
Posts by Ehren Prudhel

Ehren Prudhel is the founder and host of Next Creator Up, a podcast that features inspiring and innovative creatives. He's an on-again, off-again creative himself, and co-founder of Tiny Buddha Productions and the popular online course Recreate Your Life Story. In his spare time, he travels, sings enthusiastically off key, and attempts humor. He's better at singing than humor.

Fellow Dreamers: If You Feel Like a Fool, Youā€™re on the Right Track

“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” ~Brian Tracy

Iā€™m a fool.

Well, itā€™s more accurate to say Iā€™ve been a fool often, and Iā€™m ashamed.

My life, no different from many, has had some successes but also many setbacks and outright failures. I suppose this is just another way of saying Iā€™ve lived.

The problem is that Iā€™ve allowed my mistakes, errors, and failures to hold me back.

Weā€™ve all felt like a fool before, but when has doing so made it …

3 Lessons from Traveling That Lead to Everyday Happiness

ā€œRemember that happiness is a way of travelā€”not a destination.ā€ ~Roy M. Goodman

After graduating from college I took off to explore Europe for four months with one of my best friends.

We backpacked through fourteen different countries and learned things about the world and ourselves that we never expected. We often joked that we learned more about life and ourselves traveling abroad for four months than we did going to school for four years in college.

When youā€™re traveling, you get a whole new perspective on what really matters, and you feel this sense of adventure and excitement that …

Be the Hero of Your Story: Make Your Life Count

ā€œBad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I haveā€”life itself.ā€ ~Walter Anderson

Flying. I love flying.

No, Iā€™m not some sick person who likes getting strip-searched by TSA, or waiting several hours to board a flight that should have arrived at my destination already. I hate that part, but I love the part when the plane …