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  • in reply to: Need help #428878

    Dear IMBACK:

    I think that it’d be a good idea for you to end the relationship with he. Say your goodbye to her, and do it soon, kindly and responsibly (keep it short, be kind). And then, stay away. Don’t go back to her.


    in reply to: Need help #428876

    Dear IMBACK:

    So what should I do? Should I confront her about this or should I not?“- did you discuss BPD with her?

    If you didn’t, you can bring up the topic, print out some reliable online information on the topic and hand it to her, ask her what she thinks about it. Her reaction can make a difference as to what is next.

    What did you think about the back and fourth between me and Roberta?“- I think that her suggestion that you do some volunteer work in your community, to connect with people in this way, is an excellent idea. What do you think?



    in reply to: Need help #428870

    Dear IMBACK:

    I am saying that if she fits the BPD criteria, a healthy relationship with her is impossible, impossible for you, impossible for any person in your place. Imagine a 100% healthy young man in your place (if there was such a thing), he’d get sick, sooner than later,  being in a relationship with a BPD woman.


    in reply to: Need help #428868

    Dear IMBACK:

    Welcome back!

    I’m pretty sure she has BPD, because her mom has it and she have been exposed for it the last 18 years. She fits every description there is of BPD“- it so happens that my mother fit the criteria for BPD, and I have been diagnosed with it myself (following many years of purposeful healing, I no longer fit the criteria). BPD is like the kiss of death when it comes to close relationships. It is simply impossible for intimacy/ emotional closeness to survive the unpredictable, explosive behaviors of the BPD person. You walk on eggshells around them. Fear takes over where love used to be.

    I get the feeling that I have to act a certain way. Like a mirror of hers. I have to find things funny that she finds funny. It actually feels like going to jail when I’m with her… I have become someone I am not…  I have lost myself and I’m still not happy at all… I don’t enjoy her company anymore. She reminds me of negative things“- this is how I felt as a child and a teenager growing up with my mother. I was focused on her and lost myself. It felt like being in jail, not having the SPACE to be me, to have my own thoughts, feelings. She (my mother) took over all of my space. It was torture. Like you, I was not happy at all, didn’t enjoy her company. The very sight of her, her voice.. the touch of her hand, it all got infected with bad memories, bad feelings.

    I want to fight for this relationship“- you can fight, but for as long as she fits the BPD diagnosis, you will lose the fight. Maybe she’d be willing to see a professional for an evaluation and treatment…?




    Dear ParadoxMusic:

    At first, as I was reading your story (original post), it read like a love story in the making, a 17 year old (to turn 18 in two months) meeting a 22-year-old woman (B) in college back in 2022, both wearing masks (a Covid Love Story), you were infatuated with “the most beautiful woman” (mask off), butterflies in your stomach, heart pounding… alone in the elevator, another study session…  a kiss, your very first, “the weirdest, most sensational feeling“.. Halloween, you see “a naked woman for the first time” (B), she made you breakfast, you were “very much in love with her“. First sign of trouble, she tells you that she has feelings for you and for her ex, you broke up, the next day she told you that she chose you. The next day she broke up with you, later to tell you that she “could not bear to be without” you. Another sign of trouble: you saw a picture of her with a towel, naked, with another man (an ex), a picture that was taken after one of the breakups between the two of you (hence the cheating and  technicality you mentioned in the title of your thread). When you turned 18, the two of you watched a movie while cuddling, and you introduced her to your parents. More breakups  followed, including “constant severe fighting“, and getting back together again, “after she apologized for her behavior and understood her mistake“. All this so far quite intense, but still in the parameters of teenagers/ very young people in love.

    But then… the story goes into one of life’s very dark sides (reminds me of your use of the words dark energy in a earlier thread). I will summarized this dark side from what you shared: B’s parents neglected B, so her aunt took her in, and proceeded to be.. not a mother for B, but B’s pimp (“the aunt was receiving the money from a married man who was looking for a sexual release with a woman, and she was waiting for the opportunity to sell my girlfriend to him for sex“), and indeed, her aunt arranged for sex between the two, which happened. And this was known and approved of by her extended family.

    Following you finding out about this, in one of the getting back together times, she seemed to not understand the wrongness of what she participated in,  and she blamed you again (“She continued to blame me for her own stupid behavior… I ..explained to her in the simplest terms possible what exactly she did and why it was wrong“). Following that, she “realized her mistake and asked (you) to take her back“. After that, you found out that she posted “pictures of herself in a bikini at a resort with her male friend, who is a rich old man“.

    It seems to me, ParadoxMusic, that you are focused on the lesser aspect of all this (whether she cheated on you or not), and you minimize the bigger story here, this human tragedy: the prostitution of B, arranged by her aunt,  and approved of by her extended family.

    She is a good woman overall, but there are these stupid red flags that I cannot ignore… she proved that she was wife material (excluding her stupid antics)“- the terms stupid red flags and stupid antics are stark minimizations of what is happening.

    What should I do?“- research online the topic of rehabilitating sex workers in the country where you and B live. Not that you can rehabilitate her, but maybe you can gather better understanding of the situation, and  refer her to a good agency that works with sex workers on their rehabilitation.

    I believe that you are correct when you say that B is “a good woman overall“, but she was trained by her aunt to do this kind of work, and she is loyal, I imagine, to her aunt because her aunt took care of her when her parents wouldn’t. She may feel indebted to her aunt.

    Did it not register in her head what a horrible person her aunt is? Is she still that stupid?“- it is very difficult for a child to see a parent or a parent figure as a bad, horrible person. It’s not out of stupidity, but out of a child’ needs to feel safe. A child who perceives her parent- with whom she lives- to be a horrible person, would experience to much fear about the danger of living with, and being dependent on a horrible person. This emotional dynamic extends to adulthood.

    I have not slept properly in months. Should I give her another chance? She says that she understands her mistakes.. She says I will heal from the trauma of what she did but I don’t see any progress“- she says she understands.. but she doesn’t does she? She says that you will heal, but is she healing?

    Be her friend, if you can handle it, but not her boyfriend or her husband, unless and until such time (if it will happen, it will be a long time from now) that she heals and gets rehabilitated.

    The amount of rage I felt in that one second, was enough to force me to kill anyone who pissed me off right then. But I didn’t. I controlled my feelings. I controlled my rage”- congratulations for controlling your rage!

    You had a painful childhood and adolescence yourself paradoxMusic, such that resulted in chronic pain and darkness (“I have this weird pain in my chest that wouldn’t go away. I’ve grown used to this now and I call the feeling I get when I encounter this ‘Dark Energy’“, March 6, 2020). You are a very intelligent young man, and you are studying medicine. Focus on your studies and on your mental health. Help those who need help, if and when you are able, but sinking into their troubles, taking on their dark energy will not help you or them.

    I hope to read more from you and I wish you well.. (and I wish B well too).


    in reply to: “You are enough” – Or am I really? #428856

    Dear Danny:

    I think that the purpose behind the message You Are Enough in self-help books is to create a calm, positive mindset in the reader (if only for a moment), so that the reader will be motivated to improve what he/ she needs to improve.

    The alternative message You Are Not Enough, when repeated many times by a parent becomes You Will Never Be Good Enough, and this message demotivates a person to improve, the person gives up.

    If I am a bad father, am I enough? Or can I not aim to improve as a father? Similarly, if I am a bad husband, should I not look to grow and evolve?“- if you are a bad father/ husband/ friend/ neighbor/ employee/ etc., you are not enough and you should improve. But notice: it is I who is saying that another person should improve. How do I motivate another person to want to improve?

    By pointing to the part of them that is good-enough so that the person has a good-enough basis to grow and evolve from. I had to find that basis within myself, without which I wouldn’t have been able to grow and evolve in the ways that I have.


    in reply to: Be your best everyday – a wise ambition? #428855

    Dear Danny:

    You are welcome. “If my best is never good enough, what should I aspire to be each day, if not the best version of myself?“- if your best is never good enough for your inner critic, aspire to fire the harsh, unfair, disapproving critic and replace him with a gentle, fair, positive inner critic.

    Imagine you are working for a boss who keeps telling you that your work is not good enough, no matter how hard you try.. do you keep trying forevermore to be good enough for that boss, or do you “fire’ that boss and seek another for whom you are good enough?



    Dear Seaturtle:

    I read through your two posts, and in regard to the second, I realize my strong tendency, in my analyses, to go too much in one direction or the  other, lacking a balanced/ moderate, inclusive thinking, a black-and-white/ all-or-nothing thinking which is in my way of understanding people (including you) and situations.

    I apologize for the confusion or discomfort this has caused you. I will do my best to think in a balanced way tomorrow.



    Dear  Pondering Seaturtle: I will read and reply Thurs morning, have a good night!



    Dear Lavern:

    Does that mean he was being dishonest and playing games..“- from all that you shared, reads to me that he is mentally/emotionally unwell, not that he is well and is cold-heartedly playing games with you.

    I’m soo confused and heartbroken. It is extremely difficult moving on.. especially living in close proximity  to one another.“- the behaviors of people who are mentally ill are indeed confusing.. until you understand what ails them.. what ails us (mental illness is so very common, unfortunately).

    Do the best you can to take care of yourself. Seems like he is not good for your mental health, You need someone who is consistent, reliable, dependable, and he is not it.

    Please post again any time with your thoughts and feelings and I will reply.



    Dear ParadoxMusic:

    Welcome back! Amazingly you started your previous thread om March 23, 2020, it’d be 4 years ago, in three days. You were in the 10th grade and we communicated a bit, back then.

    I will read and reply to you further later in the day, or tomorrow.



    in reply to: Cant Move on from the most devastating break-up #428811

    Dear Arctic07:

    Thank you for your appreciation, it was a pleasure reading it!

    So yes, I followed your imagery and I found that he was no extraordinary individual, he was not any wonderful man. But I don’t understand why cant I shove him out of my head altogether“- because, like the saying goes, the heart wants what the heart wants. It won’t listen to reason.

    what I cannot wrap my head around, the fact that it seems like he got so tired of me that he just literally threw me out of his life, how did I become so easily disposable for any individual?“- think of it this way, if you will: if he didn’t throw you out of his life, his mother would have thrown him out of her life in some significant way. I figure that in his mind, society (his religion-society) would throw him out.. and he’d be all alone. Well, he’d have you in his life, but his mother and religion-society are significantly more important to him. To his defense, he was raised this way.

    how could somebody treat me so lowly and worse, how can I still harbor this lingering feeling in my mind about having him back“- .. again, the heart wants what the heart wants. Be patient with your heart: it doesn’t understand the language you use for thinking. It speaks a different (non-verbal) language.

    I am scared that what if the next person I fall in love with uses me in the same way or worse mistreats me more than this guy?“- learn all that you can learn from this experience so that it doesn’t repeat itself, as in history-on-repeat. By learning, I mean rational learning and heart-learning, getting to understand your heart more and more.

    Even today, it’s like I keep thinking about this person the entire day, I just cannot get him out of my head… I again said to him that we were not so weak, why cannot you fight for me? Don’t you love me etc. etc. . And his reply is the same that I cannot make my mother live in disgrace for the rest of her life“- he gave you his honest answer. And as I said before, his mother is way more important to him than you are. It’s not that he doesn’t, or didn’t love you, it’s that he loves his mother more. Never underestimate (again) the love and loyalty of a man- in a society as traditional as in India- to his mother.

    I have not hurt anyone, mistreat anyone, never cheated anyone, then why after doing everything good, why I have to go through this. What have I done to deserve this?“- life is not fair, Arctic07. It hasn’t been fair from the beginning of times. Sometimes fairness/ justice takes place, and we, as individuals can do our best to promote justice, but to expect fairness and justice in our world is sadly unrealistic.

    I am a very simple person when it comes to desires.. I never demanded any gifts from him, never demanded to go to expensive restaurants on  dates“- I share your attitude, having simple desires, not being materialistic.

    “One day after the breakup he said to me that you were like my mother, you did everything for me… When I was living in with him some time ago, I did all the household chores, cooked meals for him and cared for him like anything like he was the center of the universe“- sadly for you, he already has a mother and she.. placed herself in the center of his universe: he’ll marry who she wants him to marry.

    He said that he was also hurting and that he also suffered but I don’t believe so“- from what you shared, seems to me that he did suffer.

    In some days, my job will start… Right now I am at my home and I have so many people around me to love me but what will happen when I will be all alone out there“- I intend to be here for you when your job starts, so you won’t be as alone… if it helps you.

    “I am sick of being depressed about this… I want to be at peace with my life . I want to move on in life. I want to focus on other things in life that give me happiness. But I just can’t. Please help“- be patient with your heart. It doesn’t speak the language of reason. It is hurting and it wants your attention, to make it feel better. Think of your heart as a baby that needs a good mother to take care of it, to talk to it with a gentle voice, to soothe it.




    Dear Laven:

    You shared that you and this guy who lives in your neighborhood started seeing each other six months ago, in Sept 2023. Back then, the two of you had sex for the first time. Following that 1st time, he ghosted you for 2 weeks, and then texted you an apology, saying that he ghosted you because he was insecure “due to him feeling insecure and questioning his size, performance, and capabilities“, saying that he missed you, and asked you if you had been satisfied.

    Last week, he had a visitor or visitors in his home, he says it was 2 guys, but you think that saw him with another woman, making out. He swore to you that “there are no other women“. Four days ago, the two of you had sex for the 2nd time, and he ghosted you again, not answering the two texts you sent him (true to yesterday when you submitted your original post).

    You asked: “Is he playing me, and perhaps only using me for sex, to fill voids of loneliness…???“- when you say that the two of you had sex only twice, I don’t know if you mean that there were only 2 occasions of a sexual nature between the two of you, or that there were only 2 occasions of intercourse. If it’s the former, if he pursued you for any kind of sexual activity only 2 times in 6 months, I’d say that he wasn’t using you for sex, at least not regularly or predominantly.

    As far as filling voids of loneliness- maybe, but that in itself is not a negative thing, we are all people who need people (as the song says) to fill our human void.

    Does he mean anything he tells me??“- he probably meant some of the things he told you, but not all. Did I understand correctly: he told you that he wants to marry you and start a family with you?

    If that’s what he told you, do you think he meant it?

    I am sorry, Laven, it reads like you are hurting, and I do understand this kind of hurt. Maybe if we talk about it all for a while, back and forth, maybe you will feel better, and the two of us can learn something from each other.


    * Dear Tommy: it’s a good thing that you are my role model as far as Ego is concerned, so, I don’t let myself be carried away with what appears to be a compliment.. haha, and thank you!


    in reply to: A study in loneliness and rejection #428805

    Dear Worldofthewaterwheels:

    You are welcome, good to read from you again!

    I think the problem is that I can’t complain, can’t argue with friends for fear of losing them.. but will anyway. If you can’t be honest with each other then where is the reality“- I agree with you: it is very important to be honest in the context of personal relationships (and otherwise). Holding in complaints and disagreements is distressing and exhausting. I understand your fear to lose friends if you honestly express what may not be pleasant for them to hear.

    I have deep-seated fear of rejection and yet get constantly rejected. I fear confrontation…I have the ability to stand out, I have a presence, but I fight it because apparently from my youth, I was taught not to be too big in order to have support“-

    – There is a middle way between being too big and too small,  as in being either too loud and too quiet; a middle way between expressing oneself aggressively and not expressing oneself at all (being passive). The middle way is expressing yourself assertively. Learning and mastering the skill and art of assertiveness will get you the best results when dealing with most people.



    in reply to: Be your best everyday – a wise ambition? #428803

    Dear Danny:

    On days like these (the struggling kind) I’ve started to feel I’m not doing my best which in turn leads to self criticism… Even on my more productive days, when I review if I was my best self, I then think ‘I should of dine an extra 5 minutes of breath work… What is your best? How can it be defined?“-

    – unfortunately for you (and for the many people suffering the from the ruthless harassment of a harsh, never-to-be-satisfied  inner critic), your best is never good enough: your bestnever good enough, according to the harsh inner critic.

    With a harsh inner critic what happens is that you have days that you are doing great, but those days are followed by days that are the opposite. To do well consistently, you have to adopt a different kind of inner critic.

    Too often, when a child grows up with a harsh, critical parent, the child’s brain internalizes the harsh, critical parent. There are ways to .. do your best to change your inner critic so that it doesn’t harass you anymore. You will do much better in life if you have a gentle and fair inner critic.


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