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  • in reply to: Seeing a man still living with his ex after 20 yrs. #422841

    Dear Shookie:

    Thank you! Hunter was hit by a deer and died during surgery. I still hear him sometimes and see him as I drive in, or out, I see him waiting for me.

    Reading about Stash hanging on is inspiring! I had the first smile of the day on my face reading about your precious fur babies: Stash, frisky Izzy, and your Balinese. You are taking very good care of them all. They are fortunate to have you!

    Take care of yourself, My Friend!


    in reply to: Why friends disappear? #422840

    Dear Eva:

    You are welcome! “My Swiss friend…Ā  was downloading all her frustration on me, telling me all kind of negative things about him and about all her friends. But later she went back to him and acted very friendly with her friends. GoĀ  figure out..“- my mother did the same thing in regard to the people in her life: she would download her frustrations with them, on me, and then relieved, it was easier for her to go back to acting nice with them, extra nice, extremely nice.

    She used me as a pressure relief valve (PRV), a device used to control or limit pressure in a system.

    You are right about my French friend as well. Itā€™s all about her. You cannot finish a sentence, she interrupts you… Nobody else exists“- she is stuck in the narcissistic childhood development stage when a child (about 2-4 years old): will not listen to other children, will interrupt, will not share her toys, and will forcibly take from others what she wants.

    Only that unlike a young child, she has learned to dishonestly manipulating people: she doesn’t use her physical force to make you do what she wants you to do, she uses instead the force/Ā  power of words (“I love you”, “I trust you”).

    You are right about the lack of love in her life. She said her mother disliked her, she doesnā€™t have one single positive memory of their relationship. She is 67 now. She was apparently not loved by her first husband and she never loved him either… She doesnā€™t love her actual husband and she knows he does not love her either… she goes after money because her actual husband is extremely rich and she had made him change bank..“-

    – No doubt that she loved her mother and couldn’t get her mother to love her back. Her mother expressed no empathy/love for her=> she experiences no empathy/ love for the people in her life.

    Her mother disliked/ didn’t love her=> she believed (for sixty plus years) that she is unlovable and that people don’t love her (even when they do)=> she doesn’t love them.

    She uses people not as sources of love and emotional support, but as sources of financial support, either by adding money to her accounts (ex., her first husband), or by making it possible for her to not subtract money from her accounts (free labor and services).

    All in all, I feel light and relieved to be out of her dramas. I am maybe naive and first I always believe what people tell me“- me too. I also believe what people tell me (in real-life). Even when it is clear to others that they’re joking, I automatically take their words literally, and as true. A young child- when lied to by her mother, or when witnessing her mother pretending to be very nice to others but very angry at them behind their backs-Ā  is too young to process this disturbing dichotomy, so she becomes blind and deaf to it. Fast forward, the now adult (like me) understands that her mother lied and pretended, but when hearing a person talk in real-life (vs reading a person’s writing on a computer screen and having all the time to read and re-read), I cannot detect the dichotomy, I cannot hold in my awareness these two parts: what a person said and (if different) what a person meant

    Good to be communicating with you again, Eva!


    in reply to: Dreams and Goals #422839

    Dear faaiza:

    I know how it feels to be scared, too scared to take any action, watching time passing you by. I too had dreams of acting. I used to fantasize (when I was a teenager) about being an internationally famous movie star, or a dancer, performing for audiences of millions all over the world. Fast forward, at 18, I applied to a famous acting school and was rejected. I attended some acting classes elsewhere, and in my 20s, I applied to one (only one) voice acting job that was published in a newspaper.. and didn’t get the job. Not an impressive acting career, is it?

    Back to my fantasies, those daydreams, they were very enjoyable. It was oh, so pleasurable to see (in my mind’s eye) many thousands of people clapping their hands and cheering for me. In real-life, I was the loneliest teenager in the world, no one cheered for me, no one even knew what I was thinking or feeling. No one asked.

    Do you relate to this experience?


    in reply to: How to deal with … jealousy? #422735

    Dear surfthesky:

    Welcome back! This is your 4th thread here. Your first was in May 2020 (age 20), 2nd in AprilĀ  2021, your 3rd in December 2021, and your current, October 2023 (age 23). I replied to you 4 times, beginning in your first thread, and you replied to me one time, in April 2021. In total, you submitted 4 original posts and one reply.

    Here is what you shared in five posts: your mother had you when she was very young, your father left the two of you shortly after your birth and you were in no contact with him since. When you were 4, your stepfather entered your life as a father figure. Two younger siblings were added to the family, one of whom has ADHD, and is very time-demanding of your parents (your mother and stepfather).

    While growing up, your young mother was a student in university, and you were mostly raised by your grandparents. You moved a lot, having lived in 3 countries. Your mother and stepfather were very busy with your two younger siblings, and “never had much time” for you, nor were they “really interested in talking.. or just spending time” with you. When they had time for you, they were “very demanding, very strict… criticised” you a lot. During your last year in high school, because your parents were to move again, you stayed with neighbors who offered to take you in, so that you can finish school. It was living with them that you witnessed for the first time, a different kind of relationship between parents and their children.

    Back in April 2021, you didn’t speak with your parents for a while, so “to have time to figure things out without their presence” in your life. You ended your one reply back then with: “The need to satisfy them, to show them that I am time-worthy is definitely existing“.

    When you were 14, you had a male friend (16) who became your boyfriend/ your first love. At one point during the relationship, you “started having real anxiety problems and simply serious problems” with yourself,Ā  and you didn’t treat him well. He eventually broke up with you. You dated other guys since, but “it didn’t really work out“.

    You finished school in 2019 (ag 19), had a “pretty bad knee injury and required some operations“, started studying biology at a university in a different, bigger city “without really knowing what” you wanted. While at university, you started missing your first boyfriend. You wroteĀ  him a letter and he wrote you back. The two of you then had deep talks: he told you that he never got over you, and the two of you talked about meeting again. You were conflicted at the time: “On the one hand, I am really happy just to have him once again in my life. But on the other hand, I overthink a lot. I am scared to get heartbroken again…Ā  I genuinely ask myself: was it fate or is this whole thing one big mistake?“.

    As you were conflicted about the possibility of resuming the relationship with your first boyfriend, you were also conflicted about your Major. You realized that “biology wasnā€™t the right fit” for you, and in your 4th semester, you were “still not sure” what you wanted to study instead of biology.Ā  You wrote: “I canā€™t seem to decide. And I think the problem lies within me. I keep searching for the ‘perfect thing’. Another thing is that I am always thinking about what other people would think about me. ‘What will I study that will make me super successful? Will they be jealous of me? Will they finally approve me?’ I feel so bad because in one month I will become 21 and I still havenā€™t figured out what it is that I want… Itā€™s the wanting so much and achieving nothing“.

    Next, you decided on psychology as your major, you applied for it in a Vienna university, and you were accepted. Before moving to Vienna, you walkedĀ  “the Camino de Santiago in Spain for a month” in Sept 2021. This is what you wrote about that time: “After I got the acceptance and went walking the Camino everything seemed to change. It was the first time I actually started to heal when I was on the Camino; meeting so many different, beautiful spiritsā€¦ It was the first time since a very long time I felt so good about myself again, laughing so much every day… I wasnā€™t afraid of people going to hurt me… People actually liked me!“.

    After the spiritual journey was concluded, you arrived in Vienna, but had trouble finding a shared flat. You applied to many, but was rejected: “I end up getting rejected, them choosing someone else over me. And I just canā€™t seem to figure out why; why am I never good enough? I feel like this whole situation triggers all the problems I used to have with myself, just when I thought things were getting a lot better… this is the same as it always was for me: I am never good enough… I am never enough for people to actually like me.., nothing has changed, I am the kid no one wanted to be friends with all over again.. I really donā€™t know how to become the person I was on the Camino on my day to day life, free-spirited and someone who is loved by everyone. I miss having easy conversations, not overthinking every sentence I say“, December 2021.

    Almost 2 years later, yesterday, you shared that for 1.5 years (since abut April 2022), you’ve been in a long-distance relationship with a man you met in the Camino de Santiago in Spain back in Sept 2021. The two of you having time off your respective universities, spent the recent summer together “experiencing ‘puppy-love’..Ā  This love feels very pure and innocent and he makes me very happy, even if long-distance is not easy“. Back in his country, he started his new degree, and told you about girl in his new class whom “he seems to like.. enjoys her company“.

    You shared that his is a great boyfriend, very attentive, thoughtful and nice; he puts a lot of effort into the relationship, calls you frequently, visits you, listens to you, you trust him and think highly of him, and he told everyone that you are his girlfriend. But you are jealous in regard to the girl he likes in class.

    Now, why do I feel jealous every time he mentions her?…Ā  I canā€™t help but feel this jealousy rise up and I wonder why…Ā  Is it because I subconsciously think I am not good enough? As I know that I have often struggled with low self-esteem. Or is it that he is so far away, that I feel things are out of my control?… How do I go on about the situation? Why do I feel so jealous, specifically about this one person?“-

    – I think that you feel jealous because you’re thinking that maybe this girl in his class is good-enough and that your boyfriend will realize that by comparison, you are not (good-enough), and that when he realizes this, he will reject you. The fact that he lives physically far away from you, and physically close to her does not help at all.

    From my very personal and long-lasting experience of feeling not good enough, being less worthy than others, I can relate to how intoxicating and magical it feels at times when (temporarily) you feel good-enough, equally worthy to others. When a person suffering from this devastating feeling of being less-than/ not good-enough- is experiencing something very different, like when you were accepted to the Vienna University and then went on the Camillo pilgrimage- it feels as magical as..Ā  surfing the sky.. doesn’t it?

    I have much more to share, but would like to share it in the context of communicating with you back and forth for a while, if you are willing.


    in reply to: Why friends disappear? #422734

    Dear Eva:

    You are welcome.

    The friend in Switzerland– “She had a boyfriend and stayed with him most of the time“- could have had relationship problems with him, angry with her boyfriend but unable to break up with him, she came back home (to the flat), and misdirecting her anger at you, breaking up with you (placing your stuff on street). This is only a possibility.. (I wonder if the honey, the almost empty honey jars in the fridge, had something to do with her relationship with her boyfriend.. a sexual play perhaps).

    The friend in France– “She yells at her husband every day. Often because of small things like he ate a boiled egg!… she needed to get married because of an overstayed visa issue.Ā  The relationship was not working at all but she had no other solution“-

    – so, she wants to cut him off, but she can’t because she doesn’t want to lose her legal status in France, nor the “very big.. huge house.. the (huge) garden.. pool… travel“, etc. (?), so she cuts you off, again and again (“she just cuts me off… she cut me off again“) because she doesn’t risk her legal status in France, etc., when she cuts you off .

    This may be part of the dynamic with her. But there is more: “I started to do the laundry, huge bedsheets, her and her husbandā€™s clothes. I ironed everything. I was taking care of the plants… I fixed her pool…Ā  I took care of her 2 cats. I help preparing food, serving to guests, cleaning up afterwards. She and her husband travel a lot, so I would stay in the house during that time. She tells me she can only trust me“-

    – you wrote the day before yesterday: “what surprises me is that they want you so much in their lives, they tell you nice things and then they drop you“- telling you that she trusts you, and only you is a nice thing toĀ  hear. Hearing it makes a person feel special, and it motivates a person to benefit the one saying it,Ā  in such ways as to do her laundry, iron her clothes, take care of her plants, etc., for free. This manipulative kind of talk is not surprising once you understand the person’s motivation.

    “When she is there, she tells me about all her childhood and marriage problems…Ā  she suggested that I ship everything from there to her place in France, so we can start our business. Thatā€™s what she promised several times already. When I left, she stopped talking to me… Somehow we started to chat when mum died in March. She asked me on May 26th if I could fly to her place on May 30th. I said yes. I arrived and the next day they were gone for 3 weeks. I didnā€™t know that. We were supposed to work on our business plan. I am happy to help her out and I feel for her… I understand her frustration… she cut me off again. Thatā€™s whyĀ  I think she is narcistic”-

    -Even narcissists feel frustrated, have relationship problems, etc. So, you feel empathy for them.. Problem is, empathy is not reciprocated, so she is all about herself, and none about you. When you accommodate a narcissist, you are all about her, and none about you.

    In cartoons and very fictional movies (Batman comes to mind), the bad characters are visibly and audibly bad at all times, laughing in that evil way, always doing evil things. In real life, bad/ narcissistic people seem .. oh so human sometimes: they were someone’s victim in the past, someone did them wrong, they have problems you can relate to, so you feel for them. But these are only selected scenes in a real-life movie. In other scenes- which you shouldn’t ignore- they break their promises and easily! They say things for a purpose: to have you benefit them, etc.

    She is extremely friendly and kind when we are with others and thatā€™s how I knew her. But at home it seems that she is frustrated, impossible to please“- the extremely -friendly-and-kind scene is an act that it too tiring to carry on all the time. When the guests leave, she can.. rest and be herself.

    You wrote the day before yesterday: “My concern with certain friendships is that they start to get closer, they invite you all the time, they tell you they love you, they offer their help or home, they say how talented you are etc.”- Ā when you are dealing with a narcissist, it’s you who starts to get closer to her, made possible by you feeling empathy for her. She, on the other hand, does not get close to you: no empathy for you. It only feels to you that it’s close on both sides.

    And because she is not a cartoon character, she was once an innocent child, so she experienced feeling empathy (for a parent, I am guessing), she experienced the need to be loved.. so, when she tells you things, part of her relates to what she is saying. But it’s only a part of her, not a part you can depend on.

    “And then they let you drop with no understandable reason. Thatā€™s what confuses me the most“- she lets you drop when it suits her, because it’s not a big deal for her to drop you, especially if she knows that she can.. pick you up later, so to speak (lure you back in) when it suits her.

    Still, from the day before yesterday: “I think that I might attract narcistic people. They talk a lot about their issues, I listen…Ā  they talk more about their interpersonal issues, reporting the same stories, I still listen… They usually never ask how you are, whatā€™s up with you“- my point: it’s all about them and none about you. When they remember to manipulate you, then they ask about you and add that they love you, etc.

    Back to your most recent post: “Why does she tell me she trusts me and love me if once I leave, she doesnā€™t keep in touch. I think a friendship can be maintained even when we are in different countries“- it’s not a friendship. It only appear like a friendship if you remove some scenes of this real-life movie, and see them in isolation.

    * The title of your thread: Why friends disappear? My answer: friends don’t disappear, not by choice.

    I am really confused whatā€™s going on in her head.”-Ā  me! me!.. me!

    I just wonder why I got into it again“- because you were confused.

    “I wonā€™t repeat it, for sure. She can tell me she loves and trusts me, I will stay away“- good thing.Ā  If you time yourself as you say the words to no one, just utter the words with no one in mind:Ā  “I love you and I trust you”: how many seconds did it take? How many calories did you burn? It was quick and effortless, wasn’t it? This is all it takes for a narcissist to say these words to someone who in their mind.. is no one.

    * My mother was/ is a narcissist. I was her.. no one.


    in reply to: Seeing a man still living with his ex after 20 yrs. #422718

    Dear Shookie:

    You got dehydrated because of high temperatures.. working in the yard too many hours without drinking water?

    Good to read that you are feeling better! In regard to the tree, no matter on whose property it is, it is your right to have it cut down, being that it is likely to destroy your house/ your property, right?

    Going back outside to seal my front steps.Ā  I am picturing myself falling“- because you didn’t fully recover from being dehydrated?

    I still picture you walking your dog everyday with a Beautiful Smile“- Hunter the beagle passed away Dec 2021. Talking about lightening, he passed away at a time when lightening and very strong winds were happening, lots of trees fell down. I still see the many trees that fell down on my walks/ when driving (a significant change in scenery). It’s a reminder that nothing is the same since he’s been gone.



    Dear Arden:

    Thank you for the note of appreciation. It just brought the first smile of the day to my face! And notice: your post above, these two sentences you wrote, they are spontaneous and carefree, good job, Arden!


    in reply to: Love lost #422716

    How are you, Ben?


    in reply to: Extremely painful breakup and confusion #422715

    You are welcome, Stacy,Ā  and thank you for your note!


    in reply to: Why friends disappear? #422711

    Dear Eva:

    I want to re-read all that you shared and get to know you again. You (56 or 57 at this time) first posted on February 4 this year, exactly eight months ago. You shared that you had a partner, a Soulmate. The two of you were “a kind of nomadic people, so we donā€™t have a house or a car. He did art and I do creative work as well“. Back in the summer of 2021, you were living together in a tropical country, able to go out into nature during the Covid lockdown at the time.

    You unexpectedly lost him that summer to an accident, an event that turned your life upside down in five minutes. In later February of this year, your mother became very ill and you travelled from Asia to Europe (for the first time in 10 years) to take care of her and of her brother (your uncle) who was also sick. A month later, your mother passed away.

    You shared that you’ve been traveling a lot between Asia and Europe, never staying at one place for long, having no fixed home or job, but you check on everyone you know/ friends, asking about their lives, how they feel, being outgoing and genuinely interested in people, wanting to maintain contact. But people take weeks before answering you, answering your messages with long delays, and not asking about you. When you asked people what went wrong, asking if you said or did something wrong- you received no answers. You’ve been experiencing people promising things and not following up on their promises. And this has been happening years before the pandemic.

    One friend used to tell you how much she loved you, that she admired you, that you could stay at her place at any time you were in town and for as long as you wanted to. One summer, you stayed at her place for a month. As her guest, you cleaned her place, did the laundry, ironed and cooked dinner. She told you that you could help yourself to anything in her fridge and kitchen. One morning, you noticed that she had five old honey jars with one spoon of honey left in each, so you chose to use that honey instead of opening a new jar. Shortly after, she was not talking to you and tried to avoid you. Three days later, she told you that she was angry with you because you “finished the honey jars“. Some time later, she removed your belongings from her flat and placed them on the street for you to pick up, “didn’t say hi, didn’t even open the door“. That happened six years ago.

    My input today: when we discussed the honey incident back in Feb, I thought that maybe seeing those almost-empty honey jars in the fridge gave her comfort, and by removing them, you took away her comfort. It did not occur to me at all until this very morning, as I re-read your posts, that you may have overstayed your welcome in her flat, that the one-month long visit was too long for her, and she needed her privacy back, especially since her place is a flat, and not a big house. So, at first she loved you and admired you, and then.. she got tired of a visit that lasted too long.

    You shared that you live a nomadic lifestyle (“I travel a lot.. I have no fix home or job…nomadic lifestyle… I understand that this kind of lifestyle is not everybodyā€™s cup of tea“). If it includes staying in friends’ homes for long periods of time, it may be that people get tired of visits that last too long, and this is the reason they don’t keep in contact with you.. not wanting to have you stay in their place for too long, yet again.

    Let’s look at what you shared yesterday, Oct 3 (I am adding the boldface & italic features to parts of this quote): “My concern with certain friendships is that they start to get closer, they invite you all the time, they tell you they love you, they offer their help or home, they say how talented you are etc. And then they let you drop with no understandable reasonThey talk a lot about their issues… they talk more about their interpersonal issues, reporting the same stories, I still listen… Outside very kind, social, smiling people, you would think they love everybody,Ā  but once at home, they tell you horrible things about the others, how they dislike them etc. And the next day they call these people and do them favors”-

    – reads like you have a view of these people/former friends that’s possible by living with them: they talk to you a lot, you listen a lot, they gossip to you about people in their lives (who do not live with them), you observe how they (your hosts) behave outside their home (being kind to others) vs inside their homes (gossiping, being unkind to the same people) because you.. lived with them, inside their homes, overhearing to them calling those other people on their phones, etc.

    “I am so confused and shocked because it has been happening for years… Very close friends stopped writing back without any explanation… Why do you say you love a person and then you do this? I am confused… I really need a bit of help to sort out this ā€˜vanishing thingā€™… No clue“-could the answer be that at first, your friends/ hosts were delighted to have you visit them, but as you overstayed your welcome, your hosts were distressed but uncomfortable telling you the reason, so no explanation given, and they chose to avoid future discomfort by vanishing?


    in reply to: Seeing a man still living with his ex after 20 yrs. #422696

    Dear Shookie: I will read and reply Wed morning, have a good Tues night!


    in reply to: Why friends disappear? #422695

    Hi EvFran:

    I am sorry for your loss, the loss of your mother last March. Lots indeed for you to deal with. I wish your life was easier and brighter. I hope it will be.

    I am back here, one day at a time.



    re-posted, hopefully without the extra print:

    Dear anonymous03:

    * I am writing this comment while being closer to the ending of writing this post after two days of working on it. This is a..Ā lengthy post warning,Ā as well as letting you know that I am writing this- as I explained below- for my sake also, not just for your sake. So, please feel comfortable to read- or not read, reply- or not reply- to any or all of the following. Also, your last post on the forums was ten days ago (Sept 23), so I understand that things probably changed since you posted here.. hours after I wrote this opening comment, I am adding: I am getting emotional toward the end of this post, so I am addingĀ an emotional trigger warning.*

    I want to re-read your posts and see if I can be helpful to you, and to myself (win-winĀ is the goal). First, whenever a tiny buddha member shares about problems in a romantic relationship, being angry at the romantic partner (similarly to a situation in real-life), I am communicating with only one side of the relationship and not with the other. Itā€™d be a fear- based/ people-pleasing behavior on my part, if I rush to the side of the person I am communicating with, so to not ā€œmakeā€ the person (with whom I am communicating)Ā angry with me. Like most/ all people, I donā€™t want to have another personā€™s anger directed or misdirected at me. So, in this post, I will face this fear of mine, fear of othersā€™ angerĀ  (and so, I am helping myself), and be as objective and honest as I can be, and in so, hopefully, I will be helping you.

    I realize that I have a limited amount of information, only what you shared here, which paints parts of the total picture of the relationship, not the whole picture.Ā  My intent is not- at all- to hurt your feelings or to distress you. I do understand though that parts of what is to follow may be distressing to you (and anger you, which is my fear).

    Also, I realize that we all project all the time, this is how we get to understand other people. The problem is not that we project, but that sometimes we project inaccurately. I will be paying attention to the possibility that some of my projections may inaccurate.

    On my part, there is some distress (like I said) in risking becoming the object of your anger. It is a fear particularly intense due to my childhood experience with a RAGE filled mother, rage that did not only spill but rained over me like a storm. So, my fear is not based onĀ who you are, but .. on who my mother was.

    Iā€™ll get straight to the part in your original post that made the most impression on me when I first read it (I am the one adding the boldface & italic features): ā€œLater, in the hotel, we were in his sisterā€™s room, and he was telling us about how his uncle had insulted his mom, and how he has never forgiven him for that. After that story was over, I said, ā€˜Okay now letā€™s get to something important, letā€™s talk about booking tickets for tomorrowā€™s tour.’ā€- as I read this it was clear to me that you were rude to him, and I suspected that you were rude because (as you stated) you were angry earlier in the evening. I figured that you tried to hurt his feelings in a passive-aggressive way. I mean, clearly to suggest that his perhapsĀ decades-longĀ  feelingsĀ (ā€œhe hasĀ neverĀ forgiven himā€) are less important than booking tickets forĀ a dayĀ tour is.. undeniably rude.

    Continued quote: ā€œHe was hurt by this because he felt that he was sharing something close and personal, and I was insensitive when I said, ā€˜letā€™s talk about something important.ā€™ I hadnā€™t meant it like that at all, but I could see how that may have sounded, and realized it was hurtfulā€¦ I realized my mistakes, took responsibility, and apologized. I said I did not think about it at all before saying any of those things, but I should have, and Iā€™m sorryā€-

    – you told himĀ  all the right things, as if taken from a conflict resolution book.. but ā€œI hadnā€™t meant it like that at allā€ doesnā€™t read believable to me, given that you were angry with him shortly before this conversation took place. To clarify, I believe that youĀ didnā€™tĀ think to yourself, before saying what you said, something like:Ā Ā I am going to say this to him so to hurt his feelings!Ā  I think that your intent to hurt his feelings was instinctual, something a person often does when angry, and that on some level, you were aware of it, or could become aware of it..?

    ā€We went to our room after, and it was clear he was angry and upset. When asked, he ignored me at first, but then told me about all thisā€¦ He said I have been subtly insulting like that many times, but he has never said anything before. I wasĀ horrified that I had been like that, and I told him it was unknowingly doneā€- reads like you admitted that indeed you subtly insulted him many times, and you were horrified that you did so, or that you did it unknowingly.

    ā€He said that the problem is that I do not respect him. If I respected him, I would not have behaved like that. I said I was not being disrespectful purposely, and that I was sorry I disrespected himā€- reads like you agreed with him that you disrespected him, adding that you didnā€™t intend to disrespect him.

    ā€I told him Iā€™d like him to point out to me in the future if I said or did anything like that again. To which he said he wasnā€™t going to. He kept reiterating the same things dramatically for quite a bit, saying he could not understand how I could be like thatā€¦Ā  how I could not have any empathy at allā€- (1) he is making a good point: if you have no empathy for him on a regular or repeated basis (having empathy for him inconsistently, letā€™s say, not when you get angryā€¦ and you stay angry for long periods of time), thatā€™s a big problem because without empathy, you donā€™t consider/ care how your words come across. (2) reads like heā€™s been frustrated for a long time and he feels quite hopeless.

    ā€He then brought my ex-boyfriend up.. He then said to me, ā€˜I have limits. Once those are crossed, I will f*** off. You wonā€™t know when. You wonā€™t know anything. There will be no discussion. Nothing. It will be over.’ā€- he is definitely angry, understandably angry at you because you really disrespected him, and not only once. He is fed up.

    ā€I was horrified that he would threaten me like that. I did not deserveĀ such a breakupā€-Ā  he expressed to you how angry and frustrated he is with your repeated expressions of disrespect toward him. When typing the sentence I quoted here, you didnā€™t think aboutĀ hisĀ desperation and whatĀ heĀ deserves (which is consistent, dependable respect and empathy).

    * If he was a more..Ā  emotionally skilled individual, heā€™d say something like: I am so frustrated and so angry about you repeatedly disrespecting me that I feel like breaking up with you.. I love you, but I am also angry I donā€™t know what to do about it. (Last time I was angry,Ā  I wasnā€™t that skillful. I wish I was, but I wasnā€™t. Maybe next time).

    ā€He calmed down a bit after I apologized and said that he did not mean it when he said heā€™d leave without a conversation. It was just anger. What got me was that he did not apologize and take responsibilityā€- (1) Still angry with him, you focused not on the first part (what he said that was positive), but on what he didnā€™t say. (2) You put too much value in apologizing-and-taking-responsibility,Ā delivered without adequate thought or regret, kind-of, perhaps, automatically repeating what is written in a conflict resolution book and crossing it off your list (as in saying: I apologized, I said something to the effect of taking responsibility, so I am off the hook/ I am Right.. and he is Wrong, for not doing the same).

    ā€In another fight a few monthsā€¦Ā  I cried like thereā€™s no tomorrow. I just wanted to go home. He spooned me. And turned me to him and hugged me to him, saying seeing me cry breaks his heart. And he was sorryā€- he reads like a good, empathetic person.

    ā€Finally, I calmed down a bit and told him, ā€˜You said Iā€™d be a shi*** therapist.ā€™.. he said heā€¦ was only talking about empathy. But he was sorry for saying it anyway. I did not believe him. But I said ok anyway because it was 3 in the morning. My face hurt from all the cryingā€- yourĀ hurt feelings are honest. I feel empathy for you for experiencing so much emotional pain. I wish you didnā€™t and that you wouldnā€™t suffer this way in the future.

    * All of this does not mean that you will be a bad psychotherapist: first, you are still studying to become one, and this very experience with your boyfriend, which you expressed in this thread, can be part of your (informal) education toward becoming a good or even an excellent therapist. You can become a better therapist for having been empathy-challenged (in regard to your boyfriend) and overcoming it, a better therapist than one who had no such challenge. Overcoming it, you can offer your future clients a valuable, personal, hands-on experience inĀ creating enough space in your anger to allow empathy to shine through and take the lead.

    ā€Iā€™ve acted ā€˜normalā€™ since then, but that night haunts me. We got back to our home towns (weā€™re in an LDR), and I havenā€™t been able to completely be okay with him. Iā€™m a little distantā€- lingering, long-lasting anger.

    ā€I do not feel safe sharing anything with him now because I donā€™t know how it will be used against me. Am I overreacting?ā€œ- seems to me that he is a decent man, that he is not responsible for most of your anger and that you are reacting to the anger within you that was there before you ever met him, anger that gets triggered.

    ā€œhe is really sensitive and feels attacked very easilyā€¦ Sometimes when I share things with him, he acts likeĀ Iā€™m overreacting or being too sensitiveā€¦I feel he just lacks empathy some times. And all this is draining for meā€- you are both sensitive people, both having a problem with anger (itā€™s a problematic emotion for so many). Therefore, the two of you have to stop the WAR and sign a peace treaty: NO ATTACKS, no getting even, no lashing out. Take that Pause (see the NPARRĀ  strategy I suggested to you in this thread).

    ā€œWhen heā€™s calmed down and ventedĀ after a fight, he does sincerely apologize for whatever I felt bad about and admits it was not cool of him to do so. He even asked me to let him know if I think heā€™s being abusive any timeā€- (1) he is a good, empathetic, conscientious person, best I can tell. (2) better not calm down after a fight, butĀ before a fight.

    ā€œUsuallyĀ after we fight,Ā once we calm down, we are able to have an objective conversation about it, where we share what we felt. No judgments. No attacking. Itā€™s an open space.ā€- itā€™s about (and it can be done) calming down, and when calm-enough, then have an objective conversation, no judgment, not attacking.. have that conversationĀ before you fight, and a fight will be prevented.

    ā€œIt does annoy me sometimes that he jumps straight to a break-up when weā€™re having a fight and have asked him that.Ā Why he has to jump to a break-up the moment things get a little heatedā€œ- because things donā€™t get ā€œa littleā€ heated, not for him and not for you; things get heated a lot, and when that happens,Ā  he feels cornered, powerless, and he needs a way out, a way to exert some power. Talking about/ threatening a breakup has been his way to get a sense of power/ a way out.

    It shouldnā€™t be about how he (and you)Ā Ā fighting differently.. it should be about the two of youĀ not fighting at all. Thereā€™s a way to talk about and resolving things without fighting.

    ā€œHe is actually a generous and very kind person. And he loves me very much and hurting me is the last thing he wants to do. That I know. And do not doubt one bit.ā€- you said it, but you doubt all of thisĀ when you get angry, donā€™t you?

    ā€œI agree. It feels like I am carrying hurt and resentment fromĀ past issues. And I thinkĀ it seeps into current issuesā€œ-I agree.
    <p class=ā€ContentPasted26ā€>In the beginning and toward the end of your original post, you wrote: ā€œMy boyfriend got a little angry and wasĀ sort of scolding meā€¦Ā I want to talk about all this with him.. How he didnā€™t have toĀ scold me..ā€œ. In a following post: ā€œHeā€™d already beenĀ scolding me since over an hourā€.

    On 1-21-2021 (interesting date), you wrote in another thread: ā€œGrowing up, I did get scolded a lot,Ā sometimes for doing things that werenā€™t even wrongā€¦ I was always terrified of my mother and was afraid ofĀ her scoldsā€¦ Ā I was her emotional punchbag: She would return from work after having a bad day and immediately startĀ scolding meĀ for something as silly as my bag being on the couchā€¦ I would always wonder what I did wrong for her to hate me so. My therapist had recommended that Iā€¦ record herĀ scolding sessionsĀ and show her that this is not okayā€¦ I finally managed to tell her that herĀ scolding me for the silliest reasons is not okay”-

    – it is not far fetched to think that you are re-experiencing your motherā€™s scoldings in the context of your relationship with your boyfriend.. inaccurately projecting her into him.

    You wrote to me, here on this thread: ā€œI appreciate your insights, but respectfully,Ā I do not think my feelings towards my mom are affecting things in this caseā€œ-

    ā€“ in this case, you are dealing with a person who ā€œis actuallyĀ a generous and very kind person. And he loves me very much and hurting me is the last thing he wants to do. That I know. And do not doubt one bitā€œ. In the previous, decades-long case (growing up with your mother),Ā  you were dealing with a person who was not a kind and loving person..Ā to you. I looked for where you mentioned that your mother is, or was kind or loving to you,Ā  and I didnā€™t find any such place.

    ā€œIā€™m not sure I want to be in a relationship where Iā€™m scared of sharing anything with myĀ partnerĀ because he may just use it to hurt me.ā€- replace ā€œpartnerā€ withĀ parentā€¦ and you get where the majority of your fear and anger is coming from.

    Back in 1-21-21, you shared: ā€œmy heart starts beating really fast when she yellsā€œ- itā€™s this habit of fear and anger, the two emotions involved with the heart beating really fast, that gets triggered in the context of your relationship with your boyfriend.

    ā€œShe seemed to be mad at me for something or the otherā€œ- a motherā€™s (a parentā€™s) anger, when uncontrolled, is a scary thing for a child, particularly scary because a child needs her mother toĀ  PROTECT her. What kind of protection will a person whoā€™s angry at you going to provide..?! I mean, whose there to protect you fromĀ her anger?!

    ā€œEven though I hate her, I love her, and I kind of not like it if someone spoke ill of her. I am protective that wayā€¦ It is confusing, my emotions for her. Makes me laugh sometimesā€œ-Ā  the legacy she left in your life, is your heart beating really fast (easily triggered and intense, prolonged fear an anger). Naturally, you felt angry at her, but the mix of love and anger confuses you.

    Like you, I feel (still) a mix of love and hate (anger) for my mother. It used to bother me a lot, when I found myself.. forgetting to be angry at her, and instead, feeling empathy and affection for her. I have learned, relatively recently, to not be disturbed by this mix of love and anger. They co-exist. When I think of her affectionately though, it is never in the context of how she treated me (good or bad). I feel empathy and affection for her only in contexts in which I am not part, like when remembering her interacting with other people. Or how she suffered in contexts not related to me.

    I have no memory of a loving interaction with her, not a single one. The nature and longevity of her abuse of me, the shaming was worst, the hitting was bad.. I canā€™t respond in any other way to (the memory of) her touch but to cringe. Itā€™s overwhelming to think how I was stuck in this, with her, and survived it. The emotional turmoil was intense and prolonged. So much so, that every single hour, every single day, my muscles twitch (motor and vocal tics), ever since I was 5 or 6 (I was told, I donā€™t remember). Itā€™s my heart beating very fast and my muscles ..running away but having no where to go, no shelter, no refuge.

    If you were my mother, reading this post, you would attack me big time, there would be figurative blood coming at me from the screen, her shaming, condemning, crushing words would be hitting me like swords, piercing the core of me. My heart is beating fast writing these words, I felt dizzy just now and had to stop. My mother is not the same as yours, but they have something in common: great anger directed at their daughters. Like yours, mine also yelled at me and gave me the cold treatment following each rage attack. Your mother was probably not as vicious as mine when it comes to SHAMING, but what she did to you was bad enough.

    ā€œWhile I understand how she has affected me, being mad at her doesnā€™t help me or us at all. Iā€™m all she has, and vice versa tooā€œ- I hope that she is not all you have, or all that you can have. I hope that your love for her is not keeping love out of your life.

    ā€œI guess. So yeah, things have been slightly better since I told her how she affects me. She has been trying to changeā€œ- changing enough to love you? Or has she changed enough to get along with you?

    This is the earth shaking realization that I had in regard to my mother: I loved her; she didnā€™t love me back. I would never shame her or hit her and delight in her pain (my mother had a small smile on her face when she saw me hurt). It was a one-sided love, and love for me is never coming from her. It would have been a dream come true to have her love, to experience it.. but it was not to be. You know how people go through romantic breakups, this is similar, but itā€™sĀ the first heart breaking experienceĀ and it lasted for too long. Itā€™s truly a heartbreak, and better complete the process of that mix of hate and love, with accepting that love is not coming from her. You then get to turn around and look for it elsewhere, look for it where itā€™s possible, in a person who isĀ generous and very kind personā€¦ and hurting me is the last thing he wants to do.



    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>Dear anonymous03:</p>
    * I am writing this comment while being closer to the ending of writing this post after two days of working on it. This is a.. lengthy post warning, as well as letting you know that I am writing this- as I explained below- for my sake also, not just for your sake. So, please feel comfortable to read- or not read, reply- or not reply- to any or all of the following. Also, your last post on the forums was ten days ago (Sept 23), so I understand that things probably changed since you posted here.. hours after I wrote this opening comment, I am adding: I am getting emotional toward the end of this post, so I am adding an emotional trigger warning.*

    I want to re-read your posts and see if I can be helpful to you, and to myself (win-win is the goal). First, whenever a tiny buddha member shares about problems in a romantic relationship, being angry at the romantic partner (similarly to a situation in real-life), I am communicating with only one side of the relationship and not with the other. It’d be a fear- based/ people-pleasing behavior on my part, if I rush to the side of the person I am communicating with, so to not “make” the person (with whom I am communicating) angry with me. Like most/ all people, I don’t want to have another person’s anger directed or misdirected at me. So, in this post, I will face this fear of mine, fear of others’ angerĀ  (and so, I am helping myself), and be as objective and honest as I can be, and in so, hopefully, I will be helping you.
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>I realize that I have a limited amount of information, only what you shared here, which paints parts of the total picture of the relationship, not the whole picture.Ā  My intent is not- at all- to hurt your feelings or to distress you. I do understand though that parts of what is to follow may be distressing to you (and anger you, which is my fear).</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>Also, I realize that we all project all the time, this is how we get to understand other people. The problem is not that we project, but that sometimes we project inaccurately. I will be paying attention to the possibility that some of my projections may inaccurate.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>On my part, there is some distress (like I said) in risking becoming the object of your anger. It is a fear particularly intense due to my childhood experience with a RAGE filled mother, rage that did not only spill but rained over me like a storm. So, my fear is not based on who you are, but .. on who my mother was.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>I’ll get straight to the part in your original post that made the most impression on me when I first read it (I am the one adding the boldface & italic features): “Later, in the hotel, we were in his sisterā€™s room, and he was telling us about how his uncle had insulted his mom, and how he has never forgiven him for that. After that story was over, I said, ‘Okay now letā€™s get to something important, letā€™s talk about booking tickets for tomorrowā€™s tour.'”- as I read this it was clear to me that you were rude to him, and I suspected that you were rude because (as you stated) you were angry earlier in the evening. I figured that you tried to hurt his feelings in a passive-aggressive way. I mean, clearly to suggest that his perhaps decades-longĀ  feelingsĀ (“he hasĀ neverĀ forgiven him”) are less important than booking tickets forĀ a day tourĀ is.. undeniably rude.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>Continued quote: “He was hurt by this because he felt that he was sharing something close and personal, and I was insensitive when I said, ‘letā€™s talk about something important.’ I hadnā€™t meant it like that at all, but I could see how that may have sounded, and realized it was hurtful… I realized my mistakes, took responsibility, and apologized. I said I did not think about it at all before saying any of those things, but I should have, and Iā€™m sorry”-</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>- you told himĀ  all the right things, as if taken from a conflict resolution book.. but “I hadn’t meant it like that at all” doesn’t read believable to me, given that you were angry with him shortly before this conversation took place. To clarify, I believe that you didn’t think to yourself, before saying what you said, something like: Ā I am going to say this to him so to hurt his feelings!Ā  I think that your intent to hurt his feelings was instinctual, something a person often does when angry, and that on some level, you were aware of it, or could become aware of it..?</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”We went to our room after, and it was clear he was angry and upset. When asked, he ignored me at first, but then told me about all this… He said I have been subtly insulting like that many times, but he has never said anything before. I wasĀ horrified that I had been like that, and I told him it was unknowingly done”- reads like you admitted that indeed you subtly insulted him many times, and you were horrified that you did so, or that you did it unknowingly.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”He said that the problem is that I do not respect him. If I respected him, I would not have behaved like that. I said I was not being disrespectful purposely, and that I was sorry I disrespected him”- reads like you agreed with him that you disrespected him, adding that you didn’t intend to disrespect him.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”I told him Iā€™d like him to point out to me in the future if I said or did anything like that again. To which he said he wasnā€™t going to. He kept reiterating the same things dramatically for quite a bit, saying he could not understand how I could be like that…Ā  how I could not have any empathy at all”- (1) he is making a good point: if you have no empathy for him on a regular or repeated basis (having empathy for him inconsistently, let’s say, not when you get angry… and you stay angry for long periods of time), that’s a big problem because without empathy, you don’t consider/ care how your words come across. (2) reads like he’s been frustrated for a long time and he feels quite hopeless.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”He then brought my ex-boyfriend up.. He then said to me, ‘I have limits. Once those are crossed, I will f*** off. You wonā€™t know when. You wonā€™t know anything. There will be no discussion. Nothing. It will be over.'”- he is definitely angry, understandably angry at you because you really disrespected him, and not only once. He is fed up.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”I was horrified that he would threaten me like that. I did not deserve such a breakup”-Ā  he expressed to you how angry and frustrated he is with your repeated expressions of disrespect toward him. When typing the sentence I quoted here, you didn’t think about his desperation and what he deserves (which is consistent, dependable respect and empathy).</p>
    * If he was a more..Ā  emotionally skilled individual, he’d say something like: I am so frustrated and so angry about you repeatedly disrespecting me that I feel like breaking up with you.. I love you, but I am also angry I don’t know what to do about it. (Last time I was angry,Ā  I wasn’t that skillful. I wish I was, but I wasn’t. Maybe next time).
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”He calmed down a bit after I apologized and said that he did not mean it when he said heā€™d leave without a conversation. It was just anger. What got me was that he did not apologize and take responsibility”- (1) Still angry with him, you focused not on the first part (what he said that was positive), but on what he didn’t say. (2) You put too much value in apologizing-and-taking-responsibility, delivered without adequate thought or regret, kind-of, perhaps, automatically repeating what is written in a conflict resolution book and crossing it off your list (as in saying: I apologized, I said something to the effect of taking responsibility, so I am off the hook/ I am Right.. and he is Wrong, for not doing the same).</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”In another fight a few months…Ā  I cried like thereā€™s no tomorrow. I just wanted to go home. He spooned me. And turned me to him and hugged me to him, saying seeing me cry breaks his heart. And he was sorry”- he reads like a good, empathetic person.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”Finally, I calmed down a bit and told him, ‘You said Iā€™d be a shi*** therapist.’.. he said he… was only talking about empathy. But he was sorry for saying it anyway. I did not believe him. But I said ok anyway because it was 3 in the morning. My face hurt from all the crying”- your hurt feelings are honest. I feel empathy for you for experiencing so much emotional pain. I wish you didn’t and that you wouldn’t suffer this way in the future.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>* All of this does not mean that you will be a bad psychotherapist: first, you are still studying to become one, and this very experience with your boyfriend, which you expressed in this thread, can be part of your (informal) education toward becoming a good or even an excellent therapist. You can become a better therapist for having been empathy-challenged (in regard to your boyfriend) and overcoming it, a better therapist than one who had no such challenge. Overcoming it, you can offer your future clients a valuable, personal, hands-on experience in creating enough space in your anger to allow empathy to shine through and take the lead.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”Iā€™ve acted ‘normal’ since then, but that night haunts me. We got back to our home towns (weā€™re in an LDR), and I havenā€™t been able to completely be okay with him. Iā€™m a little distant”- lingering, long-lasting anger.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>”I do not feel safe sharing anything with him now because I donā€™t know how it will be used against me. Am I overreacting?“- seems to me that he is a decent man, that he is not responsible for most of your anger and that you are reacting to the anger within you that was there before you ever met him, anger that gets triggered.</p>
    he is really sensitive and feels attacked very easily… Sometimes when I share things with him, he acts like Iā€™m overreacting or being too sensitive…I feel he just lacks empathy some times. And all this is draining for me”- you are both sensitive people, both having a problem with anger (it’s a problematic emotion for so many). Therefore, the two of you have to stop the WAR and sign a peace treaty: NO ATTACKS, no getting even, no lashing out. Take that Pause (see the NPARRĀ  strategy I suggested to you in this thread)

    “When heā€™s calmed down and vented after a fight, he does sincerely apologize for whatever I felt bad about and admits it was not cool of him to do so. He even asked me to let him know if I think heā€™s being abusive any time”- (1) he is a good, empathetic, conscientious person, best I can tell. (2) better not calm down after a fight, but before a fight.

    “Usually after we fight, once we calm down, we are able to have an objective conversation about it, where we share what we felt. No judgments. No attacking. Itā€™s an open space.”- it’s about (and it can be done) calming down, and when calm-enough, then have an objective conversation, no judgment, not attacking.. have that conversation before you fight, and a fight will be prevented.

    “It does annoy me sometimes that he jumps straight to a break-up when weā€™re having a fight and have asked him that. Why he has to jump to a break-up the moment things get a little heated“- because things don’t get “a little” heated, not for him and not for you; things get heated a lot, and when that happens,Ā  he feels cornered, powerless, and he needs a way out, a way to exert some power. Talking about/ threatening a breakup has been his way to get a sense of power/ a way out.

    It shouldn’t be about how he (and you)Ā  fighting differently.. it should be about the two of you not fighting at all. There’s a way to talk about and resolving things without fighting.

    He is actually a generous and very kind person. And he loves me very much and hurting me is the last thing he wants to do. That I know. And do not doubt one bit.”- you said it, but you doubt all of thisĀ when you get angry, don’t you?

    “I agree. It feels like I am carrying hurt and resentment from past issues. And I think it seeps into current issues“-I agree.
    <p class=”ContentPasted26”>In the beginning and toward the end of your original post, you wrote: “My boyfriend got a little angry and was sort of scolding me… I want to talk about all this with him.. How he didnā€™t have to scold me..“. In a following post: “Heā€™d already been scolding me since over an hour”.</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>On 1-21-2021 (interesting date), you wrote in another thread: “Growing up, I did get scolded a lot, sometimes for doing things that werenā€™t even wrong… I was always terrified of my mother and was afraid of her scolds… Ā I was her emotional punchbag: She would return from work after having a bad day and immediately start scolding me for something as silly as my bag being on the couch… I would always wonder what I did wrong for her to hate me so. My therapist had recommended that I… record her scolding sessions and show her that this is not okay… I finally managed to tell her that her scolding me for the silliest reasons is not okay”-</p>
    <p class=”ContentPasted26″>- it is not far fetched to think that you are re-experiencing your mother’s scoldings in the context of your relationship with your boyfriend.. inaccurately projecting her into him.</p>
    You wrote to me, here on this thread: “I appreciate your insights, but respectfully, I do not think my feelings towards my mom are affecting things in this case“-

    – in this case, you are dealing with a person who “is actually a generous and very kind person. And he loves me very much and hurting me is the last thing he wants to do. That I know. And do not doubt one bit“. In the previous, decades-long case (growing up with your mother),Ā  you were dealing with a person who was not a kind and loving person.. to you. I looked for where you mentioned that your mother is, or was kind or loving to you,Ā  and I didn’t find any such place.

    “Iā€™m not sure I want to be in a relationship where Iā€™m scared of sharing anything with my partner because he may just use it to hurt me.”- replace “partner” with parent… and you get where the majority of your fear and anger is coming from.

    Back in 1-21-21, you shared: “my heart starts beating really fast when she yells“- it’s this habit of fear and anger, the two emotions involved with the heart beating really fast, that gets triggered in the context of your relationship with your boyfriend.

    She seemed to be mad at me for something or the other“- a mother’s (a parent’s) anger, when uncontrolled, is a scary thing for a child, particularly scary because a child needs her mother toĀ  PROTECT her. What kind of protection will a person who’s angry at you going to provide..?! I mean, whose there to protect you from her anger?!

    Even though I hate her, I love her, and I kind of not like it if someone spoke ill of her. I am protective that way… It is confusing, my emotions for her. Makes me laugh sometimes“-Ā  the legacy she left in your life, is your heart beating really fast (easily triggered and intense, prolonged fear an anger). Naturally, you felt angry at her, but the mix of love and anger confuses you.

    Like you, I feel (still) a mix of love and hate (anger) for my mother. It used to bother me a lot, when I found myself.. forgetting to be angry at her, and instead, feeling empathy and affection for her. I have learned, relatively recently, to not be disturbed by this mix of love and anger. They co-exist. When I think of her affectionately though, it is never in the context of how she treated me (good or bad). I feel empathy and affection for her only in contexts in which I am not part, like when remembering her interacting with other people. Or how she suffered in contexts not related to me.

    I have no memory of a loving interaction with her, not a single one. The nature and longevity of her abuse of me, the shaming was worst, the hitting was bad.. I can’t respond in any other way to (the memory of) her touch but to cringe. It’s overwhelming to think how I was stuck in this, with her, and survived it. The emotional turmoil was intense and prolonged. So much so, that every single hour, every single day, my muscles twitch (motor and vocal tics), ever since I was 5 or 6 (I was told, I don’t remember). It’s my heart beating very fast and my muscles ..running away but having no where to go, no shelter, no refuge.

    If you were my mother, reading this post, you would attack me big time, there would be figurative blood coming at me from the screen, her shaming, condemning, crushing words would be hitting me like swords, piercing the core of me. My heart is beating fast writing these words, I felt dizzy just now and had to stop. My mother is not the same as yours, but they have something in common: great anger directed at their daughters. Like yours, mine also yelled at me and gave me the cold treatment following each rage attack. Your mother was probably not as vicious as mine when it comes to SHAMING, but what she did to you was bad enough.

    While I understand how she has affected me, being mad at her doesnā€™t help me or us at all. Iā€™m all she has, and vice versa too“- I hope that she is not all you have, or all that you can have. I hope that your love for her is not keeping love out of your life.

    “I guess. So yeah, things have been slightly better since I told her how she affects me. She has been trying to change“- changing enough to love you? Or has she changed enough to get along with you?

    This is the earth shaking realization that I had in regard to my mother: I loved her; she didn’t love me back. I would never shame her or hit her and delight in her pain (my mother had a small smile on her face when she saw me hurt). It was a one-sided love, and love for me is never coming from her. It would have been a dream come true to have her love, to experience it.. but it was not to be. You know how people go through romantic breakups, this is similar, but it’s the first heart breaking experience and it lasted for too long. It’s truly a heartbreak, and better complete the process of that mix of hate and love, with accepting that love is not coming from her. You then get to turn around and look for it elsewhere, look for it where it’s possible, in a person who is generous and very kind person… and hurting me is the last thing he wants to do.


    in reply to: is my coworker in love with another coworker? #422688

    Dear Caroline:

    Thank you for bringing the first smile of the day to my face!

    “And thank you, thatā€™s very refreshing and motivating to know.. that you trust me to trust my feelings.”- You are welcome.

    Yes, IĀ  trust your feelings. My trust is not blind, it’s a result of spending a lot of time reading your posts and communicating with you over time, on a variety of topics.


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