
Posts by Cristina Cavalieri DOro

Cristina is a lifestyle coach who helps women unite with their bodies and minds, reclaiming their health, confidence and energy to have the lifestyle they desire.  She helps her clients release the layers that are holding them down so they can finally BE the star of their life.  Join her community of The Feel Good Body & Mind Group.  You can find out more about Cristina at www.cristinadoro.com.

Cristina Cavalieri DOro's Website

5 Ways to Feel Better in Your Body

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ~Maya Angelou

We’re bombarded by advertisements that tell us if we’re thin, we’ll love ourselves. If we suddenly look a certain way, all our worries will vanish.

I’ve always been thin without really having to work at it—well, in my younger days at least.

Yes, I was skinny, but that didn’t mean I was happy. I was suffering from depression, had terrible skin, and just felt awful in my body.

Being a “perfect” size is not what will make you happy, because

Breaking the Pattern of Painful, Unhealthy Relationships

“Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” ~Byron Katie

As I was listening to other women talking in my support group for battered women, I had a life changing moment.

I caught a glimpse of myself and where I was at in life. It was a defining moment that turned around how I felt about myself and changed the cycle of my relationship with men.

“I played a role in my abusive marriage; my ex-husband was treating me how I was treating myself.”

His anger and how he showed it belonged to him;