
lost hope on finding love

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    I have pretty much lost hope of falling in love and having a relationship with someone. I am 20 and never been in a relationship and I feel like there is nobody out there who is like me. I have been more open toward people than I have been in the past and I am proud of myself for it but I have never felt more rejected. There are few people I feel relate to and those who I do either are not interested in me in the same way or just seemed repulsed by me. I don’t usually like people romantically but when I do I put patience and dedication into it and it ends up backfiring and hurting me.
    I want to believe that love is out there but I just have a feeling I am not meant to be in love. I tried being patient, tried focusing on my goals and just letting things happen because I don’t want to play games when it comes to love, but now I just feel stupid.
    I have learned to be happy with being alone, but I don’t want to spend my entire life not sharing my experiences with others. I am so tired of being rejected I want to box up my feelings and force myself to never fall in love. Any advice that will help me take a different outlook on my situation?


    Dear Laure:
    My advice for you is to examine or examine more your first relationship, the one with your primary caretaker, your mother or father… or both. How was that like? Did you reach out to her/ him? Did she ignore you? Reject you? Was she repulsed (a word you used) by you? Did your reaching out to her backfired and hurt you? Did you try everything to earn her love but nothing worked and you gave up?

    Hope you respond and post again.
    Take care:


    Thank you for your response, my relationship with my parents is complicated and was better when I was younger so no they would not have rejected me and were not repulsed by me and sure I fought to earn their love. That is, until I wanted a different life than what they wanted and now we get in huge fights all the time. They may still love me but they sometimes do reject who I am and I guess I don’t fight for their approval or love anymore.

    But I do not completely understand how this relates to me situation?



    Dear Laure:
    A person’s FIRST relationship is with one’s parent/s. This first relationship, if less than “good enough” creates much of the problems a person has as an adult, problems with one own’s thinking and in relationships with others, especially romantic relationships- this is the relevance. You wrote in your response to my comment that you fought hard to earn their love. That means you didn’t have their unconditional love- loving you just the way you are, no matter what. That means you weren’t SAFE in their love. Their love was conditional: IF you live the way they think you should live, then they will love you. Isn’t it so?

    If you examine this point, the connection between what you learned about who you are and about love (or the lack of) from your first relationship AND the present difficulties???

    Take Care:


    Hi Laure,

    I’m going to offer you try something a bit different. We have a daughter about your age, and, wait for it… She doesn’t WANT a relationship with anyone (now)! This is because she’s majoring in the sciences and is on a crew team. These eat up literally all of her time, she knows it’s not fair to the guy, and she is one of those with a Time Table for her Life. Like, she knows she’ll probably live to be 80 – 100 and that love will come anyway. She’ll receive it when she’s less busy, thank you.

    Now, an interesting thing happens. She is the girl who gets asked out first!! NOT because she’s pretty (I think she’s gorgeous, but I am her mother!!) or because she’s socially with it, or smart, or a jock.. she is, but not any more than you are, I bet. It is because she’s all interested in and focused on other things! This is called The Cat Dish Affect. Other people think she’s got something going on! I’ve seen it again and again with other people!

    It’s also known as Non-Active Interest/Non-Disinterest. (Something like that). Meaning, you see it, you appreciate it, you think “It would be nice to have this” but you simply smile and don’t go after it! If it comes to you, you say, “Oh how nice!” and love the hell out of it. But never cling to it. Like you’re in a Butterfly House.

    So focus on your studies, job and/or team and see what happens!


    P.S. I was more like you and know what it feels like! … Also, I just thought of this ~ in the media, the sought after girl is always doing her own thing and doesn’t notice the hero until like Season 3. Know what I mean? πŸ˜‰

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Inky.

    New trophy wives

    If it is good enough for Rupert Murdoch then it should be good enough for the rest of us!

    Rupert Murdoch has one. So do financiers Vivi Nevo and Bruce Wasserstein. Why are the West’s most powerful men coupling up with younger Asian women?
    Call it the Woody Allen Effect. When the venerable director scandalously left Mia Farrow for her adopted daughter, South Korean-born Soon-Yi Previn β€” 35 years his junior β€” he may as well have sent out a press release: Asian-girl fantasy trumps that of Hollywood royalty!

    Many of the elite now turn to companies like A Foreign Affair to help them find Asian Trophy Wives. Foreign Affair specializes in matching high power men with model like women form around the world. Foreign Affair boast that they have helped over 20,000 couples during the 18 years of business.

    Not two years after they tied the knot, media baron Rupert Murdoch walked down the aisle with fresh-faced Wendi Deng β€” 17 days after finalizing his divorce from his second wife. Then, CBS head Leslie Moonves wed TV news anchor Julie Chen; Oscar winner Nicolas Cage married half-his-age third wife Alice Kim; billionaire George Soros coupled up with violinist Jennifer Chun; and producer Brian Grazer courted concert pianist Chau-Giang Thi Nguyen. Add the nuptials of investment magnate Bruce Wasserstein to fourth wife Angela Chao and the pending vows between venture capitalist Vivi Nevo and Chinese actress Ziyi Zhang, and we’ve got a curious cultural ripple.

    Were these tycoons consciously courting Asian babes? Do any of them qualify for the unnerving “yellow fever” or “rice king” moniker? It’s unsavory to think so. But after two or three failed attempts at domestic bliss with women of like background and age, these heavy hitters sought out something different. Something they had likely fetishized.

    Enter the doll-faced Asian sylph on the arm of a silver-haired Western suit. (Hello, mail-order bride!) The excruciating colonial stereotypes β€” Asian women as submissive, domestic, hypersexual β€” are obviously nothing new. But decades after The World of Suzie Wong hit drive-ins and more than 20 years since David Bowie’s “China Girl” topped the music charts, why are we still indulging them?

    Because they’re omnipresent β€” and often entertaining. Even now, how many cinematic greats, literary best sellers, or even cell-phone ads (see Motorola’s latest) characterize Asian women as something other than geishas, ninjas, or dragon ladies? As the object of opening-line zingers like “Me love you long time” (the infamous line from Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket), I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry at the cheeky blog stuffwhitepeoplelike.com, which ranks Asian girls at number 11 because “Asian women avoid key white women characteristics, such as having a midlife crisis, divorce, and hobbies that don’t involve taking care of the children.” Sure, I’m petite and was in fact born in Shanghai, but β€” to the shock of more than one guy I’ve gone out with β€” I’d rather down an icy beer and burger than nurse bubble tea and eat dumplings while massaging his back with my toes.

    “This is a common experience among Asian-American women,” says Bich Minh Nguyen, who broaches the stereotypes in her latest novel, Short Girls. “They’re dating a white guy, and they may not know if it’s a fetish thing.”

    “It’s like a curse that Asian-American women can’t avoid,” says C.N. Le, director of Asian and Asian-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. “From an academic point of view, the perception still serves as a motivation for white men.”

    According to Foreign Affair executives, “Our clients say they just can not find the values that they are looking for with beauty, these men have been looking their whole life here and have had no luck finding it. That is why they turn to us.”

    In researching his new book, The East, the West, and Sex, author Richard Bernstein found that the Orientalist illusion continues to influence. “Historically, Asia provided certain sexual opportunities that would be much more difficult for Western men to have at home. But it remains a happy hunting ground for them today,” he says, citing one phenomenon in the northeastern region of Thailand called Issan, where 15 percent of marriages are between young Thai women and Western men well into their 60s.

    But I suspect there’s something else about the East that’s seducing business bigwigs at this very moment: globalization. Consider that, stateside, Mandarin classes have spiked 200 percent over the past five years (apparently, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was an early adopter; he taught Mandarin classes in his Dartmouth days), and China has claimed status as the world’s top export nation. In Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell theorizes that Asian kids’ intrinsic work ethic makes them outsmart American kids in math. (In the latest Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development international education survey, Taiwanese students were tops in math, while the U.S. placed 35th.) It’s as though these Western men are hungry for a piece of that mystical Eastern formula. As such, Asians (in addition to African orphans) are hot commodities right about now β€” status symbols as prized as a private Gulfstream jet or a museum wing bearing your name (neither of which goes so well with a frumpy, aging first wife).

    Tellingly, most current trophies of choice are far more than exotic arm candy. They are accomplished musicians and journalists, they have Ivy League MBAs and hail from prestigious political families (Mrs. Wasserstein’s older sis is former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao). Why, then, are these women falling for rich white patriarchs? Why be a target for headline comparisons to concubines? When Wendi Deng was described as “The Yellow Peril” in a recent magazine profile, it only marginalized her achievement: As chief strategist for MySpace China, she has become central to News Corp.’s expansion into the elusive Chinese market β€” something Murdoch himself had attempted, and failed to do, before she came into the picture.

    While I’m sure that real love and affection is sometimes the bond in these culture-crossing May-December romances, could it be that power divorces of a certain ilk make the perfect renegade suitors for these overachieving Asian good girls β€” an ultimate (yet lame) attempt at rebellion? Maybe these outsized, world-class moguls are stand-ins for emotionally repressed Asian dads (one clichΓ© that is predominantly true). Or…are these women just glorified opportunists? What’s so perverse is that while Asians have always revered their elders, sleeping with a guy old enough to be your grandfather is just creepy β€” in any culture.

    So do these marriages last? Kenneth Agee, marketing director of Foreign Affair say,” these marriages have almost twice the success rate of domestic marriages, much less likely to end in divorce”

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