
What is a good reason a man keeps in touch with an ex if it's not sex?

HomeForumsRelationshipsWhat is a good reason a man keeps in touch with an ex if it's not sex?

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    An ex lover of many yrs keeps on contact. Have sexual conversations all the time for yrs. Even gets jealous when you talk about the guy you are currently seeing. Man who keeps intimate conversations with a woman he has had sex with but lives to far. When he comes to town he text the woman but don’t make any effort to see her.


    Hi Lisa,

    If you come back to this question:

    Maybe he feels insecure about how his looks or that his sexual performance has changed. Maybe he had no time while he was in the area to see any other people. Maybe he is into power and control.

    Either way, I think it’s time you find a new, local boyfriend and move on.




    I just got out of a relationship with a narcissist so from my experience, another reason would be that if that person is a narc then the ex’es give them a supply source for ego stroking and a way to make the current partner jealous and more submissive (triangulation). You would see other narc symptoms if that is the case, such as blame shifting, gas lighting, self-absorbed, never thinking they are wrong, etc… anyway, just another possibility..

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