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  • in reply to: Work Place Blues #431731

    Dear Maria:

    I am afraid of failure. This is true, but I am even more afraid of success…  I have a core drive to be of service, to be embedded in community and to be a part of something bigger than myself“-

    – what if you dedicated yourself so fully, so completely to being a part of something bigger than yourself, that you would become bigger than your personal anxiety (about failure and success)?


    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #431726


    I am taking a break from fear, anxiety and rage to mention Love. Here is a bible quote about love that I like very much (1 Corinthians 13:4-6): “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth”. 

    This is how I want to love.



    Dear Seaturtle:

    This is what you wrote yesterday about P: “she is so negative, and she talks just so much, doesn’t allow a moment of silence. She cuts me off, I can hardly get a story out… She doesn’t listen when I talk she just waits to talk, and my patience is falling away. In trying to be a good friend I have spent time with her and just allowed her to vent“.

    Today, you wrote in regard to my suggestion to disinvite P to the weekend celebration of your birthday: “This is what I want to do, but I am afraid of losing P as a friend if I do that, that I would be being a bad friend, wouldn’t I be?”-

    – if you don’t disinvite her and suffer her presence during your birthday weekend (enduring her negative, on and on venting, etc.)), then you’d be a bad friend to you, wouldn’t you?

    And you’d be losing you, wouldn’t you?

    To be a true self (not a false self) means being a good friend to you, to not lose you.

    You wrote that you plan to talk with P: “I have a feeling she will get defensive and if she does, and cannot see her negative behavior and commit to working on it, then I will attempt to disinvite her. It would be easier if I could have a conversation with her and she could remove herself from the trip”– you are afraid of being your true, assertive self, so you are hoping that she (P) will make the right choice for you. Your false self is scared to be proactive, it prefers to be reactive (to leave it up to P).

    To be one’s authentic/ true self means to be assertive and kind, not one or the other.



    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #431715

    Continued (trigger warning, still):

    You blamed me for what others have done to you before I was born. You pointed your finger of blame at me, accusing me of being the Bad Guy, and proceeding to punish the bad guy, who in reality was a good girl who loved her (perceived) mother more than anything or anyone in the whole wide world.

    And I believed you, how could I not…?

    There is no greater Betrayal.

    I figuratively reclaim my head, that which you figuratively cut off of me, and I form my sincere intent to hand you back the shame and guilt that does not belong to me.


    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #431714

    Continued (trigger warning.. sensitive topic):

    Fear, the fear of being alone (autophobia), that’s been my fear for as long as I remember.

    There were 2 kinds of Alone: (1) being without that person (previously referred to in this thread, as my mother), once she does what she repeatedly said she will do: kill herself (commit suicide). And that, as she repeatedly said, that she’d kill herself because I was a bad, bad girl, the worst. The worst girl in the world.

    (I remember her threatening to kill herself when I was younger than 6, when I was 20+, and last time I remember, I was in my late 30s or early 40s).

    (2) being with that person: the crushing criticism, guilt-tripping, shaming.. shaming, lots of shaming, shaming me to the core. Crushing my spirit while keeping my body alive.

    Couldn’t live without her, couldn’t live (as in truly live) with her.

    The first was fear; the second was fear and anger: great anger, RAGE.

    I want to talk about that RAGE (talking to her, in my mind, here): You tell me: who do you think you are..? (you big zero).  Today, I ask you: who do you think YOU are? Your shame does not give you the right to inflict it on ME!

    You literally cut your head off in photographs, it’s a shame.. but you have no RIGHT to figuratively cut off my head by shaming me to the core, and at length, crushing my spirit, mutilating my brain. You have no such right!!!

    And yet, you took the liberty to do what was oh, so very wrong for you to do.

    You took that liberty because you were not afraid of retaliation, not from me, not from anyone else. For there was no one for me, no one with me.

    Who do you think YOU are?

    You called me names, you told me how bad, bad, bad, bad… bad, bad of a person I was- am.

    You are!

    It is a bad person who returns shame for the unconditional, most dedicated love of a daughter for her (perceived) mother, the love of a little girl looking up to her mother for love in return.

    Alone without her; alone and condemned with her. RAGE.


    in reply to: Looking backwards #431713

    Dear gresshoppe:

    I have pondered, and will ponder.“- I ponder too. Actually, I enjoy pondering in these forums and elsewhere.  And I enjoy reading other members’ pondering, so anytime you’d like to ponder out loud here, in your thread, please do!


    in reply to: Looking backwards #431710

    Dear gresshoppe:

    I was really annoyed with an older friend of mine… she won’t stop hammering away at how unhappy I’ll be if I don’t find someone… She keeps assuring me that ‘I’ll find someone,’“- rushing you to find someone as in saying that for a woman to be unattached/ not in a relationship is a scary thing..?

    There is a term for the fear of being/ living alone, when it is excessive, it’s called autophobia. It is experienced both by people who live alone and people who live with a significant other.

    (I am adding the boldface feature to the following quote): “Everything fell apart, so fast. I wanted to slow everything down, but couldn’t find a way, so I went no contact. It was really hard to recover… identifying a pattern in my behavior. I get excited with a connection, really get it into the other person, and then burn out. Going deep tells me to slow everything down and get to know the other person better. My own pattern feels self-destructive… I feel myself getting sucked back into a hot and heavy relationship and my insides are pleading with me to slow down in a major way“-

    – I wonder if it’s the fear of being alone that’s fueling the going so fast, the rushing to secure an attachment/ a relationship, on your part and on his part?

    In regard to moving too fast and getting to know who you’re moving too fast with, from an article by huff post/ 7 signs you’re moving too fast when you’re dating someone: “Trust is something that’s slowly built over time…  Make sure this person is worthy of your trust and vulnerability before you go telling them your deepest secrets… We trust through actions, not words… Romance is one of the biggest emotional roller coasters, and people are willing to take way too many unnecessary risks in the beginning…

    “Many people confuse the word ‘love’ with ‘in love’… While being in love ― being infatuated or experiencing lust ― is more relevant to early stages of a romantic relationship, loving someone is more relevant to a long-term relationship, after you’ve really gotten to know your partner… My advice would be to give your partner just a little trust. If they show they are worthy of that little trust, give them a little more, and so on and so forth. You earn it one bit at a time.”

    From harley therapy. co. uk/ always moving too fast in a relationship: “for the most part, moving too fast in a relationship and relying on sudden infatuation is an experience that ends as quickly as it began – and often with a bump. What makes you the sort who always promises ‘never again’ but then can’t seem to stop going too fast in relationships?

    “9 Reasons You Rush into Love 1. You are Codependent…. 2. You are counter dependent: The flip side of codependency, counter dependency means you fear real intimacy… 3. You have an anxious attachment style… 4. You lack boundaries… 7. You have adult ADHD or borderline personality disorder… Adult ADHD has impulsivity as a main symptom. This means you don’t think things through before..  diving in – including engaging in relationships. Borderline personality disorder is another condition which can leave you prone to ‘speed relating’. If you have BPD you tend to be very emotionally intense and oversensitive with a deep fear of rejection… 8. You are a love or relationship addict. Do you rush headlong into relationships because they make you ‘feel alive’? If you have an addictive personality, other people can be the thing that creates the ‘high’ you crave…”.

    Things to ponder…?



    Dear Seaturtle:

    Yes, you told me about P. Your roommate expressed to you that she prefers to spend time with you without P. If I was you, I would kindly (find a way) dis-invite P so that you can spend a pleasant woo-hoo birthday weekend with your roommate.

    You can still talk with P about things, just not in a context where you are committed to be with her for an extended period of time, as in overnight/ whole weekend.

    So, in this case of ruminating, if you commit to these situational solutions (1- disinviting her, 2- talking with her in a limited time and place context), there is no purpose to continue thinking on the topic, is there?


    in reply to: Work Place Blues #431675

    Dear Maria:

    You are welcome.

    There is an underlying conflict I am experiencing… to be of service without putting restraints on me in terms of presence or time… for better work life balance… I am curious about how you and others might approach giving back/service and balancing that with personal joy“- for me, what I do here in the forums brings me contentment, so I don’t have to balance it with something else that would bring me contentment. I do balance the sitting down at the computer time with walking/ physically working time outdoors.



    Dear Seaturtle:

    I wonder if it is my minds job to release samskaras, or what part the mind plays in that process…?“- it’s the brain’s job. There are thousands of neural connections between the different parts of the brain, this is why it is not simple at all to change core beliefs and habitual patterns of thinking and feelings.

    How do we get more clarity on separating these two categories?”– lots of people worry about situations they personally cannot change, at least not in any way that’s objectively significant (Ex., wars, threats of wars, the price of lettuce). When you find yourself worried and ruminating about a situation, or a person, ask yourself if you can change the situation or the person in any way that’s objectively significant. If you can’t, ask yourself what’s the purpose of your ruminating.



    Dear Seaturtle:

    Every once in a while, I get this thought that he was fixable, but it’s just a thought and I know that is all it is. He is deceptive, especially to himself“-every once in a while, you want to help him. Every once in a while, he wants to hurt you.

    Just like alcohol and marijuana can rapidly close your third eye, so can N aka; a deceptive person“- loving a deceptive person who tries to hurt you every once in a while, closes one’s third eye.

    Our third eyes are on the same page“- (2 3rd eyes on 1 page emoji)

    A major turning point for me was also realizing I wanted an open third eye for my future kids… I saw myself becoming my mom, with a closed third eye“- part of the preparation to being a good mother.


    in reply to: Looking backwards #431672

    You are welcome, gresshoppe!



    Dear Seaturtle: I will read and reply here and in your new thread in the next 24-48 hours.


    in reply to: Work Place Blues #431670

    Dear greenshade: good to see that you posted, I will read and reply in the next 48 hours.


    in reply to: Looking backwards #431666

    Dear Gresshoppe:

    He insisted that we date exclusively and insists that it is meant to be. He is all-in, all the way, even resumed the L-word… Six intense convos in one week..“-

    – this is congruent with how you started this thread: “Last year, I had a relationship that was short, but really intense“- he is intense. The relationship last year was intense, and so was the breakup: “the breakup was just as intense as the relationship“.

    Did you talk with him about his intensity and speed in the relationship with you?


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