
Category “love & relationships”

What My Parents Did to Me and Why I Cut Them Out of My Life

I wrote this letter to my extended family years after I chose to become estranged from my parents because many of them cut me out of their lives instead of reaching out to hear my side of the story.

It pains me that I have lost contact with some of them because they refuse to see the full picture, and at times I feel as though I have lost a part of myself. Yet, at the same time, I am free.

The letter you are about to read comes from a place of acceptance and longing. I have chosen to …

How to Accept That Itā€™s Time to Break Up

“Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together.ā€ ~Marilyn Monroe

I knew it was over and yet I stayed.

In my eyes, my relationship had run its course. I was fed up, tired, and emotionally drained, but I couldnā€™t get myself to pull the trigger. I didnā€™t know how to go through with it.

Because this was my first serious relationship, everything was new to me, including breaking up. He was my first love. We lived together, built a life together, and now I was throwing a wrench into all of our bright plans for the …

How to Make Vulnerability Your New Superpower

ā€œRing the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. Thatā€™s how the light gets in.ā€ ~Leonard Cohen

We human beings are social creatures. For the most part, we like to be with people, and we want people to like to be with us. The trouble is that we get all tied up in trying to communicate a version of ourselves that we think people will find attractive.

We want to appear successful, interesting, in controlā€”and a winner! To keep up this image we work hard to hide away the parts …

How to Heal a Broken Heart Using Mindful Self-Compassion

ā€œItā€™s not your job to like meā€”itā€™s mine.ā€ Byron Katie

Why are breakups so painful? Whether we are the dumper or the dumpee, the range of emotions we feel is universal: devastation, sadness, and anger. Oh, and thereā€™s the acute pain, as if your heart had been gouged from your chest, stabbed a dozen times with a butter knife, and booted to the curb.

Am I right?

Of course I am. Iā€™ve been there. We all have. I intimately experienced a broken heart and its rippling effects when my partner and I ended our seven-year relationship. I admit that I …

Knowing When to Let Go of Relationships: 3 Signs Itā€™s Time to Move On

“Letting go doesnā€™t mean that you donā€™t care about someone anymore. Itā€™s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” ~Deborah Reber

Thanks to the Internet, our lives are full of people. Weā€™re connected literally all the time.

And yet, despite our ceaseless connection, we feel disconnected.

As the pace of life becomes ever more frenetic, weā€™re like charged atoms, bumping into each other more and more, pinballs in the machine. We come into contact (and conflict), but we donā€™t commune so much.

As real relationships of depth and quality become harder-won in this busy …

Two Types of Boundaries That Can Help You Take Good Care of Yourself

ā€œDaring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.ā€ ~BrenĆ© Brown

Do you have the courage to love yourself and set the boundaries you need?

For years I didnā€™t, and wondered why my life didnā€™t work. I didnā€™t really understand what boundaries were or why I needed them.

My severe lack of boundaries allowed me to give away my energy, time, power, and love to others, leaving virtually nothing for myself.

For years I lived in a perpetual state of lack, feeling like I wasnā€™t enough. Looking back, it makes sense …

Before You Send That Message to Your Ex, Consider This

ā€œIf the hurt comes so will the happiness. Be patient.ā€ ~Rupi Kaur

What if I said instead of messaging our ex, we had a different choice, a choice that will be even more fulfilling than acting on the urge to share whatever we’re feeling right now?

Itā€™s been over a year since I last spoke with my ex. While Iā€™ve thought about him and missed him, I’ve known that getting in contact wasnā€™t the right thing, and so I havenā€™t taken any action to reconnect.

For the past few weeks, however, my thoughts have been seeping in, focusing on …

Why Compliments Made Me Cringe and How Iā€™ve Learned to Accept Praise

ā€œEven when the sea is stirred up by the winds of self-doubt, we can find our way home.ā€ ~Tara Brach

What is it about praise thatā€™s so hard to hear sometimes?

You know the drill. You do something noteworthy, like cooking a meal for your friends, or getting on stage to do a talk. Assuming things go okay, your friends or colleagues tell you a bunch of nice, encouraging things afterward:

ā€œThis meal is delicious!ā€

ā€œYou did great up there!ā€

And suddenly you feel uncomfortable.

Maybe you deflect those nice, encouraging words (ā€œOh it was nothing, reallyā€). Or …

Why We Close Ourselves Off to Friendships and How to Open Up

ā€œIf you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.ā€ ~Louise Hay

Picking the flimsy gold lock on my groovy denim-covered childhood diary, I’m instantly transported back to my ten-year-old life.

Each page duly describes what I what I ate for dinner that day as well as what my two best friends and I got up to. It was 1976 and we were obsessed with Charlieā€™s Angels, cruising around ā€œundercoverā€ on our bikes, solving fresh crimes around the neighborhood.

Every couple of weeks Iā€™d report the latest drama amongst the three of us. Either my …

My Needs Matter Too: How I Started Speaking Up and Setting Boundaries

ā€œSetting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesnā€™t make me mean, selfish, or uncaring just because I donā€™t do things your way. I care about me, too.ā€ ~Christine Morgan

In my early twenties, I could shout into a megaphone at a political rally of thousands, but I couldnā€™t decline drinks from strangers at the bar. I could perform original music for an attentive audience, but I couldnā€™t tell my friends when I felt hurt by something theyā€™d said. I could start a business, advocate for new laws at City Hall, and share deeply personal poetry on Facebook, …

Accepting My Autistic Self: Why Iā€™m Done Trying to Fit In

ā€œI care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.ā€ ~Charlotte BrontĆ«, Jane Eyre

A common misconception about autistic people is that we donā€™t care if weā€™re alone. Of course this varies with each person, but on the whole, itā€™s untrue. We want to feel included, itā€™s just not easy for us to fit in. There are other days when I feel autism has separated me so fully from other people that I am functioning on a different plane of existence, not just with a different …

How Getting Hit by a Bus Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Start Living

ā€œSometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.ā€ ā€“ Hayley Williams

How often do you appreciate the pleasure of taking a deep breath? Have you stopped worrying about what the world can do to you, and instead focused on what you can do in the world? Do you actively appreciate your life, as a part of your daily routine?

Odds are you do not. I know I certainly didnā€™t, until it was nearly taken from me.

Iā€™ve been riding bicycles around New York City since I was a child. While cycling in the city used to …

When Expectations Hurt: How Iā€™ve Forgiven My Absentee Father and Healed

ā€œWhat will mess you up most in life is the picture in your head of how itā€™s supposed to be.ā€ ~Unknown

I may have said a few words that hurt my fatherā€™s feelings, butā€¦

See, hereā€™s the backstory.

Iā€™m thirty-four years old, and I started having a relationship with my biological father at age twenty-one. During my childhood years I would see him every now and then even though he lived less than three miles away from my home. I donā€™t have any memories of being with my dad for birthdays, holidays, family vacations, or even just hanging out watching …

Love Them Today, Before Their Tomorrowā€™s Taken Away

ā€œBefore someone’s tomorrow has been taken away, cherish those you love, appreciate them today.ā€ ~Michelle C. Ustaszeski

Last year, my grandfather passed away.

He had gone to the hospital many times before. Sometimes he went for a minor sickness, sometimes for a severe condition. Unfortunately, the last time he went, we found out that he didnā€™t have much time left. He was diagnosed with last stage bladder cancer.

It was a shock to our family. My grandfather had always been a survivor. Heā€™d survived the war, the darkest moment of the country. We couldnā€™t imagine he would lose his life …

How to Avoid Petty Fights and Get What You Need in Your Relationship

ā€œItā€™s never overreacting to ask for what you want and need.ā€Ā ~Amy Poehler

It was yet another stupid argument that escalated from nothing to a hundred miles an hour in seconds. Iā€™d been there so many times before, entrenched in warfare with us both preparing our defenses and priming our attacks.

The intense emotions of the moment always took over, denying me the opportunity that hindsight would later afford me. Huge issues were, upon reflection, only minor disagreements about who had said what about the cooking, or where something had been left in the bathroom.

On this occasion, once …

Overcoming Intergenerational Trauma: We Can Break the Cycle of Abuse

“Our ancestors knew that healing comes in cycles and circles. One generation carries the pain so that the next can live and heal. One cannot live without the other, each is the other’s hope, meaning and strength.” ~Gemma B. Benton

I thought I had no value, my opinion meaningless. My sense of self was decimated. Finally, I got angry and attacked.

“You can’t imagine the pain you’ve put me through!” I yelled. “You don’t even know who I am. You can’t see it. You’re refusing to take responsibility for the way you raised me! Not thinking is not an excuse! …

25 Things Introverts Want You to Understand About Them

“Solitude matters, and for some people, it’s the air they breathe.” ~Susan Cain

We live in a culture that celebrates extroversion and sees introversion as a weakness or something to overcome.

If youā€™re an introvert, you may have grown up believing there was something wrong with you. You may not even have realized thereā€™s a word for your personality type, that 26 to 50% of the population falls under that umbrella, and that our brains are actually wired differently than extrovertsā€™ brains.

According to Scott Barry Kaufman, the Scientific Director of the Imagination Institute (which sounds like the coolest …

How I Learned to Like and Trust Myself When It Was Hard

ā€œLoving yourself starts with liking yourself, which starts with respecting yourself, which starts with thinking of yourself in positive ways.ā€ ~Jerry Corsten

Useless. Hopeless. Broken.

This was how I saw myself.

I didnā€™t completely loathe myself, but I didnā€™t like myself either. At best, I tolerated myself.

I felt I had good reasons to.

Iā€™d gotten myself into, as we say in England, a right old pickle.

If youā€™re not familiar with this charming expression, I had gotten myself into a big mess.

In my early twenties, over a painful period of about eighteen months, Iā€™d gradually buried myself …

How I Went From the Pain of People-Pleasing to the Freedom of Being Me

ā€œHow hurtful it can be to deny oneā€™s own true self and live a life of lies just to appease others.ā€ ~June Ahern

Growing up I felt lost, separate, and different from everyone else in my family. After all, everyone else was a fit; they pursued the same hobbies, had the same aspirations, and even thought in the same way (everything was very black and white with hardly any grey areas). I was interested, it seemed, in everything they were not interested in.

I had a different way of looking at the world. Any task I was asked to …

How I Overcame Childhood Emotional Neglect and Learned to Meet My Needs

ā€œIn order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.ā€ ~Mitch Albom

ā€œYour feelings are valid,ā€ said my life coach during one of our sessions, as we were working on an issue I had with my parents.

I had to do a double take. My feelings are valid? She actually accepts them as they are?

Eventually it started to dawn on me: My parents never validated my feelings. This sudden revelation earlier this year threw me into a dark period of my life.

When I was …