
Posts by Evie Drake

Evie Drake is a small town writer dreaming of something bigger. Traveller. Animal lover. Marathoner.

When We Hold onto Relationships That Hurt Us

ā€œRelationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put it back together.ā€ ~Unknown

Human beings are genetically programmed to desire love. Embraces are as important to us as food and water.

Perhaps thatā€™s why when we find someoneā€”the wrong someoneā€”weā€™re often too blind to see it.

We feel it and yet we hide it away, write it off as an odd case of commitment phobia or just a hiccup in our new relationship, oblivious to the fact that were heading into a future of sleepless nights, constant worrying, and consistent phone checking.…