Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Peter:
(Taking a few slow breaths, feeling the pain in my shoulder from tightness, from twitching it, a tic; hearing the tinnitus static noise- so far, no benefits to relaxing- hearing a far away plane in the sky.. pain increasing in my right shoulder, plane or some kind of aircraft getting closer, less pain in shoulder.. exhale.. again, slower.. feeling hungry for the first time this morning, exhale, now to your yesterday post):
“Instead of a frantic seeking of meaning and purpose as a life line to hope“- frantic is the antichrist of calm, not a helpful state of mind. See, right here: my mind goes straight to duality, frantic vs calm. Which is okay (another duality, okay vs not okay), but duality has a very important place (balanced with nonduality) in human life.
“As I open to experience of the eternal within the temporal my breath slows and I experience a calm where the desire to label, measure and judge fades“- it’s a good idea, following a bout of duality-movement- time, as in mine right above, to pause and return to nonduality- stillness-eternity. (Taking slow breaths, hearing the aircraft again, didn’t notice it while under the influence of duality-movement-time).
“It’s not so much ‘movement VS stillness’ as it is ‘movement AND stillness’. To experience the ‘stillness’ in ones often frantic ‘movements’. I’ve taken up yoga and its wonderful to experience the moment when in a difficult flow you find yourself still“- so, both at the same time, as in the brain moving at the same speed as the body, not faster… not frantically. Not ahead of oneself. I like this (duality: like vs dislike… and stillness: I like it but not too much).
“The go to metaphor for nonduality is that of the coin. Only its not a great metaphor as we can’t help ourselves from picking the coin up, flipping it in the air and calling heads Or tails which immediacy pulls us out of the eternal nonduality (garden) and back into the temporal playground of duality, measurement, judgment… language… ego consciousness“- oh, so it’s about not being in a rush to pick up the coin; let the coin be still, be still watching the coin. See something other than 2-sides.
“In nonduality its not OR but AND, the coin has no sides! No matter how small a piece you cut off from the coin the piece will contain both, right down to the smallest particles. Here we see the problem of language as language exists in the temporal experience and not in the eternal“- the coin is much more than 2 sides. Duality is over simplifying the complexity, complexity we have no words for.
“We have no words for that which is both up and down, in and out, good and bad, happy and sad, left and right, fast and slow“- we over simplify because we humans are .. not intelligent enough to understand the complexity. I suppose we get to be more intelligent than before when we realize that we are.. not as intelligent as we thought we were.
This explains a whole lot.
“Note how so many of the problems in our connected/disconnected digital social media experience arise because between the 1 and the 0 it’s always 1 Or 0 when our experience is analog, that of the AND. In the digital world it’s Like OR dislike, agree OR not agree, with me Or against me… in the linear digital algorithm it’s the OR that rises to the top of our feeds, which is not great for connection or the experience of stillness in motion“- brilliant, says I (while being humble about my intelligence as I evaluate the quote above as brilliant).
“It took me decades to discover that teachings are not meant to be believed but experienced. (I am very much of the ‘head’ type)“- yes, experienced.. I see. The “head type” does get ahead of itself, rushing, frantic, crashing into insanity.
“To as you indicate to ‘sit’ in the stories in that stillness state of being.“- replying here has been a meditative experience for me, one made possible by you, thank you!
ParticipantDear Lulu:
“I want to say sorry for the very long rant“- no need to apologize, as far as I am concerned. I would like you to feel comfortable with any length of your posts! Actually, this post will be very long.
“I really hope everything gets better Anita“- I hope so too, Lulu!
“Even though I have the opportunity to succeed, I’m feeling doubt on if I even deserve it. People call it imposter syndrome, anxiety, etc. etc., but it’s real and it’s alive and it sometimes feels like it’s eating me“- you deserve success, I have no doubt about it. I want to talk about your doubt later on, in this post.
“Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this“- you are welcome, and thank you for being here. I would like you to stay here for as long as you want, as often as you want, and express yourself at any length per post. You are welcome here!
“About my other thread earlier, my current goal is to be someone like you“- this is.. so sweet of you to say, thank you!
Earlier this morning, before getting to the computer, I was thinking about your original post in this thread, and I want to first, summarize it (Part 1 below), and then, respond to it more at length (Part 2 below), keeping in mind (1) the self-doubt you expressed in your latest post, and (2) the question in the title of this thread: What do I do now?:
Part 1, Summary: You shared that you (17, going on 18) live in a public housing unit with your mother and 4 younger siblings, all are your mother’s biological children: a brother with ADHD, a sister with special needs (same sister as the one with a disabling autoimmune issues, or a different one?), a sister with bone cancer, and a 6-year old half sibling. Your mother was recently laid off from her job and is unemployed.
Your father, after separating from your mother, had 3 children with other women, one is to turn 7 this year, another was put up for adoption, and the youngest is a toddler whom you never met. He is estranged from his current wife.
Over the summer before you entered 9th grade (summer, 2021), you were sexually assaulted by a male family member. Filled with guilt and anxiety, you called your father for help. His response was to suggest that.. you may have been guilty for the assault, if you wore certain clothes. Some time later, he said that he didn’t remember that you told him about the assault.
You had a terrible mental breakdown during 10th grade (February 2022), and one late night, you started writing a suicidal letter, but called a suicidal helpline which helped you that night. The following week though, you were sent to a psych ward for 3 weeks, and were diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. You were prescribed an antidepressant, but it didn’t seem to help. Nonetheless, you ended 10th grade with a distinguished honor roll, and with a slightly better outlook on life.
During that time (2022), your ten-year-old sister started to have disabling autoimmune problems, and your father- with whom you were not in contact at the time- fell into a coma after taking a drug that was laced with (fentanyl perhaps), which caused his heart to stop and he almost died. Your mother took care of him in the hospital, and it seemed like they were friendly to each other. You were back to talking with him, and he broken down and apologized for how he treated you. The two of you maintained a relationship for a while, did things together, and you finally felt that you had your dad back, that your life was going right. Unfortunately, he had a falling out with your mother after she refused to get back together with him (Nov 2022).
During your 11th grade (May 2023), your 14-year-old sister’s leg started hurting and it turned out to be osteosarcoma, bone cancer. You called your father to ask him to drive you to the SAT testing center, being that your mother had to stay with your sister in the hospital, and he answered the phone screaming, mistaken you for your mother. A few weeks later, on another call, the last call you had with him. You wrote about that call: “I had always wanted my dad to love me. I had spent my entire life chasing his affections to no avail. I said he was a selfish person and I didn’t care if he died. He just laughed at that. Then I hung up and never talked to him since. It was May 2023“.
Following that, you, your mother and siblings travelled to Philadelphia so that your 14-year-old sister could get chemotherapy at the Children’s Hospital there. Your mother, siblings and you stayed in various hotels during that time (June-July 2023), some damp and dirty. You watched over your siblings while your mother was at the hospital with her 14-year-old. Nonetheless, you took the SAT (June 3, 2023), but you scored barely above average, given all the stress you were under.
At the end of July 2023, you all moved to a one-floor apartment paid for by Children’s Hospital, and transfer to a school in the area (September 2023), where you did a bunch of AP classes, signed up for five clubs, and studied for your (2nd) SAT. Meanwhile, your sister had to get leg surgery, as well as multiple rounds of chemotherapy, and physical therapy for about five months, during which time, you were often left alone in the apartment with your siblings. Your grades started to slip slightly, and you had frequent breakdowns because you were so drained. You never took the 2nd SAT because there was no one to drive you to the testing center, but you did take test-optional.
In Jan 31, 2024, the hospital stopped paying for the apartment in Philadelphia, and after 6 months in Philadelphia, all of you moved back home. Your sister’s cancer was expected to be in remission, but a new tumor was found in her spine. In Feb 2024, all of you traveled back and forth to Philadelphia, staying in more hotels. In one of them, security guards busted into the room while your mother was at the hospital, and were taking a shower, because unknown to you, the room wasn’t paid for that night.
In March 2024, you were chosen as a finalist for a PhD program (a PhD program for. undergraduates?) and was scheduled to go to DC at the end of March. You were thrilled, but a few days later, it was found that your sister’s spine tumor had begun to spread quickly, and you all had to rush to Philadelphia again. On April 7th, you found out that you were rejected from the program.
You were accepted to a school close to home, but your mother wants to relocate to North Carolina, 10 hours away. You expect to graduate high school on May 30, and your mother wants to move to N.C the day after, May 31, 2024, and Prom is on May 4, two days from today. About the Prom, you wrote, “three friends are excited to see me. And yet, I feel filled with regret, anxiety, and insecurity over everything“.
Part 2: “even though I have the opportunity to succeed, I’m feeling doubt on if I even deserve it“- you have what it takes, Lulu. Your doubts will continue for a while: it’s a habit of the brain, a mental habit, and like any habit, habits persist. But you can turn down the volume of these doubts, and over time, you will barely hear them.. until you won’t hear them anymore.
“People call it imposter syndrome, anxiety, etc. etc., but it’s real and it’s alive and it sometimes feels like it’s eating me“- the courageous 17-going-on-18 Lulu, is the real thing, she is no imposter. If she needs to fake courage so to survive and thrive in very difficult circumstances, she is still authentically courageous. Faking courage for a good purpose is as authentic as can be.
“Even with my sister’s current state, there are days where we are normal and happy.. And then there are days where it feels as though the world is ending“- when in bad times, do not despair: remember the good times of the past, and look forward to good times in the future.
Focus on the Positive, on the Inspiring.
“I pray I have the strength to continue this journey with my mom and my family“- the serenity prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. Keep this prayer in mind.
Let’s continue to communicate, Lulu, for as long as you want.
ParticipantDear Lulu: I wanted to let you know that I am working on a long reply for you and it will take some time to complete.
ParticipantExactly a month later, May 1, Worldofthewaterwheels, I ask: how are you?
ParticipantDear Lulu:
I replied to you on your other thread before I was aware that this thread exists. I just read your original post above, and I am amazed at how strong and intelligent.. and a good writer you are, considering the very hard times and suffering that you and your family have been going through for so long. Considering your very difficult, heartbreaking history and current circumstances, you are doing very well.
Please stay strong, don’t give up on life and on success for yourself!
I hope that you continue to share here, to vent, to express yourself, as long as it helps, please do.
ParticipantDear Pandinha:
“However, he quickly started to make a lot of sexual, dirty jokes… I told him that I was in love with him. After that, he got even more straightforward with the sexting, the cheesiness, the pics and.. I kept being very stimulated, so I honestly thought I was desiring him, that I wanted to be with him, etc… Then, one day, when we were videochatting, looking at him started bothering me. I thought he looked gross and I felt very repulsed about the idea of even kissing him… all the things I wanted to do with him, the excitement is simply gone… I felt like he played me… I felt like he fooled me… I don’t really feel like talking to him anymore… Gladly will wait for your input… on… what this might be.“-
– here are 3 possibilities in regard to what this might be. Any of the following may be true to you.. or not, or a combination of the following may be true to you: (1) one of your parents taught you that men only want one thing (sex), they will say anything to get you to have sex with them, and you should not be fooled by what they say (that you are pretty, that they love you, etc.), (2) one of your parents taught you that sex is a bad thing, that you are a good girl, and that good girls don’t do bad things, (3) when you were a child, you were betrayed by a person you trusted (perhaps a parent, perhaps another family member).
Any of these true to you?
May 1, 2024 at 3:14 pm in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #432235anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
Glad to be your 2nd Mid-July Friend.
“My dad was so critical… acting shocked at how ‘selfish’ and ungrateful I could be… my dad said ‘you can’t see it but you are.’“- he probably (inaccurately) projected his mother, or a female caretaker in his early life => into you. Parents often do that. My mother projected people who abused her (before I was born) into me and proceeded to punish me.
Your father’s mother or caretaker, a woman he was very attached to as a boy, was really selfish and really ungrateful for his many efforts to please her, and gain her recognition. Fast forward, he projects that woman into a little, innocent sea turtle who did not deserve criticism for .. what someone else is guilty for.
ParticipantDear Lulu:
“No matter where I go, I won’t fit in I think. Like, I’m just doomed essentially to always be an outcast because I’m me“- this is what I thought and felt for many years, no matter where I went, I was an outcast.. until I was not.
“A large part of me wants to go into the psychology field to learn my place in the world both socially and mentally, and to explore a side of myself that I find uncomfortable or disconnected“- if we are disconnected from others (parents, caretakers) very early on in our lives, for too long, we feel disconnected from ourselves. It is like two sides of the same coin: disconnected from others/ disconnected from oneself.
It is so because we are social animals, born that way. We have to be connected to others early on and onward, if we are to be healthy human beings.
“I want, more than anything, to have a sense of normalcy and be able to not only take care and support myself, but also be a pillar for people who feel like me; out of place.“- this is a noble purpose. I hope that you do become a pillar for people who feel like you, out of place. Maybe you and I, here on your thread, can explore ways for you to be this pillar for others sooner than later.
I am wondering, what did you think about what I typed for you in my first reply, about the commonalities I feel we have?
ParticipantDear Peter:
There is only one way for me to absorb the content of your posts, and that’s in a meditative/ stillness state of mind, which I expect to take place by tomorrow. Thank you for posting again!
ParticipantDear Meatball:
You are welcome! Good to read that you are working on your co-dependency issues and anxious attachment style, and with a therapist’s help. Also, good to read that you “don’t hold out any hope that she would leave, get help and want to come back.“- sometimes, in certain contexts, hope is not a good thing.
“I am trying to figure out exactly how much financial burden I should take on for her to get a place. The last thing I’m going to do is put her out on the street. Her daughter is planning to stay here, but that could also bring a new set of issues. She has 9 months until she’s 18 and is not close to her father and just doesn’t understand her mother at this point“- (1) it is very kind of you to think of having her daughter stay with you, and it is decent of you to not want her mother out on the street, (2) I understand your concern regarding finances, and regarding contact with the mother if you have her daughter living with you.
Since her daughter is not yet 18, legally still a child, is she qualified for government sponsored help in regard to housing, since her mother can’t properly take care of her?
Maybe her mother is qualified for such help, being that she is emotionally unwell…?
ParticipantDear Lulu:
As I read your post, I found much commonality with you: like you, I too wanted to be a writer, a published writer. My 2nd desire was to study psychology and become a therapist.
Like you, I didn’t feel that I belonged in any group of people. I grew up lonely, feeling isolated within my small family, within the classroom at school, in the neighborhood.. anywhere and everywhere. No one wanted to hear me, to know what was happening in my mind and heart. I remember wondering, at times when the noise of distress within me was particularly loud: how can it be that NO ONE NOTICES? NO ONE HEARS ME?
I think that it is this isolation, not being seen or heard, that was behind my motivation to .. make the whole world see me by publishing a book that would be widely read all over the world. I used to daydream about being a dancer or a movie star and be seen and admired by millions of people all over the world.
This is how unseen I felt. The thirst to be seen was huge.
I wanted to study psychology and become a psychotherapist so to understand the painful puzzle that I was to myself, and to help me and others like me.
“My mental health wasn’t taken seriously by anyone. No one could ever really understand my intentions or feelings… I’ve always been a social outcast even amongst other black people“- reads just like me, a social outcast in each and every ethnic group, in each and every group, small or big. I simply did not belong anywhere.
“I’m essentially going to be paying a lot of money just to be an ‘another black person.’ There’s nothing unique or intriguing about me“-
– I felt, while growing up and many years after, like a nobody. Someone others looked down at. I wanted to be a somebody, to be seen as a unique and intriguing person, someone like no other. Unique, in an admirable way.
“They seem quiet. Polite. Invention. Accomplished. Distinguished. And most of all, neurotypical… I’m autistic and if I’m not very quiet and practically a fly on the wall, I’m in your face loud“- this reminds me: all the years when I felt different/ abnormal in negative ways, I (wrongly) thought that I was the only one that felt that way, that everyone else (all my peers) were.. normal, that I was the exception.
What a surprise it was to me, when I realized for the first time that it was not so. There is so much trouble in so many minds and hearts. I was never the only one. It only seemed otherwise, from my point of view.
“It’s never an issue of ‘not seeing people who look like me,’ it’s never seeing people who ACT like me… In terms of the liberal arts field, this school outranks Howard by miles. They’re very interested in me“- the people in the school you are referring to here, the people who are very interested in you, they met you, they know the way you ACT, (being loud, etc., ways you perceive to be different from your peers, in a negative way), and they re very interested. How do you explain it?
“Maybe I’m the con and will continue to be so no matter where I go“- can you elaborate on this sentence?
I hope to read from you soon and reply further, if you’d like that.
ParticipantDear Peter:
I am glad that you materialized following a 7-month lurking! I didn’t read your first post attentively yesterday, late afternoon, but I did this morning: slowly, in a meditative way, and it calmed me, I had a sense of a Return to Truth. Yes, I forgot movement vs stillness, time vs eternity, duality vs non-duality.
Peter: “The task of living is to be awake to the experience of both“.
To be awake and aware of the bigger picture of reality, that which is bigger than the past, the future, world events, the news, bigger than me, bigger than any person, immeasurably bigger.
Thank you Peter, I hope to read more from you!
ParticipantDear Meatball: I’ll be back to you Wed morning (it’s Tues evening here).
Participant* Dear shirley pevensey:
“Notice ‘the other’ more. Look into their eyes when you talk with another. Notice when they are getting too much of you… yeah I was quite needy and neediness does scare people off… So it’s not about me.”- profound, I wish I could read more from you!
Participant* Good to read from you again, Peter, more than 7 months since you posted last!
“Seeking implies something we don’t yet have“- we have many things, don’t we, but we don’t get to keep any.. do we?