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  • #156424

    first time writing here… accidentally discovered this site and it opened a lot of opportunities to pour my self right into people who i know feels the same way.

    i have been working for this company for 7 years… i was one of the pioneer staff and im proud to say that i consider myself to be a pillar of sorts. We established the company literally from scratch and from 1 branch now it we have 7. i am happy working here… giving my all every day and thinking that well i have to give what the company is expecting of me.

    Come to 2 new contracts and my disappointment settles in… i have not received any significant salary increase for the past 4 years and the last contract which was last month is getting into my motivation. i received a 4% raise… compared to a new employee who has the same level as iam receiving 80% more of what iam receiving today (she joined last year only)…. i kept telling my staff that money doesnt matter and we should work hard to earn everything but you see, when i feel that i didnt receive what i ought to receive i feel depressed.

    iam right to question myself? is it time for me to leave? i have spoken to my boss who have previously promised me something but its still the same….

    i work hard because i love my work… but the emotional toll of feeling unappreciated when it comes to the salary is affecting me…


    Dear Jamal:

    It is understandable to me that you feel distressed and depressed over not receiving a significant raise in the last four years even though you’ve been giving your all to the company and significantly contributed to its successful growth from its conception. The injustice of a new, fellow employee receiving 80% more salary while, I understand, is not more skillful than you and is not contributing as much as you do and have is a painful reality to live with- would be for me.

    You talked to your boss without results and you are thinking about leaving. If you asserted yourself with the boss, told him or her about the injustice and unfairness of the situation, with no results, and if further assertion is not going to result in a significant pay increase, then I think it is fair and wise for you to explore employment opportunities elsewhere.

    Wherever possible, it is a good idea to correct unfairness and injustice. If asserting yourself doesn’t do it, and leaving will- so you can be better compensated for your work elsewhere- then do so.



    thank you anita…. actually i truly love the job… and salary comes second only, i never cared about it actually because the job is rewarding in some other ways. but the unfairness of receiving a lesser salary slowly eats my confidence and moral. my motivation and belief that money is not important is in someway affected…

    anyway i have signed the contract and will continue to work to the best of my capability… however i have decided that this would be my last contract. i have already started the path of looking for a greener pasture.

    what will happen in the future i cant predict, but i realized that i will not change who iam because someone doesnt appreciate me…

    Thanks again… i feel better already…



    A few more ideas for you – you got to market yourself more. Do not let any opportunity go where you can beat your own drum on the value you have added to the company. Many people sit in a corner, put in the hard work and fail to market it – unfortunately in today’s job market, you got to brand and sell yourself.



    Dear Jamal:

    You are welcome. I understand that you have values that surpass money. Fairness though is a value and the unfairness of salaries is distressing. It is not the bare money difference, it is the unfairness/ injustice attached to it, seems to me.

    And it reads to me that you made the right choice to honor your contract, working for the best of your capability while planning not to renew it.



    Thank you very much monk and anita for your feed backs… i truly appreciate them…


    You are welcome, Jamal. Anytime.


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