women do not support other women. They have room to laugh.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.

    You know I really hate that I can not edit my entries. I tried to report my last post hoping it would give me the option of what I find needs correction but it doesn’t. frustrated. I am tired of being a joke.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.

    This is the scenario. Men and worthwhile women laughing at me and intelligent women not seeing it. This is a problem for me and other women who will not play the game.


    Dear Lisa:

    Indeed, you have the right to use words any way you like, as long as you are not abusive (and you haven’t been abusive here). You have the right to express yourself authentically, and I am glad you did.

    You wrote that you would have liked to read my thoughts. I didn’t know that you would. Now that I do, I will be glad to share my thoughts with you regarding what you believe to be reality, as I summarized in my last post to you:

    I believe that there is truth to what you believe but it is not the whole truth. The part that is true is that yes, especially in certain cultures, and quite widespread, men do place women in categories, the “good girls” worthy of marriage, and the “bad girls” not worthy of marriage. The “bad girls” are used for sex and disrespected while the “good girls” are used as mothers of their children and treated with respect (other than being cheated on with the “bad girls” and continuing to do so no matter how painful their cheating is to their wives).

    It is true that the “good girls” turned wives resent the “bad girls” and attack them, verbally at the least, keeping the “bad girls” as far away as they can from their lives (and their husbands’ lives, unsuccessfully).

    It is also true that women are being put down by many men, in public, or otherwise, for being outspoken and assertive, being made fun of for not being feminine and so forth.

    The part of what you believe that is untrue is that ALL men place women in these categories, that these categories are as rigid as in being lifetime, a sort of fate. That whenever a man is pleasant to you it is because he has to, that he is necessarily not authentic being pleasant or kind to you. There are many men who do not at all enjoy the power status you believe they have. Many men who feel women are the stronger gender and they behave accordingly. There are men who believe women are an equal gender and behave accordingly.

    I believe that people and the world is not as rigid as you believe it is. I believe it is not predetermined for you to be “Alone”, the title of your thread. I believe that you were not destined to an Unworthy category.



    I think what you said about the “good girls” and the “bad girls” was more prevalent years ago. Now that no one calls out a man for divorcing his older wife for a younger woman the older women are now “the bad girls” and the younger ones are “the good girls.”

    Regardless of what year it is men never see any woman as a person. I can not tell you how much I love the women out there who can effectively tell them off and have everything they have earned without them to back it up.


    Dear Lisa:

    Do you have a response to this part of my last post to you: “There are many men who do not at all enjoy the power status you believe they have. Many men who feel women are the stronger gender and they behave accordingly. There are men who believe women are an equal gender and behave accordingly”



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