
stresssful relation with husband

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    now a mother of 2 years old, married around 4 years back. i met my husband on a social media and we decided to get married after a friendship of around 5 years. his family were against our marriage. the main reason which i can find out is the difference in status of both families. my husband belongs to a affluent and highly educated family whereas my parents and family are lower middle class and their background is also totally different, my parents are not educated and running small businesses for income.
    after my marriage, i decided to continue my job and for that we are living apart from my husband’s parents and siblings as our job is far from their place.
    initially every one in my husband’s family wanted me to quit my job to take care of house hold chores. some how i convince my husband to continue my job. after my marriage, being a elder daughter i decided to help my parents and siblings financially as a long term debt for their studies, my sisters marriage and my parents illness. my husband was not agreed for this. but it was my responsibility. i tried to convince him that his family may also need his support that time he will also help them. but now result.

    i feel the main reason our stressful relations is financial condition of my parents. my parents promised me to return back all debts in terms of a property which i feel is fair enough and this way i also tried to convince my husband.

    but my husband don’t respect my parents. many time he speaks bad and sarcastic words for them to me. like he don’t even want me or daughter to go to meet them.every time when i want him to accompany me to meet them at their place in any family get together or for any occasion. he directly refuses or come up with some meaningless excuses whereas he expects me to love his parents, sisters and even all other far relatives. he like to attend his family functions. but for my family get together, always i have to request and convince him. even if he attend any of my family get together he behaves like a stranger and do not like to sit and talk to any one.

    last year, we planned a trip on occasion of my daughter’s first birthday. my parents and sister and his mother also accompanied us. but throughout the trip he was behaving so stressed and angry on me. may be because he was spending money. he was just concern for his mother’s comfort. on a compliant of his mother, he created a very big scene and insulted me and family members. i felt so bad for my parents. that must be the worst day of their life.

    now whenever he speak some thing bad for my family, in response, i also retaliate very badly for his family members. i throw all my anger out in this manner. he many times hurts me in such situations.

    this is all because i want him to respect my parents and family too. but he don’t care for this and never realize his mistake.

    this feeling is very painful. i also want to have happy relations with his family and always tries to gel with them even after their many hardships. but my husband don’t even care for my parents.

    if i also had rich parents, the situation could be better.

    now, i am feeling so tired of saving my relation. this is a meaning less relation where we do not respect each other and our feelings.
    only money is important.

    i don’t to be in this relation any one but concern for my daughter and parents. what should i do?

    Jessica Rodriguez

    Ketty; The most important part of a relationship is communication, the way we communicate is the way we understand each other’s feelings, have you tell him how important is for you that if he needs to talk about your parents be in a respectful way?
    Have you asked him if he feels respected by you? because I don’t like to use popular phrases; but “In order to get respect you have to give it first” If he says yes then tell him that it is very important in your relationship to have mutual respect for each other and that includes the way you talk about each other’s family.

    Besides that, if you don’t mind me to remind you when you got married, he married you, not your family and in the same way you married him not his family so don’t get caught with the clutter of other family members, believe me it is very stressful to live other people’s drama when you have your own going on.

    I’m probably being harsh, but if you want to continue with this relationship you have to make him fall in love with you again, and I’m not saying forget about your parents, but as a mother I’m sure that I don’t want any of my children in a situation where they have to pick between saving me or saving their marriages.

    With Love: Jessica


    Hi ketty,

    I have two solutions for you which you can take. The rest is up to your DH which you have no control over.

    1. Two individual bank accounts and one house account. Both people put money into the house account as is needed. You do not take money out of the house account to help your parent/relatives/etc. YOUR private, individual account, however, you can do what you want with the money in there. He doesn’t have to put anything in. And with his account, he can have all his wealth… You working and giving the money to your family… as long as your money and his money isn’t mingled, he won’t feel “stolen” from .

    2. That said, he might feel angry if he feels you are being taken advantage of. I have a limit on my giving to relatives, for example. I give until I would be taxed on the gift. Then that’s it! Sorry, college. Sorry, mortgage. Sorry, health problems! I know, it’s hard to put a cap on the giving, but you are limited and there are other relatives/friends/solutions.

    Have your DH’s relationship with your parents/relatives be HIS relationship with them. He married you, not your family. If he can’t behave, tell him he can stay home.



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Inky.

    Dear ketty:

    You are married with a daughter and you work. Your husband would have preferred it if you didn’t work outside the home, that is that you would take care of your daughter and home full time. But you wanted to work and so you do. Problem for him is you spend the money you earn… not on your daughter, or on you and your husband, but on your parents and sister.

    If I was your husband, I would be angry at you too. I believe that once you are married and have a child or children, your money should go to your own children and marriage. This should be so for you and your husband. The money he earns should also go for the benefit of your daughter, you and him.

    I believe it is not your responsibility to financially take care of your parents or siblings or other family members. If that is what you wanted to do, then remaining single would be the fair choice.

    Having stated that, of course he must not be disrespectful of your parents. They must not be looked down at because of their financial or social status.

    I hope you and your husband look into solutions and find a way to live that is acceptable to both of you.


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