
How do I stop being in my head so much and over thinking every thing I do/say?

HomeForumsEmotional MasteryHow do I stop being in my head so much and over thinking every thing I do/say?

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    I remember being a kid and being so authentically myself when I was very young. Somewhere along the line early in my growing I started overthinking and analyzing everything I do or say before it happens. I feel like a zombie with no personality. It takes a few close people to get the true side of me out. I hate feeling the need to be perfect or do everything right because I’m afraid of being judged for who I am or weird things I say/do but I don’t know where to start or if I even know who I am anymore…


    It starts from accepting who you are but striving to be a better human being for yourself and  others. Let this pandemic enlighten your soul. No one is perfect but we must always strive to be better. We are in unprecedented times where people are gasping for their last breath. Do you want to live your life as your true good self or appease others?


    Everything begins from within. The mind is a powerful tool. Feed it goodness and it will ooze out of every pore and consequently your actions will be better. You’ll make wise choices. This pandemic is once in a lifetime, are you going to come out having become a better person or remain the same?




    If you don’t know who you are. Then simply ask yourself who do you want to be ? What will bring you happiness? You are in control. Ask yourself who do I want to be remembered as what mark do I want to leave on this world? Every single human being has purpose. Discover it. Seek it.


    All requires perseverance, goals and objectives. If you believe you can and will achieve.

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