
I Need Your Positive Energy And Prayers

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    Hi all.Hope everyone is doing well or at least hanging in there best you can.I’ve been reading articles and getting inspiration from Tiny Buddha for awhile now and its easily the best use of the internet I’ve ever found.I’ve been going through some real life changes for what seems forever but is really about seven years.Loss of a job,marriage,personnal belongings and even my own identity.
    I’ve been making great strides and changes and I finally feel like I’m on my way through and out of the dark night of the soul.I had a great interview yesterday with a company I really want to work for.They’re making their decision in the next few days and I would greatly appreciate any positive energy or prayers coming my way that will help me get this much needed job.I truly believe in our abilities to bring about the changes we need to make a better world for all and I know there is great power here in all of you.So please give it a try and I’ll let you know the outcome as soon as I know it.Thanks!


    Hi Steve

    Good luck mate. I know one thing – whatever happens will be for your highest good 🙂 There is always something bigger or better waiting for us when things that we desperately want do not work out for whatever reasons. We just don’t get taught this.

    But you are on the right path and you will get all the help you need.





    If you’re truly a “better world for all” kind of guy, you have my vote. Steve for president!

    With warmth,


    Hi all.Just a quick update to my post.First thanks to all who took a minute to send positive energy my way.Second,I GOT THE JOB!
    This is truly a miracle and a result of not giving up on myself.I’ve struggled with divorce,unemployment,poverty,lonliness and many other life altering issues for the past seven years.
    Believe me I thought of crawling into a bottle and even suicide during these times but have always managed somehow to keep going.I’m not out of the woods yet,but for the first time in years I feel like I’ve turned a corner and am heading out of my dark night of the soul into the life I want to live.
    Why am I sharing this? Because I know damn well I’m not the only one here facing dark times and changes in their lives and I just want to say that if I can overcome losing everything and starting a new life at the age of 45 than anyone of you can do it too!
    Never give up on yourself! Reach out and reach in and you’ll find a strength you never knew you had.


    Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooray Steve. Enjoy 🙂



    Congrats, hope you enjoy the new role, sounds like a great change for you!

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