
Posts by Reena Althaf

A Writer by choice, an Orator by chance. Reena has always stumbled on life, never walked through it. An ardent Toastmaster, a doting mother, a loving wife, an enthusiastic reader, she wears different hats every day. Her blog is a piece of her life, a parcel of her thoughts , her exploding passion, and secret love story with words.

Reena Althaf's Website

Why I Now Complain Less and Appreciate More

 “It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.” ~Unknown

I used to be a complainer, a fault-finder, a grumbler. I would grumble a hundred times a day about mundane issues, be it the weather, the traffic, or my husband.

I complained when my husband didn’t help me around the house, and grumbled when he helped. It took me some time to realize that it was not him or his lack of housekeeping skills that made me unhappy. I was unhappy because I was turning into an ungrateful person.

I have some fond and …