
Posts by Elyse Gorman

Elyse Gorman is a writer, happiness teacher and coffee drinker. She writes about happiness, soul-discovery and creating a beautiful life at Notes On Bliss. For more tips and inspiration, sign up now. You can also get your hands on her free gifts for you.

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Why Happiness and Purpose Cannot Be Found In A Bucket List

ā€œThere is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you. Just reach deep into yourself!ā€ ~Unknown

Bucket lists. One hundred things to do before you die. Twenty-five-before-twenty-five. Thirty-before-thirty. New Yearā€™s resolutions.

You name a goal-setting list, Iā€™ve written it.

In fact, I can remember writing a list of yearly goals in my journal as young as nine years old. (I can even remember what some of them were, but thatā€™s a secret between me and my younger self, bless her heart.)

Universal wisdom teaches that one of the keys to a beautiful life is to …