
Posts by Patricia Cagganello

Rev. Patricia Cagganello is an ordained interfaith minister and founder of Sacred Stories Publishing. She is also the co-author of the new book Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change. A powerful book featuring real stories from real people with real pain that experienced real healing. Read heartbreaking and heart-opening stories of transformation shared by over thirty people from around the world.

Patricia Cagganello's Website

My Pain Was a Gift and a Catalyst for Growth

“Sometimes pain is the teacher we require, a hidden gift of healing and hope.” ~Janet Jackson

I was becoming more and more confused as to what my feelings were toward my husband. Longing for that personal adult male connection, I started to feel trapped in my marriage. However, I still had a very strong sense of our family unit and my commitment to it.

I wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize the family, even if it meant sacrificing my personal happiness. I made a conscious decision that my life was enough. It wasn’t perfect, but it was enough.…