
Need to Do a Short Interview with a Buddhist

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    Hi! I’m working on a project and was wondering if I could interview a Buddhist. This can be an online interview or through text. Is anyone interested?


    First you have to find a Buddhist that is on line??

    Most should be in a room sitting quietly.


    * you are delightfully funny, Tommy. Not rude, but funny. Thank you for putting a smile on my face this Fri night (11:35 pm Albany time)



    I can confirm this. I am not Buddhist, my husband is. He is currently meditating. 😂 I did ask him if he wanted to do an interview. He said what is it for?


    A project for school. It will be comprised of a few questions about female Buddhists and whether or not they are sometimes discriminated against. He is free to openly discuss his opinion so I can gather accurate information that would help me a lot. Hope he can do it!


    He’s open to it. Do you have any contact information?


    Whenever there are people involved, there are chances for abuse. It is unfortunate. When there are male leaders, some tend to abuse their position and have inappropriate relationships. This is not limited to Buddhist. Catholic church and their priest. Some of the abused were children. Buddhist has had their share. Are women discriminated against. Of course they have, historically. Not allowed in an all male temple. Women present a serious temptation and distraction. This doesn’t disappear even in our modern age. Some temples allow women in but only under strict guidelines. Must dress as to present a gender neutral facade. Buddhist temples are not a dating or social venue.

    Could ask the Catholic church if they discriminate against women. It will probably be very similar. There may be Saints and Buddha’s but not all members are such.


    Sorry, I really should be minding my own business and not give advice or post anything here. I should stop talking. It gets me into so much trouble. But, being behind a keyboard, I am protected by my selective reading of feedback. I truly am a bad person. Hiding and giving advice that people don’t want or need. Have a happy life.


    * Dear Tommy: I have an idea: why don’t you start your own thread with what you expressed in your most recent post? By the way, I think that your posts today were fine. When I read the one to Vee, I thought to myself that you were getting to a point where you express yourself honestly and you do it in a none-rude way- a delightful combination!



    Hi Tommy

    I truly think that you are a good person. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be trying to help people. It is unique trying to figure out a writing style that is suitable for such a sensitive space. It is different from the day to day communication that many are used to. To find a way that honestly reflects your personality, even harder still. You have received positive responses from Anonymous and Stephanie. As well as more regular communication with myself, Peter and Anita. You are far too hard on yourself. Don’t give up on trying to help because it is hard and a learning process. You have achieved so many amazing things in your life already. I know that you can do this too. 😊

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    yes heres my email: h.badran360d@gmail.com


    Helcat is there a reason you haven’t contacted me yet?



    Hi Hassan

    Thanks for getting back in contact. I just reminded hubby to give you an email for the millionth time.

    Sorry it’s just been busy for him with work and a baby at home.


    No worries, hope you’re all doing fine


    Thanks Hassan! I hope all is well with you too. ❤️🙏

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