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September 27, 2019 at 9:57 am #314703
GuestDear Cali Chica:
After I posted to you last I realized that I didn’t get the guilt part yet, that pressure to invite S over- the pressure you feel over her thinking that you should invite her.
I figured (#2 above) that you are afraid to lose a friend, S in this case. But what is the guilt/ pressure about- I don’t know at this point.
September 28, 2019 at 3:01 pm #314905Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Good evening. I apologize, I did not see your last post until just now. I think the email notification for the post I had confused with the prior, not knowing there was a new one.
Well, I am glad I read it just now – as it gives me some food for thought. I have a few thoughts in mind as to where this guilt/pressure comes from. It is not related to S personally, it is more of a concept about me. I will let myself think about this over night.
For now the thoughts that come to mind are the following:
1) I know in my rational mind that at this stage in my life I am not going to “lose” a valuable friend like S. Ironically any friends I have “lost” in the last year have been entirely by my own choice. However, perhaps the concept of “always trying so you don’t lose something” comes into play here. Ironic again, that this did not translate into romantic relationships and now marriage. Parrot did not teach: with marriage comes hard work, and you have to always put in effort and bring your best self forward to maintain it. Nope, quite the contrary. More about – marriage is some sort of destination – and some people get lucky and others don’t. The end. What BS!!! I digress.
So perhaps deep down inside there is a feeling of, well she is the last great friend I do want to keep, so perhaps I “should do more.” Once again entirely self induced given that she is extremely understanding and never ever the type to pressure.
2) I am not just used to being social. I enjoy it. This is not a bad thing. SCC, yes can be toxic. But enjoying the concept of others, more the merrier attitude, etc – in and of itself is not bad. Yet, we come to this point in the healing path for ME. And that is just it. It isn’t about what is good or bad, it is what is appropriate for me, right now, in this state, in this part of the path, in this state of my marriage, at this moment. Now. And that doesn’t necessarily coincide with the “innate way I have been living.”
Yes, I am the type to enjoy being friendly – to open my home easily, to not feel that things have to be formal. Friendly social CC, and SCC – what are the differences?
You mentioned last week the concept of being extroverted, but what is the MOTIVE behind being extroverted?
I thought about it a lot. I notice that in my most truest innate self – I am an extrovert. This does not mean I do not like alone time – it is that it is just me. But super extrovert, SCC – now that is something else. And that line can get blurry. It also goes back to the concept of thinking before speaking, thinking before acting, and thinking about what does CC truly need right now?
CC never thought about what she needs right now. It wasn’t much of an issue growing up. I had good friends, many outlets of activities, and a good adolescent life that way. College the same – being social wasn’t something I sought out – it was the nature of my life, dance team, roommates, neighbors, college get togethers and parties and so forth. None of it during this time seemingly SCC. The SCC role I definitely picked up more in medical school (not to say it wasn’t born MUCH earlier – but the distress related to it, and the active SEEKING was prominent at this time when I was no longer a teenager and seeking out social activity was a choice and not just baseline as a kid). SCC developed in medical school, and SCC was 10000% my way of coping with any distress. Now, once again, of course these behaviours started way early on – growing up in a household where healthy coping mechanisms were not entertained, and hysteria, anger, and seeking others were normalized.
So in my 20s not only did I really become this SCC, I thrived off of it. Having fun was the MO. Sitting with my feelings was not. And if and when I did “try” to do so – it never seemed to “work” and so I would quickly go back to SCC once again. Of course that is because there was a life time of trauma building that I had no idea of back then.
So anyway back to present day question. Well I am used to being social. I enjoy it. SCC not so much. Perhaps It is that out of the people I do have in my life, that I now choose actively. And some of which I have without choice (such as that cousin – but will choose at events to not engage with deeply) – I have such fond memories with S, and a truly heartfelt great time.
Perhaps sometimes I just miss good old lighthearted fun. Girl talk, laughing. It has been a while in some ways – and yes I have this with my sister, but of course it is different with a college friend. Not closer, just different. Life has been so heavy, the type of work I do, the events through July and August, many “ugly” people shining their head. It is simply nice to have lighthearted girl time with someone who doesn’t have a lot of drama, and is an overall positive energy person.
But guilt and pressure…well. I think it is also because S was really there a lot for me throughout my life, and during the wedding time. Perhaps I feel subconscious guilt to be there for her more now, in a way to give back or be equal. Once again not because she asked. In fact we have talked openly and she has said: “take all the time you need, it’s fine if you can’t make it to X or Y I totally understand, I am happy if you are there and involved, but do what is best for you always”
And that is a very very good friend. I am lucky for that. But my mother made such a big deal about how good people are hard to come by, and how so many people out there are bad or “users” that perhaps knowing that I have this good friend, I feel the need to give back more. Maybe that is apart of it. But in rational mind and reality, I am a wonderful friend right back to her, and it has nothing to do with how much we physically see each other. I know this.
September 28, 2019 at 4:28 pm #314909Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I started reading your recent post but I am not focused enough so I will read and reply tomorrow morning, in about 13 hours from now. I hope you have a good Saturday evening.
September 29, 2019 at 8:23 am #315005Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
“my mother made such a big deal about how good people are hard to come by, and how so many people out there are bad or ‘users'”-
-but then, she sends you to make friends with those bad people, users.
When Cali Chica is sent by her mother on a mission of highest priority, to befriend bad people, what does CC do, how does she make it possible, to befriend the bad people, the users?
September 30, 2019 at 6:05 am #315115Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I haven’t had to befriend a “bad or user” type person in years. The last memory of this is when my mother put me on the phone with this lady’s daughter. This lady was part of this physician circle/network that my mother was desperately trying to fit into. She said how they were rich mean people, but sometimes we have to “try.”
I was already a teenager at this point, so when my mom shoved the phone of this lady’s daughter onto me – i made some small talk and gave it back to her. After the phone was hung up I told my mother how it is necessary to try to befriend these people, and it won’t work anyway. And we don’t need people like this in our life. She “understood” and become emotional about how “wise” I was.
Prior memories.
Having to befriend kids across the street so that I would have play friends. Kids my mother told me were leaving me out because I wasn’t white like them. Families my mother said were caught up in “themselves and so happy with their own family” that they don’t need others.
insinuating of course that unlike them, we do need others, and we are sad and unhappy and desperately seeking the company of others.
So during this time I did not have the mental bandwidth and awareness of what it truly meant to be bad or good, I was young 7/8 or so. So in this scenario, I would just try. If my mom said, go over to Amanda’s and ring the door bell see if they are free. i would.
This question of yours in fact is great for my sister, she was pushed and pushed and pushed to make friends with anyone my mom thought right at that moment. It has created a lot of trauma for friendships for my sister, things she is working hard on now – and making good progress.
So back to the S scenario. I slept on it and thought about it yesterday, I was around a lot of different type of people throughout my day yesterday.
It isn’t about S – it is about that discomfort of CC transitionining from outer circle to inner circle.
If S was to text me today let’s say, and say so what did you decide to do this weekend for your bday?
I would respond: “nothing much going to relax and be low key”
But after the fact, I would have the thoughts in my head: “hmm should I do more. That isn’t like me to not have a get together. Is that boring?”
I think I am simply getting used to the idea of “low key relaxed CC” It is a different and foreign persona, and there will be some growing pains.
How are you? How was your weekend? Were you able to spend time outside, I imagine it to beautiful there this time of year.
September 30, 2019 at 6:15 am #315121Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I wanted to write a second post this morning to tell you the following. I want to journal it as these moments are fleeting often, but so important:
I woke up feeling, cool, calm, and centered. I enjoyed my morning routine, although rushed, not frenzied. I had a good quick interaction with my husband before he was on his way to work, and put some things away quickly before I headed out the door.
I woke up feeling good. It is that simple. Not worried, not frenzied, and not focused on anyone else.
It was nice, and I look forward to more moments like this, and perhaps days, and even more!
September 30, 2019 at 7:20 am #315127Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
My weekend was fine, thank you. The weather- at times sunny, very nice but deceiving- sunny and cold. These very days are the changing of the seasons to Cold- need to adjust mindset from light clothes to .. more clothes, thick, wool and such.
The way you got up this morning, feeling “cool, calm, and centered.. not frenzied, and not focused on anyone else”, having had a good quick (but not frenzied) interaction with husband, all this is good quality of life, the real thing. This is good living.
So I am not bringing anything up this morning- keep that quality-of-life going today, resume it when you feel too tired, or frenzied or a moment, if you do, today. Post again anytime.
September 30, 2019 at 7:29 am #315131Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I read the first part of your post, the comment about the deceiving weather, and how it is the changing of seasons.
It made me think of myself. Sometimes your own self can be deceiving, growing and changing – of the season or tide – but your mind has not caught up or adjusted. This can lead to confusion or even a deception feeling. Perhaps it also relates to the sometimes yearning of CC to be SCC again, only to think again and say – nope.
yes, nothing more is needed to challenge myself, or our talks today – you are absolutely correct.
This DOES feel like the real thing. why?
because it feels centered, it feels like myself, it feels like I am living – and able to take challenges thrown at me, the normalcies of life, tough commutes, tough patients, ups and downs – but remain grounded, heart and feet strong.
I am glad for this.
September 30, 2019 at 7:45 am #315135Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I did want to add one thing to came in mind right after I clicked submit – as this often happens.
I notice that a big reason I didn’t wake up worried or focused about anyone else is the following:
Throughout my life, I have over-stimulated and over-inundated and over-extended myself. Not sometimes, ALWAYS. So much so that it became my normal. And to give myself space, felt not normal, and felt odd or wrong.
Living in this new space, just like the conversation from the weekend, can feel foreign. And as you say, it isn’t changed enough if it doesn’t feel odd/weird, or another doesn’t notice it.
So…I notice that I have over-inundated by already full brain with so much nonsense.
S going on and on about frivolous details about her wedding, X talking about this gossip, Y complaining about that.
And I didn’t think to myself ever – wait I don’t have to be involved in this – I HAVE A CHOICE!
I can choose not to respond. I can choose to not engage – to disengage. And the other person won’t be offended! They won’t care at all! As they aren’t sitting their worried about me/my involvement in the first place – they are just talking! So nothing to feel guilty about! See CC nothing to worry about!
THIS will remove a tremendous amount of guilt, duty feeling, and most of all over-stimulation of the brain.
THIS works – I will continue. Disengaging works for sure.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
Cali Chica.
September 30, 2019 at 8:06 am #315141Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
When S, in the past, was “going on and on about frivolous details about her wedding” and your role as SCC was at its highest, why did you get so involved: what was your goal?
September 30, 2019 at 8:20 am #315147Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
My goal was to be a good friend, as S was to me. My goal was to be the super friend. I also found some enjoyment from these chats, because I had interest in the topic – some fun in discussing.
After the fact perhaps my head was spinning, too many thoughts! See, I didn’t think I was doing harm. No, not at all.
But I was. Why? Because I was overwhelming the CC brain that did not need any more input. CC brain was already working at max, it needed to hold on to any space left. But the natural way of CC is to give all space away and do and do and do.
Perhaps part of it is also always having the habit to over occupy myself compulsively, as we have gone over. Perhaps by over occupying my brain with details such as S wedding, I didn’t have time to have space and “sit with myself.” It was my habit to do this, and never just be.
September 30, 2019 at 8:50 am #315165Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
“My goal was to be a good friend.. to be the super friend”- by fixing her problems, suggesting solutions to her wedding dilemmas?
September 30, 2019 at 8:52 am #315169Cali Chica
but the more I think of it, it is me on auto pilot, fixing, doing doing doing – what I was taught by mother – be involved with me! be involved with them! Be involved be involved, do more do more daughter.
September 30, 2019 at 9:00 am #315173Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I don’t want to interrupt your calm, centered day. There is something that puzzled me for a while, a missing part of the puzzle for me in understanding you (I am not at all sure what it is). I would like to figure it out, maybe by asking you a few questions all in one post. Let me know if it is the right time, or not.
September 30, 2019 at 9:05 am #315175Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
It is the right time. It won’t disrupt the calm. In fact, the puzzle needs to be figured out for the future, when the calm is no longer there -as we know it is fleeting on the path. Thank you.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by