
Posts by _Anonymous_

This author is an English teacher at a public university. After battling and surviving anorexia, she finds well-being through yoga and writing and encourages others to do the same. Words can heal.

3 Thoughts That Bring Me Hope, Perspective, Peace, and Strength

“Wake up today knowing that whatever happens, you can handle it.” ~Unknown

Tears filled my eyes, and an angry wave of despair washed over me. I just wanted to wear the jeans I had worn for a couple years. The cute ones with the jewels and deep pockets.

I’m guessing many of you can relate; clothes don’t always fit the way we want them to.

Four years ago, a doctor told me I was dying because of anorexia. It’s been a long journey, a story for another day, but I am here and I am alive.

This past year, I …