
wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life?

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    since you do have your father’s pension and seem to live a fairly pleasant life

    I spend most of it on my medication, actually i never buy anything besides my medication, but thats no excuse


    you could always get a temporary job to earn enough for the next session. But you don’t want to.

    And add more stress to my life? You don’t understand do you? Im on the edge, anything more would push me, imagine working to pay for more work, for a potential reward, no thanks, and yes i have no desire to heal, and i never will, its not really about the money, its not about anything, i just don’t want to, because its bullsh*t made for norimes, i left those things to norimes,


    True self exists – because I’ve experienced it.

    Lol, and im the one who dismiss science based on my preference


    It’s our essence.



    It’s also where our unique gifts and talents are stored

    I wonder where does this come from? God? Destiny? If so and they are uncontrollable, maybe some people have “bad” gifts and talents? But no that doesn’t suit my belief and values, thats a ugly way to look at the world, its all about “pure” love, where does this love come from? You think someone would love you purely? There is always a reason behind this love, a fine example is anita, there was a reason why she “loved” me, because i made her feel something, she loved that feeling, its not about me really, and its never about the other person, people only love because its benefits them, it makes them feel something based on what they didn’t had in thier childhood, there is always a reason, uncontrollable reason for love, and its always about the person childhood, but i understand you won’t argue, i won’t either, im just saying my opinion


    Hi Murtaza,

    True self exists – because I’ve experienced it.

    Lol, and im the one who dismiss science based on my preference

    🙂 Okay, a better way to put it would be: true self exists – and I’ve experienced it (and not just me, but numerous other people).

    I wonder where does this come from? God? Destiny?

    Yes, our divine essence… btw I believe in God as love, not limited to any scripture…

    its all about “pure” love, where does this love come from? You think someone would love you purely?

    Here’s an example of pure, selfless love: you love a girl but she doesn’t love you back. You’re sad and all that, but you love her so much that you want her to be happy, you want what’s best for her, even if it’s not that she’d be with you. So you love her and let her go…

    people only love because its benefits them,

    In the above example, no, it doesn’t benefit the person directly, but still, it’s love…



    I like how you response to my messages with ease even though i sound bit aggressive, thank you for that


    I think that true love should always be two sided, if the other person doesn’t appreciate you like you appreciate him, then he isn’t for you, you will have to move on, its funny because i never got bothered from this side, external things always seemed easy, when i knew that she doesn’t love me, i just moved on, like it wasn’t anything, i was a bit sad for few days, im bit sad now honestly, i missed up with anita, even though i know i didn’t do anything wrong, not directly, but i feel like i should’ve said different things, its always a mystery to me what to say and what not to say, i feel like its must be me, cause honestly she never said anything wrong or bad the whole conversation, but it doesn’t matter now


    Since you offered your help, and you asked about my childhood, what exactly this help gonna be? and what exactly do you want me to talk about? Im just curious, if i saw it worth it i might try it, though i only have one condition, i won’t do anything physical or mental to “fix” things, i don’t like when people tell me what to do and not to do, i know best, and i don’t like them when they advice me, this condition seem like it blocks the help, oh well

    I kinda like you teak, i miss this kind of people, the funny thing is, i lost them before i even have them, how fast did that happen, maybe there is an afterlife afterall, a community of kind people, a job that’s isn’t a waste of time, a reduced fear and anxiety, a partner, a different mindset, that would be heaven, too unreal, this motivates me to do it, but i develope more apathy along the way when i don’t, im in this hole deeper and deeper, its too late now to fix, and we should close the whole hole


    Dear zeeza


    What keeps me going is the science of building new neuron

    What keeps me going is apathy, apathy saved my life, and i wish it didn’t cause it came with a very high price


    It is hard to believe anyone cares when all you knew was what was dealt to you at a young age

    I don’t need to believe, no one cares, even i don’t


    do you like animals?

    No, even if i did they are expensive where i live (there is no adoption)


    Does looking at the sky for clouds and stars?

    No, it feels like if i didn’t it wouldn’t make any difference


    if I could go back in time 10 years ago when I was in my darkest hour of wanting to escape

    If i could go back before i developed apathy to live, when i cared about life and myself, and wanted to do it, i would tell myself “do it”, this isn’t my darkest days, no, these are one of the best, it actually can’t get any better, this is as good as it gets, and that’s a fact.


    relatable to you

    Nothing relatable from what I’ve seen, i live in a world you can’t even imagine


    because sometimes we need alternative evidence to see differently

    People are no longer a soild evidence to see differently, since most of them don’t have what i have, and im not talking about depression, im taking about attitude, a whole package, this right here is rare


    Hi Murtaza,

    I am on holidays starting today, and won’t be spending too much time at the computer. But I am glad you showed a little bit of interest in healing, although don’t worry, I am not holding my breath 🙂 i.e. I have no expectations from you to go for it, to start unpacking your childhood or anything like that. I am pretty tired at the moment and not very focused, but I didn’t want to wait an entire day without replying.

    Since you offered your help, and you asked about my childhood, what exactly this help gonna be? and what exactly do you want me to talk about?

    Well, you can tell me a little about your childhood. How you felt, when were you happy, when were you sad or scared or embarrassed, how you felt around your parents (e.g. were they supportive or criticizing/punishing), etc etc. Whatever comes to mind that sort of stuck in your memory, either in a positive or a negative sense.

    I don’t want to give you advice but to help you understand things better, e.g. understand what emotional needs you haven’t had met, which then caused problems later in your life.

    I kinda like you teak, i miss this kind of people, the funny thing is, i lost them before i even have them, how fast did that happen, maybe there is an afterlife afterall, a community of kind people, a job that’s isn’t a waste of time, a reduced fear and anxiety, a partner, a different mindset, that would be heaven, too unreal, this motivates me to do it,

    OK, notice there’s a part of you, even if it’s a very slight small voice, which believes that maybe, just maybe, there are valuable things in life, and you could have them too. Just notice it. Try not to dismiss it immediately, even if it’s “too unreal”. I know you said you don’t want any advice, but this is a little bit of coaching, if you’re open to it.

    but i develope more apathy along the way when i don’t, im in this hole deeper and deeper, its too late now to fix, and we should close the whole hole

    And there’s the other part of you, who is apathetic, says there is no point, says it’s too late now to fix. It wants to give up. It has already given up.

    So there’s a small tiny hopeful part, almost unnoticeable, almost completely silent, very weak, and a big and strong hopeless part, which always wins the argument.

    If you could just notice those two parts – without judgment, without wanting to get rid of either of them. Just be aware of them, know that they are there. Tell me how this sounds to you, and if you’ve managed to notice those two parts inside of you?



    you can tell me a little about your childhood

    Well lets see, i remember liking videogames very much, and used to spend hours and hours playing them, though i couldn’t do that usually because of my big brother he would take it away from me whenever he liked, my father didn’t care, my mother didn’t do anything, i remember sometimes my brother beats me for silly reasons, and my mother carelessly stop our fight, i also remember watching a lot of tv, but my big sister didn’t let me do it comfortably, i remember i used to watch my favorite tv show (avatar the last airbender) and she would come in the middle of the episode and switch the channel, i sometimes beg her to just let me watch the rest of the episode, usually that doesn’t work, i remember that at the age of 10 i used to get a lot of anxiety, pain in my stomach, and wake up in the middle of the night, and its dark (no electricity) i remember i would sometimes wake my mom, and all she do is warp a peace of clothing around my stomach, sometimes i remember it happening again and again, and she got botherd by it, so i wouldn’t wake her up, i used to pray before i sleep i don’t wake up at night because its so scary, sometimes i don’t and sometimes i do, i would wake up with no desire to sleep, and would just stay in my bed for few hours, sometimes i would get thirsty but i don’t get up since its very dark and scary, i remember that i decided to imagine stuff before i go to sleep, to make me fall sleep easier, it did worked, there was a couple of fantasies i imagined, i will mention few, and if you want to know more ask away, i used to fantasize about being with katara (from the last airbender), the theme of my fantasy always included hurt, wether done by the one i love or outside forces, though i always perferd the first, there was a funny feeling when i get hurt by someone i love and be at thier mercy, though they would love me too in the fantasy, as i got older i learned that this is too unreal, and usually hate is the result of being hurt, not love, i had a hard time fantasizing since i would put a scenario where the other person loves me but hurt me at the same time, i remember that (katara) used to remind me of my childhood friend, a female named noor, i loved her, or i thought i did, but we moved to a new house and we lost contact, i remember that the happist days were in thier house, she had a brother who was my best friend, i remember we used to play yugioh, i remember that sometimes when her brother bother her i would stop him, i used to stay in thier house in the day time, i remember that before we move to another house my foot was hurt, noor got me an ice, and put it on it, i never seemed to forget this, i didn’t know love exist, i didn’t know that i love her, but when i grow up and watched movies, i wished that i get back in time and love her, to feel that thing, i used to imagine for hours for this to happened


    I worte a lot, if you want me to continue just say so, also im not sure how do you want to do this? Do i talk about details? Do i write the whole thing in one paragraph?


    If you could just notice those two parts – without judgment, without wanting to get rid of either of them. Just be aware of them

    I am aware of them, but it doesn’t matter since i can’t satisfy what it needs, i was aware of this persona for a whole 2 years, and i leaned that it must not get out, it will cause more pain, and it did, when i saw reality, how ugly it is, i accept this fact, that this persona should always stay hidden


    you think that if i accepted this persona and what it needs, then i will be able to motivate myself to work, and live life, and marry, you think that accepting my past self that was inherited, should make me wanna live? and make me happy? don’t you think i have enough proofs to be that sure? Its not just a me problem, its where i live and what i have got, sure i can get out of here, but that requires a lot of work, work i don’t see worth it, and i have depression (and don’t tell me those are excuses), you know im sick and tired of being the blame, no matter how much arguments i provide, no matter how much reasons i give, its always my fault, but you know what? I don’t care what you think or any of you think, you simply don’t know, you just can’t imagine how my life look like, and you never will


    Hi Murtaza,

    thanks for sharing a little bit about your childhood. Your big brother and big sister harassed you when they took away your toy, i.e. stopped you from playing videogames, or watching your favorite TV show whenever they pleased. Children can be cruel like that, so their behavior isn’t that surprising, but what I see as a bigger problem is that your parents didn’t protect you, e.g. they didn’t set some rules of behavior for your older siblings, or some rules about when and under what conditions you can watch TV or play videogames. You were the weaker one and your parents just left you at the mercy of your older siblings. That probably left you feeling like they don’t care about you, and that no one cares about you in general, because that’s the experience you got in your family.

    When you started experiencing pain in your stomach during the night, your mother probably didn’t soothe you lovingly, didn’t take you in her arms and caressed you (or did she?), but she just gave you a cloth to warm up your tummy and left, I suppose? After a while she was bothered by you and got impatient, and then you even stopped complaining. This was another experience of not receiving nurturing love and care, which possibly could have left you with feeling unlovable, unworthy of love. Also, you were afraid of dark but were reluctant to tell that to your mother, not to bother her even more.

    You had to face fear and anxiety alone and suffer alone, without consolation of a parent. That’s the hardest thing for a child to experience – suffering alone, in silence, with no one there to help him. Feeling in pain, both physically and emotionally, probably feeling unlovable, unworthy, and thinking that no one cares about you. Also feeling helpless, because at that time, as a child, you truly were helpless, unable to stop your stomach pain or your fear and anxiety. This could very easily be the basis for feeling hopeless about life, because what’s life if one has to suffer endlessly and their loved ones don’t care about him.

    Later, when your uncle would beat you and your father would allow it, it just reaffirmed your experience from childhood when you were harassed by your older siblings: being harassed and helpless to stop the harassment, and being at the mercy of others, who had the “right” to harass you simply because they were older. It could have given you the idea that the world is cruel and unfair and arbitrary, and you don’t want to take any part in it, because it just causes you suffering.

    The girl you liked, Noor, probably showed you more care with that one gesture of putting ice on your foot, than your own mother. You felt that’s true love – someone caring about you and your well-being, and not letting you suffer.

    As a child you used you imagine that you were hurt by your loved ones – which is what actually happened: you were hurt by your loved ones. Only in your fantasy they would love you eventually, but in real life, they wouldn’t – they hurt you and they didn’t care too much about your feelings. You didn’t even dare to wake up your mother when your stomach hurt (or when you were thirsty but afraid to go get water in the dark) because you knew she would be disturbed.

    This is what I am seeing from what you’ve described: you suffered a lot as a child and no one cared about you (except Noor and perhaps some random people who were nice to you – like that pharmacist recently). You saw glimpses of love and care, but 99% of time love was suffering (because those you loved didn’t love you back) and therefore, love is “too unreal” for you, and you end up apathetic, unwilling to live. Because what’s life without love…

    you know im sick and tired of being the blame, no matter how much arguments i provide, no matter how much reasons i give, its always my fault,

    It’s not your fault that you didn’t get the love and care you deserved. It’s not your fault that you were harassed. It’s not your fault that you were afraid of the dark, and that your stomach hurt. None of it is your fault. You deserved to be loved and cared for and comforted, you deserved to watch your favorite TV show. Your needs and desires were completely legitimate, but they weren’t taken into consideration, you were trampled over. None of that was your fault. You deserve better.










    That probably left you feeling like they don’t care about you,

    They don’t, my mother only uses us to satisfy her needs, at least my father didn’t care to use us, was waay out of this world


    and thinking that no one cares about you

    And no one does, not until i provide something back to them, not until they see benefits, and usually its based on societal standards


    didn’t take you in her arms and caressed you (or did she?)

    Nope, she doesn’t understand the child needs for such things


    It could have given you the idea that the world is cruel and unfair and arbitrary,

    And it isn’t? If so i would like a proof, a proof from my life, something i can see and feel


    You didn’t even dare to wake up your mother when your stomach hurt

    I should say that its not entirely her fault (and its not mine either) because as a child i cared for her too much, that i didn’t want to bother her


    and therefore, love is “too unreal” for you, and you end up apathetic, unwilling to live. Because what’s life without love

    Nice conclusion, though its wrong, thats not the reason why love is too unreal, i told you that i don’t follow my programming, that i ignored the thought of (you don’t deserve love), its too unreal because of where i live and my values and desires and goals and beliefs, so even if i manged to fix that belief, i would have to fix all of the above, you really think that’s possible?


    It’s not your fault

    “That’s your choice” implies it is my fault and that im responsible for my own misery, i dislike this idea you formed because its simply not true, and the evidence of such is that i developed apathy just to protect me, a strong apathy, and im proud of myself for doing so, i look back at the past, i see nothing worth living, i look at the future, nothing, the present is acceptable, under my rules, i respect myself for being so intepented, physically and mentally, and i love myself maybe too much that i don’t want to see her suffer for no reason, or because of an illusion created by people like you, an idea that may or may not happen, hope


    You deserve better.

    Following that logic then my mother deserve better, and my father deserves better, almost everyone deserves better, and what does that gonna do? Nothing really, just makes you have an idea that you inheritly deserve something without any effort, i don’t think that’s a nice idea to have, not true either, love is something you buy, and im not talking about money, im talking about prices we must pay to get love, everything has a price, and for me its too expensive, so i just don’t bother with it, the reward is little and the price is too high, without the illusion, without false hopes, it doesn’t seem worth it, it would be the same life with something extra and a lot of payment to do, payments i hate to pay


    You deserved to be loved and cared for and comforted

    If that’s true then where is it? Oh i must pay a high price for that? Doesn’t sound like i “deserve” it


    It’s not your fault that you didn’t get the love and care you deserved. It’s not your fault that you were harassed. It’s not your fault that you were afraid of the dark, and that your stomach hurt. None of it is your fault

    But its my fault that i developed a strong apathy ? You know apathy is funny because any solution for it requires the opposite, caring, its a paradox, i need some kind of motivation to drop my apathy, and there isn’t any currently, probably will never be, unless somehow i see enough evidence for not needing this apathy, but i really don’t think so, in time my apathy only grow more and more, medication helped with that by lowering my dopamine (which were motivation come from in the first place), im only afraid that i developed it so much that i would care enough to end my life, and just endure suffering for no reason but basic survival, like an animal


    Hi Murtaza,

    Following that logic then my mother deserve better, and my father deserves better, almost everyone deserves better,

    Yes, every child who was mistreated deserves better. A child deserves, i.e. should be given proper love and nurturance, in order to develop properly, both physically and emotionally. In order for a healthy development to happen, what is needed is the so-called secure attachment with the primary caregiver (usually mother), where the child feels safe and is able to have all its core emotional needs met.

    If your mother didn’t understand a child’s needs (“Nope, she doesn’t understand the child needs for such things“), she couldn’t provide secure attachment for you, and you couldn’t develop in healthy way, emotionally.

    just makes you have an idea that you inheritly deserve something without any effort, i don’t think that’s a nice idea to have, not true either, love is something you buy, and im not talking about money, im talking about prices we must pay to get love

    If we have a loving parent, a parent who knows how to meet our needs, we won’t feel like we have to pay anything or do anything to deserve the parent’s love. A good parent gives selflessly, of course within certain boundaries, but they never require the child to suppress themselves or to suffer in exchange for love. For example, they would never give the message to a child that “I love you only if you don’t bother me with your problems”. Instead, they would say “I love you regardless of what trouble you may get into. I will never reject you. Come to me whenever you need me and we’ll figure something out.” With a loving  parent, a child isn’t terrified of being judged and condemned, but feels heard and understood.

    Many children feel and experience that their parent’s love is conditional and that they need to pay a certain price to be loved. They need to become someone they are not (e.g. you may have needed to pretend that you’re tough and resilient when in fact you were afraid and anxious. Or you may have needed to pretend that you don’t need anything, when in fact you needed your mother’s care and soothing.) You grew up with the belief (and experience) that you need to deserve love, and probably deserve it in a way which negates who you are, which denies the core of your being. You didn’t want that, and so you refused the whole idea of wanting love.

    But its my fault that i developed a strong apathy ? … i developed apathy just to protect me, a strong apathy, and im proud of myself for doing so

    No, it’s not your fault that you developed apathy. You developed it to protect you from false hope, from the pain of not receiving love. As a child and youth, it was a smart move because it protected you somewhat from heartbreak. But you also don’t like your life and feel you live like an animal, because if we suppress the longing of your heart, then that’s what we all end up being – animals, or robots/automatons. Such life doesn’t make sense indeed.

    What I am telling you is that you don’t need to suppress the longing of your heart. You don’t need to pay the price to be loved. You can start loving that anxious, fearful, lonely boy right now. You can give him unconditional love, which your mother and father weren’t able to. You can tell him it’s okay to be needy, to be afraid of the dark, to need comfort and soothing when he’s afraid, to need protection when he’s harassed… Do you think you could get in touch with the little boy Murtaza and give him some love and care?



    You grew up with the belief (and experience) that you need to deserve love

    You didn’t understand my point, deserving is a creation of the mind, we made it up, a child doesn’t inheritly deserve something, unless we talking about a fair world, and this isn’t, no one deserves anything, i like to say babies NEEDS love, not deserve it, deserving for me requires effort to the part that deserves, how else would you deserve it? Even then you don’t actually deserve it, but you think you do, even if you paied the price you might not have what you deserve, so why even say “deserve”


    and so you refused the whole idea of wanting love.

    I do need love, though i won’t die if i didn’t have it, and i refuse to put my needs at the mercy of other people, and i refuse to be controlled in order to get “love”, to  change my values and goals just to pursue an idea


    What I am telling you is that you don’t need to suppress the longing of your heart

    Ofcourse i do, otherwise i will just need them obsessively, without having them


    You don’t need to pay the price to be loved

    And how would i get it then?


    You can start loving that anxious, fearful, lonely boy right now

    Why did you assumed that i don’t? I already gave him what he want, a life that easy and doesn’t have much pain, he needs things that i can’t provide, things that outside of my control, and i only foucs on what under my control


    Do you think you could get in touch with the little boy Murtaza and give him some love and care?

    Whats the point? He won’t get what he needs, maybe never, so why bother? And i already gave him an unconditional love, im good with myself, i take good care of it, and this is why i thought about suicide, and i already gave a good example, i will do the same for my kids, never make them, if that means i can’t marry so be it, but i won’t do what my father did to me, i won’t use my kids as a way to make life easier


    You seems to think (after so much evidence) that the problem is within me, that if i did something different then i will have it, now thats half true, it is in me, the problem, but its never gonna change, and i accept that, i like it sometimes actually, i respect myself, i value it, maybe that was a bad idea, but it happened


    I remember that i asked for my therapist the same thing, to understand my situation and accept my decision, she replied “whats the point?, so what if i did that? Its not gonna change anything” she thought that accepting and understanding is uselss in therapy (lol), and she only wanted to change me, just like my mother, to fit her pov of life, projecting her values and beliefs on me, thinking that hers must be the right one to live, but now as i receive it from you, after i wanted it for so long, from anita, it feels nothing, and im glad it does feel like that, cause it a sign that i won’t need people anymore, and if you gonna say “maybe you should” i only answer with “only if i see any difference”, only if i saw people like you in real life, and to actually have a relationship with them (nearly impossible in iraq), i don’t understand why you want me to drop the best thing i ever did, and it still works, to this day, i want love so much, but i won’t receive it, not from people, i felt like a slave to females, because they have what i want, and in order to get that i have to do certain things, i have to have money and live life i don’t like, so no i don’t accept such need, i won’t allow my “human” needs to control me, no i control them, miserable but satisfied, in full control of to satisfy my needs, not a slave to money or people, animal, but not a slave


    Hi Murtaza,

    i like to say babies NEEDS love, not deserve it, deserving for me requires effort to the part that deserves, how else would you deserve it?

    Alright, it wasn’t the best expression: a child needs love to develop properly. You didn’t get it. Perhaps you got conditional love, e.g. your mother was nice to you when you didn’t bother her, when you didn’t express you fears and your need for her love and care and soothing.

    i refuse to put my needs at the mercy of other people, and i refuse to be controlled in order to get “love”, to change my values and goals just to pursue an idea

    You don’t need to be at the mercy of other people. If you give love to your inner child, you’ll be “filled”, your basic emotional needs will be met. It’s like neutralizing the bad effects of childhood and upbringing, and building the capacity for happiness.

    What I am telling you is that you don’t need to suppress the longing of your heart

    Ofcourse i do, otherwise i will just need them obsessively, without having them

    The true longing of your heart, as a child, was to be loved by your parents. You can fill that longing by being a loving, compassionate parent to your inner child.

    You can start loving that anxious, fearful, lonely boy right now

    Why did you assumed that i don’t? I already gave him what he want, a life that easy and doesn’t have much pain, he needs things that i can’t provide, things that outside of my control, and i only foucs on what under my control

    I know you haven’t given him what he needs, because you believe the best option would be take your own life. A loved and cherished child wouldn’t think or feel that way.

    What you actually said about your inner child is that you’re aware of him but you suppressed him (“i was aware of this persona for a whole 2 years, and i leaned that it must not get out, it will cause more pain, and it did, when i saw reality, how ugly it is, i accept this fact, that this persona should always stay hidden“). You’re not loving him by suppressing him. You’re not giving him an easy life by making him stay hidden, by telling him not to have feelings, or hopes or dreams.

    he needs things that i can’t provide, things that outside of my control,

    Actually, you can provide the love he needs. I told you how to do it: to accept him, acknowledge his needs, tell him you love him, that he’s welcome in your life, and that you will take care of him from now on. You can do that even without a therapist: you, the adult Murtaza, can be a loving parent to the little boy Murtaza. Instead of suppressing him. That would be the path to healing.

    Because if you suppress him, you’re just deepening the childhood wound where he had to stay hidden, not to disturb your mother. You’re perpetuating the pain and misery. But if you embrace him, you’re healing his wounds, and as I said earlier, building the capacity for your happiness and fulfillment as adult.



    You can fill that longing by being a loving, compassionate parent to your inner child

    I already did that, but the hole is still here, and i don’t believe that there is only one way to love yourself, i do it my way, the way i see it fit, not whatever you say, not whatever anyone say


    You can fill that longing by being a loving, compassionate parent to your inner child

    And i would suppose that there is only one way to be a parent to this child, and its a man made way, i don’t care how many people got healed by this way, i already did best for myself


    What you actually said about your inner child is that you’re aware of him but you suppressed him

    You don’t know what im talking about, you don’t know how i lived needing love everyday excessively, so excessively that i wanted to remove this need from the origin


    You’re not loving him by suppressing him. You’re not giving him an easy life by making him stay hidden, by telling him not to have feelings, or hopes or dreams.

    Oh yes because you know my life to judge that, you know how its like living in iraq with dreams and hopes, to have anxiety and shame and gulit as your primary feelings, but no its fixable, you just got to workout,


    you gonna teach me how to love myself? I can’t continue this conversation if you didn’t drop the idea that i don’t love myself, it just makes me mad how you blame me while you don’t even know me, i can’t do this again,


    Actually, you can provide the love he needs. I told you how to do it

    I just talked to the guy, he told me that he want, an understanding loving mature female to use her for his own needs


    I know you haven’t given him what he needs, because you believe the best option would be take your own life. A loved and cherished child wouldn’t think or feel that way.

    Sure you know, because of the few post i did here, now you have the key to my life, and allowed to advice and give opinion, did you even hear what i wrote above, im gonna say it here, imagine your child has cancer, now imagine that cancer doesn’t go away, and he lives with it for the rest of his life, now imagine your child telling you, no, begging you, to have mercy on him and end his life, because he is suffering and he don’t like it here, but you let him live anyway, and everyday, he is begging you to end this life, without any hope of this cancer going away, now you, let him live, and not only that, you telling him its his fault for havig such horrible life, for not loving himself enough so he likes life, you blame him for his illness, and you blame him for not trying to live, for wanting to die, is this sound like unconventional love?


    So for the sake of argument, lets say i did what you asked me (assuming that i didn’t do that) would that change anything? Will it change my goals and desires and beliefs and values? Especially when im very fixated to not change them, and its called OCPD, i don’t care if i wasn’t diagnosed, my sister have it, and i have it,


    Please teak, you make me very mad, i like you, i really do, and i don’t want to stop talking to you, even if i just talk to you with whatever, but i don’t want to do this again, to be misunderstood no matter what reasons and arguments i provide, this right here triggers my hopelessness, no matter what logic and how much evidence i put, you will never accept me or like me, you will never be okey with my decision, not because im wrong, but because you don’t like it, and i wish it wasn’t that way, i wish there is a place for people like me in this world, i wish that it wasn’t so hard to be loved by people, you don’t know how lonely i am, and you telling me how to love myself, i did, and i do, and i want people, i want that hole to be filled, and you think that i didn’t because i didn’t pursue those things, that if i did loved myself really i would satisfy those needs, but those needs require me to change my values and goals, the very thing that makes me, myself, to betray myself, it only happens when i hate myself so much, that i would want to betray every thought and belief i ever did, and live life normal, to satisfy my needs.


    Can you understand this? If no so i could save your time and mine, its sad though, that every person i talk to either kill me with his wrong advises and suggestions, or just go away, i believe that anita was right, how could she be wrong? She is nearly an angel, and who im i? Just a nobody, i know its my fault, and i can’t be sad, but i want to feel sad about this, she represent all the nice people in the world, i lost them all, and its my fault, i wish heaven is real, i would imagine all the good people together, and maybe there is a place for me, to filled with this warm


    Dear Murtaza:

    I got the feeling of love for you back today (to whomever may be reading this: it is not a romantic or any particular category of love- it is just love). I wanted to run to you (that is, post to you) right away to let you know! In that running, I was a girl running to a boy to let him know that I love him. (Again, to those who may misunderstand: this is not about age or gender or romance). That was a few hours ago. I had the time and opportunity to think, and I understand now that love in its nature needs to make a positive difference in the one who is loved- that this need is in the core of the nature of love. When love makes no positive difference- it dies every time.

    In conditional love, the message is: if you do A, B, and C (specific things like get a job, buy me B, and do C for me)- then I will love you, for as long as you work and provide me with these things.

    In unconditional love, the message is: I already love you and my love for you has to make a positive difference in your life, it’s the nature of love, not only mine but everyone’s. Unlike in conditional love, the positive difference is not specified, but it has to be significant.

    In my last three messages to you I was angry at you. When I accused you of dishonestly manipulating me, I was wrong. I was mistaken. You sometimes manipulate information to support your arguments in ways that are not  intellectually honest, but you didn’t dishonestly manipulate me or other members. (Talking about arguing- you are very good at it, lots of experience. I am not good at it, so I shouldn’t really try anymore).

    The theme of your posts is: “I don’t think it matters anymore, nothing is, even making this post…I believe as long as I’m going to live, I’m going to be miserable… I lost it, before I even had it…  it doesn’t matter, it happened, and nothing will be changed… I won’t change, neither is society”-

    – A person who loves you cannot accept this because love has to make a difference, or else it must die. (It hurts too much otherwise).

    You wrote to me: “you said that there is no sociopath gene.. I think that you refuse to believe in such because the latter is problematic to your values and beliefs, you like to think that people learn such thing, and unlearn it, a world without evil, the same things goes for believing in freewill, imagine thinking that there is no freewill, no morals, this isn’t a very nice way to look at the world.. if there wasn’t a gene for it, and we learn it, why couldn’t we just un learn it?”-

    –  I know evil exists, I know it too well. I know that lots of people are so deeply set in their impulsive habits that they are no longer able to exercise free will, they are like automations. I believe that sociopaths are not born that way, they become that way. Once they are that way, they can’t o are very unlikely to unlearn it.

    You wrote to me: “(normies are).. people.. who can’t accept that some people are doomed, some people like me, and the best option for these people is to spear them away, I just wanna hear it, this truth, form someone like you”- It is true. Too many people are doomed. Many have moved too far away from what is good. They are too far gone.

    I’m sick and tired of being the blame, no matter how much arguments I provide, no matter how much reasons I give, its always my fault.. no matter what logic and how much evidence I put, you will never accept me or like me, you will never be okay with my decision, not because I’m wrong, but because you don’t like it… Can you understand this?”-

    – I don’t really care right now who is to blame. It doesn’t matter. You are the way you are, and that’s all there is to it. I don’t want you to follow societal norms, to get a job, to get married. I don’t care about that. I just want to make a significant positive difference in your life. I mean, my love for you wants that. (I don’t have free will in this regard: I can try to love you while being okay with you being as miserable as you were before knowing me- but I am doomed to fail).

    This post right here, is the most meaningful-to-me post I ever submitted. I think that it is objectively very meaningful. I want to remember that it is, even if you disagree (and argue, as is your habit), even if.. I am the only one here who knows how meaningful this post is.



    Hi Murtaza,

    you talk about loving your inner child your own way:

    I already did that, but the hole is still here, and i don’t believe that there is only one way to love yourself, i do it my way, the way i see it fit, not whatever you say, not whatever anyone say

    And i would suppose that there is only one way to be a parent to this child, and its a man made way, i don’t care how many people got healed by this way, i already did best for myselfI

    you gonna teach me how to love myself? I can’t continue this conversation if you didn’t drop the idea that i don’t love myself, it just makes me mad how you blame me while you don’t even know me, i can’t do this again,

    What you did is protect yourself from pain, the way you thought was best. Prior to that, you suffered tremendously (“You don’t know how i lived needing love everyday excessively, so excessively that i wanted to remove this need from the origin“), having a deep longing which no one could meet, and you decided to suppress that longing because that was the only tool you had at your disposal. Your 18-year old self did his best to protect himself from pain – you decided love is an impossibility for you, never accessible, never attainable. With this, you may have suppressed the little boy Murtaza, but you helped the 18-year old to make sense of things, to maintain his sanity. You did well, considering the circumstances.

    You’re angry at me for not acknowledging your love for your inner child. I want to acknowledge the role your Protector played in protecting the 18-year old (and the 20-year old) Murtaza from excessive pain. And you’ve managed, to a point. But this very thread shows that you’re miserable. And that’s because you have suppressed that little boy. I am not blaming you, I am just saying what has happened.

    In a recent post, you were interested in the true self. The true self is the observer, which observes all of your parts: (1) the little boy Murtaza with his longings and unmet needs, (2) the Protector who came up with the philosophy of why love is unattainable for you, and (3) the 20-year old Murtaza who is apathetic most of the times because he trusts the Protector’s view of the world. The true self would be beyond all those parts, looking at them without judgment, but with compassion and understanding.

    its sad though, that every person i talk to either kill me with his wrong advises and suggestions, or just go away,

    If you could, at least for a moment, step away from the idea that love is unattainable for you, and that you need to be at the mercy of other people to get love – and give me the benefit of the doubt – this conversation may make sense.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Tee.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Tee.
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