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Participant@wigirl said:
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think that sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to find our “passion”. Had you asked me as a kid what I want to be when I grow up, what I’m doing in my career would have never crossed my mind. On paper, my job sounds so mind-numbingly boring that you would wonder why anyone in her right mind would want to do it. For me, it’s what you make of it. I enjoy the people in my office. They are like a second family to me. I feel secure, content and make good money to put towards things that really fuel my fire, like a trek through the Himalayas, a nice car, my own home with a dog and backyard, music concerts with my friends and more. Do I feel like I’m changing the world in my work? Not necessarily, but it’s a job that I can take pride in anyway because I do the best I can do and see the progress I make each day. I work to live, not live to work. You’re right that we spend so much of our time devoted to our work that it should be something we can enjoy. That said, we have our free time to pursue hobbies and interests as well – it’s about setting a healthy work/life balance. Get out there and perform your music! But don’t pressure yourself into feeling like you need to parlay it into a career. Play for fun on the weekends and as your experience and fan following grows, you may be able to make a living off it. But if you don’t, you can sure have fun doing it. You have your whole life ahead of you. You have not wasted any time. You’ll find the right path in time. Don’t feel like you need to know right now where that path will take you – that’s the joy of life. You just jump in and do what you gotta do and as you move through life you will be presented with new opportunities that may take you in a whole new direction. Go easy on yourself, friend. You can do this 🙂This was eye-opening advice for me. Thank you so much for posting 🙂 I’ve been fighting myself for the past year and a half about my job not being my passion and how I’m wasting my life doing something that isn’t my passion. So refreshing to hear a different take on that!!
ParticipantHyo, I feel like I could have written your original post myself. I too am feeling rather angry at the whole system that only seems to set us up for failure. I have a degree that I’m not even using and working two jobs I don’t enjoy just to pay the bills (and student loans). I am frustrated and quite stagnant at this point.
gen, thank you for your response and I look forward to other responses on this post as well.
ParticipantWill, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging response. I think it’s definitely important to remind myself that no one is happy all of the time. I think I have an idealistic view of what “normal” looks like and get down on myself when I can’t achieve it.
I will definitely keep your tips with me at all times. Thanks so much again.
Participant🙂 i wish you the best of luck! 🙂
ParticipantYou sound like a sensitive person, like me. I had a similar situation when I was 22 (huge fight with egotistical friend, I moved away and worried incessantly about the lies she was spreading about me to friends in my old town). I finally just came to the conclusion that it really didn’t matter what others think about me. The truth is, you could be as close to perfect as possible and someone will still disapprove. You literally cannot base your self worth on someone else’s opinion. What makes them so holier than thou that they can dictate how you feel about yourself??
Losing a friend is hard, but I will tell you that anyone who acts that way is lashing out for a reason. Jealousy, emptiness, who knows what she is feeling inside, but it’s definitely not a reflection of you in any way. It’s a reflection of her lacking something in her life. People don’t behave that way because of something YOU did to them, they behave that way because they choose to.
Congratulations on getting into school! What a huge accomplishment. College changes a lot of things about you. I know when I went to college I was fairly certain of who I was, and four years later I was a completely different person (with completely different friends, by the way) and it was OKAY! It’s normal to be a little scared of the unknown, and change usually does make people a little uneasy. But instead of fighting that fear and obsessing over it, I suggest you realize that it’s an adventure, and worrying about it and being afraid of the possibilities is just going to ruin your entire experience. You have to seek an open mind and open heart, especially when trying something new.
I know a lot of people on this site will have better advice for you, but I just wanted to post to let you know that things are okay, you are okay, and you are loved just as you are. You don’t have to be a certain way for anyone else. Just be yourself. And if you aren’t sure who that person is, just start exploring! I’m 26 and still clueless. It’s okay! We don’t have to have everything figured out.
Participanti wish i could help you out but i struggle with the same thing myself!
ParticipantHang in there and keep putting yourself out there for opportunities. I’ve found that when you emit positivity, positive things will come to you. I know that college sets people up to expect that things will be great and easy and wonderful but the job market is tough right now. Just remember you are still VERY young, you DO have a bright future ahead of you and things will get better. I know it’s easy to think time is slipping away and you’re missing your chance at life but I’m finding that it’s a common thing for 20-somethings to feel that way. I’m 26 and I feel that way all the time…I have a job but it’s certainly not my passion in life and I feel like I haven’t even begun the path I thought I was setting out on after college!
Participanti haven’t been formally diagnosed with anything but i do experience severe anxiety when my boyfriend leaves or a good friend leaves after a fun weekend and i find myself alone for the first time in a few days. i usually end up feeling horribly depressed, panicky, and desolate. i feel completely alone and a little bit scared. is this at all what you’re feeling?
i haven’t found a good way of dealing with it, either. i used to try to distract myself but that doesn’t work anymore. i have long thought that maybe having a pet or something would help (just to remind me i’m not alone and everything is okay)…but i don’t know for sure if that would work.
i do know this website is great and maybe posting here when you’re anxious will help remind you that there are people all over the place who care for you and are thinking about you! 🙂
ParticipantI struggle with being passive aggressive in an attempt to manipulate people’s responses to me. I want to really focus on being straightforward with my feelings and see how that affects my relationships. 🙂
May 19, 2014 at 7:32 am in reply to: How to deal with people who think the world of themselves… #56542LaReason
ParticipantRuminant that’s such a good point, one that I really need to be more aware of. I pride myself on my sarcasm, it makes people laugh. But at the same time I’ve realized that even my sarcastic “good humored” making fun of myself is actually damaging to my perception of myself..and it’s also a way of hiding from how I truly feel about myself. It’s almost impossible for me to compliment myself and not feel guilty afterwards. I am going to make a point of noticing when I insult myself (or anyone else) and try to become more aware of my thoughts projecting themselves that way.
May 16, 2014 at 1:57 pm in reply to: How to deal with people who think the world of themselves… #56420LaReason
Participanti definitely believe i may be codependent. i find myself trying to manipulate others’ reactions often, and i hate conflict. i literally get a panic attack just thinking about someone being angry with me or thinking poorly of me.
you rock, Ruminant. thank you so much for your wise advice. going to re-read it several times now so it sinks in!
May 16, 2014 at 11:49 am in reply to: How to deal with people who think the world of themselves… #56411LaReason
Participantwow. you guys truly are amazing! i feel like i just got slapped in the face, in a GOOD way, in a “WAKE UP!” kind of way. i feel like i understand the situation much more rationally now.
The Ruminant-THANK YOU for calling me out on being passive aggressive. you have no idea what a light-bulb that is for me. i am incredibly passive aggressive and i can see now how that response is not a helpful one. how would you suggest learning to go about expressing anger and frustration in a more straight-forward way? i will definitely check out that book.
Utpal-thanks so much for empathizing and for your advice. you are absolutely right in that i need to learn how to control my response rather than just firing back at someone in my attempt to “stand up for myself”.
Inky- i think you are certainly right in that people view me as someone they can kick around so when i stand up for myself they’re like “hah, yeah right. you’re not going to challenge me. who do you think you are??” and i also think you’re right that i’m better off without those people in my life, and that their “confidence” in themselves isn’t as secure as it may seem. they obviously have something going on or they wouldn’t say and do the things they do.
ParticipantZita, I seriously could have written your initial post myself. I was in a very, very similar relationship for 3 years and it ended very much the same way, long-distance, phone call. Another girl in the picture. I had spent 3 years fighting, dealing with abuse (physical and emotional) and being told I wasn’t good enough to marry, that he loved me but didn’t want to marry me, couldn’t see us together in the future, etc. Extremely hurtful things, and my self-esteem was already seriously low. I was definitely co-dependent on him and even three years after the break-up, the sight or even thought of him with that girl he left me for would make me literally want to throw up. I blamed myself, thought it was my shortcomings and things about myself that I can’t change (the way I look, the things I like to do, etc) that made him leave.
Fast forward 5 years and I am with a loving kind and supportive man who loves me for EXACTLY WHO I AM. I still don’t fully believe it because it has been so engrained in my brain that I am unworthy of love, I am not good enough, that I am a burden for him, etc. I’m working on it, I’ve come an awfully long way. At least most of the time I can now see my ex for what he was, a very insecure and emotionally undeveloped person who was unable to love me because he was and still is unable to love himself. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t make him leave because I was horrible. He chose to leave because he was scared of commitment..and still is. He is exactly the same person now as he was then (I recently reconnected with him on a friendly level).
I guess the point of my post is to let you know you’ll get through this. He won’t have control over your emotions forever. You will be okay. 🙂
ParticipantI’ve been suffering from poor sleep and daytime sleepiness for the past few years and I fully understand what you mean. Your mind is dreading how tired you will feel the next day after yet another poor night’s rest, and it seems the harder you try to relax and fall asleep the harder it is. It’s crazy how much our mind can affect our bodies! My doctor’s diagnosed me with sleep disorder after sleep disorder and I finally just realized I don’t have a sleep disorder, I have an anxiety problem.
Lavender eye masks have helped me IMMENSELY. You can get them for pretty cheap on and they really help me a lot.
Other than that, I’m looking forward to other responses because I certainly have not conquered this problem! I got a pathetic amount of sleep last night due to anxiety that I could not breathe away, and today I feel like I could fall asleep just typing this. Not conducive to a productive day! :p
You’ve gotten some great responses so far. I just wanted to add that you are definitely not the only one feeling this way. I just had a good three weeks of “bliss” where I was positive, had energy and was able to enjoy my life. Now I can feel the negativity and depression coming back in and I honestly am terrified because I don’t want to feel like crap again, I kind of like being “normal”. The thing is, the more you resist those feelings the stronger they become. I would say to breathe through your negative thoughts, repeat a calming mantra (mine is “All is well, right here, right now.”), and recognize that nothing is permanent…your negativity is not back to stay. It will go away and you will feel calm and happy again.I often feel lost and useless in this world, too. It’s a conditioned response, I think, after years of being slave to negativity, anxiety and depression. Once you change your thinking and feel like you’ve defeated the negativity, it may come back full force and make you feel like you’ve failed and nothing is okay. Just believe and trust that your thoughts do not always reflect fact, mine usually don’t! They constantly lean towards making me feel worthless, alone and never going to get better, but that’s simply not true. You have proven that by the great progress you’ve made in the last year! Don’t let this bump in the road drag you back down to that dark place.
Truth is, you are loved, cherished, and special. You are here on this Earth for a reason that may never be fully clear to you, but you must trust in that. And even though you’re down right now, you will come up again. It’s inevitable 🙂