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    Hello TinyBuddha community!
    I don’t know the reason but I feel like I need to make an introduction. Anyway, I’m 19 years old. I’m an Atheist who has deepest respect for great thinker Siddharta Gautama Buddha. I’m very interested in Buddha’s doctrine and Buddhism. I feel devastated when I see that Buddhism contains some Hinduism deities. But doctrine is still a doctrine so what the hell 🙂 His doctrine is reasonable so far and I started to embrace it 🙂
    I’ve never been into a relationship so far. I’ve fall in love a couple times but everytime it was platonic and didn’t end so well.
    I don’t see this as a failure, especially when I see relationships of the people around me.
    I’m an introverted person and I don’t usually express my emotions. I usually like to spend my time in quiet places. I have Investigator type of personality, I’m motivated with the information itself. I do a lot of research and I like reading books.
    I have my inner-peace and I manage to control my emotions. Also I quit smoking recently 🙂
    This is me and my introduction. I’m looking forward to share my thoughts and learn something from this community 🙂

    Au Revoir..


    Interesting.. I was actually expecting more activity than this.


    That’s the thing with expectations…. they often lead to puzzlement and impatience. I notice only 43 minutes in between your posts! 🙂 Welcome to the board and feel free to chat it up with questions or whatever you’d like to say. Congrats on quitting smoking. If you love books, consider Sakyong Mipham’s “Turning the Mind into an Ally”. One of my favorites. 🙂

    With warmth,

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