
Looking for support from a spouse during turbulent times

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  • #443152
    Little Buddha

    I’ve been struggling with my mental health lately and at the same time I’m also feeling very disconnected from my spouse (which exacerbates the mental health struggles).

    My spouse is aware that I’m struggling with mental health, but I get the feeling they’re keeping their distance from me. More than anything, I’d love to feel more empathy, support, connection, romance, find a safe haven in my relationship where I can take solace and comfort during this turbulent time. But I don’t believe that my spouse is capable of providing this right now. Both directly and indirectly, they’ve expressed that their capacity right now for anything that isn’t about kids or work is extremely low.

    I turn to therapists for support (the sessions are fare and few in between), but at the same time, I fear for my relationship with my spouse – the resentment that I feel, anger, loneliness, sadness, distance. I find it hard to find the words and also to find the courage to bring these feelings up with my spouse as I fear I will be met with frustration and annoyance.

    Where does one turn and what can one do to move forward?


    Dear Little Buddha:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and struggles. It’s clear that you’re going through a very challenging time, and I want to offer you some support and encouragement.

    First and foremost, it’s important to acknowledge that you’re not alone in feeling this way. Many people experience similar challenges, and it’s okay to seek help and support. Here are a few suggestions that might help you navigate this situation:

    While it may be difficult, finding a way to communicate your feelings to your spouse is crucial. Choose a calm and quiet time to have an honest and open conversation. Express how you’re feeling without blaming or criticizing, and focus on how their support could help you during this time.

    If your therapy sessions are infrequent, consider seeking additional support through support groups, online therapy, or self-help resources. Sometimes connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can provide comfort and insight.

    Prioritize self-care and find activities that help you relax and recharge. This could include exercise, meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Taking care of your own well-being is essential.

    Understand that your spouse may also be struggling with their own challenges. Setting realistic expectations for support can help reduce feelings of disappointment and resentment. Focus on small steps and gradual improvements in your connection.

    If you feel comfortable, suggest couples therapy as a way to work through these challenges together. A therapist can provide a safe space for both of you to express your feelings and work on strengthening your relationship.

    Remember that it’s okay to seek help and take steps to prioritize your mental health and well-being. You deserve support and care, and taking proactive steps can lead to positive changes.

    Wishing you strength and clarity as you navigate this journey.



    Hi Little Buddha

    I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties with your mental health and that your partner isn’t able to support you at the moment. It is not an easy thing to go through.

    It sounds like both you and your partner are going through a lot right now. It certainly isn’t easy when you’re busy with work and kids. It can feel overwhelming and like there’s no time to process. This is especially difficult when it comes to mental health or feelings of stress because it is difficult to add more stress in that situation, especially when you believe he will respond negatively. You cannot get blood from a stone and trying to can make things worse.

    Do you know what is causing your partner difficulties?

    I would suggest keeping things low stress. You could probably get some of your needs met this way. You could probably get a hug. Or Spend a bit of chill time together.

    It is possible to communicate your feelings a little bit at a time in a positive way. For example. Saying I miss you. Doing something nice for him. Then spending time together.

    I’m feel sad about stuff from my past, can I get a hug?

    Short and sweet is what gets the best results when everyone is struggling.

    It is bonding with your partner that is the most important thing. Treating yourself and him kindly is very important when things are difficult.

    It’s good to hear that you have a therapist. It might be worth trying medication, if you’re having difficulties coping even with a therapist.

    In my experience, resentment is something that requires understanding your partner’s side of things. Life is hard sometimes, people have different needs and people do make mistakes.

    It is okay to want and need things from your partner but at the same time it is okay for him to not be able to give it when he is struggling too.

    It might be hard, but you will come through it stronger when you are able to manage your feelings without relying on your husband when things are too difficult for him to be able to be there for you. I hope that things get easier for you both soon.

    Remember it is hard for him too right now. You are in the same boat together.

    I find that relying on people who are in a place to be supportive is helpful as well. You are welcome to talk about anything that you would like, if that would be helpful to you?


    Such a common problem in relationships. Thank you for having the strength to reach out for support.

    I think the best place to turn in times of strife is love. Not the romantic dreamy bout that comes and goes with the pace of the wind. I’m talking the real deal, often referred to as unconditional love.

    All conflict in relationships arise because of unmet needs. This goes for professional, personal, and even the relationship that we have with ourselves (which is paramount when we are talking about mental health troubles).

    Using unconditional love to help rectify these troubles is much different than movies, novels, or friends and family advice that you’ll typically get. Remember, this level of love requires nothing in advance. This is also what most people get wrong in their relationships. They are expecting, they have conditions, expectations, judgements, and a long history of not getting their needs met. What we think about we bring about, and if your stuck in the past, of want, of lack that’s precisely what you’ll continue to get.

    My advice, infuse your existence with love. It’s as simple as repeating “I love you” incessantly in your head. I like to do thins in three’s to help maintain this state. Drinking water: I(gulp) love (gulp) you(gulp). Walking: I(step) love(step) you(step). Exercising: I(repetition) love(repetition) you(repetition).

    The biggest hang-up people have with love is the expectation that it comes from outside of them. We actually generate the stuff. It comes from within. We manufacture it. When you realize this, then you realize you are in control. You are the one with the ultimate power. This allows for compassion at a much higher level. This is true grace for others.

    If you need more from your relationships, you can have an honest respectful conversation based in love. Use Nonviolent Communication techniques as an outline: Observation (what you see or hear), Feelings (how it makes you feel), Needs (what do you specifically need), Requests (how can you invite them to change future interactions with you).

    When you notice those negative thoughts, those feelings of lack, the idea of isolation, remember that you are not living your highest potential. Keep practicing love. And with all practices, we don’t practice until we get it right, we practice until we can’t get it wrong. Practice unconditional love until its your natural response.


    Such a common problem in relationships. Thank you for having the strength to reach out for support.

    I think the best place to turn in times of strife is love. Not the romantic dreamy bout that comes and goes with the pace of the wind. I’m talking the real deal, often referred to as unconditional love.

    All conflict in relationships arise because of unmet needs. This goes for professional, personal, and even the relationship that we have with ourselves (which is paramount when we are talking about mental health troubles).

    Using unconditional love to help rectify these troubles is much different than movies, novels, or friends and family advice that you’ll typically get. Remember, this level of love requires nothing in advance. This is also what most people get wrong in their relationships. They are expecting, they have conditions, expectations, judgements, and a long history of not getting their needs met. What we think about we bring about, and if your stuck in the past, of want, of lack that’s precisely what you’ll continue to get.

    My advice, infuse your existence with love. It’s as simple as repeating “I love you” incessantly in your head. I like to do things in three’s to help maintain this state. Drinking water: I(gulp) love (gulp) you(gulp). Walking: I(step) love(step) you(step). Exercising: I(repetition) love(repetition) you(repetition).

    The biggest hang-up people have with love is the expectation that it comes from outside of them. We actually generate the stuff. It comes from within. We manufacture it. When you realize this, then you realize you are in control. You are the one with the ultimate power. This allows for compassion at a much higher level. This is true grace for others.

    If you need more from your relationships, you can have an honest respectful conversation based in love. Use Nonviolent Communication techniques as an outline: Observation (what you see or hear), Feelings (how it makes you feel), Needs (what do you specifically need), Requests (how can you invite them to change future interactions with you).

    When you notice those negative thoughts, those feelings of lack, the idea of isolation, remember that you are not living your highest potential. Keep practicing love. And with all practices, we don’t practice until we get it right, we practice until we can’t get it wrong. Practice unconditional love until its your natural response.

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