
Partner (F40) still in contact with an ex

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    I am (M40) a bit confused on what is happening with my partner (F40) and would like for some external view on my story. Any clarity would be much appreciated.

    We met in Jul 2017. In around Sep 2017 in loose conversation I asked her who her friends are, she never mentions anybody who would be very close to her. She said she has a male friend, it is one of persons she had friend with benefits relationship in the past (guy is married, 3 years of affair with her before she met me). I told her if she wants to go forward with me to cut off ALL that type people of her life if she would like to be exclusive with me. She strongly agreed and made clear she wouldn’t like me to have similar acquaintances. I probed her promise by asking a question here and there eg. Are you faithful/Are you sure you are not in touch with him etc. She always confirmed looking straight into my eyes.

    In May 2017 when I discovered 15 naked selfies on her phone taken while she was on business trip (and I didn’t get any of these), she said they were for me but she was too shy to send them. While me “investigating” she admitted she is still in contact with that man, but she had to remain in contact with him since it is one of her business partners (lives in distant location). I said then that she damages my trust and if this contact is a must I require some type of report from this contact – when, what about, what was said etc. Otherwise I won’t be able to remain close with her. I asked what is his name – she refused to share. I said it doesn’t look good to me and I am ready to broke off from her, she said it is the last time she lies and begged me to stay promising it is the last time she lied.

    2 weeks ago she came back from work telling me some parts of her day, I sensed something odd and peeked into her mobile. There was a 7 minutes conversation with this man. I did a bit of questioning around it “You would tell me if you were still close with that guy would you?” – of course, I promised you that. Then next day I asked “Are you sure you are not in contact?” – she said she only spoke with him through her employee, as he knows at this point she doesn’t want direct contact. Then I said “You are lying to me, I looked at your phone yesterday…”. She asked if I am sure if this is the very Peter. Then she said that his office rang her from his mobile, and then she said few hours later that yes, she rang his number but by mistake as she wanted to talk to another Peter in his office.

    I moved our of her on Thu, after a week of crying conversation and her begging me on her knees and kissing my hands. She was saying she doesn’t know why she lied and this is the very last time she asks me to forgive her. She says she didn’t terminate contact with him as she felt I am limiting her freedom, but finally it was happening over time. That this call doesn’t mean anything to her. She asked me to rethink while I am gone as she really loves me and I am the man of her life (she was widowed 3 years ago, 2 kids).

    Very strange all together, my gut feeling tells me something is not right. I love her madly, but I wouldn’t like to hurt her based on my idea of what could have been happening rather than on what happened which she doesn’t really seem to understand.

    Please help get some clarity on it. I am heart broken and confused at the same time.


    Dear John:

    This is my understanding based on what you shared, a probability: she likes you, loves you somewhat, somehow, that is, she is emotionally attached to you, wants the relationship with you to continue. She is also emotionally attached to the other man, a married man, Peter. She likes him too, has her memories of being with him and she longs for the feeling she had with him. So she pursues both, you and him, at this time or the other time, depending on how she feels and circumstances.

    I don’t think it matters much to her to keep her word to you, it not being a top  value for her. So she will tell you this or that so that she can keep you in her life. But next time she feels a longing for him, she is likely to act on it, because she values feeling better at the moment she wants to feel better. At those moments, it doesn’t matter to her that she gave you her word.

    The nature of a woman’s love (or a man’s) is not in the intensity of her feelings for you alone, but in her values, her top values.



    * didn’t reflect under Topics


    Dear John,

    This relationship seems to have been a lot of work for you with the probing, investigating and needing to peek into mobile. I think trust is very important in a relationship.

    Seems that you have done the right thing.

    Why do you think something is not right?


    Why do you think something is not right?

    The words don’t match the actions. My trust that is gentle already through past experiences, has been tested at the very beginning of this relationship in the very first chapter of my post. And then in May this year. I felt somehow I want to confirm that reflection of my honesty in her is not distorted. Seems it is, and she doesn’t know why! I met her when she was still under influence of trauma after past husband, I did a bit of healing on her, and it bit me in the back.


    Dear John,

    Please take your time to grieve and heal. You have been through difficult past experiences and you are feeling hurt now also.

    Hope you are taking care.


    Thank you


    After I decided to part from her in Aug she was is such a terrible pain she didnt go to  work for two weeks. We spoke a lot through that time. We made it back within one month. I made clear what I can and can’t accept in this relationship to stay in it. One amongst a few was: alcohol has to stop to the point you don’t loose memory / sleep without interruption, and the contact with very Peter has to stop.

    Over a month ago she told me she met him again, told me about it next day, but didn’t ask me if I was ok for her to do it beforehand as she was sure I won’t happy (she won’t be able to go to businness dinne). She as well got drunk with coworkers to the extent she didnt remember an evening phone conversation with me, her 7 year old daughter helped her throwing up in the night.

    I am completely confused, heart broken… I left at the beginning of December. I still rarely ring her to ask how she is, hoping she will give me answers I am looking for. But no, she still denies she did anything wrong.

    I am torn, I am feel I love her but logically can’t accept this mess.


    Dear John:

    I hope you feel better soon. I wrote to you July 31, 2018 but you didn’t respond to me. I don’t know if you noticed my post at that time or if you found nothing of interest in it. Will you let me know if the latter is the case?



    Yes, I read it at that time Anita. It actually helped me to understand a bit more what may be happening on the other side.

    This could be the case that there is a desire to meet own needs regardless of surrounding tighs. I sense there may be emotional maturity issue since she had let me in between her family and kids, but couldn’t meet some commitments – treat relationship as priority. It just came to my mind… I often asked her to introduce me to her circle but she never did, I always had to do it myself.


    I see so many issues now in this relationship, I was able to see chaos around this lady, but neve thought it will affect me too. Words didnt match actions throughout. She tells me how involved she was and all I can see is unresponded phone calls, feeling of being kept at arms distance and lack of empathy from her side.


    Dear John:

    Let’s look at what you shared about her so far: she was in her late thirties when  you met her July 2017, a widow for three years and two kids.  A few months after meeting her she told you that she has a male friend, Peter, a married man who has been her “friend with benefits” for three years (ever since widowed, I suppose). You then told her that “if she wants to go forward with me to cut off ALL that type of people of her life”.

    She agreed with you but later on you discovered naked selfies on her phone that she sent to Peter while in the relationship with you. “she said they were for me but she was too shy to send them”, but admitted she is still in contact with that man and proceeded to tell you that “it is the last time she lies… promising it is the last time she lied”.

    Later you discovered she still had contact with Peter and that she lied to you once again. She then proceeded to beg you: “begging me on her knees and kissing my hands… saying she doesn’t know why she lied and this is the very last time she asks me to forgive her”.

    Next you broke up with her August 2018 and “she was in such a terrible pain she didn’t go to work for two weeks” over the breakup, and you reunited with her about September 2018. You told her that “Peter has to stop” and “(too much) `alcohol has to stop”

    December 2018 she told you that she met Peter again and you found out that she got drunk with coworkers, and that “her 7 year old daughter helped her throwing up in the night”.

    Currently “I still rarely ring her to ask how she is, hoping she will give me answers I am looking for. But no, she denies she did anything wrong”.

    I am almost ready to suggest some answers to you, but I have a question first: unlike times in the past when you found out that she lied to you regarding Peter, this time she didn’t beg you, didn’t promise you that she will not lie to you again?




    She did. She drove down to me 100 miles to talk to me (only 2nd time in one year), to soothe my emotions. She cruied a lot and was angry I don’t want to believe her. She was saying she disconnected from him emotionally long time ago (wasn’t involved with him for a year before she started with me). She said she can’t promise she will delete him from hes life as they work in the same undustry and as much as she doesn’t want she may still meet him at fairs and so on. She rejected tho the idea of quitting the job all together or moving down to my city as she isn’t the type who would settle in another place – she says she is an introvert – oh she is not especially after two drinks.

    She says I am overreacting, I am jelaus type, this is nothing and this is to do with my unhealed wounds from the past. She basically says she lied but it wasn’t against me as she didn’t cheat or did anything with him on male-female field.

    She had a few phonecalls with her sister being upset of what I am saying… but she said to her between the lines …I think he doesn’t like I have a sentimen towards Peter and I lied to him a few times over it… She does understand what she did. She doesn’t agree that to me fully.

    Plenty of conversation, mixed signals.


    Excuse me please faulty spellings. I am using my phone to respond.


    Anita, I had that idea she is pushing me out as time goes by, but what would be contradicotry to it… amount of pain on her side. Calls with sister, she finally made appointment with a therapist (she didnt want to go along with this idea when I was asking as amount of issues rose silently in the background), she again skipped work when I announce breaking news… and so on.

    I thought she is fullfilling her own prophecy of her being affraid that “I leave her when I get to know her” and giving reasons to clash to resolve.


    …she never admitted she sent naked picture to Peter, she said about him before she knew it will be a conversation about images….

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