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  • This topic has 412 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by anita.
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  • #168164

    Just for anyone: I can really relate to this song of Madonna’s as I can with many others. I believe this song was released in 2003 I believe. I have leaned on her to be my voice when I have not been able to speak for so many years. I just want to post the lyrics because they might be helpful to someone else, not as part of my conversation unless someone is interested in discussing it.

    I’m not myself when you’re around

    I’m not myself standing in a crowd
    I’m not myself and I don’t know how
    I’m not myself, myself right now

    Jesus Christ will you look at me
    Don’t know who I’m supposed to be
    Don’t really know if I should give a damn
    When you’re around, I don’t know who I am

    I’m not myself when you go quiet
    I’m not myself alone at night
    I’m not myself, don’t know who to call
    I’m not myself at all

    Jesus Christ will you look at me
    Don’t know who I’m supposed to be
    Don’t really know if I should give a damn
    When you’re around, I don’t know who I am

    I always wished that I could find someone as beautiful as you
    But in the process I forgot that I was special too

    I’m not myself when you’re around
    I’m not myself standing in a crowd
    I’m not myself and I don’t know how
    I’m not myself, myself right now

    Jesus Christ will you look at me
    Don’t know who I’m supposed to be
    Don’t really know if I should give a damn
    When you’re around, I don’t know who I am

    I always wished that I could find someone as beautiful as you
    But in the process I forgot that I was special too
    I always wished that I could find someone as talented as you
    But in the process I forgot that I was just as good as you


    I understand why lyrics I just posted are awaiting moderation. I should have just posted the versus that I can relate to the most. I didn’t realize until after the fact that not everyone might enjoy all the lyrics, I apologize. The song just means so much to me. I would like to repost an edited version with only the more universal lyrics appearing if I could? I should have done that.

    Thank you,

    Again I apologize.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.

    Dear Lisa:

    Underneath your question: “what did they do to deserve that and what did I do to deserve to be alone?”, there is a belief in justice, in people being rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad behavior.

    For there to be justice, there has to be someone observing the lives of many millions of people, recording their good deeds and their bad deeds and then proceeding to coordinate events so to punish the doers of bad deeds and reward the doers of good deeds.

    If that was the case, then your frustration is understandable: how is it that those who bullied you have families while their victim is Alone?

    In reality there is justice sometimes, when there is someone administering it: in school it is a teacher; in the criminal system, it is a judge or a jury. 

    But otherwise who is it that administers justice? Who is giving us tests and grading us (as teachers do) and who is it that reviews evidence for or against us (as judges or juries do)?

    If there is no one doing this job, then there is no justice.

    Make your beliefs, Lisa, congruent with reality and your mental health will benefit.



    In a world where people pay attention to the big picture and not on the frivolous details…charactor would be rewarded. We are all human beings and should pay attention to how people treat one another. Someone should have stepped in and corrected people who have bullied me but they didn’t. If you believe in people then I say people I would think are quite able of recognizing good deeds and bad deeds. Should we ignore the way someone treats someone else because they flatter us?

    I would also think that someone somewhere would be attracted to someone who feels deeply, tries to do what is right, works hard…but is most of society in love with getting something from someone as their only reason for being attracted to that person? I have seen women act helpless and needy in order to get men to do things for them that they are too lazy to do for themselves…and he doesn’t seem to see it. She gets rewarded for being a con artist and it should be known that she is being a con artist because he should be able to see it. Bullies are often nice to people they can get something from.

    I do not think it is a mental health problem to believe in negative or positive energy influencing people. I am very spiritual and have open beliefs. I consider everything and dismiss very little. I also on a logical level consider the odds against the all too frequent coincidences in my life. I am open to ideas because no one can give me a logical explanation for these happenings.

    Real people are not held in high regard…and if you are a woman you definately better steer clear of being real. All it will do is bring you loneliness but I still say hang on to being real no matter much of target you are and no matter how much it hurts.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.

    My advice is to be real no matter how much of a target you are and no matter how much it hurts. You will be lonely but have your integrity.

    Most women choose not to be lonely.


    Dear Lisa:

    I think that there is much courage in your determination “to be real no matter how much of a target you are and no matter how much it hurts”.

    You wrote: “I would also think that someone somewhere would be attracted to someone who feels deeply, tries to do what is right, works hard” but instead you observed that men are attracted to women who, unlike you, “act helpless and needy in order to get men to do things for them that they are too lazy to do for themselves”-

    when a man is attracted to a woman, let’s say, a decent man who cares about the issue of character, who is a hard worker himself, who treats others well, it is not only whether the woman is a hard worker that he will be a part of his attraction or lack of attraction to her. How the woman relates to him is a very important part of his attraction, or lack of.

    For example: a woman may feel deeply, try to do what is right and work hard, but at times expresses much unprovoked anger and hostility toward him. She feels hurt and anger deeply, believing (incorrectly) that he has hurt her. In her mind she is trying to do what is right, punishing him for hurting her by calling him names etc., and she still works hard as an employee.

    In my example, are you saying that the man should feel attracted to that woman who feels deeply, tries to do what is right and works hard?



    I haven’t been able to sit and collect my thoughts many times this month. I am trying but work….


    Dear Lisa:

    Anytime you do have the time to collect your thoughts and post will be fine with me. No rush.



    I am sitting in my cafe feeling invisible. I have my goals in front of me in a book. I am trying to get back to them.

    I got into it slightly with my boss yesterday because I was exhausted and I have to be at full strength to deal with him or at least 1/2 way there.  He doesn’t care what comes up…if something comes up that is out of your control it is simply your fault. Nothing changes with him. The tide never shifts. I adjust to what comes up. He doesn’t. We are complete opposites yet I have to see him today yet again. I work when I am sick, I work even though my knee feels like it is going to fall off. He has more respect for people half my age who spend quite a bit of time on their phones when I won’t bring my phone with me on the floor. He only cares about things that can be seen by the clients getting done. I care about the inner workings and quality of care offered that is unseen. He cares about the surface; I care about what is going on underneath. I am yet again stuck working for someone like this. These people unfortunality always seem to be the ones in control today.

    Getting sway from my boss…I felt bitter again yesterday. I feel taken advantage of. Younger people have no problem letting me do the heavier work because I will not cleverly not take my break at work to avoid being the extra person. You see at my work if you take s break you sometimes end up the extra person that has to do more strenuous work. My work ethic and my not wanting to stick someone else…of course I end up the extra person. What really frustrates me is (my boss again) is that my boss doesn’t give a flip that the younger people do this. He micromanages all over the place, tells you things you already know but doesn’t care if one worker basically lets another do more work than they do if they can get away with it. I felt/feel like a loser because no one wants to rescue me. No one cares that I am in pain. I worry about others but they fon’t worry about me. I come in every time someone calls out. I am responsible…I pride myself on being intelligent maybe not socially but I don’t feel my boss appreciates my intelligence because I do not respond well to his machine like personality in the work world. I can praise my boss for his organization skills and wanting things to be orderly but I don’t always see him as genuine and I think he lacks communication skills. I am an artist but I feel trapped and society the way it is today feels very suffocating for someone with an artistic personality. I am hurting my body and mind daily for very little money to just barely survive.

    I am feeling trapped and unworthy again and feel that if I am hurt by it than I become even more of an outcast. I feel as if I have a rule from every other person on the planet. You will like your situation Lisa or you will not even get a Good Morning or so much as a Hi from any of us. One complaint and we ignore you…The woman sitting not far from you..”What can we do to help her?” That’s right, she is more important than you…and after she gets attention everyone states how courageous she is. That’s the way it is and you will like it.

    The only thing that keeps me at my current job is my clients. I feel like I will abandon them if I leave.

    If one man would just talk to me. Make an effort then I would feel a glimmer of hope.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.

    Dear Lisa:

    In your last post you wrote, not necessarily in this order: “I work when I am sick, I work even though my knee feels like it is going to fall off. ..I am responsible…I pride myself on being intelligent…but I don’t feel my boss appreciates my intelligence… I am an artist but I… I am hurting my body and mind daily for very little money to just barely survive… no one wants to rescue me. No one cares that I am in pain..If one man would just talk to me. Make an effort then I would feel a glimmer of hope.”

    Like Cinderella. The Cinderella story I know is about a girl forced into servitude, made to work day and night doing menial chores. She bears abuse patiently. One day, the Prince invites all the young ladies in the land to a royal ball, planning to choose a wife. Cinderella was not able to attend, and she cried in despair. Her Fairy Godmother who magically appears and immediately begins to transform Cinderella from house servant to the young lady she was by birth. She turns a pumpkin to a golden carriage, mice into horses, a rat into a coachman, and lizards into footmen. She turns Cinderella’s rags into a beautiful jeweled gown, complete with a delicate pair of glass slippers. She is warned that she must return before midnight, when the spells will be broken.

    You know how the story turns out: Cinderella is rescued by the Prince and she gets to live the Princess life she was always meant to live.

    Like Cinderella, you do menial work. Like Cinderella, you are meant for better things (being an artist, by birth perhaps, intelligent, and practicing superior ethics). Like Cinderella, your attributes are not recognized. Like Cinderella you are abused, mistreated. And like Cinderella, you are waiting to be rescued by a man.

    Unlike Cinderella, you don’t live in a world where there are fairy godmothers, spells, and magical transformations. There are no Princes. Only humans.






    Not a good week…not a good life.


    Dear Lisa:

    Less than two weeks ago, you shared a song you relate to, part of it is:

    “Don’t know who I’m supposed to be
    Don’t really know if I should give a damn
    When you’re around, I don’t know who I am
    I always wished that I could find someone as beautiful as you
    But in the process I forgot that I was special too”

    Who is Lisa “supposed to be”? While waiting for the man you “always wished that (you) could find”, the one to care for your pain, the one to rescue you, did you forget that you were special too?




    The problem Anita is that I haven’t thought of myself as special since I was about 11 years old. I believe in the song for sure. I believe in the words and the idea of it is what I really relate to. Thank you for mentioning it because I really do believe in it’s message. In reality I really believe it for other people and wanted to share it mostly for that reason. I guess I love the words so much because they really represent the ultimate destination for me. If I could get there where I believed in my own self worth without any help then everything would fall into place.

    I have rewritten my goals and have made elaborate flash cards and felt inspired to pursue my goals again. A place that I have wanted to work at…it seems they have rejected me yet again. It’s a place that pays well, has excellent benefits but I am yet again rejected and kept in a job that takes it’s toll on me physically and has no medical benefits. I can’t see a doctor or afford to go to the eye doctor…I am sad because I know how good of a worker I am. Anyway, I will try to work through this. It’s been a stress filled couple of weeks.

    I will try to get back on track.

    I guess I just have seen men going out of their way for some women with little work from them to deserve anyone going out of their way.

    I realize everything you are saying though.

    I just have go get back on track.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.

    Dear Lisa:

    Life is not just, and therefore, expecting justice is not realistic. You are a good worker and yet you were not hired for a job better than the one you have. You look at people around you and see injustice, unfairness. But then, this is the world we live in and it is not going to change in this regard any time soon. All we can do, individuals who care about justice and fairness, is make individual choices with these values in mind.

    I appreciate you sharing the song you believe in. You wrote: “If I could get there where I believed in my own self worth without any help then everything would fall into place”- that would be wonderful, I you did believe in your self worth. That would be wonderful.




    Thank you Anita.

    I am feeling a tremendous amount of guilt right now. I have been hired by the new job I was seeking and start tomorrow morning. I go into my current job tomorrow afternoon. My current boss text me and asked if I could work a earlier shift and I couldn’t because of the new job. He never asks me to do this on Monday. It makes me think that my new job already called him as a reference. I am not even sure what set schedule they want me for but I told them that I would have to give my current job 2 weeks notice. I hope that is enough notice? If I can only get part time at my new job I would like to keep a couple of days at my current job. The transition is always rough.

    I also feel guilty because I feel like I am abandoning the ones at my current job who I care for during the week. I have no medical benefits at my current job, I can not work longer hours because it is too physically demanding and my new job pays more…but all my decisions usually are based on how I feel. I love who I care for but my boss is not a joy to work with, I have no benefits other than the knowledge that I can give love and caregiving.

    I am also anxious about this new job. It’s not my dream job and I have to work with the public again. I have to be calm. I can not cry or get upset even though the inevitable rude customers and mandatory rude co worker that I always seem to find at each one of my jobs will be there.

    I am not meant for this world. I am so anxious right now. I feel like the only way I can deal with the public, my current boss, future boss, people I love, people I respect whom I feel I would be abandoning, animals that receive my care and hugs….I feel the only way I can deal with all of this is to be numb. I can never be numb though. To deal with my new job though it would be best if I was numb. Most people can deal with these things but I have trouble and usually have no one to guide me. This is the only place I can turn. I should be happy for myself for getting a new job that will lead to medical benefits but I can’t help being consumed by guilt. I feel awkward too because my current boss is not easy to talk to.

    I can never be truly happy because I want to be creative and I want to have gone to school and want to have had my own home by now and I wanted to have a family but all I can do is work and feel anxious all the time. I hate that I have to work all the time. I hate living paycheck to paycheck. I hate having the will to help people and animals but almost never having the way.

    I am just having a meltdown because I am worried about possibly leaving my current job and all this awkwardness. I have to tell him tomorrow that I have a new job and that I will have to cut down my days or have to give 2 weeks notice all together.

    I am crying now of course. Why do I have to be upset all the time? I feel guilty and hate money. The need for money is keeping me from doing what I love and constantly scrounging.

    I have to vent.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Lisa.
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