
Posts by Jonathan Lareau

Jonathan Lareau is a seeker of new ways of being and understanding. He has left a life of routine and predictability, and is discovering what comes next. Jonathan blogs at www.servingothersblog.com, a collection of struggles, observations, thoughts, questions, and the odd eureka moment.

Jonathan Lareau's Website

9 Insights on Dealing with Change, Challenges, and Pain

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” ~Alan Watts

This year has been one of unprecedented change for me. From January to March, I traveled to Mozambique, Africa to do volunteer work. I did not speak the language; I did not understand the culture. I was immersed in a completely strange world for two months.

In April, we put our house up for sale. The prospect of uprooting and moving is destabilizing, and one of life’s biggest stressors.

Then in May my marriage failed, and I …

Non-Dual Thinking: There Are Things We Donā€™t Know

ā€œNothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.ā€ ~Shakespeare

It is not possible to grasp the infinite from a position that is finite. Seems like a good place to start.

ā€œDualā€ thinking, as I understand it, is the idea that something has to be ā€œeither/or.ā€ That itā€™s either good or bad. Right or wrong.

Hereā€™s another way describing it: The concept of up and down seems to make sense from an earthly or gravitational perspective, but if you are somewhere out in space, it suddenly makes no sense at all. There is no up or down.

The …