
You can disagree with someone and still be kind.

One of the truest signs of maturity is the ability to disagree with someone while still remaining respectful.

The only people who get upset when you set boundaries are the ones who benefited from you having none.

Your anger? It’s telling you where you feel powerless. Your anxiety? It’s telling you that something in your life is off balance. Your fear? It’s telling you what you care about. Your apathy? It’s telling you where you’re overextended and burnt out. Your feelings aren’t random, they are messengers. And if you want to get anywhere, you need to be able to let them speak to you, and tell you what you really need.

Meeting a child’s aggression with adult aggression only adds fuel to the fire. To extinguish aggressive behavior meet it with calmness and compassion. Being calm isn’t passive—it’s mature. Be it to teach it.

There’s no such thing as a ‘bad kid’—just angry, hurt, tired, scared, confused, impulsive ones expressing their feelings and needs the only way they know how. We owe it to every single one of them to always remember that.

Stay in the moment. The practice of staying present will heal you. Obsessing about how the future will turn out creates anxiety. Replaying broken scenarios from the past causes anger and sadness. Stay here, in this moment.

Your greatest test will be how you handle people who mistreated you.

I pray you heal from things no one ever apologized for.

Dear self: Don’t get so worked up over things you can’t change or people you can’t change. It’s not worth the anger buildup or the heartache. Control only what you can. Let go. ~Love me

I will not change who I am. I will not get angry with you. I will not seek revenge and be spiteful. I will only be smart and change the role you play in my life.

Dear self, don’t allow anyone to trigger you. Let it go. Walk away. You’ll be proud of yourself later.

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.

You are not your feelings. You just experience them. Anger, sadness, hate, depression, fear. This is the rain you walk in. But you don’t become the rain. You know the rain will pass. You walk on. And you remember the soft glow of the sun that will come again.

When you continue to be irritated by someone who refuses to change you also refuse to change.

People used to drive me crazy. Now I don’t get into their car.

By practicing self-awareness and pausing before reacting, we can help create a world with less pain and more love.

A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret.

Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.

I guess the real fact of the matter is, we don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring and the only thing we really have is right now. So, don’t stay angry for too long and learn to forgive. Love your friends and family with all your heart. Have fun and live your life the way you want to live it. Most of all, don’t worry about people that don’t like you and enjoy the ones who do.