
Posts by Maxima Kahn

Maxima Kahn is a poet, creative life coach and teacher. She teaches heart-centered artists and dreamers how to unleash their unique gifts and create lives of passion, purpose and deep play. She blogs about creativity and artful, soulful living at BrilliantPlayground.com.You can download a copy of her e-book, The 6 Essential Ingredients of a Thriving Creative Life at https://brilliantplayground.com/6essentials/.

Maxima Kahn's Website

The Danger of Wishful Thinking: Nothing Changes If We Don’t Take Action

“You just have to determine to settle for nothing less than being fully alive, to show up, be who you are, and share your gifts.” ~Gabrielle Roth

A few years ago for the winter solstice my women’s group got together, as we do every week, and held a beautiful ritual to welcome both the darkness and the light. We released what we were ready to let go of in our lives and set our intentions for the New Year. We not only spoke our intentions, we danced them for each other. It was beautiful and powerful.

But a few days …