
Posts by Mat Veni

Mat Veni lives in Europe and is a lifetime student of personal growth. He loves to build fun and to share it. You can find him and his blogging on www.maatihapi.com.

Mat Veni's Website

Connect with Joy Instead of Searching for Joy

ā€œThere is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you. Just reach deep into yourself!ā€ ~Unknown

I spent years searching for joy. For a long time, I thought that if I did the same things I saw in movies and on TV, Iā€™d become a joyful person.

I also learned from my environment that Iā€™d be happy when I acquired enough material abundance.

I got the toys I wanted and waited for joy to happen. I hoped that a new bicycle, new skis, a new TV in my room, and brand new Nikes would give …