
Posts by Edward

Edward Noel is on a mission to stamp out anxiety and fear in talented people. Download the Tools he used to beat his own persistent emptiness and start living the life you really want.

How to End the Persistent Feeling of Emptiness

ā€œDo not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.ā€ ~Buddha

Admit itā€¦

Emptiness has taken over.

You think back to those exciting days when you had so much energy. You remember that burning feeling of raw energy deep down in your stomach. That shiver of excitement running through your body. When life was just alive with positive emotions running wild. It was incredible.

And you canā€™t help but thinkā€¦

Where has it gone? How did I lose it? Will it ever come back?

You think if you keep moving, everything …