
Posts by Fransiska Dewi

Fransiska is corporate hippie who is balancing her conservative job in an insurance company with her love for spirituality and self-development. She is heavily meditated and could be found posting too much food pictures on Instagram.

5 Common Mistakes People Make on Their Spiritual Journey

ā€œI still have a long way to go, but Iā€™m already so far from where I used to be, and Iā€™m proud of that.ā€ ~Unknown

Just like any student, Iā€™ve made mistakes throughout my spiritual journey. Although I prefer to see mistakes as learning opportunities, below are a few thingsĀ I’ve learned not to do through my years of meditation and detox weekends and constant effort to stay on the divine side of life.

1. Constantly looking for answers externally

When I started meditating regularly, I experienced heightened intuition. Triggered by this, I constantly tried to find signs to guide …