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  • anita

    Dear Laven:

    I will read and reply to you Sun morning. (It is Sat evening here). I am sorry that you feel badly and hope that soon, you feel better. Feelings change, and you wull feel better!


    in reply to: Partner is upset at me. #430696

    Dear Sunny:

    I will read all the replies that you received and get back to you Sun morning with a thorough reply, (It is Sat evening here).



    April 6, 2024, Paradoxy to anita:  “I have a lot of patience and understanding, which you have still failed to realize despite how long we have been having this conversation. The very fact that I have not called you names is proof enough that you are wrong about assuming that I have uncontrolled anger and that I am verbally abusive. I argue because you are not getting the facts accurate… Look at the conversations that Tee and I have versus the conversations that you and I have, do you see the drastic difference between conversations with her versus you? Tee was able to understand the situation better than you could and show me exactly where the issues lie whereas you have not because you have not factored in the extra details that I stated to you in each of the arguments, such as the fact that my so-called verbal abuse only occurred after a fight has been going on for a LONG PERIOD OF TIME, which is evidence for how much patience I have, which also proves that this so-called verbal abuse is NOT something that happens all the time. Despite how much I appear to be arguing with Tee, it is more evident that I am learning more from the things she said compared to things you have said as she is able to understand the situation better than you. No disrespect but I don’t think I want a hug from someone who doesn’t even understand why they are even hugging. Paradoxy”.

    anita to Paradoxy, April 6, 2024: reading the above makes me feel anxious, sad and angry, the many hours of my efforts to help you ending with your efforts to hurt me.

    Nonetheless, I wish you healing and a life where you  get to Love and Be Loved in return. Goodbye.



    in reply to: Partner is upset at me. #430690



    Dear Paradoxy:

    So basically, you are saying that I am indeed verbally abusive“- yes.

    But I want to understand, is it still verbally abusive if the things that are said are actually true?“- telling anyone that they are a “brick wall” is abusive no matter the IQ of the person. As a matter of fact, it is unintelligent of a person to call another dumb, a brick wall, etc., if one wants love and respect in return.

    Would calling her a brick wall be considered verbally abusive, when she is actually behaving like a brick wall by not listening to me“- she shouldn’t listen to anything you say for as long as what you say to her includes verbal abuse from time to time.

    Even you probably thought of me as a brick wall when I appeared to be too stubborn to listen to your advice even though I was listening to your advice“- I don’t think that you listened to my advice in this 5- page thread, not yet.

    I am more than willing to take responsibility for my mistake but at least be fair when judging me“- you didn’t yet take responsibility for verbally abusing her, you’ve spoken from both sides of your mouth in this regard: saying that you were abusive and then saying that if she is a brick wall, then calling her a brick wall is not abusive.

    “Honestly Anita, how do you expect me to react when she sleeps with another man and then blames me for it? Like how? How would YOU react if your OWN PARTNER slept with another woman and then BLAMES YOU for it, saying that it is YOUR FAULT for making them feel abandoned, YOUR FAULT for making them sleep with another woman?“- if I called my partner names, dumb, a brick wall, etc., and repeatedly, if I was arrogant, dismissive and abusive to him, I wouldn’t expect him to be loyal to me.

    Please understand the amount of anger that I was feeling in this situation and other similar situations“- uncontrolled anger is behind much of interpersonal abuse and crime, crimes of passion, it’s called.

    I always speak the truth, even if it is the harsh truth… All I have been doing is pouring out love to her“- the second part of this quote is one of the times that you have taken an exception to speaking the truth.

    Some people just forget all the good things that someone has done when they do something bad one time“- this is an accusation some abusive people make on a regular basis, accusing the abused of paying too much/ disproportional attention to the abuse. It’s a false accusation.

    Let’s look at what you shared back in March 2020, when you were 15, way before you knew that B existed in the world:

    I feel hollow inside…. I felt like a burden to others. But I never got angry… I created a pressurized vessel that I tried to blow on myself so I would die but it just injured my arm and I became known in my school as an expert in bombs… I have this weird pain in my chest that wouldn’t go away… My parents… have called me things in my main language which I cannot translate. Their insults made me so upset that sometimes I felt as if death was the only solution and they would only understand my value once I die. But for some reason, I kept forgiving and forgetting… There happened to be an incident where my neighbor threatened my parents that they would call social services since they saw how I was being treated… I love and care for my parents even if they mistreat me… I laugh when I see someone die in movies (especially gory deaths) while everyone else is horrified or sad. But I still don’t care… I laugh at gory deaths cause I think it’s funny how the person dies (For example: In the movie Final Destination 2, I laughed when I saw a girl being shot to death through the head with a nail gun by accident)“.

    B brought her past to the troubled, on and off, fight-filled relationship with you. You brought your past to the relationship. What I see in your past (quotes right above) is severe verbal abuse perpetrated on you by your parents, abuse severe enough for a neighbor to notice and threaten to call social services. I see you minimizing their abuse. I see you suppressing your anger at your parents and expressing it at yourself.. and at a woman in a movie, enjoying the portrayal of her violent death.

    I just noticed that you submitted a post for me a few moments ago, you wrote: “Dear Anita, Where did you see me indicating that I love to hate her? If she was as perfect as can be, there would not be any hate to direct in the first place.”-

    – the hate predated you meeting B, she did not create your hate.

    You did a lot of fighting within the relationship with B (“I only entered the verbally abusive phase after fighting for HOURS, or DAYS, or WEEKS, nonstop“, April 5, 2024), and you do a lot of fighting on your thread, arguing a lot. Good thing you don’t call your responders names (I suppose that you know that it’s against website regulations). But you argue and argue. It’s like you are addicted to arguing and fighting.

    I wish I could reach you virtually with a motherly hug, and hush your anger, hush your distress, so that you can relax and be calm and have peace within you.



    in reply to: Partner is upset at me. #430673

    Dear Sunny:

    “The fight we had was about surprises and gift giving. He kept saying he did not know what I wanted as a gift and that I never tell him anything which was incorrect. There are a few things I wanted and I shared that with him multiple times so when he told me I never tell him anything I became a bit frustrated because to me it felt like he was not listening to what I was saying all those times of me saying I want something. That is what started the argument between us. It turns out he was only saying that to throw me off but I wasn’t aware of that“-

    – I want to understand this fight better, by throwing you off, what do you mean?

    Also, you told him many times and specifically what you want for a gift and he forgot that you did, or lied and said that you didn’t tell him?


    in reply to: Partner is upset at me. #430670

    Dear Sunny:

    We both have shared that after fighting, sometimes it’s hard to just bounce back to normalcy“- this is why the best policy is to not fight, but to resolve conflicts through a negotiation. Of course, when there’s anger, it’s okay to responsibly express it, but not to escalate it.

    He stated that I prioritized the wrong emotions and that I should have been there for him on his first day of work… I was trying to release tension between us which is why I felt like I wasn’t prioritizing the wrong emotions here. I was only trying to make things better between us. Is that so much of a bad thing?“- I suppose timing is an important issue here: if you confronted him with what you confronted him after his first day of work, that would’ve been better timing, wouldn’t it?

    Is there any advice you can give? I am struggling here.“- reconsider the situation, see if his complaints are more valid than you thought so far. If they are, then sincerely apologize, letting him know specifically what you are apologizing for.

    You are welcome to describe what happened before his first day at work, if you would like more specific input from me.


    in reply to: Love lost #430669

    Dear Ben:

    First, a note about personality disorders: I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) 13 years ago, a diagnosis that fit me since my beginning adulthood. Following therapy and a lot of work, I no longer fit the diagnosis (what a relief for me and the people in my life!). So, personality disorders are not permanent if you work on healing persistently and for some time.

    The quotes I submitted to you 3 days ago (which appear in your reply italicized), are quotes from the ravive. com on Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD). It so happens that you and I have more in common than I previously thought: our mothers are similar. I know that my mother fit the PPD (as well as the BPD diagnosis), and her PPD led to me fitting some of the PPD diagnosis myself.

    I am not a medical doctor, nor am I a health care professional of any kind, so I am not diagnosing you or your mother. Even if I was a professional, it would have been unprofessional of me to diagnose anyone online in the context here. But this does not mean that the information on personality disorders, information available to everyone, offered to everyone without preconditions (such as prefacing the information with this information is meant only for professionals). Therefore, it is okay for you and for me to responsibly use the information offered to all.

    Living with my PPD-mother robbed me from the ability to trust people. She kept expressing to me her suspicions of other people (and of me, at different times), again and again, on and on. Growing up, I couldn’t maintain any friendship/ good feelings toward people because I was often angry at them for allegedly mistreating my mother. Her ongoing expressed suspiciousness/ PPD isolated me from her, from myself and from everyone else.

    A PPD mother presents the world to her child as a very hostile world, betrayal of trust is just around the corner, a matter of time. No exception. How can one possibly have a trusting relationship in a world where trust does not exist..?

    “… Frequently complaining – unfortunately a large number of people have told me I do this, including my boyfriend (where I think it extinguishes his very optimistic attitude and leaves him feeling almost depressed after ‘talking to me’– where sometimes it’s just me on a tirade against petty little things)“- the beginning of my healing was to Notice that I was just about to act (say or do something) based on my BPD tendencies, and then Pause, and most often, I would resist doing the damaging BPD behavior. I would feel the tendency, the need, the compulsion to (accuse a person of this or that, etc.) but I didn’t act on it. Over a long time of practicing this discipline, the compulsions weakened.

    This can apply to you in this way: you feel like you are about to complain to your boyfriend, you Notice the feeling/ compulsion, and you put the compulsion on Pause. You don’t complain to him.

    For me this is 100%, I am guarded with him… almost mocking his commitment to me… it’s nearly everyday a ‘joke’ reminding him of his past errors“- reminding him of his past errors, real or imagined, is also a compulsion that you can put on Pause.

    Knowing this, I wish I could let some of it go, but how?…When it was just me it was fine but I can’t treat someone I’m in a relationship with this way – especially how I am now, acting as if it’s his problem!“-

    – it’s not your fault that you grew up with a PPD-ed mother any more than it is my fault that I was brought into the world through a PPD-ed mother. Yet, it is our personal responsibility to heal, best we can, for our ow sake  and for the sake of the people who deserve better from us.

    As I close this post, I am very curious about what you think and feel about all this, hoping that although it’s difficult to process (?) it gives you hope..?



    Dear Cosmo:

    I had to look up ENM: “Consensual non-monogamy, also known as ethical non-monogamy, is an umbrella term for relationships in which all partners give explicit consent to engage in romantic, intimate, and/or sexual relationships”.

    I actually have thought about ENM a while ago. But… I decided to deny the thoughts of non-monogamous relationship at all. Not to mention its very taboo in my country’s moral compass. Its like not me and how I’ve been living my life. Also, if I am ENM, I wouldn’t think I be this devastated“-

    – I need to understand better. Please answer the following if you feel comfortable doing so:

    (1) What motivated you to cheat?

    (2) What thoughts go through your mind when you feel shame and guilt in regard to your cheating within the relationship?

    (3) What was the state of your parents’ marriage when you were growing up, and how was your childhood experience like?



    Dear Cosmo:

    You shared that you cheated a few times on your now ex-girlfriend. She knew about a few of the cheatings and forgave you, but then you cheated again and told her about it, so to “come clean as I believe she needs to make informed decision“. During the no-contact period that followed, she decided to break up with you. You suspect that she broke up with you because she may have “heard about the rumors” during the no-contact, and that your ex shared about your cheating on social media.

    You feel “guilt, shame, remorse, sad“. You saw a psychologist about your feelings and she told you that your cheating is “a behavioral problem” that she doesn’t see that you have deeper issues that need to be addressed, suggested that an open relationship might be the solution to this behavioral problem, and therefore, she saw no need for a second session.

    Before I suggest anything, I’d like to ask you: do you believe that (as I understand the psychologist suggested) you cheated on your girlfriend because you are not suited for a monogamous relationship, similarly to other male mammals who, in nature, and by nature, are not monogamous?


    in reply to: Confused about relationship – Need help #430636

    Dear antarkala:

    You are very welcome, Antarkala, thank you for the note.  I hope that you feel better soon, and looking forward to reading from you!


    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #430634


    To express what’s been repressed for decades, more than half a century of repression:

    I am still afraid of the woman I was born through.

    Oopsie.. I was born to that one woman…

    Expressing that repressed expression (“oopsie”) would be saying something like: NO, GET ME OUT OF HERE, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Facing a predator day in and day out and nowhere to escape.

    Scared, heart beating fast, cold skin, cold sweat.. dizzy, about to faint, oh no, oh no, help me, someone, HELP ME.

    I used to pray to the stars in the night sky: help me, HELP me, help me.

    Day in and day out, night after night.. and here’s another morning with hope dashed, another day.

    In photographs, in the photo album, her head was missing, torn off.  She cut her head off in photos.

    I tried to tell her: don’t cut your head off, you are beautiful! And she said, in so many words,  no, I am ugly, and you are ugly too!

    anita: I want to help you..!

    Predator: I will kill you, I will murder you!

    That’s the word she used, “murder”, “I will murder you!“. She said these words like a victim, as if I hurt her so badly, that she had no choice but to murder me, to cut my head off.

    Nowhere to go, no safe place. At night, I listened to her breathing and found some relief when it was steady, meaning she was really asleep. She can’t murder me when asleep.

    In her times of wakeful rage, there she was rushing, running toward me, only a few meters/ feet, but still running, her breathing fast and loud, full of rage, ready for the kill.

    This one time she told me: you think I am stupid? I will not break your bones, I will not leave bruises, I’ll get into trouble if I do. I know how to hit you and not leave a sign!

    She was thinking that I was trying to trick her into getting her into trouble with the police or something. She was thinking that I was trying to trick her into breaking my bones so to get her into trouble.

    If this is a mother, then all words have no meaning.

    I feel sorry for her still. Clearly, a very sick person. But I am not feeling sorry for my mother. I didn’t have a mother. I feel sorry for that person.

    And I feel sorry for another person, little girl anita. She didn’t know. She didn’t know what was happening. Oh God, she prayed to no god in particular, please help me, please..! 

    Decades later, the world is filled with predators, some in very powerful places world-wide, but in my personal experience, this one person scared me more than any other, this predator in my life, my personal predator, a freakish distortion of the word mother.




    Like I said before, you love to hate her. If you had a girlfriend who was as perfect as can be, where would you direct all this hate that’s inside you?


    in reply to: Oh! Life you are complicated. #430630

    Dear anonymous:

    The last 4 sentences of your original post: “I wrote this last night and suddenly slept. This morning the moment I woke up I was disappointed that I was alive and thought ending my pain. Then I hear my child waking up and calling me. Oh! life…“-

    – the answers are all in your words right above: (1) Express yourself, just as you did in your original post,  let out your emotions, type them out on the computer screen. You suddenly slept after expressing yourself the night you typed your original post, good thing. Keep doing what works,

    (2) Your child waking up is a new life waking up, calling you, getting your attention; find new life within you and attend to it. I will soon elaborate on this point.

    The title of your thread is “Oh! Life you are complicated“. Let’s simplify life, not over-simplify it, but just enough to be realistic and somewhat hopeful.

    Hatred, deception, and hypocrisy are the qualities to survive in this world and unfortunately, I do not have them…How can we say life is beautiful when all we see, and experience is cruelty and hatred“- there is indeed a huge void in this world, a void of peace, of mildness, of kindness. And we are all (the hating and the hated, the deceiving and the deceived) on the same boat of destruction.

    Morning is the worst time, and the moment I wake up, I am instantly grappled by feeling of despair, fear, helplessness, and void… As I grew up, I faced incidences of bullying. I was not able to confront them…  I was not able to stand for myself…  On one occasion, I was badly beaten by a classmate… I was helpless and got into shock“- the void-within: too scared to stand up for yourself, not being able to help yourself (aka helplessness).

    Another instance… He abused her in front of me and others, and I just became a shameless observant… I still see it in my dreams, becoming helpless“- the void-within: too scared to stand up for and help the abused.

    “I just became a shameless observant… I was not able to face them. I still see it in my dreams, becoming helpless and have a guilt about it“-

    – shame and guilt are huge contributors to your helplessness and despair. You were not shameless when you passively observed the abuse done to your classmate; you were scared, a scared observant. You’d have to peel the shame and guilt off the fear, so to heal as much as it is possible for you to heal.

    You’ll need to replace the shame and guilt with empathy for the scared boy within you.

    Once you do that, the scared boy within you will be less scared, and courage will be the new life within you, which I mentioned above. Courage will replace helplessness.

    There were occasions when he (your father) expressed his deep love… One day before his death he called me multiple times, but I was busy at work and was unable to take it and thought I would call him tomorrow. It never came and he passed next day. His death has tremendously impacted me, created a void, and I feel guilty about it“-

    – there were many, many occasions when you expressed your deep love for your father. Your love for him motivated you to study and work as hard as you did, so to meet his expectations. You weren’t with him that one day when  he passed, but you loved him all the days of your life.

    I think I was never programmed to stay happy. I live in constant fear that something bad will happen. I ruminate through the past..“- your brain is in the habit, by this point, of feeling anxious and depressed. Reading my reply.. reading anything.. will not change the chemical habits of your brain, (chemicals that create your emotional experience). It will take replacing the old chemical/ mental habit with a new habit. New activities within your daily routine are needed, ex.: exercise, guided meditations, a Tai-Chi class, yoga and a daily practice of Mindfulness.

    I would like to communicate with you further..


    in reply to: Help with Relationship #430626

    * Dear Tommy: when I read the ending of your (excellent!) advice, “I am sorry for my poor advice”, I had to tell you that I am a fan! Your fan, and more accurately, I am a Tommy’s Ego Fan (a TEF). I like your combination of humility and humor.

    Dear John:

    I went back to re-reading your posts because of Tommy’s reply and with his input in mind:

    (I am adding the boldface feature selectively to the quotes): “She’s asked for space, and I’ve really tried to give it to her… we are still in contact minimally“- better that you give her all the space she asked for. Otherwise, it portrays you as either too weak to stay away from her and/ or disrespectful of her need for space.

    “Does anyone have any advice on how to practice patience when it comes to a relationship that is paused?”- a relationship that is paused is still ongoing, but it’s .. sort of, not alive anymore, yet it’s not dead either. This may be more difficult to endure long-term than if it was a relationship that was ended.

    “Met a girl, we became really close, very fast… Things were said… in the line of moving way too fast and saying way too much too early in a relationship… I felt like I had to over do it so she wouldn’t lose interest.  I felt like I had to move quickly so that I wouldn’t lose her… I pushed too hard”-

    – reads like Anxious Attachment Style, on your part, indicating you growing up with an unreliable parent: one that was present with you sometimes (enough for you to form an attachment to), but unpredictably absent too many times, for what felt (or was) long periods of time.  The absence could be a parent spending time outside the home, leaving the child behind with a babysitter, let’s say. It could be a parent staying in her bedroom for long periods of time, leaving the child alone, elsewhere in the house, or otherwise withdrawing affection from the child unpredictably.

    Fast forward, the child, now an adult, forms a strong romantic connection to another, and the child-within panics, scared of losing the parent again, by proxy of the romantic partner (the parent gets projected into the romantic partner).

    “The reason that this relationship means so much is because of how open and vulnerable I was, without hesitation from me or judgement from her.  I’ve never experienced that before”- before the relationship, you were too afraid to be open and vulnerable, with her you were open and vulnerable. Part of your openness was to express you anxiety about losing her, wasn’t it?

    And that anxiety was too much for her to bear, so she needed space. Maybe she felt too much of a responsibility for your emotional well-being, as in having a needy child.

    “Ugh.  I mean, it’s frustrating because of the self immolation that I constantly practice in my life”-

    – from a website (save tibet. org): “Self immolation is a profound cry for help by those who feel they have no other way to tell the world about their suffering”.

    You are welcome here, to tell about your suffering in ways that express- on the screen- the depth of your suffering, if it is something that may help you. (This is what I do in my own thread, and I find it helpful).


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