
wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life?

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    Dear Murtaza:

    In this post I will not try to produce a focused, coherent essay of sorts, no particular purpose or agenda to it. I located your first thread “I can’t cry anymore”, June 17- Nov 8, 2020. I went through 4 out of the 8 pages,  and will quote from these four pages. When I quote you, I will make minor editing changes, correcting grammar and spelling so to make the reading easier for me to process.

    In your recent posts to Peter (May 27 & 30, 2021), you clearly expressed your opinion that he (as a “normie”) is intellectually inferior to you. You expressed this attitude in regard  to “normies” before: that you are intellectually superior to them. It is nice that you let Peter know at the end of your second post to him, that you think that he is a nice person.. but no one likes to be treated as inferior. I don’t. I don’t know if my luck ran out already and I have joined the “normies”, in your mind, and now you consider me intellectually inferior to you. I wouldn’t like it, not at all (I already don’t as I imagine it).

    No one likes to be treated as inferior, and it is wrong to treat others as such, particularly people reaching out to you with the intent to help you, however little, however unsuccessful.

    I communicated with Peter myself, years ago, and in my experience looking back, he is not intellectually inferior to you. His writing is largely figurative, and I have trouble understanding it (I need concrete writing), but there are members who prefer his writing over mine and respond to him while not responding to me. We have to tolerate differences without judging them as inferior, or superior.

    On June 17 last year, almost a year ago, you wrote in regard to me: “One of the reasons I signed up here was you. I saw your reply on an old thread and liked how you responded. To be honest, I wanted to talk to you (not about my problems or anything just talking really, because you seem like a person who knows life…) but it seems this site doesn’t have this feature.. There aren’t a lot of people I know, to be honest…I wish I knew a person like you in real life, just someone who understands me and listens to me, someone I could trust and be safe with. I wish I could hug such person and cry. It doesnt have to be relationship…. I feel bad because I’m wasting your time to be honest. I know I’m not gonna do anything about this stuff and I’m just taking your time and energy. I like talking to you cause you really pay attention to what I say. You also sound very wise and I like that”-

    – If I take what you wrote at the time concretely, and not figuratively, then what you were saying is that you want to interact with me so to feel better, but not so to consider anything I say as a motivation to make any practical change to your life. You wanted me to pay attention to what you say- not to motivate you to make a single practical difference in your life, however small.

    “I suppress my anger, and recently I decided that anger is just a toxic emotion and I will try not to be angry… There is nothing I can do with anger. Most of my experiences with it were bad… For me, anger only has bad consequences, if I release it.  And to answer your future question: there is no healthy way of releasing it, for me.. If I don’t release it, I have the same bad consequences. Therefore it’s toxic and there is no escape but to get away from anything that makes me angry.”

    I asked you:  “I wonder about your anger: who hurt you and how?”  You answered: “No one hurt me. I just like using logic over feelings. I just don’t see a point of anger”.

    I asked: “You mean all  this pain in you, and no one caused any of it?” You answered: “ Well, I don’t remember caring for anyone enough to let him hurt me… It doesnt matter really. I’m me now, and I don’t think I will ever change my mind about life, unless I see something worth living. Sadly, I see most of the things pointless”-

    – I am sure that it is not true that no one hurt you, you shared enough about people hurting you when you were a child. “no one hurt me”- that’s a lie you said to yourself (and to me) at the time. You wrote that you don’t remember caring for anyone to let him hurt you, but I have no doubt that you deeply cared for others early on, very much so.

    You were hurt, you got angry, and nothing you felt and did made any difference, so Nothing Matters became the theme of your life, as well as I will not consider anything until I see proof -another theme.

    “The thing I fantasize about: being in love with a woman. Don’t tell me it could happen cause I know for sure it can’t-  my life is a living proof. Even if I find the woman I want (which in the middle east is gonna be really hard)..,  there are a 100 things that will come between me and the fantasy. So, I decided: why bother when I can have what I desire in my mind. It’s better than reality anyway… I actually don’t want to be in a relationship because I will probably end up in bad one”-

    – there is proof that Fantasy can substitute Reality.

    “This is my point: to suffer less till the end.. I’m alone with no help whatsoever, not even from myself. with no purpose to live for, and I don’t know anything about life really… I cant make people love me, and the way I live and think isnt very loveable to people… I don’t know anything about life tbh”-

    – and you are absolutely resisting any learning unless there is proof that such learning will guarantee you personally a better life. Because such proof is impossible to come by… you are not open to learning anything different from what you already know.

    “I  just haven’t seen any prove that free will exist”- free will exists. I have proof.

    “I’m 20, I live with my family. I live in the middle east so its different. I have no job..  I was student and dropped out.. I got my father retirement, so I don’t need money”, “I hate society and everyone that follows it. Perhaps hate is a big word. But I just want nothing to do with this society and its people. I just hate the fact that most females don’t like me. In fact, I feel they would feel Disgust when they know me, and  I dislike when I see a weak female, not because she is weak, but because I know I can’t fulfill her needs. Just telling a female that I don’t have a job, she would respect me less. In fact she wouldn’t respect me at all”.

    “I actually think this is the best life I can ever get. I really can’t imagine a better life”- you = referred to your life in the title of your first thread of June 2020: “I can’t cry anymore“, and recently, in the title of your second thread, May 1 2021: “wouldn’t be a mercy if I just ended my life?”-  this is not “best life” in any reputable dictionary anywhere in the world. Not even in your private dictionary. I have proof of that.




    * Ooops, correction: “there is NO proof that Fantasy can substitute Reality”



    you clearly expressed your opinion that he (as a “normie”) is intellectually inferior to you

    no, i actually think normies is superior, in some aspects, such as life, i wouldn’t use inferior or intellectual, and i never claimed to be intellectual, but when it come to understanding myself and my situation, i am better at judging and advising, i admit i was a bit mad by his replay, anytime i hear an advice, that means two things A. the person doesn’t understand me B. he maybe right and im wrong, and i feel guilty, guilt is something i can’t endure, i have a lot of it, and i come online to just have less, part of not believing in freewill was i think to reduce guilt, the thing is with guilt i never follow it, i can’t remove it, and i can’t follow it, either way i will suffer, but at least with not following it i won’t give up to it, let him control me


     that you are intellectually superior to them

    im really not, when it comes to intellectual they are better, since i don’t value knowledge, and i don’t care much to be smart or intellectual, again i never said i am intellectual, it may sound like i feel superior to norimes, but infact im not, im inferior to them, in most aspects, whether its money/knowledge/social skills/work etc, one thing that im better at, is building my own value system and beliefs, that fit my personality, less struggles, less pain, but really this values and beliefs only works for me, one thing that i feel superior from norimes, is not caring about having my basic needs met, not needing anyone or anything, even needs themselves, i actually re defined needs, for me needs is something you can’t live without, and by can’t i mean death, not misery, not basic desires


    this is simply a recipe for misery and pain, infinite suffering, i really know what the next move is, the only right move


     and it is wrong to treat others as such

    really? tell that to society, that has been treating me as inferior my whole life, wrong you say? by what stander, who said its wrong? i simply use the norime to label people that can’t and won’t understand me, a waste of my time and effort, a lot of pain will come from them, a lot of guilt, i have to label them, to convince my mind that they are wrong, and they are, its simply a shortcut i once thought about for a long time.


    particularly people reaching out to you with the intent to help you

    their help hurts me, every time, maybe to them its just help, to me its a lot of guilt and frustration, a lot of pain, unnecessary pain, why should i take all this ? just because they think they are helping ? im tired of treating people good at my expense, and i know most people will say the same things, the same (boring/little proofs/taking from their pov who is very much affected by society) thing “a permanent solution to a temporary problem” of course you will say that, all your problems have been  temporary, or you too stupid to realize that some problems are permanent. no one will say this without being a norime


    he is not intellectually inferior to you

    i tell you what, from the little interaction i had with him, and knowing me, he is infact superior to me


     We have to tolerate differences without judging them as inferior, or superior

    even if different means a lot of pain? what’s the point then ? i have little tolerance for unnecessary pain, especially when it something i don’t value, especially when i can avoid such pain, and don’t tell me this pain can be good, i had enough of it to know its useless, that suffering at large isn’t that great, as a human im programmed to avoid pain and go for pleasure, unless i have some kind of value that can top that


     then what you were saying is that you want to interact with me so to feel better, but not so to consider anything I say as a motivation to make any practical change to your life

    yes its true, and i said this many times, i never wanna change, i prefer death, its either my way, or no way, and i did used you to feel good, i see people as a resource, unless its a really nice person that can understand me, sadly you do fit in that category


     I am sure that it is not true that no one hurt you

    the did hurt my past self, not me though, the here and now me, thats the real thing, thats the one that can’t be hurt, my past self doesn’t exist anymore, only a fraction


     but I have no doubt that you deeply cared for others early on

    sure, i used to care about my mother a lot, last week i was caring for this girl who i loved, and she showed enough evidence not to care, i felt i was desperate, but really why should i even care about a person that doesn’t care about me, and believe me no amount of “feeling” will tell me who to care and who to not care about, i use my mind for such things


    You were hurt, you got angry, and nothing you felt and did made any difference, so Nothing Matters

    apathy is my greatest virtue


    there is NO proof that Fantasy can substitute Reality

    in where i live ? yes there is no proof, although i will have to twist reality real hard to have such fantasy, what if like all things in my life, imagining it is better then having it ? so i will do this whole thing, just for a reward, a hope, NO, i won’t, its either i enjoy the whole journey, and not caring about what reward i get, or i don’t go at all, also my life have enough proofs to the superiority of fantasy


    and you are absolutely resisting any learning unless there is proof that such learning will guarantee you personally a better life. Because such proof is impossible to come by… you are not open to learning anything different from what you already know.

    and that’s why i think death is the next logical step, you do get it now? i just wish someone tell me this truth, that yes, it is, in this whole stinky world, there is a person that validate me, validate my thinking


    free will exists. I have proof

    not to me 😀


    this is not “best life” in any reputable dictionary anywhere in the world

    in my situation, in my mindset, in where i live, this is the easiest and less painful life there is, i have tried the normal one from where i live, it doesn’t fit me, at all, it goes beyond what i think and feel and value and belief, and its not them, its me, im the imposter and its my fault, and for one time in my life, i want to do a kind thing for myself, a really kind thing, an act of love, to rest finally once and for all, no more infinite guilt, no more unnecessary pain


    I don’t know if my luck ran out already and I have joined the “normies”, in your mind

    its not luck, its basic understanding of my situation, and you never said some normie stuff to me, you did leave when you knew me, and that was a normie thing, i actually expected it, and i still do, i always consider the worse possible outcome, you think that normie is a bad word, when it actually not, i already told you my definition of the word, i simply mean people that can’t understand me, that can’t accept some people are doomed, some people like me, and the best option for these people is to spear them away, i just wanna hear it, this truth, form someone like you, i don’t wanna hear anything, i wish i was wrong, i wish you tell me im wrong, that its not like that, that i will be loved, that i will have what i want, but we both know that this isn’t gonna happen, there is a part of me, still hopes that i might be wrong, that i might have what i want without changing, tell me the truth

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Murtaza.

    Dear Murtaza,

    You started your thread with the notion that you’re fundamentally different than other people, moreover that you’re created differently – “created in a way that guarantees misery”. This difference is “different personality, different values, beliefs, way of thinking”.

    Now you say “i just wish someone tell me this truth, that yes, it is, in this whole stinky world, there is a person that validate me, validate my thinking”

    I would like to propose that “you” are not the same as your thinking or your belief system. “You” are more than that.

    What is sure is that you’re human, not an animal or an ET. You were born a human baby, and you had the same needs as every human baby and child: to be loved, shown care and affection, to be seen, to be validated, to feel like they’re special and unique.

    Since you haven’t received that, you concluded that you don’t need it. You disowned your hurt inner child and adopted a belief system, a way of thinking that you identified with:

    they did hurt my past self, not me though, the here and now me, thats the real thing, thats the one that can’t be hurt, my past self doesn’t exist anymore, only a fraction

    You believe that your wounded inner child doesn’t exist any more, or “only a fraction”. You believe your “way of thinking” is who you are. You also believe that your way of thinking is not something you have chosen but something you were born with – like a software with an error. You believe that most people have a well-functioning software (those are the “normies”), while you have a faulty one. You also believe you don’t have the free will to change it. That’s why you say you’re “created in a way that guarantees misery”. In your view, you’re programmed to be unhappy and thus, you’re doomed.

    Although you identify with your way of thinking, your wounded child is still inside of you, and it wants to be loved and cared for:

    i also dream there is someone who is hugging me while, understand my pain, sympathies with me, hold me,

    Your also wants to be seen, understood and validated:

    “i just wish someone tell me this truth, that yes, it is, in this whole stinky world, there is a person that validate me, validate my thinking”

    And you want to be special. You make yourself special by proclaiming that you’re different from everyone else, that you’re “differently programmed”, even if this program doesn’t serve you. Yet, it serves one purpose: it makes you feel special. That’s why you don’t want to change, because you believe it would destroy your “specialness”, your uniqueness.

    You, as a normal human baby, had the same needs as other human babies. Those needs are still in you (to be loved and cared for, to be seen and validated, to be special). But you came up with a “way of thinking”, a mental construct which tells you you’ll never be able to meet those needs because you’re created differently, with a faulty programming, so there’s no point in even trying. But your idea that you’re created with a faulty program is a faulty program itself!

    The only benefit you’re getting from this faulty program is that you believe you’re special, even if it’s in a negative way. All the other parts of this program keep you miserable. The question is whether you want to keep identifying yourself with your faulty program, or you want to see beyond it, to your essence?



    Dear Murtaza,

    just to be clear, I think you are special, like we all are in our unique way. And I do validate you as a unique human being, with your unique gifts and talents. I can’t validate your thinking though, because it stands in the way of you expressing your essence.


    symbols to what ? i like to be clear as possible, say what i really mean, without any symbols, i dislike symbols, because really if you want to say something, why not just say it

    The word tree is not a tree. 16 bits of information that points past itself to a actual specific objective tree of which the 16 bits describe very little. Subjectively the word tree is a experience, a idea, a possibility of million of bits of information. The word tree pointing to something beyond the definition of the word tree, or the object that is a tree.  The map is not the territory, and words are the map not the territory. All words are symbols of the territory.

    It is unlikely that we will understand each other and I’m not sure you want to? When I talked of saying Yes and No to Life as it its I indicated that both answers were valid, that perhaps their was a time for either.  I did suggest that the wisdom traditions appear to suggest that Yes was a ‘better’ answer but even those are often practiced as a No.  The intention is to take ownership of the answer and know in the moment how one is responding or reacting to life.  Saying No to something that cannot be changed may provide the energy to change what can or it can be just a waist of energy.

    Let me speak plainly. When I read your writing this is the impression I am left with.
    Few have suffered as much as you, or been dealt such a difficult hand. Only those who have been dealt such a hand might understand, but their isn’t anyone?   Anyone that has found a way to deal with such suffering have have fooled themselves and refuse to look at their reality with honesty?  Like the normies they can be dismissed. Your reasoning appears to allow you to be superior in your disappointment of the hand dealt you.

    Superior, even if miserable, happy?

    I don’t view that as a contradiction, I know many that find ‘joy’ even happiness  in being ‘realistic’ with what many might call a negative view of life. I suspect that I preferer a melancholy state of being, that in a way I find ‘joy’ in being sad.

    I do think we have free will but that it is extremely difficult to exercise. (I suspect that most of us (myself included) have never learned how to exercise it)   As above so below as below so above, we are influenced and we influence, only the ‘above doing the influencing’, is the most likely.

    We are dealt cards that we did not ask for, and some cards suck, some people will never experience happiness or joy as those words are generally understood.  Yet I wonder. How is it that some who have been dealt the best of hands fall into depression, while some with the worst hands don’t and even thrive in their way?




    Dear Murtaza:

    “when it comes to understanding myself and my situation, I am better at judging and advising”- I wonder why you addressed the following question to.. the normies in this site who are way less qualified to judge and advise you: “wouldn’t be a mercy if I just ended my life?” (the title of your thread).

    “one thing that I feel superior to norimes, is not caring about having my basic needs met, not needing anyone or anything, even needs themselves, I actually re defined needs, for me needs is something you can’t live without, and by can’t I mean death, not misery, not basic desires”- I don’t know if being okay with being miserable is a superior attitude, even if you were okay with being miserable. Clearly you are not okay with being miserable (much evidence to this, including the title of your thread).

    I wrote to you that it is wrong to treat others as inferior to you, referring to your treatment of Peter. Your response: “really?” My answer: yes, really!

    “Tell that to society, that has been treating me as inferior my whole life”- I am telling anyone who is reading my words: please do not treat anyone as inferior (or superior) to you in human value. Treat others respectfully, please!!!

    “wrong you say?”- yes, wrong I say.

    “by what standard, who said it’s wrong?”- I say it’s wrong, and the standard is my interest in decent human behavior that will hopefully make the world a better place for all of us.

    I wrote to you that it is wrong to treat people as inferior to you, particularly people who are reaching out to help you, if only just a bit. Your response: “their help hurts me, every time”. My comment: better than that you stop asking for help.

    “people will say the same .. boring.. thing ‘a permanent solution to a temporary problem’.. you too stupid to realize that some problems are permanent”-

    – regarding the saying that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem- this is indeed an all-or-nothing-thinking statement (truth is more complex: death is permanent, but many problems are also permanent), but to correct this sentence and make it true in all its complexity, a paragraph or a page will need to be written. A desperate person considering suicide does not have the time and patience to read or listen to a whole paragraph or page. Therefore, a  catchy (easy to remember, quick to say) saying such as this is practical, true-enough, and it helped lots and lots of people who were glad to have endured a difficult time.

    “from the little interaction I had with (Peter), and knowing me, he is in fact superior to me”- why is it necessary for one to be Inferior or Superior? How about Equal???

    “I see people as a resource”- a resource of normie sayings that cause you pain?

    “I never wanna change, I prefer death, its either my way, or no way”- this is your all-or-nothing-thinking, change some things, not every thing!

    “the here and now me.. can’t be hurt”- an untrue statement, evidence to the contrary in your threads is massive.

    I stated your “Nothing Matters” attitude, you wrote: “apathy is my greatest virtue”- apathy means a lack of emotions. The Murtaza I  know failed in his pursuit of apathy: he feels too much!

    “my life have enough proofs to the superiority of fantasy”- mine too, but in between the fantasies, (and because of the fantasies), reality looks worse than what it is: the fantasies pick you up and when a fantasy is over, you fall a long way.

    (The sentence I wrote just above is a generality, it does not include all the complexities involved, but then.. I don’t want to expand on it and make it much longer and distract from the point I am making).

    “death is the next logical step”- death will happen soon enough, Murtaza: it’s nature’s way, it is not a matter of logic. (Again, I  know there is more complexity to the topic such as self- determining the timing of death, but I don’t want to distract from my point).

    I wrote to you: “free will exists. I have proof”. You wrote: ” not to me” and you added a laughing face emoji. Your addition of the emoji was an act of free will.

    You defined a normies this way: “people that can’t understand me, that can’t accept (that) some people are doomed, some people like me, and the best option for these people is to spear them away, I just want to hear it, this truth, from someone like you… I wish.. that I will be loved.. but we both know that this isn’t gonna happen, there is a part of me, still hopes.. tell me the truth”-

    – the truth is that I feel love for you. Adding complexity to this statement: it is a feeling that I didn’t want to feel for the longest time, irl (outside of my own fantasy). Didn’t care for it, it hurt too much to feel it. Unless you, Murtaza, become aggressive toward me, I will never withdraw from your thread. If the website disappears somehow, before it does- I will give you my email so that we can continue to communicate, for as long as you want to.



    I would like to propose that “you” are not the same as your thinking or your belief system. “You” are more than that.

    can you tell me what is that more thing that i am ?


    What is sure is that you’re human, not an animal or an ET

    a human with a desire and goal to not be human, and that’s why im different


    Since you haven’t received that, you concluded that you don’t need it. You disowned your hurt inner child and adopted a belief system, a way of thinking that you identified with:

    as always, you are right, but the thing is, i will never receive them, thus i adopted this belief, and i still think its good idea that i did, because believing that i need those, and not having them, made me so miserable, this was meant to happen since i have the easy way as a goal, its a higher goal that tops everything


     You believe your “way of thinking” is who you are

    i believe in the here and now, the past is already gone, and whatever has been produce from such past, can’t live here, and i have proofs of such, its a part of this flawed production, the dreamy thinking, liking saddens, expecting to get things for free, and again i had to disown my inner child needs, because A. i won’t get them B. it conflict with my higher goal (the easy way)


    You also believe that your way of thinking is not something you have chosen but something you were born with

    i think this believe is based on a lot of observation and thinking, also science


    You believe that most people have a well-functioning software

    their life is enough proof, and i mean with its bad and good


    You also believe you don’t have the free will to change it

    no, i don’t believe in freewill, i do believe i can change, actually i can almost do anything, though i can’t want anything, the desire to change doesn’t come automatically, and it doesn’t come from oneself, it comes from the combination of the past and genes, i simply know that i don’t wanna change, since its conflict with my higher goal and values, its conflict with my high need to be special


    That’s why you say you’re “created in a way that guarantees misery”

    i say this because of the combination of my past and current needs and desire and beliefs and values and goals


    In your view, you’re programmed to be unhappy and thus, you’re doomed

    A. i didn’t chose my higher goal (the easy way) B. i didn’t chose my values and beliefs and my high need to feel special C. changing any of this will conflict with the highest thing i value (the easy way) and thus i won’t do it D. can i change my highest goal? yes, do i want to ? no, why? because of the combination of my past and genes, can i change those ? no, now tell me a sign of freewill


    Although you identify with your way of thinking, your wounded child is still inside of you, and it wants to be loved and cared for:

    i will only accept it when i see a possibility to met such needs


     it makes you feel special. That’s why you don’t want to change, because you believe it would destroy your “specialness”, your uniqueness.

    i agree, but why my need to feel special is stronger then other needs? just ask enough why and you will end up in the same point (genes and environment)


    You, as a normal human baby, had the same needs as other human babies. Those needs are still in you (to be loved and cared for, to be seen and validated, to be special). But you came up with a “way of thinking”, a mental construct which tells you you’ll never be able to meet those needs because you’re created differently, with a faulty programming,

    its interesting don’t you think ? why didn’t a lot of human babies did the same ? why i did this, and i see not many doing so? especially when this problem is a common problem


    The question is whether you want to keep identifying yourself with your faulty program, or you want to see beyond it, to your essence?

    i think my need to be special is stronger then any other need, especially when the other needs require a change of values and goals, time and effort, and a small reward, i think i chose the need to be special because its easier (the same goal over and over again), i simply have to live according to my depressed helpless self


    I wonder why you addressed the following question to.. the normies in this site who are way less qualified to judge and advise you

    i didn’t address it to normies, i address it in the hope of finding a none normie person that can agree with me, agree on my logic


     I don’t know if being okay with being miserable is a superior attitude, even if you were okay with being miserable

    at least im getting something out of this misery


     Clearly you are not okay with being miserable

    if it doesn’t conflict with the goal i was handed by luck and fate, sure im ok with it, but i like whine and cry


     I say it’s wrong

    and i believe you


     better than that you stop asking for help.

    i never did, and my post wasn’t cry for help, it was and still stand as a logical argument,


    A desperate person considering suicide does not have the time and patience to read or listen to a whole paragraph or page

    so lying is ok to such person ? i actually prefer that he suicide instead of hearing such lie


    a  catchy (easy to remember, quick to say) saying such as this is practical, true-enough

    its not true, not in any kind of way, some people born a sociopath with no desire to change, those people exist, yes for most people this might be true but in reality, this is not a true statement, and yes i am not one of those people


    and it helped lots and lots of people who were glad to have endured a difficult time

    norimes. lol


    why is it necessary for one to be Inferior or Superior? How about Equal???

    its not about necessity, its about the truth, infact i can say he is Superior in some aspect of life, whats wrong with this statement?


     a resource of normie sayings that cause you pain?

    lol. no i tend to avoid that, though for most normies they are just a tool i might use to get what i want


    this is your all-or-nothing-thinking, change some things, not every thing!

    whats things ? im already perfect 😀


    an untrue statement, evidence to the contrary in your threads is massive



    apathy means a lack of emotions. The Murtaza I  know failed in his pursuit of apathy: he feels too much!

    apathy means not caring about problems and my situation, and the Murtaza i know did this so well, the Murtaza i know doesn’t feel anxiety or guilt much anymore, no shame, just a little, the Murtaza i know was right to build such defense, now he can’t feel a lot of pain, and it serves his highest goal, he knows what he is losing from such defense, but he calculated the negatives and positive of such move, and he decided is best to build such defense, the damage is done, and he doesn’t care much to change this defense, not without proofs that such defense is not needed anymore


    reality looks worse than what it is: the fantasies pick you up and when a fantasy is over, you fall a long way.

    still doesn’t change the fact that fantasy is better


    death will happen soon enough, Murtaza: it’s nature’s way, it is not a matter of logic

    if you had a baby, and he is suffering, begging you to end his life, and you know for sure this won’t change, that he will suffer most of his life, would you tell him “don’t worry, you will die after just 60 years of suffering, and as you get older the suffering will increase” ?


     the truth is that I feel love for you

    i feel love for you too


     Unless you, Murtaza, become aggressive toward me

    never, although you have seen me a bit aggressive with peter and other people in here, and you imagine that i will be aggressive to you too one day, i sound aggressive for a reason, protection, now that you know me, i don’t need much protection





    I wonder why you addressed the following question to.. the normies in this site who are way less qualified to judge and advise you

    i didn’t address it to normies, i address it in the hope of finding a none normie person that can agree with me, agree on my logic

    So anyone who challenges your thinking must disagrees with it, (all or nothing), and disagreeing is a normie to be dismissed?  If you are certain in your reasonings why reach out? Why the need to find someone exactly like minded?

    i believe in the here and now, the past is already gone, and whatever has been produce from such past, can’t live here

    That’s why you say you’re “created in a way that guarantees misery”  i say this because of the combination of my past and current needs and desire and beliefs and values and goals

    If the past can’t exist in the now, why should it influence the present, why not choose your present as you will?  Viktor Frankl  argued (and Science backs up) that “Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” He talks only of the possibility. His observation in the concentration camps shows that most will not choose but instead summit to fate. Either way end was the same for those that choose to respond with ‘grace’ or those that gave didn’t. Only the inner experience of the moment was different.

    It is true that the ability to choose and what is chosen in a moment may be determined by the cards a person one has been dealt. The choice a illusion of fate.  Still the process between stimulus and response exists and so the fate of the possibility of picking new cards.  The past is gone, the end determined, yet their is space between that fate allows us to play with. Why not play? The past is gone, their is no requirement that we hold on to all the cards we were given, especially the ones that only exist as memory. A duality and paradox, Fate and choice existing in the same moment?

    In the space between stimulus and response we filter the present moment though the filters of our fears, hopes, expectations desire… almost all of which are based on memory of the past and memory is a trickster.



    Dear Murtaza:

    What matters most in our recent exchange is this, anita: “the truth is that I feel love for you”, Murtaza: “I feel love for you too”.

    “Why is it necessary for one to be Inferior or Superior? How about Equal???”, I asked you. The above exchange (anita: I feel love for you, Murtaza: I feel love for you too) is Equal. See that? Neither one of us is superior, neither one is inferior.

    “He is Superior in some aspect of life”-a person is superior to other people in many ways, such as in knowing how to bake bread, or grow vegetables, or do fancy software computer work, but when it comes to Human Basic Value- we are equal, you, I and every member on this site.

    As to other parts of your message: (1) I understand that you addressed your thread to “a non normie person”, if one was to post in your thread, (2)You wrote in regard to the statement suicide-is-a-permanent-solution-to-a-temporary-problem,  “so lying is ok to such person?”- the statement is not a lie just because it is general and not comprehensive enough to include a variety of relevant considerations.

    Also, if the person saying this statement says it because it is very meaningful to him, and with genuine concern in his voice and face, and with a willingness to spend more time with the needy person- the statement takes on a different meaning than if a person says it dismissively, just so to say something, whatever it may be, and then walk away,

    (3) “some people born a sociopath with no desire to change”- no one is born a sociopath, no sociopath babies, (4) I wrote about what you said (“the here and now me.. can’t be hurt”), that it is “an untrue statement, evidence to the contrary in your threads is massive”, your response: “true”.

    If I still exhibited the all-or-nothing-thinking, I would respond with: then you LIED (when you said what you said in parenthesis). But having improved my thinking skills, I figure that when you said what you said, it was probably not a lie, but a piece of wishful thinking, wishing that you can’t be hurt,

    (5) by apathy you mean that you suffer less anxiety, less guilt, less shame- good thing then, (6) “fantasy is better”- yes, during the fantasy, while it is ongoing. I personally feel consistently better since I stopped fantasizing about life being magical and wonderful, (7) “If you had a baby, and he is suffering, begging you to end his life… would you tell him ‘don’t worry..”- babies don’t talk, can’t have a conversation with a baby,

    (8) I wrote that I will not withdraw from your thread unless you become aggressive toward me, and you wrote: “you have seen me a bit aggressive with peter and other people in here, and you imagine that I will be aggressive to you too one day”-  I didn’t think that you were aggressive to other members. You were angry and impatient, but not aggressive (I may be wrong: I didn’t read all that you wrote to the other members). What I did think about when I mentioned aggression was your past (rare) use of profanity and sexual references on your previous thread. If you repeated that on this thread, I would have asked you to no longer do that. If you then ignored my request- that would have been aggression. But since you brought it up, I just told you what I don’t want to read from you, not if you want me to reply to you.

    See, right here you made the wrong assumption (about what I was referring to regarding aggression), and that’s okay. But I want you to be tolerant when other people (including members who reply to you) make the wrong assumptions, okay?




    Dear Murtaza,

    You also believe that your way of thinking is not something you have chosen but something you were born with

    i think this believe is based on a lot of observation and thinking, also science

    It’s based on your observation and thinking. And no, it’s not based in science because science has proven that there’s such a thing as neuroplasticity – our ability to create new neural networks in the brain, i.e. new ways of thinking and reacting. You could change your thinking if you’d want to. Literally, your neurons could “fire” in different ways, and your entire thinking and reasoning could change. That’s based on science. But I understand you don’t want to change your thinking. That’s your free will.

    You said to anita:

    i sound aggressive for a reason, protection, now that you know me, i don’t need much protection

    I believe the need for protection is very strong in you. There are more parts in you, including the wounded inner child, however they are suppressed by a very strong protector part (you can look up the Internal Family Systems theory, which talks about different parts of our personality). This protector part came up with this entire reasoning, according to which you’re created differently and don’t have free will to change. It’s a belief system, a mental construct, which serves a purpose. And I believe the purpose is to protect you from pain which you don’t want to experience again. You’ve experienced it in your childhood, and you don’t want to experience it ever again.

    You don’t want to work on healing your wounds, because it’s not the “easy way”. It requires facing the pain, healing the wounds, re-writing the false imprints from your childhood. It’s possible. It’s actually how neuroplasticity takes place. But it’s work, yes, and you don’t want it.

    I understand you, because there’s no guarantee that even if you heal, you won’t be hurt again. Even if you heal, you still might face disappointment and people rejecting you, which would cause new pain. So there’s no guarantee. Conclusion: it’s easier to not even get into this whole healing business, to not even want it. That’s the easy way.

    However, there’s another layer in your protective shield: you don’t want to admit that you don’t want to change. Rather, you say “I am programmed not to want it”. That’s how you protect yourself from guilt. You say you have a lot of guilt:

    i feel guilty, guilt is something i can’t endure, i have a lot of it, and i come online to just have less,

    So, to avoid guilt, you say “it’s not my lack of will to change – it’s how I am created”. This way nobody can blame you for taking the easy way. You have a really clever protector who covered all bases. But other parts are suffering. Your protector part keeps them suppressed.

    Healing is possible, but you’d need to be willing to dismantle the protector, and it seems like you’re not willing to do that, at least not at the moment.



    Dear Murtaza:

    I submitted to you my recent post before I read Peter’s most recent reply to you. I want to quote from his reply because it is so very true and insightful (and concrete enough for me to follow):

    “Viktor Frankl  argued (and Science backs up) that “Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” He talks only of the possibility. His observation in the concentration camps shows that most will not choose but instead submit to fate. Either way end was the same for those that choose to respond with ‘grace’ or those that gave didn’t. Only the inner experience of the moment was different…

    “The past is gone, the end determined, yet there is space between that fate allows us to play with. Why not play? The past is gone, there is no requirement that we hold on to all the cards we were given, especially the ones that only exist as memory. A duality and paradox, Fate and choice existing in the same moment?”-

    – A “normie” did not submit the above to you, Murtaza.




    So anyone who challenges your thinking must disagrees with it

    no, though why challenge such thinking ? what would be the point?


    all or nothing

    i admit i do have this type of thinking


    and disagreeing is a normie to be dismissed?

    actually yes, cause im tired of not being understood, unfair, but i really don’t care anymore


     If you are certain in your reasonings why reach out?

    i can never be certain of anything, although reaching out is more about being accepted and understood


    Why the need to find someone exactly like minded?

    cause i won’t feel so alone, plus i will feel accepted and understood, i created the definition of norime for this and other reasons, i believe (and this believe is based on much evidence) that a norime can’t accept or understand me, so i simply dismiss such people, to not be hurt


    If the past can’t exist in the now, why should it influence the present, why not choose your present as you will?

    cause the past really makes the present, doesn’t it? sadly


    Only the inner experience of the moment was different.

    though the inner experience is based on how you was built, my understanding of freewill doesn’t relay much on Science, but my own flawed understanding, with the help of some people online


    yet their is space between that fate allows us to play with. Why not play?

    this space is highly influence by past and genes, i do think believing ones can do anything is good, because then there is no stopping to his action, but if we ask where does these action come from, if we simply ask enough why to our action, we would end up in the same rabbit hole, genes and childhood, tell me one action without a cause, i tell you its free, as soon as there is a cause to an action, it simply can’t be free, UNLESS you say there is a self, that chose such action, and not just combination of genes and childhood, thoughts and beliefs and desires, i asked you a simple question, if you really do have freewill, can you say NO to life? not only saying no, but having the same attitude and beliefs as someone saying no, its a hypothetical question i know, but tell me what do you have to do to end up saying No? cause you really can’t, you simply say yes, lucky i would say


     Fate and choice existing in the same moment?

    i actually don’t believe in fate, i only mention it to add more poetry to my words lol, its a bad habit i know, choice definitely exist, the future is open really, you can be anything, only if you have such desire, if i tell you why would you chose YES instead of NO, your answer would be something logical, but really your answer would be affected by your past experience and how you lived, how you thought, a simple example is Schopenhauer, do you really think he would have said what he said, if he didn’t had such past? his own mother hating him, almost hate people and only likes a couple of things in life? even he doesn’t believe in freewill (just saying\ this isn’t an appeal to authority :P), i don’t claim to have the truth, only the truth i see, and its very much affected by my past and life


    In the space between stimulus and response we filter the present moment though the filters of our fears, hopes, expectations desire… almost all of which are based on memory of the past and memory is a trickster.

    a simple question would be, why some people choses this over this ? what made them choses such thing ? to say NO? and really is that something they control ? (i believe that everything has a reason, every human action, must come from somewhere, it simply can’t be without one, unless again there is self that can chose such action, even then you can’t prove that such self isn’t affected by the past and genes, even if you say soul) i guess why we disagreeing because we define freewill differently, for me its simply an action without an uncontrollable cause, give me one action that you are very sure of its cause that is controllable and i shall agree with you, although i don’t think i will change my mind even being wrong, sadly thats the truth


    Neither one of us is superior, neither one is inferior.

    you are superior in some things, and i am superior in other things


    a person is superior to other people in many ways, such as in knowing how to bake bread, or grow vegetables, or do fancy software computer work, but when it comes to Human Basic Value- we are equal, you, I and every member on this site

    i agree, but i really didn’t mean human values, but more like a desire not to follow such values, a desire so strong that im welling to be miserable my whole life for, and thus i am better in this aspect


    if the person saying this statement says it because it is very meaningful to him, and with genuine concern in his voice and face, and with a willingness to spend more time with the needy person

    you know what i’ve lost ? THIS,  just because of stupid belief i made, i lost the desire to want to be helped, the only thing when i had it before, not only did it made me feel like shit, but it made my suffering more, i lost it before i even have it


    no one is born a sociopath, no sociopath babies

    you know there is sociopath gene right?


    then you LIED

    im human aren’t i? i even lie to myself, so why not people too, i actually don’t know what is true anymore, its all mixed up, what is a lie ?


    But having improved my thinking skills, I figure that when you said what you said, it was probably not a lie, but a piece of wishful thinking, wishing that you can’t be hurt

    damn i kinda feel you too good for me, lol


    by apathy you mean that you suffer less anxiety, less guilt, less shame- good thing then

    i remember my sister compliment my apathy, i almost cried, finally some appreciation, so thank you


    I personally feel consistently better since I stopped fantasizing about life being magical and wonderful

    i do too actually, since i have a choice, i will never get back to fantasy, though without it the world is really boring and dull, still i kinda like how ugly it is sometimes (i say its ugly because of bad pov early on in my life)


     babies don’t talk, can’t have a conversation with a baby

    i really like how you avoid my question just because you don’t wanna say the ugly truth lol, i won’t insist though


     was your past (rare) use of profanity and sexual references on your previous thread

    i do remember mentioning sexuality but i really don’t remember it being (aggressive), as for profanity, i will try to say less of those, i also won’t mention anything related to sexuality, although i was never gonna, because i remember mentioning sexuality in my past post and you not liking such post (in my pov) , though thank you for telling me


    If you then ignored my request

    why on earth would i do that?


    But I want you to be tolerant when other people (including members who reply to you) make the wrong assumptions, okay?

    ok, i will try


    It’s based on your observation and thinking. And no, it’s not based in science

    there is a lot of experiments done by neuroscience on the brain that suggest our brain pick first then we chose, the button clicking experiment and many others, and yes its true science hasn’t said there is no freewill, and never will, but it also doesn’t say we do have freewill, i see no proof of such freewill


     our ability to create new neural networks in the brain, i.e. new ways of thinking and reacting. You could change your thinking if you’d want to. Literally, your neurons could “fire” in different ways, and your entire thinking and reasoning could change

    sure we can, but where does this action come from? where does the desire to change our thinking come from? is it really free? how so? i like to say to people that im skeptic when it comes to freewill


    But I understand you don’t want to change your thinking. That’s your free will

    though why ? why did i chose not to want to change? you are missing something here, the reason behind our action


    and don’t have free will to change

    please stop strawman my argument, i have the freewill to change, but i don’t want to, though the reason behind this decision i think is uncontrollable (with proofs)


     It’s a belief system, a mental construct, which serves a purpose. And I believe the purpose is to protect you from pain which you don’t want to experience again.

    sounds smart move if you ask me.


    you don’t want to admit that you don’t want to change

    do i ? ok, i admit i don’t wanna change, and its totally free decision, i made it, its my fault, i take responsibility for such action


    Healing is possible, but you’d need to be willing to dismantle the protector, and it seems like you’re not willing to do that, at least not at the moment.

    in iraq? forget it


    So, to avoid guilt, you say “it’s not my lack of will to change – it’s how I am created”

    guilt is so strong that made me make a new value system and philosophy


     This way nobody can blame you for taking the easy way

    expect every norime does, you included “That’s your free will.”


    “it’s not my lack of will to change – it’s how I am created”

    ok, why do i say that? why im more prone to do such thing instead of “healing” ?

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