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    Dear Cali Chica:

    “Help me, save me, you can  do it, you’re my daughter-  have faith in you”- did she say those words to you? Can you give me an example of a time when she asked you to save her: describe the circumstances, what she said and did, what you said and did and what was the result (no commentary on your thinking and her thinking, just the facts)?


    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Lets see, after she was having some issues with the man of the affair, perhaps he no longer was speaking to her.

    She was on the floor crying, inconsolable.  I think I either was called down by my sister, or had just come home.

    And she said those exact words to me – in our language, rough translation.  The sense of, who is going to help me now..only you can.

    I did not believe this to make me feel special – it was very painful. at this time i felt wow – my poor mother, how can i help her


    Dear Cali Chica:

    That happened when you were in medical school (in your mid twenties, was it?. What did you actually do at that time to help her?

    Any example from earlier in your life, when you were a child?


    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I remember her babbling asa child. oh I have no one, who will help me, at least I have you – my sweet daughter.

    you give your poor mother so much company.  what would I do without you

    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I thought about this more – the concept of feeling important or needed if someone (perhaps a mother) gives you such a duty or role.

    I am sure for many people, like myself, it is difficult to relinquish that role.  And to know how to pause it or turn it “off” at times.

    As per your previous question above: when i came home to that scenario – I was flustered but not surprised.  I went to SCC mode, consoling my mother – but also frustrated. Berating her for making foolish errors like this, saying “well what do you think would happen if you got involved with someone like that.” I was at that age (mid 20s) not afraid to talk back to her at all – playing the role of the mother scolding the silly child.

    It was interesting this time – the idea of mother scolding the child, but then quickly my mother would ruffle her feathers and jump back up – and say to my father: look at our daughter scolding me, who does she think she is! tell her to focus on her own life! its not like she has it all together herself!!


    Dear Cali Chica:

    It was just her way of talking: “I have no one, who will help me, at least I have you”, etc., or better say, it’s  just “her babbling”, like you wrote, babbling, that is all. If she really thought of you as her savior, she wouldn’t have berated you (“who does she think she is”, etc.).

    When a person looks up at another as savior, the person worships the savior, after all, this is what the concept of god is. People who believe in god as their savior sure worship that god, pray to him, offer him gifts, submitting to his will and so forth. A person looking up to god as a savior will not berate their potential savior !



    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Agreed! And I do not believe it healthy for humans to see another human as their savior.  It takes away self reliance and independence.  It is different as a child or perhaps a disabled or less abled human being.  But if you are fit to be a mother, you are fit to take care of yourself.

    These women were not fit to be..of course.

    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I wanted to add – that I see perfectly I wasn’t her true savior, because if she had true respect for me in such a regard – she wouldn’t throw me under the bus so fast.

    That’s the thing about people who use you, or attempt to power over you – you are only useful to them until you fulfill their need/ the moment you don’t you are nothing but something to step on and discard.


    Dear Cali Chica:

    “I see perfectly I wasn’t her true savior”- but do you see that she didn’t think of you as her savior?

    Do you see that you were her savior in your own mind, not in hers, that you weren’t that important to her?


    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Yes, absolutely. In fact, if I didn’t I would still be in contact with her – thinking/wishing/hoping to fulfill that “role.”

    I see many patients like her daily, but unlike patients -she was my mother

    People who do not have any awareness of why they are suffering, and expect someone else to entirely cure them without having any effort exerted on their end/mental or physical.  Even trying to explain something such as lifestyle modifications, unable to hear it – wanting to be fixed by an outside person, not wanting to take ownership. A true dis-ownership of self, handing over their entire self to someone else saying – fix me, and if you can’t I will be very angry with you.

    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I wanted to preface my prior comment by saying, I am not judging these patients – I am talking about how there are 2 types of people in the world (well plenty more – but for this conversation)

    1) people who have a certain issue and would like guidance, help, understanding – knowing that they have their own limitations

    2) people who suffer that have no awareness of why, and when given support or understanding, stomp on it with anger and expect more and more – feeling they know best, and others are unable to be up to their standards.

    Cali Chica

    Lastly, my last post got cut off I am sorry. I fully understand that I was never a savior in my mother’s eyes. In fact I was never anything out of respect and love. The only person that she consistently appraised was her own self. She is in capable of love and respect for another person and also therefore, any idea of seeing someone as a savior, someone that may – in that definition deserve worship, is impossible.

    This was something that I was able to understand and accept very early on before going no contact. In fact, perhaps it was the acceptance of this quality that led me to make the first step towards going no contact after all. For a variety of reasons this became very crystal-clear to me first and foremost without much distress. I think after so many examples and disappointments of such it was very clear as day.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Cali Chica.

    Dear Cali Chica:

    I will read and reply to your recent posts in a few hours or so, and if I am not focused at that time, then I will be back to you Sat morning.


    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita;

    Thank you very much, I will be back Saturday morning. Keep cool, we are having a heat wave over here in New York City, hopefully the weather by where you are is more temperate! I am happy to have summer though 🙂


    Dear Cali Chica:

    I hope the heat wave passes soon, I am wearing a light sweater as I type this.

    You wrote that your mother is like many patients you see daily who “expect someone else to entirely cure them without having any effort exerted on their end.. wanting to be fixed by an outside person.. handing over their entire self to someone else saying- fix me, and if you can’t I will be very angry with you”-

    so what you are saying is that your mother expected you to entirely cure her, wanted to be fixed by you, and handed over her entire self to you saying- fix me?

    – I know you will be back in the morning, and so will I.


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