
Posts by Michele Mendoza

Michele Mendoza is a blogger and communication coach from California. She and her husband Dave teach clients how to get the relationships they actually want by learning to communicate with love and compassion. You can sign up for their free weekly newsletter on their website at www.micheleanddave.com

Michele Mendoza's Website

No One Was Coming to Save Me: The Insignificance I Felt as a Kid

Never make the mistake of thinking you are alone—or inconsequential.” ~ Rebecca McKinsey

I can still remember it as vividly as if it happened yesterday.

Our kitchen was small. Only enough room for a few people, and there were four of us kids scrounging to get our hands on the rest of the leftovers. It wasn’t a fight, but I can say with certainty that there was an underlying assumption that whoever got their hands on it first was able to claim it, so there was competition.

I grabbed my spoon first and then went to the fridge to …